SSC Question Bank by Education Department Textual Passage Part 2

SSC Question Bank by Education Department Textual Passage Part 2

SSC Question Bank by Education Department Textual Passage

Part 2

Section 02

Textual Passage with Answers Part 02

Textual Passage With Answersheet Part 01


Q 1 A Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)

A 1State whether the following statements are True or False. (02)

i) Swami is a talkative little kid. True

ii) Swami absolutely hates school. True

iii) Technology is big in a kid’s life. False

iv)Swami’s favorite subject was Mathematics. False

Swami is a mischievous little kid of about 10 years old and living nightmare. Anyway, the story unfolds around the happenings of this kid and how he constantly gets into in the era where India was under he British rule… Like most kids of that age, Swami is a kid who cannot stay at one place and absolutely hates school, even worse Mathematics. School is his absolute trouble and gets a good beating from his father.

Swami is a talkative little kid and thinks that’s his way of facing life, talking himself out of everything. But he does learn the truth the harsh way. As many teens back then, all he wants to do is play under the sun, kick something, climb a tree, break something and harass somebody (unlike kids today!!!). This, in fact, was (and in most parts of India, still is) the life of a typical boy growing up. Technology isn’t big in a kid’s life. All they want is to play


In what ways is Swami a typical boy in his growing years? In this regard, Narayan gets deeply into the workings of Swami’s ten-year-old mind, explaining exquisitely how he thinks and what his perspective of the world is. The reader does feel like Swami and gets very attached with the character as the story progresses. That’s the magic of Narayan.

A 3. Find Adjective forms of the following words from passage. (02)

i) Talk – talkative

ii) Absolutely – Absolute

iii)Mischief – Mischievous

iv)Britain – British

A 4Do as directed. (02)

i) Swami is a typical boy in his growing years.

(Underline only determiners)

Ans: Swami is a typical boy in his growing years

ii) Swami is a kid who cannot stay at one place.

(Underline the subordinate clause and state its type)

Ans: Swami is a kid who cannot stay at one place.

A 5) Personal response. (02)

What type of stories do you like to read- adventure/ science fiction/ historical? Why?

Ans: Well, I mostly like reading science fiction novels. I think I like them because they take my imagination to different worlds, on amazing adventures. And the advanced technology they use is really fascinating to me.


Q 1 A Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)

A 1Complete the following sentences (02)

a) The World Heritage Committee meets—————-

b) To become World Heritage site there are—————–

c) Nomination files are reviewed by —————–

d) There are ———— selection criteria.

There are five steps in becoming a World Heritage Site, the first of which is for a country or State Party to take an inventory of its significant cultural and natural sites. This is called the Tentative List and it is important because nominations to the World Heritage. List will not be considered unless the nominated site was first included on the Tentative List. Next, countries are then able to select sites from their Tentative Lists to be included on a Nomination File.

The third step is a review of the Nomination File by two Advisory Bodies consisting of the International Council on Monuments and Sites and the World Conservation Union, who then make recommendations to the World Heritage Committee. The World Heritage Committee meets once a year to review these recommendations and decide which sites will be added to the World Heritage List. The final step in becoming a World Heritage Site is determining whether or not a nominated site meets at least one of ten selection criteria. If the site meets these criteria, it can then be inscribed on the World Heritage List. Once a site goes through this process and is chosen, it remains the property of the country on whose territory it sits, but it also becomes considered within the international community.

A 2 Complete the following flow – chart by choosing from the options given below to show how any site of any country can become a World Heritage Site. (02)


  1. Inclusion of the name of site for the nomination in a tentative list after an inventory in the country or the state.
  2. Inclusion of the name of a site from the tentative list to the nomination file.
  3. A review of the file included by the advisory bodies.
  4. Decision of the World Heritage Committee after review of the nominated file.
  5. Name of the site is inscribed on the World Heritage list after meeting the criteria

A 3 Look at the words and their meanings. Write the correct alternatives. (02)

(i) determine: ———(a) think over(b) decide (c) ask for (d) look over

(ii) monument: ——(a) statue (b) pillar (c) memorial building (d) fort

(iii) significant: — (a) clever (b) effective (c) systematic (d) important

(iv) community: — (a)group (b)dissociation (c) race (d) independence


(i) determine: ——— (b) decide

(ii) monument: —— (c) memorial building

(iii) significant: — (d) important

(iv) community: (a)group

A 4Do as directed. (02)

i) The World Heritage Committee meets once a year to review these recommendations and decide which sites will be added to the World Heritage List. (use ‘Not only __ but also’)

Ans:The World Heritage Committee not only meets once a year to review these recommendations but also decide which sites will be added to the World Heritage List.

ii) It remains the property of the country.

(Add a Question tag)

Ans: It remains the property of the country, doesn’t it?

A 5Personal response. (02)

According to you, why should we preserve the World Heritage sites?

Ans:World Heritage Sites are a symbol of the past. They represent different eras and give us a glimpse into the events, lives, and culture of a place that existed a long time ago. They are a legacy of that place and hence, we should preserve the World Heritage Sites so that we can gift them to the next generation as a memory of a bygone era.

Read Also: Grammatical Examples for Class 12th Board Exam


1 A Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)

A 1 State whether the following statements are right or wrong. Correct the wrong ones and rewrite them. (02 Marks)

i)The scene of the beggar and the girl made Meena peep into her own life.


ii)The beggar became Meena’s role model.


iii)Writer was feeling happy about the beggar and the young girl. wrong

iv)The beggar and the young girl were playing in the room.


However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and creaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine.

That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ After a long pause, I asked Meena how long it had taken her to change. ‘Once this realization dawned’, she said, ‘it took me almost two years to put the change into effect. Now nothing matters. I am always happy. I find happiness in every small thing, in every situation and in every person.’

A 3Find antonyms of the following words from the passage. (02)

i) hell – paradise

ii)unimportant – important

iii) grief- joy

iv) dusk – dawn

A 4Do as directed. (02)

i) She said, “It took me almost two years to put the change into effect.”

(Change into Indirect speech)

Ans: She told that It had taken her almost two years to put the change into effect.

ii) That scene forced me to look at my own life.

(Begin with “I …..)

Ans: I was forced to look at her own life that scene.

A 5Personal Response. (02)

Describe any life changing incident that occurred in your life?

Ans: He was working the entire day, selling chocolates on a bicycle only to come home late at night, all for his family. This incident changed me a lot. I started working at local vadapav shop as a dish cleaner where I earned ₹ 10 per day but I was still happy because I could cover my school fee in just 9 days. Now, I never take change from small vendors and rickshaw drivers because I know what it feels when your father comes home late after a day of hard work. I value money. I book AC train & flight tickets for my family but myself travel in sleeper and general class whenever possible.

Read Also: Clauses Expand the sentences


Q 1Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)

A 1 Fill in the blanks. (02)

i) The biggest challenge to humankind is fear and intolerance

ii) Rights, security, hope things can be restored by education.

iii) World has made progress in the last couple of decades.

iv) We have failed our children in imparting an education.

We have made progress in the last couple of decades. We have reduced the number of out of school children by half. We have reduced the number of child labourers by a third. We have reduced child mortality and malnutrition, and we have prevented millions of child deaths. But, let us make no mistake, great challenges still remain.

Friends! The biggest challenge or biggest crisis knocking on the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance. We have utterly failed our children in imparting an education. An education that gives the meaning and objective of life. An education that gives a sense of global citizenship among the youth. I am afraid that the day is not very far away when the cumulative result of this failure, will culminate in an unprecedented violence, and that will be suicidal for humankind.

Rights, security, hope can only be restored through education. Young people like Malala … I’ve started calling her my daughter Malala not just Malala … So my daughter Malala and other daughters including Kayanat.. in fact.. two Kayanats, and Shazia, and the daughters from Africa, and from all over the world. They are rising up and choosing over violence, tolerance over extremism, and courage over fear.


A 3) Find synonyms of the following words from the passage. (02)

i) dogmatism – intolerance.

ii)poor diet – malnutrition

ii) Period of hundred years – century

iv) brutality – violence

A 4 Do as directed. (02)

i) The biggest challenge or biggest crisis knocking on the doors of humankind is fear and intolerance. (Make it positive degree)

Ans: No other challenge or crisis knocking on the doors of humankind is as big as fear and intolerance

ii) They are rising up. (Add a question tag)

They are rising up, aren’t they?

A 5) Personal response. (02)

What efforts will you take to enrol the out of school children into your school?

Ans: I will take some of the following efforts to the out of school children into my school.

  1. I will persuade parents of such children to send them to school.

(b) I will inform my parents and ask them to help such families by giving books/ bags/ clothes, etc. if they agree to send their child to school.

(c) I will try to contact an NGO working in the field of education and ask them to help.

SET 10: Q. 2 TEXTUAL PASSAGES (20 Marks)

Q 1 A Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks)

A 1) State weather the following statements are true or false: (02)

i) Nutrition has definitely been a neglected area in Indian sports.


ii)Indian population is 1.3 billion


iii) India won just 10 medals in the 2012 Olympics.


iv) Mary Kom usually fights in 51 kg. event.


Interviewer: India managed just 6 medals in the 2012 Olympics even though we are a nation of 1.3 billion people. Where do you think a change is required to help us win medals that are proportionate with our population?

Mary Kom: I think more and more people should take up sports as a full -time career if we want more gold medals. More corporates should come in and sponsor players so that the players don’t have any financial pressure and can just focus on their games. Interviewer: Do you think interest in boxing in India will ever go beyond the Olympics?

Mary Kom: Yes, I am sure that in a few years, boxing will be very popular among everyone in India, all year round.

Interviewer: How aware are Indian women of their nutritional requirements? Diet and nutrition must’ve been key factors in your conditioning for the Olympics. Do you think nutrition is a neglected area in Indian sports?

Mary Kom: The awareness is growing now among female athletes when it comes to nutritional requirements. Nutrition has definitely been a neglected area in Indian sports. I had to gain 3 kg since I had to fight in the 51kg event instead of the usual 448 kg that I fight in. So, I had to focus on what to eat. I gained weight by eating the right

kind of healthy food rather than bad saturated fats.

A 2 How can Indian sportsmen win more medals in Olympics? (02)


Indian sportsmen can win more medals in Olympics if …

  • more and more people should take up sports as a full -time career
  • More corporates should come in and sponsor players so that the players don’t have any financial pressure and can just focus on their games.

A 3 Make sentences of your own using the following words. (02)

i) sponsor:

He agreed to be my sponsor so that I could join the club.

ii) nutrition:

Good nutrition is essential for good health.

A 4 Do as directed. (02)

i) Do you think nutrition is a neglected area in Indian sports?

(Underline the subordinate clause and state its kind)

Ans: Do you think nutrition is a neglected area in Indian sports?

(Subordinate clause of Noun)

ii) I gained weight by eating the right kind of healthy food.

(Make it past perfect continuous tense)

Ans: I had gained weight by eating the right kind of healthy food.

A 5Personal response. (02)

Do you think that financial support is needed for a sportsperson? Why?

Ans: Yes, financial support is necessary for the sportsmen since every profession or passion needs money to prosper. They should be supported financially by the organizations so that they can focus on their talent without stressing over the financial conditions of their family.

SSC Question bank 2023 PDF Files With Answer sheet:
Section 01 Language Study
Section 02 Part 01 Textual Passage
Section 02 Part 01 Textual Passage
Section 03 Poetry
Section 04 Non-Textual Passage
Section 05 Writing Skill
– Letter Writing
– Dialogue Writing
– Speech Writing
– Information Transform Verbal or Non- Verbal
– News Report Writing
– Develop a Story
Section 06 Translation

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1. Example of Gerund
2. Clauses Expand the sentences
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