3.2 The Song of Songs Questions & Answers
3.2 The Song of Songs Questions & Answers
Emperor Akbar was a patron of Art and Music. He always entertained great musicians and artists in his court. Tangen was one of the gems in his court. One day, after a wonderful performance, the Emperor was highly impressed and he told Tansen that he had the most wonderful voice in the world. Tansen disagreed with him and told him that there was someone better. Akbar wanted the genius to be invited to his court but Tansen said he would not come, even if the Emperor himself summoned him. So, Akbar and Tansen went to Tansen’s Guru Sant Haridas, who lived a simple life of a hermit. He was busy with his chores and refused to sing. Then Tansen sang and deliberately made repeated mistakes until the teacher himself took the tanpura and started singing, and went on and on. Akbar realized that Tansen was right and asked him why he did not sing like his Guru. Tansen replied that he sang for the Emperor, while his Guru sang of his own free will. That made all the difference! |
New Words and Phrases
exhausted — tired, exquisite — very fine and pleasing, summoned – called, enraged — filled with anger, austere — simple, persuade —convince, deliberate – purely Ide, exasperated — irritated, angry, hypnotized – captured full attention, divine – of or like God, chores — daily tasks, fragrance — pleasant smell, hermit — one who lives a simple life, emperor — great king, admiration — praise, |
(a) Do you like to listen to music/songs? Ans. Yes, I like to listen to music and songs. (b) What types of songs do you sing? Ans. Patriotic songs. (c) Who is your favourite singer? Ans. Lata Mangeshkar. (d) When do you sing? Ans. When I am free in the evening. (e) Do you practise singing under the guidance of a Guru? Ans. NO. I practice on my own. (f) What is difference between folk music? Ans: Classical music is scientific and based on seven notes. Folk music differs from one region to another. |
(1) Discuss with your friends and write down the names of 5 to 6 Indian musical instruments and those used in Western music.
Musical Instruments |
(2) A ‘Raag’ or ‘Raga’ is a music piece in Indian Classical music which is sung or played in a fixed combination of 5 to 6 basic musical notes.
From any singer/musician or the Internet write down the names of any five Ragas and on what occasion they are best sung.
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
1. |
Raag Malkauns |
Late night |
2. |
Raag Bhoop |
Early Morning |
3. |
Raag Shivranjani |
Evening |
4. |
Raag Saarang |
Afternoon |
5. |
Raag Bageshri |
Night |
English Workshop
(1) Frame your own sentences by using words/phrases.
(a) Wonderful – I saw a wonderful dance performance yesterday.
(b) Superb – Sachin Tendulkar is a superb batsman.
(c) Very well – This time, I did very well in Maths test.
(d) So beautiful and divine – Lata Mangeshkar’s voice is so beautiful and divine.
(2) From the story make a list of words related with ‘music’.
(a) musician (b) tanpura
(c) strains (d) singing
(e) notes (f) listened
(g) divine (h) beautiful
(2) Who said to Whom? & When / Why?
Who said to Whom? |
Who |
Whom |
When / Why |
(a) Then I must have him sing in my court. |
Emperor Akbar |
Tansen |
Tansen informed him that he knew someone who sang far better than himself. |
(b) I shall go as a humble lover of music. |
Emperor Akbar |
Tansen |
Tansen told him not to come as the emperor of Hindustan |
(c) What has happened to you? |
Tansen’s Guru Sant Haridas |
Tansen |
He made a mistake while singing. |
(d) How can I expect my music to be so beautiful and divine? |
Tansen |
Emperor Akbar |
The latter asked him why he couldn’t sing like his guru. |
(4) Match the sentences with their types.
(A) Sentences |
Answers |
(B) Types |
(1) What has happened to you? |
(b) Interrogative |
(a) Exclamatory |
(2) I am long past the age for singing. |
(c) Statement/ Assertive |
(b) Interrogative |
(3) Wonderful! |
(a) Exclamatory |
(c) Statement/ Assertive |
(4) No, not even then! |
(e) Negative |
(d) Imperative |
(5) Take me to him. |
(d) Imperative |
(e) Negative |
(5) Make as many words as you can from the word: ‘EXASPERATED’
(a) rate (b) date (c) ate
(d) eat (e) seat (f) peat
(g) red (h) sad (i) pad
(j) sat (k) pat (1) reap
(m) deep (n) seep (o) are
(p) ear (q) peer (r) deer
(s) dear (t) past (u) east
(v) pest (w) rest (x) seed
(y) reed (z) dare
(6) Write T for True, NT for Not True and CNS for Can Not say:
(a) Emperor Akbar greatly admired Tansen’s music, but now he was bored with it.
(b) Akbar was arrogant and expected all his subjects to obey his commands.
Ans: Not True
(c) Guruji recognised the king.
Ans: Can Not say
(d) In spite of being a great singer, Tansen continued to make deliberate mistakes.
Ans: True
(e) Any effort dedicated to God turns to be the best.
Ans: True
(7) Discuss and write briefly.
(a) would lift happen if’ the Emperor would summon Sant Haridas:
Ans. Sant Haridas would not obey Akbar. Perhaps, Akbar would be surprised and angry.
(b) What if you find n blind person singing songs melodiously for begging:
Ans. I would give him some money and try to find someone to sponsor him for a music class.
(8) Say whether the underlined are Phrases or clauses.
(a) The musician laid his tanpura on the carpet.
(b) There is someone, who sings far better.
Ans: Clause
(c) He had been Tansen’s music teacher and he lived the life of a hermit.
Ans: Clause
(d) The music spread like the first glimmer of dawn.
Ans: Phrase
(e) His music springs from the depth of his soul.
Ans: Phrase
(f) As they walked back, the emperor suddenly broke the silence.
Ans: Clause
(9) Divide the class into 2 groups. (Teacher divides the story into 2 parts.) Each group should be allotted one part to be converted to a play/skit format. Combine the two parts, such that the entire story is converted to a play. Also give a suitable title. Present the play in your class.
Ans: To be done by student
(10) Search on Internet the information about Tansen and any two great artists / musicians with the help of the following points.
– Name
– Place of Birth
– Music / Art
– Awards and Honours
Ans. ‘Tansen
- Name: Ramprasad (1506 to 1586)
- Place of Birth: Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
- Music / Art – Musician, instrumentalist, vocalist,
- Awards and Honours – One of the Navaratan in the court of emperor Akbar.
a) Ravi Shankar
– Name – Rabindra Shankar Chaudhary
– Place of Birth (7th April 1920) Varanasi (Death 2012)
– Music / Art – Sitar, singing, ‘Hindustani Classical Music.
– Awards and Honours – Bharat, Ratna
(b) Hari Prasad
– Name – Hariprasad Chaurasia
– Place of Birth – Allahabad (1938)
– Music / Art – Bansuri (Indian Flute)
– Awards and Honours – Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan
(11) Activity:
Collect any five stories of Akbar and Birbal. Write / present any one of them in the class.
Ans. [To be done by student]
Intext Questions
(1) Who is the musician?
Ans. Tansen is the musician.
(2) How does Emperor Akbar praise Tansen?
Ans. Emperor Akbar praises Tansen by stating that he had the most wonderful voice in the world.
(3) Who was the musician that Tansen was talking about?
Ans. Tansen was talking about his own guru, Sant Haridas.
(4) How was Akbar different from other rulers of that time?
Ans. Akbar had genuine appreciation about Art. He did not have an ego as an Emperor. He respected artists and treated them with modesty and humility. Other rulers of his time would have been enraged with an artist who refused come at his bidding. but Akbar himself went to meet the great musician.
(5) Why did Tansen make deliberate mistake?
Ans. Tansen knew that his teacher would not be able to tolerate a wrong note. So, he repeated the mistake so that his teacher would himself show how to sing it correctly. This was the only way to provoke the teacher to sing.
(6) What is the music that spread across the forest compared to?
Ans. The music that spread across the forest is compared to the first glimmer of dawn or the fragrance of jasmine.
(7) What reason did Tansen give for his Guruji’s outstanding music?
Ans. Tansen explained that while he sang at the Emperor’s command, his Guruji sang for his own free will. He sang for the master of kings, that is God. Hence, his music was divine.
(A) Language Study:
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters.
(a) Em _ error (b) d -vine
(c) E _ asperated (d) per _ uade
(e) Hindu _ tan (O d liberate
(g) S _ ahenshah (h) summ ned
(a) Emperor
(b) divine
(c) Exasperated
(d) persuade
(e) Hindustan
(f) deliberate
(g) Shahenshah
(h) summoned
(2) Copy the following sentences.
(a) “I think you have the most wonderful voice in the world!”.
(b) “Why can’t you sing like him, Ustadji?”
(c) That’s not the right note, Tansen.
(d) The reply would have enraged any other emperor.
(3) Put the following words in alphabetical order.
(a) music, enraged, summoned, persuade deliberate.
Ans. deliberate, enraged, music, persuade summoned.
(b) seem, understand, busy, singing, listened
Ans. busy, listened, seem, singing, understand.
(c) exhausted, exquisite, exasperated enraged, emperor.
Ans. emperor, enraged, exasperated, exhausted exquisite.
(d) summoned, Shahenshah, smiled, springs, scared.
Ans. scared, Shahenshah, smiled, springs, summoned.
(4) Punctuate the following sentences.
(a) really cried the disbelieving Akbar
Ans. “Really?” cried the disbelieving Akbar.
(b) what not even if he hears that the emperor has summoned him
Ans. “What ! Not even ifhe hears that the emperor has summoned him?”
(5) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word ‘HYPNOTISED’
Ans. not, dot, hot, tone, note, dye, site, pose, dose, hose, nose, sit, hit, pit, pot.
(6) Spot the error in the following sentences and rewrite the correct sentences.
(a) I think you has the most beautiful voice in the world.
Ans. I think you have the most beautiful voice in the world.
(b) His music spring from the depth of his soul.
Ans. His music springs from the depth of his soul.
(7) Write the related words as shown in the example.
Noun teacher |
(i) exasperated
(ii) amazed
(iii) free
Verb sing |
(i) sweetly
(ii) loudly
(8) Complete the following word chain of noun/verb/adjective.
(a) Akbar (noun) – rain, notebooks, keys, sugar.
(b) Superb (adjective) – terrible, excellent, troublesome, expert.
(B) Do as directed
(1) Make a meaningful sentence of your own using the given phrases.
(a) to summon
Ans. The principal summoned the naughty boy in his office.
(b) to spread across
Ans. The news of his brave deed spread across the world rapidly.
(2) Add a prefix or suffix to the following words to make new word and use any one of the root words in your own sentence.
(a) disbelieving – belief
Ans. He has a strong belief in truth.
(b) suddenly – sudden
Ans. Everyone was shocked by the sudden earthquake.
(c) beautiful beauty
Ans. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder.
(3) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.
(a) Exasperated, Sant Haridas took the tanpura from Tansen’s hands.
Ans. Sant Haridas, who was exasperated, took the Tanpura from Tansen’s hands.
(b) Even his favourite pupil could not persuade him to change his mind.
Ans: Even the pupil, who was his favourite, could not persuade him to change his mind.
Extract 1 – Read the following passage and do the activities.
Al. Simple Factual Questions
(1) Tick the correct options.
(a) Sant Haridas said he wouldn’t sing because
(i) He was tired.
(ii) He was long past the age of singing.
(iii) He had recognized the emperor.
Ans. (ii) He was long past the age of singing.
(b) Tansen deliberately made mistakes in singing because-
(i) He was unwilling to sing.
(ii) He respected the teacher.
(iii) He knew that the teacher would sing in the right note to correct him.
Ans. (iii) He knew that the teacher would sing the right note to correct him.
(2) say WHO?
(a) An humble lover of music.
Ans. Emperor, Akbar.
(b) He lived an austere life of a hermit.
Ans. Sant Haridas
(c) He made deliberate mistakes while singing.
Ans. Tansen
(d) He was exasperated and sang in the right note.
Ans. Sant Haridas
(e) He was the favourite pupil of Sant Haridas.
Ans. Tansen
(f) He knew how to get around his guru to sing.
Ans. Tansen
(g) Tansen’s music teacher.
Ans. Sant Haridas
(h) He was busy with his daily chores.
Ans. Sant Haridas
(3) Who said to whom?
(a) “J shall go as an humble lover of music.”
Ans. Emperor Akbar said to Cl’ansen.
(b) “I’m long past the age for singing.”
Ans. Sant Haridas said to Tansen and Furnperor Akbar.
(c) “That’s not the right note.”
Ans. Sant Haridas said to Tansen.
(d) ‘What has happened to you?”
Ans. Sant Haridas said to Tansen.
“I shall go as a humble lover of music. Sant Haridas was the man, Tansen had spoken of. He had been Tansen’s music teacher and he lived the austere life of a hermit. When Tansen and the emperor reached his hut, he was busy with his daily chores. When they asked him to sing, he smiled but said firmly, “I’m long past the age for singing. ” Even his favourite pupil could not persuade him to change his mind. But Tansen knew how to get around him. He offered to sing before his guru. And he made a deliberate mistake. “That’s not the right note, Tansen, ” cried his teacher, amazed. “What has happened to you?” Tansen did not seem to understand his teacher and he made the same mistake again. Exasperated, Sant Haridas took the tanpura from Tansen’s hands and sang the right note. Then he went on to the next and the next! |
(Textbook page 60 & 61)
A2. Complex Factual Question:
Write down any 5 facts about Sant Haridas.
Facts about Sant Haridas.
(a) He was a great musician.
(b) He was Tansen’s teacher.
(c) He was old and past the age of singing.
(d) He lived a simple life of a hermit.
(e) He could not tolerate wrong notes while singing.
A3. Vocabulary Based Questions:
(1) Which words in the passage mean the following.
(a) simple life
(b) to convince
(c) purposeful
(d) angry and irritated
(a) austere
(b) persuade
(c) deliberate
(d) exasperated
2. List three words from the passage which are Indian.
(a) sant
(b) tanpura
(c) guru
(3) Find from the passage words related to music.
(a) singing
(b) tanpura
(c) note
(d) gang
(4) Find from the passage the nearest synonyms of the following.
(a) simple
(b) modest
(c) king
(d) surprised
(a) austere
(b) humble
(c) emperor
(d) amazed
A4. Grammar
(1) “That’s not the right note Tansen, cried his teacher amazed.
(Rewrite the sentence in Indirect speech)
Ans. The teacher pointed out to Tangen in a surprised tone saying that was not the right note.
(2) What part of speech are the underlined words?
(a) He was busy with his daily chores.
(i) noun
(ii) adjective
(iii) adverb
Ans. adjective
(b) Tansen knew how to get round him
(i) conjunction
(ii) preposition
(iii) interjection
Ans. conjunction
(3) Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives from the passage.
(a) _____ lover
(b) _____teacher
(c) _____chores
(d) _____past
(e) _____note
(b) Open Ended/ Personal Response Question:
Tansen knew how to get his teacher round to sing. What trick will you us to get your father round to give you permission to go for a movie with you friends?
Ans. I will irritate everyone in the house, sin loudly, put on the TV in high volume an express utter boredom. Then my father will ask me why I don’t go out to play with my friends. I will tell him innocently that they are all going out to watch a movie. I am sure my father will come round, give me money and permit me to join my friends.
Extract 2 – Read the following passage and do the activities.
A l. Simple Factual Questions:
The music is compared to
- the first glimmer of dawn
- the fragrance of jasmine
(2) Mention 3 ways in which the music affected the emperor.
(a) ______
(b) ______
(c) ______
(a) He was hypnotised by the music.
(b) He had not known that music could be like this.
(c) He had certainly never heard anything like it before.
3. Who said to whom?
a. “Why can’t you sing like him, Ustadji?”
Ans. The Emperor said to Tansen.
b. “How can I expect my music to be so beautiful and divine?”
Ans. Tansen said to Emperor Akbar.
4. The Emperor realized that Tansen had spoken the truth. What was the truth
(a) Tansen’s voice was best in the world.
(b) Tansen sang for God.
(c) Sant Haridas sang better than Tansen.
Ans: (c) Sant Haridas sang better than Tansen.
The music spread across the forest. like the first glimmer of dawn or the fragrance of jasmine. Both Akbar and Tansen listened to him as if they hypnotised and the emperor realized that Tansen had spoken the truth. He had not known that music could be like this.’ He had certainly never heard anything like it before. As they walked back, the emperor suddenly broke the silence to ask Tansen. can sing like him, Utadji?” Tansen smiled. “Shahen shah, I sing at com mand, the com mand of the Emperor of Hindustan. But Guruji sings for one who is Master of even kings. GOD! His music springs from the depths of his soul. free and unasked for. How can I expect my music to be so beautiful and divine?” |
(Textbook page 61)
A2. Complex Factual Question
What was the difference between Tansen and his guru?
Ans: The guru sung out of inspiration. He sang of his own free will. Tansen sung for the emperor. He sang at the emperor’s command. Guru’s music is unasked for. He could be ordered to sing. He sung for God. the master of Kings. Hence. his music was beautiful and divine.
A3. Vocabulary Based Questions
(1) List the Indian words used in the passage.
Indian words |
– – – – |
(a) Jasmine
(b) Ustadji
(c) Shahenshah
(d) Guruji
(2) List from the passage words / phrases that describe the music.
(a) like the first glimmer of
(b) like the fragrance of jasmine
(c) hypnotizing
(d) beautiful
(e) divine
(f) It springs from the depths of his soul.
(g) It is free and unasked for.
(3) The spreading of music is compared to the spreading of 2 things what are they?
Ans. Light and smell
(4) Find the antonyms of the following that are used in the passage.
(a) last – first
(b) forward – backward
(c) lies / falsehood – truth
(d) always – never
(e) ugly – beautiful
(f) frowned – smiled
(g) bound – free
(h) obey – command
A4. Grammar
(1) Tansen had spoken the truth.
(Choose the correct question that answers the underline word)
(a) Who had spoken the truth?
(b) What had Tansen spoken?
(c) Why did Tansen speak?
Ans. (b) What had Tansen spoken?
(2) Guruji sings for the Master of even kings.
(Add a clause and expand the sentence)
Ans. Guruji sings for one who is Master of even kings.
(3) How can I expect my music to be so beautiful and divine?
(Make the sentence Assertive)
Ans. I cannot expect my music to be so beautiful and divine.
(4) “Shahenshah, I sing at your command the command of the Emperor of Hindustan.”
(Rewrite the sentence in Indirect Speech)
Ans. Tansen brought to the notice of Shahenshah that sang at his command, the command of the Emperor of Hindustan.
A5. Open Ended/Personal Response Question
You do certain things willingly, because you like them. You are forced to do t certain tasks. List 5 tasks which you like to do and 5 which you do not like to do.
(1) Work in the garden |
(1) Read books |
(2) Watch T. V |
(2) Solve Maths sums |
(3) Play with friends |
(3) Tidy my room |
(4) Sleep |
(4) Look after my younger brother |
(5) Listen to music |
(5) Help mother father |
(1) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction.
(a) As they walked back, the emperor suddenly broke the silence.
(b) This reply would have enraged any other emperor.
(c) I shall go as a humble lover of music. Ans.
(d) Tansen did not seem to understand his teacher and he made the same mistake again.
(a) ते परत जात असताना सम्राटाने अचानक शांतता मोडली.
(b) या उत्तरामुळे इतर कोणताही सम्राट संतप्त झाला असता.
(c) मी संगीताचा नम्र प्रेमी म्हणून जाईन. उत्तर
(d) तानसेनला त्याचे शिक्षक समजले नाहीत आणि त्याने पुन्हा तीच चूक केली.
(2) Translate the following sentences into English.
(a) माझे संगीत इतके सुंदर आणि दैवी असेल अशी अपेक्षा मी कशी करू शकतो?
Ans: How can I expect my music to be so beautiful and divine?
(b) आणि त्याने जाणीवपूर्वक चूक केली.
Ans. And he made a deliberate mistake.
(c) या उत्तराने इतर कोणत्याही सम्राटाला राग आला असता.
Ans. This reply would have enraged any other emperor.
(d) संत हरिदास हा माणूस होता, तानसेन बोलला होता
Ans. Sant Haridas was the man, Tansen had spoken of.
(3) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction.
(a) exasperated –
(b) summoned
(c) emperor
(e) deliberate
(a) वैतागलेले
(b) बोलावले
(c) सम्राट
(d) सुगंध
(e) मुद्दाम