SSC Preliminary Exam Paper 03

SSC English Preliminary Practice Paper 03
Time – 3 Hours Std – X Date – Marks – 100
Q.1 (A) Do as directed. (10 Marks)
(1) Fill in the blanks with a missing letter in each word. 02
(i) vill_ge (ii) dre_m (iii) eq_al (iv) mon_h
(i) village
(ii) dream
(iii) equal
(iv) month
(2) Put the following words in alphabetical order. 02
(i) life, humour, deaf, mad.
(ii) concept, case, cute, clad
(i) deaf, humour, life, mad.
(ii) case, clad, concept, cute.
(3) Punctuate the following. 02
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) she smiled a beggar changed my life
(i) ‘Is that so?’ said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) She smiled, ‘A beggar changed my life.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the
letters in the word ‘granddaughter.’ 02
1. Grand
2. daughter
3. ran
4. net
5. rat


(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘verbs’.
Add four verbs, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. 02
Speak ____, _____, _____, ______, ______
Ans: speak _keep _ put _ take _ earn
(B) Do as directed. (02 Marks)
(1) Make meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘in a flash’. 01
Ans: It was done in a flash.
(2) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. Pick the root words
and use any one of it in your own sentence. 01
(i) complete (ii) lucky
(i) complete – completely
(ii) lucky – unlucky
I was very lucky to learn the new coursebook. 01
(3) Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully. 01
(i) I saw an injured boy.
(Any reasonably correct sentence will be accepted.)
Ans: I saw an injured boy who was sitting on the pavement.
Q.2 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
(A1) Find the correct alternative for the following questions. 02
(1) What does the word ‘Bholi’ mean?
(i) angry (ii) foolish (iii) simpleton (iv) sad
Ans: Simpleton
(2) At what age Bholi had an attack of small pox?
(i) six (ii) two (iii) ten (iv) nine
Ans: Two
(3) What was the real name of Bholi?
(i) Radha (ii) Champa (iii) Mangla (iv) Sulekha
Ans: Sulekha
(4) Who was not healthy and strong in Ramlal’s famliy?
(i) Radha (ii) Bholi (iii) Mangla (iv) Champa
Ans: Bholi
Her name was Sulekha but since her childhood everyone had been calling her Bholi the simpleton. She was the fourth daughter of Numberdar Ramlal. When she was ten months old, she had fallen off the cot on her head and perhaps it had damaged some part of her brain. That was why she remained a backward child and came to be known as Bholi, the simpleton. At birth the child was very fair and pretty. But when she was two years old, she had an attack of small pox. Only the eyes were saved. But the entire body was permanently disfigured by deep black pockmarks. Little Sulekha could not speak till she was five and when at last she learnt to speak, she stammered. The other children often made fun of her and mimicked her. As a result, she talked very little. Ramlal had seven children, three sons and four daughters and the youngest of them was Bholi. It was a prosperous farmer’s household and there was plenty to eat and drink. All the children except Bholi were healthy and strong. The sons had been sent to the city to study in schools and later in colleges. Of the daughters Radha, the eldest had already been married. The second daughter Mangla’s marriage had also been settled Ramlal would think of third Champa. They were good looking, healthy girls. And it was not difficult to find bridegrooms for them |
(A2) Complete the sentence. 02
Bholi talked very little because
Ans: Bholi talked very little because she had an attack of small pox at the age of two. The entire body was permanently disfigured by deep black pockmarks except eyes. So, she was unable to speak till she was five and when she tried to speak, she stammered. The other children often made fun of her and mimicked her.
(The above response is just a specimen. Students way of writing may differ.)
(A3) Find the verb forms of the following from the passage. 02
(i) mimicry (ii) settlement
(iii) speech (iv) marriage
(i) mimicry – mimic
(ii) settlement – settle
(iii) speech – speak
(iv) marriage – marry
(A4) (1) The child was very fair and pretty.
(Choose correct alternative to make it exclamatory.) 01
(i) What a fair and pretty the child was!
(ii) How a fair and pretty the child was!
(iii) How fair and pretty the child was!
(iv) How very fair and pretty the child was!
(i) How fair and pretty the child was!
(2) It was not difficult to find bridegrooms for them.
(Rewrite the sentence and underline the infinitive.) 01
Ans: It was not difficult to find bridegroom for them.
(A5) Is it good to make fun of the child who can’t speak well?
Give reasons for your answer. 02
Ans: Students should write four to five sentences as a response.
(B) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
(B1) Complete the sentences. 02
(1) A tiny bird was rushing towards ___________
(2) A heavy fire had broken out in the _____________
(3) The speaker is appealing to globalize _____________
(4) The tiny bird was going to ________________
(i) A tiny bird was rushing towards the fire.
(ii) A heavy fire had broken out in the forest.
(iii) The speaker is appealing to globalize compassion.
(iv) The tiny bird was going to extinguish the fire.
You may ask that – what can one person do? I would recall a story of my childhood: A heavy fire had broken out in the forest. All the animals were running away, including lion, the king of the forest. Suddenly, then he saw a tiny bird rushing towards the fire. He asked the bird, “What are you doing?” To the lion’s surprise, the bird replied “I am going to extinguish the fire.” The lion laughed and said, “How can you do it keeping just one drop of water, in your beak?” The bird was adamant, and she said, “I am doing my bit.” Eighteen years ago, millions of individuals marched across the globe. And demanded a new international law for the abolition of worst form of child labour, and it has happened, we did it, millions of individuals did it. Friends! We live in an age of rapid globalisation. We are connected through high-speed Internet. We exchange our goods and services in one single global market. Thousands of flights every day connect us from one corner to another corner of the globe. But there is one serious disconnect and there is a lack of compassion. Let us inculcate and transform these individuals’ compassion into a global compassion. Let us globalise compassion |


(B3) Find the describing words from the passage for the following words. 02
(i) globalisation (ii) bird
(iii) Internet (iv) disconnect
(i) rapid globalization
(ii) tiny bird
(iii) high-speed Internet
(iv) serious disconnect
(B4) (1) He asked the bird, “What are you doing?” 02
He asked the bird __________________
(Make it indirect.)
Ans: He asked the bird what it was doing.
(B5) What will you do for our country?
Ans: Students should write four to five correct sentences as a response.
Q.3 (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities. (5 Marks)
(A1) Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentences. 02
(i) According to the poet, are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings / new endings)
Ans: According to the poet, new beginnings are brought by each new day.
(ii) We must decide to take the road which leads to
(great distress / great success)
Ans: We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.

(A3) Name the figures of speech. 01
(1) Decisions I must make ____
(2) Travel down the darkened road ______
(1) Decisions, I must make – Inversion
(2) Travel down the darkened road – Alliteration
(B) Poetry Appreciation. (05 Marks)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it using
the points given below.
The Twins In form and feature, face and limb, I grew so like my brother, That folks got taking me for him, And each for one another. It puzzled all our kith and kin, It reached a fearful pitch; For one of us was born a twin, Yet not a soul knew which. One day, to make the matter worse, Before our names were fixed, As we were being washed by nurse, We got completely mixed; And thus, you see, by fate’s decree, Or rather nurse’s whim, My brother John got christened me, And I got christened him. This fatal likeness even dogged My footsteps, when at school, And I was always getting flogged, For John turned out a fool. I put this question, fruitlessly, To everyone I knew, ‘What would you do, if you were me, To prove that you were you?’ Our close resemblance turned the tide Of my domestic life, For somehow, my intended bride Became my brother’s wife. In fact, year after year the same Absurd mistakes went on, And when I died, the neighbours came And buried brother John. – Henry Sambrooke Leigh |
• Title 1/2
• Poet 1/2
• Theme / Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines) 02
• Rhyme scheme 01
• Figures of Speech 01
Ans: Appreciation of the poem
• Title: – The Twins. 1/2
• Poet/Poetess: – Henry Sambrooke Leigh. 1/2
• Theme/Central idea: – The central theme of the poem is the physical resemblance shared by identical twins that it can create confusion among the people. It shows the problems faced by the twins as well as families and friends in identifying one from the other. 02
• Rhyme scheme: – ababcdcd. 01
• Figures of Speech: – The poet uses the following figures of speech in this poem.
(i) Alliteration.
(ii) Hyperbole.
(iii) Pun.
Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
(A1) Fill in the blanks. 02
(i) Symptoms of lead poisoning develop slowly after _______ .
(ii) Most cases of lead poisoning in the US occur among ______
who eat chips.
(iii) It is estimated that______ have potentially toxic levels of lead
in their blood.
(iv) _______ were widely used for home interiors.
(i) Symptoms of lead poisoning develop slowly after several months
of lead ingestion.
(ii) Most cases of lead poisoning in the US occur among children
who eat chips.
(iii) It is estimated that 3 percent to 5 percent have potentially toxic
levels of lead in their blood.
(iv) Lead paints were widely used for home interiors
Most cases of lead poisoning in the US occur among children who eat chips of lead-containing paint that have peeled off the ceilings and walls of old buildings. Lead paints were widely used for home interiors until the 1940’s and in many city slums, where buildings have been poorly kept 15 percent to 20 percent of the children between the ages of one and five show evidence of lead ingestion. It is estimated that 3 percent to 5 percent have potentially toxic levels of lead in their blood. In large cities, hundreds of cases among children are reported each year, but it is believed that the actual number may be much higher. In industries that use lead or lead components, lead poisoning among workers is a potentially serious hazard, but present control measures are so stringent that cases of industrial poisoning are rare. Symptoms of lead poisoning develop slowly after several months of lead ingestion. Early symptoms are mild diarrhoea, anaemia and irritability. As the level of lead rises stupor and convulsions occur, often leading to death. The prevention of lead poisoning is therefore of prime importance. An effective measure program includes making the public aware of the danger, testing paint in dilapidated buildings, examining children for evidence of lead ingestion and keeping children out of unsafe houses. |

(A3) Choose the correct option showing meaning of the underlined words in the given sentences. 02
(1) Lead paints were widely used for home interiors.
(i) commonly (ii) specially (iii) in small amount
Ans: (i) commonly
(2) Present control measures are very stringent.
(i) simple (ii) strict (iii) flexible
Ans: (ii) strict
(A4) Do as directed.
(1) Lead paints were widely used. 01
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘They……….’)
Ans: They widely used lead paints.
(2) It is estimated. 01
(Name the tense.)
Ans: Simple Present Tense.
(A5) Suggest fair effective measure programs for the prevention of lead poisoning. 02
Ans: Students should write four to five correct sentences as a response.
Q.4 (B) Summary Writing (5 Marks)
Read the passage given in Q. 4 (A) and write the summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to your summary
When you summarize the given non-textual passage, consider the
following things –
• Suggest a suitable title to your summary.
• Express the gist of the passage in your own words by using the
points underlined.
• Use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and language.
• Avoid exact repetition of sentences from the passage.
• Don’t express your own opinion.
Marking Scheme for Summary Writing
• Suggest /Write a title 01
• Central idea/theme 02
• Use of appropriate language
Symptoms of lead poisoning Symptoms of lead poisoning develop slowly after several months of lead ingestion. Most cases of lead poisoning in the US occur among children who eat chips. It is estimated that 3 percent to 5 percent have potentially toxic levels of lead in their blood. Lead paints were widely used for home interiors. |
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing (5Marks)
A1 or A2 Do any one of the following.
Imagine you are Akash / Akansha Jadhav from 29, Sai Nagar, Panchavati, Nagpur440034. You have read the following leaflet regarding ‘Interschool Reading Competition’. Now attempt any one letter from the following.
Al) Informal Letter
Write a letter to your friend telling him / her to participate in the ‘Interschool Reading Competition’ given in the leaflet. You may add your own points.
A2) Formal Letter
Write a letter to the Headmaster of your school informing about ‘Interschool Reading Competition’ and requesting him her to encourage the students to take part in the competition.
Ans: A.l) Informal Letter
Akash Jadhav
29, Sai Nagar,
30 October, 2021.
Dear Rahul,
It gives me pleasure to inform you that I have read a leaflet about ‘Interschool Reading Competition’ which is conducted by Rotary Club, Nagpur.
I know you have keen interest in reading. So, I think it’s a golden opportunity for you to take part in the competition. Reading has many amazing benefits. It not only strengthens our writing skill but also enhances our imagination.
Apart from knowledge, it stimulates our brain and deepens empathy. It can also help us to remove stress and strain and provides mental relaxation. You know that books are our true friends. The competition is on Monday, 2 November, 2021 at Patrakar Bhawan, Dhantoli, Nagpur, at 11 am.
So, I suggest you to take part in the competition as I am also going to enrol myself. Convey my best regards to all. I’m eagerly waiting for your positive reply. Nothing more to pen down.
Yours lovingly,
Akash Jadhav
A2. Formal Letter:
Akash Jadhav.
29, Sai Nagar,
30 October, 2021.
The Headmaster,
New English School,
Sub: Requesting to encourage the students to take part in ‘Interschool Reading Competition.
Respected Sir,
This is to bring your kind attention that I have read a leaflet about ‘Interschool Reading Competition’. It is conducted by Rotary Club Nagpur on Monday, 2 November, 2021 at 11 am and the venue is Patrakar Bhawan, Dhantoli, Nagpur.
The leaflet is very informative. It has covered benefits of reading books. Reading books enhances our imagination as well as strengthens our writing skill. It increases vocabulary and expands knowledge. Moreover, it stimulates our brain and deepens empathy. Books are our real friends because they not only remove stress and strain but develops positivity towards life also. The competition is beneficial for students.
So, I request you to encourage the students to take part in the competition as registration is free. It’s a golden opportunity to win exciting prizes.
Thanking for your kind co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Akash Jadhav.
(B) B1 Or B2 Do any one of the following. (5 Marks)
(B1) Dialogue Writing
(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences. 01
1. I prefer coffee please.
2. Thanks a lot.
3. Would you like to have tea or coffee.
4. Ok. Two coffee please.
1. Would you like to have tea or coffee.
2. I prefer coffee please.
3. Ok. Two coffee please.
4. Thanks a lot.
(b) Complete the dialogue:
A: Do your parents scold you?
B: ________________________
A: How do you feel when they scold you?
B: _______________________
A: Do your parents scold you?
B: Yes, sometimes.
A: How do you feel when they scold you?
B: If they scold me, I know it is for my good. So, I keep Cool.
(c) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on
‘Regularity in studies’
Ans: “Regularity in studies”
Meena: Why don’t you study regularly, my dear? It will help you a lot?
Seema: How will it helpful to us?
Meena: Studying regularly boosts up our confidence level and makes us confident.
Seema: Yes. you are right. If you are confident you can do anything in your life.
Meena: Absolutely right. Regularity in studies following a routine will bring the much-needed success in our examination. Study will never be a burden. To do what you love and love what you do regarding studies will develop your abilities and make you feel happy.
Seema: That’s true. Now onwards I will definitely study regularly. Thanks a lot.
Meena: You are welcome.

Ans: ‘Adverse effects of pollution’
Good morning to the Sir, Madam, and my dear colleagues. My name is … I study in class … I would like to speech today on the topic of pollution in India. As we have gathered here to celebrate this event, I have selected this special topic to open in front of you in the favor of humanity. My dear friends, as we all are well aware of the word pollution. I want to tell you that pollution is a slow and sweet poison which is disturbing us and our living very badly in all the aspects such as physically, mentally, socially, and intellectually. It is not so easy to stop it at once however, not so tough to prevent it gradually.
The main causes of the pollution are wastes from the chemical industries and factories pouring their wastes directly into the large water bodies. Such contaminants gets introduced into the natural environment and causing adverse change. Pollution can be man-made or natural however pollution from the natural sources is less harming than the man-made. Pollutants or components of the pollution get intermingled into the natural resources such as water, air, soil, etc. Pollution was started from the prehistoric times however currently it has been booming because of the deforestation, urbanization, technological advancement, and advanced life style.
People should understand the importance of environment they live in and respect the one given by God to live a simple life on the earth (the only known planet having life). Various types of pollution such as water pollution, soil or land pollution, air pollution, and sound or noise pollution, all are very harmful to the health of human beings and animals. People have been used to of technological advancement in their lives and forgot about all the existing problems because of that. Use of various fertilizers and other chemicals in the agriculture for many years in order to get better and healthy crops has created serious problem to the humanity.
Increasing number of vehicles in the cities is another main cause of air pollution. Diesel vehicles are more dangerous than the petrol vehicles as they emit more carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, both are very harmful to the health and atmosphere. My dear friends, it is very necessary for the common public to be aware of the bad effects of pollution and run in the direction against pollution to reduce its effects. We should plant more green plants in the surrounding areas and sides of the roads in order to maintain the natural equilibrium in the environment.
Pollution is affecting our lives so we have to take individual steps and do every possible things what we can do. We should not depend only on our government actions for some positive changes. Common people like us are the main factor to stop the spread of pollution.
Thank You All.
Q.6. (A) Information Transfer:
A1 or A2. Do any ONE of the following: 05
Al Non-verbal to verbal: Read the information given in the following table. Write two short paragraphs based on it. Give a suitable title to it.
No. | Electric Vehicles | Non-electric Vehicles |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. | Run on electric energy Cause no pollution maintenance/high mileage Need good roads Can run low speed | Run on fuels Cause air pollution High maintenance, low mileage Can run on rough roads Can run high speed |
Means of Transport:-Vehicles
The auto industry has been undergoing changes since the first car was invented. Most of these changes are designed to help improve he efficiency and comfort of cars. Nowadays the popular Electric vehicles are in the market for saving fuels and they are anti pollution so they are very famous. Electric and Non electric cars have some advantages and dis-advantages too. Electric vehicles run on electric energy whereas non-electric vehicles need fuels to run. Electric cars are eco-friendly as they do not cause any pollution but non-electric vehicles cause air pollution.
Non-electric vehicles have high maintenance and give low mileage. Electric vehicles compared to non-electric vehicles are low in maintenance and they give high mileage. Both types of vehicles are on the road but electric vehicles need good road to perform better.
Whereas non-electric vehicles can run on rough roads too. Therefore, there are more non-electric motors than electric motors on roads of India. One of the best things about the electric vehicles are. they run on low speed which result low risk of accident. Non-electric vehicles on other side can run high speed which result in road accident. Vehicles are run by man so drive any type of vehicles but be safe!
A2 Verbal to Non- verbal: Read the following information and present it in the tree diagram given below. Give a suitable title to it:
Rocks are not all the same! The three main types, or classes of rocks they are sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. Sedimentary rocks are formed from particles of sand. shells, pebbles and other fragments of material. Generally sedimentary rock is fairly soft and may break apart or crumble easily. It is usually the only type that contains fossils. Examples of this rock type include conglomerate and limestone.
Metamorphic rocks are formed under the surface of the earth from the change that occurs due lo intense heat and pressure. The rocks that result from these processes often have ribbon like layers and may have shiny crystals, formed by minerals growing slowly over time, on their surface. Example of this rock type include gneiss and marble.
igneous rocks are formed when magma cools and hardens. Sometimes the
magma cools inside the earth, and other times it erupts onto the surface from
volcanoes. When lava cools very quickly, no crystals form and the rock looks shiny and glasslike. Sometimes gas bubbles are trapped in the rock during the cooling process, leaving tiny holes and spaces in the rock. Examples of this rock type include basalt and obsidian


Q.6 (B) Expand the theme/ News Report: (5 Marks)
Do any one of the following activities:
B1) News Report:
Read the following headlines of the News items and write a report.
‘Flood situation grim in Assam’
Flood Situation Grim in Assam
By a Staff Correspondent
Guwahati. July 6.
The incessant rain for the last five days has made the flood situation in the Capital of Assam, very serious.
Villages on both the sides of the Brahmaputra river are flooded as rain is pouring non-stop in Dishpur. Thousands of people have become homeless and have taken shelter in school buildings and municipal offices
The rescue teams have already arrived and are taking all necessary precautions to avoid epidemics. They have provided food-packets and necessary medicines to the flood-stricken people. The military has an aerial view of the situation and has assured the people of all necessary help and arrangements for rehabilitation.
B2 Story Writing (5)
Develop a story to get the following end
………..and from that time onwards I decide the ghost stories are definitely not meant for me. Give a suitable title.
A very strange experience
It was a very dark night. I was busy preparing for the following days paper. I heard some sound behind me, I turned and saw a young woman sitting erect on my sofa. she was young and decent. I wondered who she was and rushed out of my room to ask my parents to come and see this person. Every member of my family was fast asleep. I decided to go back to my room and ask her who she was. When I returned, she was nowhere to be seen. I continued studying for my exam, but I found it difficult to concentrate.
This sounded like some fairy story I had read in some book years ago. I was really disturbed. On the following day. I told my parents about this Incident. They held their sides and laughed aloud. They told me that when they came to see if I was studying I was fast asleep and talking to someone in my dream. They told me that I must have been talking to this person.
I felt better but I decided that from then onwards, ghost stories were definitely not for me.
Q.7. Translation: 5 Marks
Translate the following words into your medium of instruction.
(Any four) (2)
(i) mercilessly (ii) monstrous (iii) drowsy (iv) express (v) spiritual
(vi) Audit
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) (2)
1. He flapped his wings and soared upwards.
2. My school life is the most important part of my life.
3. Save trees save life to make the world beautiful.
4. Trees provide us with medicines, fruit, flowers, etc.
(c) Translate the following idioms/proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one) (1)
(i) Slow and steady wins the race.
(ii) Beggars cannot be chooser.