SSC English Question Bank By Maharashtra Government Section 05 Dialogue Writing
SET 6: Q. 5/ Q.6 WRITING SKILLS (20 Marks)
B Dialogue writing/ Drafting a speech.
B1 or B2. Do any one of the following. (5 Marks)
B1 Dialogue Writing
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences: (01)
i) What type of story do you wish to hear?
ii) Will you please tell me a nice story?
iii) I would like to hear a thriller story.
iv) Why not, certainly I will tell you.
- Will you please tell me a nice story?
- Why not, certainly I will tell you.
- What type of story do you wish to hear?
- I would like to hear a thriller story.
b) Complete the dialogue: (01)
: Why did you help the wounded animal?
: _____
: _____
: I felt really very nice to help him.
: Why did you help the wounded animal?
: I helped the wounded animal because I am so emotional I like animals & birds. I could not go away without help it.
: How did you feel to help him?
: I felt really very nice to help him
c) Write a dialogue between your brother and you on the future planning of higher education. Write at least three meaningful exchanges. (03)
Future Planning
Raj: Hello Ravi, how are you?
Ravi: I am fine and what about you?
Raj : I am also fine. Have you taken any decision what you will do after the examination?
Ravi: Yes, I have already drawn up a plan and my parents greatly encouraged me.
Raj What do you want to do after the examination? Please let me know your plan.
Ravi: As I would like to study medical science, I will get admitted into a coaching center so that I can prepare myself for admission into a medical college.
Raj Your plan is excellent. By being a skilled doctor, you can serve the people as well as serve the nation.
Ravi : Yes, you are right. But what is your plan to do in future?
Raj : My future plan is to be a teacher.
Ravi That’s a fine idea. Our country needs a lot of good teachers. But what will you study?
Raj : I want to study English literature and for this purpose, I will try at my level best to take admission to Mumbai University. But where will you take admission?
Ravi I will also try at best to get admitted to Mumbai Medical College as this is the best one in the country. Would you like to get admitted into any coaching center?
Raj : No, I do not like to go there. I think coaching centers are merely business centers. Their only purpose is to make money.
Ravi You are right. But my case is different. My subject is technical. I would like to go there for keeping myself busy with studies.
Raj : Thank you for your wise decision.
Ravi You are most welcome. Good bye.
B1 Dialogue Writing
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences: (01)
i) I love cricket very much.
ii) I play with my friends on the playground.
iii) What sport do you like?
iv) Where do you play?
- What sport do you like?
- I love cricket very much.
- Where do you play?
- I play with my friends on the playground.
b) Complete the dialogue: (01)
: What type of social work do you do?
: _____
: How do you raise money for your work?
: _____
: What type of social work do you do?
: I like to teach economically poor children.
: How do you raise money for your work?
: I will take help from friends & NGO’s to raise money.
c) Write a meaningful dialogue between a teacher and a student about the importance of attendance. Write at least three meaningful exchanges. (03)
Importance of Attendance
Teacher: Congratulations Raj, this year you have 100% attendance.
Student: Thank you sir. What are the benefits of it?
Teacher: Your 100% school attendance shows that you are punctual, honest & smart student.
Student: So I am.
Teacher: Yes, you are. It also helps to your personality development.
Student: Yes, sir it is recorded on my progress card.
Teacher: Now you are good example before other students.
Students: Principal madam has given me special award. Feeling so proud.
Teacher: Good luck & keep it up.
B1 Dialogue Writing
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences: (01)
i) We danced on Punjabi folk songs.
ii) Have you participated in any cultural event?
iii) Which song did you select?
iv) I participated in a group dance event.
- Have you participated in any cultural event?
- I participated in a group dance event.
- Which song did you select?
- We danced on Punjabi folk songs.
b) Complete the dialogue: (01)
: Why do you use water so carefully?
: _____
: How do you save water?
: _____
: Why do you use water so carefully?
: It is shortage of water in many parts of our area.
: How do you save water?
: I bath in a bucketful of water, I do not waste water.
c) Write a dialogue between a customer and a shopkeeper on buying fruits. Write at least three meaningful exchanges. (03)
Fruit seller : Good morning , sir, May I help you?
Customer : Yes, I want to buy some mangoes, a watermelon and half kg for grapes.
Fruit seller : This watermelon is Rs. 90, the grapes are Rs.160 per kg and
the mangoes are Rs. 60 per kg.
Customer : They are awfully expensive . Can you make them less costly?
Fruit seller : Sir, please make your choice. I will consider.
Customer : I will give you 70 for the watermelon , 50 for the mangoes and 120
for the grapes.
Fruit seller : Okay, I can only give you the watermelon for 70.
Customer : Here , take the money and only give me the watermelon.
Fruit seller : Thank you, sir.