Class 10th Personal Response Questions
1.2. An Encounter of a Special Kind
- Describe the surrounding of your house.
Ans. I live in a very urban place, small but very crowded town. I live in a magnificent row house which flaunts a small yet, dainty (pretty) garden at the entrance. Walking distances from my house are busy streets with many stores and restaurants, supermarkets, and bus station. My neighbourhood is full of manicured yards with green lawns and flower beds. Surrounding of my house is very neat and clean and I can’t even imagine living anywhere -else.
- Do you like to spend your vacation in company of nature? Why?
Ans. Yes, Nature offers everything to us without any expectation. I like to spend my vacation in nature with, relaxing beaches. It makes me discover beauty of nature. The landscape of blue sea, mix with blue sky and aligned with yellow sand all covered with orange Sun, takes me to the other world. Its beauty recharges my energy, releases all my stresses and gives me relaxation.
- How do you spend your vacation?
Ans. Vacation is a wonderful time. I can have so much leisure time on my hands. I feel relaxed and jubilant. I can join non-academic classes of dancing and music. I watch a TED talk. I go to library and wander until I find a book that I think, I will like. I help my mother in her household chores. I enjoy my vacation fully and charge myself with energy to continue my academic study and school.
Read Also: 10th & 12th BOARD EXAM INSTRUCTIONS
- What different opportunities do holidays provide you with?
Ans. Holidays provide me different opportunities like :–To boost my brain function by reading; to try out new skills; to sleep a lot; to do something memorable; to volunteer for a charity; to meet new people; to go for a trip and to write about it; and to enjoy fully to charge myself with new vigor and energy.
- Do you have reading hobby? How do you pursue it?
Ans. Yes. I do have reading hobby. I read a lot whenever I get the time. I read anything and everything that comes to me. I keep on reading storybooks, novels, biographies, magazines, personality development books and newspapers. I try getting 1 or 2 hours daily for reading as I have to utilize the rest of my time to study. I can get more time for reading on holidays.
- What type of books do you like to read?
Ans. I like to read all sorts of books such as novels, adventure stories, fiction, and dramas. I like to read autobiographies most written by famous personalities. They teach me moral values. They tell me about their struggles in their life, the emotions they went through, making the auto biographers more human. I get inspiration from their life stories. They help me shaping my future.
- If you find an injured animal/ a bird, how will you help it?
Ans. If I find an injured animal or a bird, I will pick it up and bring it to my home. I will examine its injury and apply some antiseptic ointment on it and bandage it without hurting it. I will provide it with water to drink and some smashed cooked rice to eat. I will keep it in a shoe box with cotton spread in it. I will take care of it till it will have enough strength. Then I will let it go so that it can lead a life of freedom.
- What will you do if you see an animal in trouble?
Ans. I will help the animal to get free from the trouble. I will remain involved in the act of protecting it till the animal is completely out of danger. I will call local Animal Welfare Committee immediately. Till their arrival I will take care of it, lovingly as I do with my near ones and friends.
- What would you do if you have to save a baby langur, like the author?
Ans. I would do exactly what the writer had done. I would try to do everything to protect the baby langur. Apart from this; I would call Animal Protection Group for urgent help. I would call Animal Control Group to catch the aggressive animal and control them professionally.
- Have you ever saved an animal from any encounter?
Ans. Yes, I have saved a street dog from urchins. Some boys were throwing stones at the dog. Though the stones did not hit the dog very much, the dog was frightened to death and was running halter and skelter. I felt very pity for the dog. I gathered a stick in my hand to scare the boys, shouted at them angrily and stopped them from hurting the dog. I told them not to throw stone at any animals and advised them to be friendly with animals.
- What will you do if you hear the street dog /neighbouring dog, barking furiously?
Ans. I will open the door of my house. I will try to find out the reasons behind their barking. I will stop them to barking. If I see their barking is continued every night act, I will blow a dog whistle or sonic training device like Vicvol Ultrasonic Outdoor Bark Controller. I will file a formal noise complaint against them. I will inform Municipality Authority about the nuisance of street dogs’ barking furiously.
- What do you think about the wicked custom practiced by animals living in group that is mentioned in the text?
Ans. It seems shocking and downright gruesome. Caring for our own children is an emotional and a natural thing for us. So we assume that other animals look at their young ones, the same way like us. From our point of view biting, killing and not allowing young ones in the animal group, is the cruellest thing. From the animal’s point of view, it is fairly common thing. Animals have their own rules and regulations which are not moral and ethical for us. We can differentiate between good and bad things but animals cannot. They kill their young ones to survive, in their own way, in their kingdom.
- What is your mother’s state of mind during your illness?
Ans. My mother is really sensitive and emotional by nature. Her mind is always tensed when I have illness. She becomes restless and sleepless. Stress and anxiety cloud her head. She awakes late night and cares for my illness. She acts as nutritionist and nurse. She spends some of her time on internet for getting information about my illness and the medications prescribed by our doctor. She wants me to recover as early as possible. She remains cautious about my diet. She is worried and stressed until I get well.
- What does your mother do if you are in great trouble?
Ans. My mother is undoubtedly my biggest supporter. She is always available when I need a shoulder to relay and cry on. When I share my trouble with her, she listens to me quietly. She tries to understand me and my situation and provides a solution for the trouble. She has answers of all questions. She is my shields and amours which protect me from all sorts of difficulties.
- Every baby finds great solace in the caring arms of mothers. Do you agree with the statement? Ans. I partially agreed with the statement. Every baby not, but some babies may find solace in caring arms of mother. Some babies find solace in the caring arms of father. I think mother is a good mom and cares about her baby. Still baby cries for all kinds of reasons at various times and mother is sometimes unable to stop the baby crying but the same baby calms down quickly in the caring arms of the father. I think both mother and father have caring arms.
- Are wild animals important to nature? How?
Ans. Yes. Wild animals are important to nature in many ways. They have their own inherent values. They have their own reasons for their own existence. They are important for their beauty, economic, scientific and survival value. They keep our environment clean. They help to maintain ecological balance of nature and maintain food of chain in balance. They provide stability to different natural processes of nature. The most important thing is that they are important as a county’s cultural asset.
- What would you do to maintain healthy relationship with animals and birds?
Ans. Animals and birds need human beings for basic resources such as food water bedding and health. So I would offer food to eat and water to drink. I would allow them to have shelter (nests) in my house. I would treat them lovingly and kindly. If it is needed, I would provide them with a medical help. I would protect them from dangers. I would create safe environment for them.
- What should we do to help animals and birds during summer?
Ans. In summer there is scarcity of water. Rivers, wells and lakes have less water. So we should place mud pots-filled with cool and clean water just outside of our houses. We should place bowls of water on terraces, on our balconies and at the windows to help them to quench their thirst. We should spread grains like rice, bajara and wheat on our rooftops or in our open terraces to feed them with. We should help animals and birds cool off by gently spraying water on them.
- Communication between animals and humans is not possible. Do you agree with the statement? Ans. I do not agree with the given statement. Communication is quite possible. Animals and human are co-existed for a long time. Both of them share some basic forms of communication in form of sound odour and body movements. Human convey their emotions through the words and tones whereas animals communicate silently, through sounds. Animals try to understand human by their (human’s) actions, using their strong ability to sense things. Animals are sharp enough to respond our actions and emotions. It is true that once we gain the trust of animals, communication can never be a problem.
- If you are in place of the narrator, would you be comfortable living so close to animal habitat? Ans. Yes. I would like to live in an area where animals could be a part of everyday life. I know that it might not be possible and ease with wild animals and we humans would have to adjust to their presence. Yet, I think it would be a wonderful experience to live in an area that is a natural habitat of various animals.
- What should we do to develop relationship with animals?
Ans. We should provide food and water to animals. But giving food and water is not the only way to develop relationship. We should show compassion and sympathy towards animals. We should be friendly and loving towards them. A bond of relationship can be built through trust and mutual understanding.
- What opinion do you form about the narrator from the text?
Ans. The narrator was very compassionate person. He had the presence of mind and the courage to act accordingly at a very young age. He was self-dependent and courageous. He was brave enough to face the danger. He was smart with thought and actions. He was considerate and sensitive to the need of mother langur and the baby langur. He was sensitive towards the gesture and acknowledged it very well.
- What qualities of the narrator stand out from the text?
Ans. The narrator was a very sensitive and sympathetic fellow. He was loving, care- taking and of soft minded. He was brave and courageous. He was considerate towards the needs of the mother langur. He had the presence of mind to act immediately. He was clever enough to understand the gesture and acknowledged it.
- Have you ever experienced an encounter with wild animals?
Ans. Yes. I have experienced an encounter with an elephant. One day we were driving through a forest road. It was a cool evening. Suddenly we saw an elephant just walking a little front of us right in the middle of narrow road. It was quite a huge elephant coming towards us. In panic and fear, we did not understand what to do. Then our driver pulled all his strength, closed all the windows and started to take the car back but the elephant continued coming towards us. The driver wisely took a turn into a small curved road, on the sidelined by bushes and hid our car inside it. The elephant missed the sight of the car on the main road, crossed the road and entered into the forest. We just remained silent with our hearts beating. Then slowly, we moved out of the area and returned back. What a special encounter it was!
- How do you feel when somebody helps you?
Ans. When somebody helps me, I feel happy. A sense of gratitude fills my mind and heart. I pay much respect to that person for being considerate to me. I fondly remember that person and his/her timely help in my need. I never forget that person as he/she has special space in my heart and soul. I feel that I must be helpful to others to bring happiness in their lives.
- How do you feel when you help someone?
Ans. Helping others is a fundamental part of humanity. I believe that helping others means helping ourselves. Unconditional help to others gives meaning to our existence. It reaffirms our faith in humanity. I feel blessed and rewarded when I help others. Helping others boosts my mood and ultimately makes me more optimistic and positive. I get inner satisfaction by helping others as Giving is better than Receiving.
- Do you think goal setting is useful? Why?
Ans. Yes, I think goal setting for ourselves is a way to fuel our ambition. It gives us, long term vision and short-term motivation. It is a useful and powerful process for thinking about our ideal future and for motivating ourselves to turn our vision of our future into reality. It always motivates us to plan the efforts. It helps us to centralize and channelized our attempts and efforts towards achieving our goal in order to become successful in our life
- Do you think setting goal is easy? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t think so. Setting goal is not easy. Setting goal means not expecting something to be happened or having desire for something. It is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. While setting goal, we have to take into considerations and follow some well –defined steps that transcend the specifics of each goal. So setting goal is challenging act and not easy.
- Advantages of setting goals. Explain in your own words.
Ans. There are many advantages of setting goals. Goal setting is a way to fuel our ambition. It gives us long term vision and short-term vision. Setting goals gives us sense of originality; it shows us right path; it ensures better future; it helps us to direct our life, so that we do not drift away aimlessly; it allows us to be happy to achieve ourselves; it makes us disciplined; it improves our self-confidence; it helps us to organize our successful life, in our own way.
- What is your achievable goal during this year? How will you achieve it?
Ans. To get more than 90% marks in S.S.C. examination is my goal this year. I want to be topper in Science subject and in all languages, is another goal. I have started doing systematic study. I pay attention in my class while teachers are teaching. I do not go to extra coaching class, so I do self-study without taking any stresses. Till the end of January, I will complete my study. The month of February is reserved for paper solving and revision. I follow my planning strictly. So I am sure that I can achieve my goals by studying hard.
- Write about the dream or goal that you want to achieve and state ways you are going to follow. Ans. I have set specific, measurable, realistic, time bound and achievable goals for myself. I want to become a lawyer. After my 12th standard examination I will take admission in Symbiosis Law College and get law degree. I will do a mandatory internship with a reputed lawyer. Then I will enroll myself as an advocate in any of the state bar council. Then I will start practicing individually.
- Why it is necessary to set realistic goals. Explain with an example.
Ans. Realistic goals mean the goals that match your skill and that can be realized. Our goals should be within our reach and related to our skill and knowledge. To be rich in a day is not realistic goal. If you do not have liking or inclination towards music and you have set a goal to become a singer; it is an unrealistic goal. You must have natural talent, good ears for music and knowledge of musical notes to become a singer. You cannot become a singer if you don’t have the necessary skill sets. Matching skill sets makes the goal, realistic.
- What qualities are needed to be successful in life?
Ans. Some qualities are needed to be successful in life. The qualities like — ambition, vision, determination, diligence, endurance, patience, willpower, courage, strength, intelligence, commitment, devotion, integrity, resilience and dedication are needed. Without these qualities getting success is not possible.
- Should our goal be time bound? Should we set a time limit to get success? Why?
Ans. Yes, our goal should be time bound. We should set a time limit to get success. We should establish time parameters around each goal. We have to decide whether our goal is short term or long term. I will buy a car in six months is a goal with time limit. By setting a time limit we are setting a deadline for our work. If we want to be a model, we have to build time limit; otherwise we will be too old to do so. Setting time limit helps us structure the plan and organize the work to be done to achieve. Setting time limit improves our ability to focus and increased focus brings enhanced efficiency. Time is a precious and scarce resource. No matter how we slice it, there are only twenty-four hours in a day. So we have to set time limit to our goal to be successful within the deadline.
- Can we achieve success without visions, wishes, intentions or dreams?
Ans. No, if we don’t have dreams or intention, we won’t have ambitions. Ambitions are converted into visions and finally become the goals of life. Ambition is the most important tool to achieving success overriding both talent and resources by far. An ambitious attitude can lead anyone to triumph and satisfaction, regardless of what is put in front of them. Vision is the act or power which gives a direction to our life to make our goals and dreams a reality. Life without visions, dreams intentions or wishes is futile and aimless. So I think we cannot achieve success without visions, wishes, intentions and dreams.
- Do you like to go to gym? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to go to in gym because I believe in – GOOD THINGS HAPPEHN TO THOSE WHO SWEAT…! Regular exercise gives me physical and mental health benefits. It boots the brainpower and sharpens my memory. Doing gym on routine basis enforces me to have good, healthy and hygienic diet. I feel much fit, become much more enthusiastic. My mind gets filled with positive thoughts.
- Do you agree, “Champions aren’t made in gyms?” Justify your answer.
Ans. Yes, I agree with the statement made by Muhammad Ali. In sports, gyms are tools that help persons to get physical strength and fitness. The gym is open to everyone, and everyone cannot become a champion. A champion is a person who is chosen to represent a group of people and who fights for a cause or status. In order to become a champion, qualities like –vision, endurance, positive attitude, determination and intelligence are needed. Such qualities cannot be inculcated by gyms. Champions have inbuilt life skills such as critical thinking, problem solving skill, self-management and time managements skills, deep inside them. If we seek to be a champion, we must turn our visions and desires into energy and never give up and if there is one such place to train, it is certainly not the gyms.
- ‘Success is a walk in the darkness.’ Do you agree? Why?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the statement. Everybody wants to become successful in their own lives. But travel on road to get success is not so easy. It is unclear and undefined and our future is uncertain. We don’t know what lies ahead. But in order to ensure success, we have to put forth each steps (extreme effort) carefully and in the proper direction (right track). We have to cross the painful dark way (to face uncertain problems) courageously. We have to infuse our life with actions to reach the glorious destination of success.
- ‘Life is something like a trumpet.’ Do you agree? Why?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the statement. (A quote by- William Christopher Handy) A trumpet can produce sound only when it can be blown with air, with energy and systematic skill. Likewise, we can enjoy the melody of success in our life only when we put quality and quantity of energy (attempts and effort) in to practices. If we don’t put efforts (blow air) we can’t get desired result of success (music and melody). I think that we have to invest our efforts to get success.
- If we don’t put anything in, we can’t get anything out! Explain.
Ans. Every person wants to be successful in their lives. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out. If we want to achieve something, we have to prepare plan of it and have to execute it well. We have to give our time and put forth quality and quantity of energy into practices. We have to infuse our life with actions to get desired results in form of success. If we sit idle and don’t invest our efforts, we won’t be able to get anything. We have to help ourselves to get our ultimate success. The more we are in the proper direction and with proper attempts, the more benefits we will get.
- How will you encourage your friend to get success?
Ans. I will encourage my friend in different ways. I will help him to find the purpose of his life all by himself. I will give him some suggestions to tap his inner calling. I will tell him/her stories of successful persons. I will ask him/her to have faith and belief in him /her. I will stop finding fault and applaud the right, for this, I will make positive comments. I will appreciate his/her skills. I will encourage him/her, even for the smallest efforts. I will always be available for him/her, in his/her needs, as a supporter.
1.5 His First Flight
- How would you react if you had to travel alone?
Ans. Travelling alone can certainly be scary. If I had to travel alone I would have accepted it as a challenge. It would allow me to follow my travel plan and be flexible, when necessary. I would not have to wait for others or to follow their whims and fancies. I would be able to visit the places, I would like, to eat food and stay at a place of my choice. With the help of Wi-Fi and internet I would navigate my destination. I would feel stronger and better able to depend on myself. My confidence for traveling alone would start to soar.
- How do you react if you had to stay alone at home?
Ans. I would probably be excited, but I might also be little nervous. But I won’t be panic or afraid. I would consider it as a chance to take of me all by myself. I would try to do all that my parents used to do for me by myself until they come back home. I would lock all the doors. I would read story books. I would watch TV shows. I would call my parents if I need to. I would enjoy my loneliness.
- Why do you think that human being also find it difficult to face great challenges?
Ans. Human being finds it difficult to face challenges because they lose hopes. They have fear and they have lack of confidence during crisis. It is often noticed that humans fall prey to difficult circumstances and hence end up deteriorating their situations even more. Difficult challenges need to be faced with optimism, trust. Self-confidence and hope can be the biggest weapon for any person during their difficult times.
- Have you ever felt fear of something? How do you overcome that fear?
Ans. Yes, I have once experienced a feeling of fear. When I was made to deliver my first speech, I was nervous rather I was afraid. I was very small at that time. My mom had taught me the speech very well, but…when I stood before the audience – I started off pretty well, but I forgot all the sentences. I thought that now everybody is going to make fun of me. When I saw the faces of my parents and the teachers, looking up at me and encouraging me, all the sentences suddenly came to my mind and I was able to deliver the speech very well. My teachers my parents and all my friends praised me and that year I got a prize for my speech too. After that I realized that my fear of speaking in front of public is inside my head. I learnt that we have to fight the insecurity demon of fear that is stopping us from doing. If we win over the demon of fear, we won’t have to face any problem while speaking in public. From then on, every year, I participate in an elocution competition in my school.
- Describe the challenges you faced while learning to ride a bicycle.
Ans. When I first attempted to ride a cycle, I thought I would never be able to do it. I was afraid of falling and getting injured. My father was holding the bicycle, I gathered courage and managed to ride a few meter. The next day I tried independently and succeeded. I was happy with the feeling that I can ride on the road everyday now on. I realized that riding a bicycle also required a little bit of daring on my part without which I wouldn’t have learnt to ride well.
- Describe the challenges you faced while learning swimming.
Ans. When I first attempted to learn to swim, I thought that I would never be able to do it. I knew that anything that falls into water sinks down. I could not understand how people could float on water and swim. My father forced me to swim. He was there to supervise me. I entered into the water. It was so cool that I felt going out of it and running away. But I made up my mind firmly. I splashed my hands and legs as instructed by my father. Initially, I could float independently hardly for half a minute. Then gradually, I learnt to hold my breath, float, change the direction and swim from end to end. My first attempt taught me that we must do full justice towards our attempts to learn anything.
- What would you do if you want to learn something new?
Ans. Learning something new is a great way to break you out of mundane routine. I would like to challenge myself to learn something new. I would have clear cut ideas about what, why and how I am going to learn new things. I would motivate myself. I would give it a deadline. I would set a schedule and stick to it. I will analyze and imitate mystery of the ‘greats’. I would spend deliberately more time practicing skills. I would take a frequent break to let my brain relax for a while. I would eliminate barriers or anything that might get in the way of learning. I would trust myself and learn new things with my full heart.
- Which skill would you like to learn from your parents?
Ans. From my mother I would like to learn problem solving skill, time management, self- advocacy and self-management skill. As my father is a carpenter, I would like to learn carpentry. I would like to learn skill of sharpening saws, planes and chisels; using a hand plane; prep limber with hand tools; cutting a mortise and tenon joints; cutting dovetail and finishing furniture. I would learn different techniques to develop, all the skills by heart.
- What will you do if you are hungry and mother is not at home?
Ans. Hunger is a complex sensation that is only indirectly linked to need for food. If I am hungry and mother is not at home, I will go to nearest shop and buy ready to cook food. I will prepare a dish and enjoy my eating. I won’t be afraid of preparing food all by myself as I always help my mother in kitchen.
- The young seagull was afraid of flying. Do you think all the young birds are afraid of their first flight? Do you think a human baby also finds it challenge to take its first steps?
Ans. Yes, I think a human baby also finds it challenging to take first steps. The young seagull was afraid of falling and hurting itself. Any animal or bird, including human is afraid to take first steps or first flight. All they need is courage to spread their wings and dive in the air to fly. Actually, this is not a simple act of flying or walking. This is about growing independent, about taking a giant leap towards maturity. As the process of learning anything is difficult so we are apprehensive while taking the proverbial first steps in life. You must have observed a kid crying on his first day to school. As the kid is going to school to face the harsh outside world, there will not be the protective environment of its parents. So consciously or unconsciously the kid is having fear about challenges which lie ahead.
- Do you think that the seagull’s family loved him? Justify their attitude towards him.
Ans. The young seagull had two brothers and a sister. His parents flew with them to leave him alone on the ledge as he could not muster up courage to fly with them. His parents could have fed him but they refused to give him any food because they wanted him to fly and dive for his food. They threatened to let him starve. The mother tempted him by showing the piece of fish. They did so because they love him. In end the seagull made an attempt to fly out of hunger and he succeeded in doing so. All the family rejoiced in happiness. So the attitude of the seagulls’ family showed to him was actually their love, care and concern for him.
- Do you think seagull’s parents were cruel? Justify your answer.
Ans. No, I don’t think so. Seagull’s parents were not cruel. In fact they were wise. They knew the art of parenting. They followed the carrot and stick policy. They wanted him to fly and dive for food. They wanted him to learn how to fly so that he can become independent. They wanted to teach him importance of confidence and self-reliance. They tried hard toteach him the way to fly, but all went in vain. They let him starve. The mother tempted him by showing the piece of fish. In the end, out of hunger the seagull flew and the mother’s attitude worked. One can’t depend on their parents all his/her life to be fed and for his/ her livelihood. So I think seagull’s parent were wise enough and not cruel.
2.2 The boy who broke the Bank.
- Described ways in which you show your annoyance.
Ans. I try not to get annoyed with situations or people. But when I do, I try to calm to myself down instead of lashing out at the people. I try to keep my distance and stay quiet, so that I don’t vent out my anger on them. I make an attempt to think about the situation from others’ perspective to see if my annoyance is justified. I try to think of a way to express it without losing my temper.
- Why do you think the summer nowadays is very hot?
Ans. I think nowadays summer is very hot because of the deforestation, industrialization, cutting of trees, growth in population and use of machines and vehicles, the balance of environment has been specified. That’s why we have a problem of global warming. As a result, we find the temperature is increasing year after year.
- Do you think Mr. Bhushan was right to compare his wife with a bee in a flower garden? Ans. Yes, I think Mr. Bhushan was right to compare his wife with bee in a flower garden because bees are always flitting among flowers in a garden. They move from flowers to flowers collecting honey. His wife Mrs. Bhushan used to visit shops every now and then selecting and buying her clothes or only to have a look at them.
- Do you believe in all the news you come across? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t believe in all news that I come across. I try to see whether it is true or false. I find out the source of the news and check if it is authentic or not. I do so, because sometimes the news is fake or false. They are based on lies and propaganda that aren’t based on reality and sometimes falsity is deliberate.
- How do you react when you hear some bad news?
Ans. When I hear some bad news, I feel shocked for a few minutes. But then I start thinking on it. I reflect on it and try to analyze it. And if the news is really bad, I try to overcome from it.
- How are the rumours spread?
Ans. Human being is more likely to retweet false than true. People spread rumours when there’s uncertainty. People spread rumours when they feel anxiety; when they have ambiguity of the situations. Some people spread rumours, as a way to intimidate others and gain status or popularity. Some romours are spread against someone. They are often spread by sources that are not creditable. False workplace gossips, twitter network, social media and people who believe in what they hear or what they come across are also responsible for spreading rumours. Some people spread rumours just for fun by adding their own interpretations and additional details to the news.
- Is it right to spread false news or rumours? Why?
Ans. No, it is not right to spread false news or rumours. It is never wise to speculate and spread news that is not true because it can have long-lasting consequences. They are most harmful because there is no way, good way to fight them, and are ultimate weapon of revenge. They are nowhere and everywhere. Nobody knows where they have come from and they take forever to disappear, if they ever do. Romours travels faster than fire though a hayfield and the fouler they are the more they are repeated and believed.
They can damage a persons’ reputations and create problems for them. They harm the sentiments of the people. They depress, disturb and cause harassment to people.
- Have you heard a rumour that harmed people? Elaborate it.
Ans. Yes, I have heard such a rumour that harmed people. On 29t September a stampede broke out at the sub-urban Elphinstone Road railway station due to a rumour. A rumour that pedestrian bridge was collapsing caused the passengers to surge forwards to flee and led to 22 deaths and left 39 injured. It was said that a commuter had fallen off the stair and a flower seller had said ‘pul gir gaya’ which caused panic and led stamped.
- How do you confront people who are spreading negative rumours about you? OR How do you feel when false rumours are being told about you? What will you do?
Ans. It may hurt me to know that false rumours are being told but I won’t let it affect me. I will show the rumour starters that they don’t bother me in the slightest. I will try to ignore it. I will rise above and will focus on me and my happiness and hold my head high and will remained totally unconcerned with the rumours.
- According to you who is responsible to spread the news of bankrupt?
Ans. According to me everyone is responsible to spread the news of bankrupt. The gossip began with Sitaram who told Mrs. Shrivastava that Bank employers were not giving Nathu his pay. Having misunderstanding the statement of Sitaram, Mrs. Shrivastava told Mrs. Bhushan that Bank couldn’t even pay its employees. Mrs. Bhushan made assumption that just because Nathu has not been paid; other employees likewise have not been paid. Mrs. Bhushan gave the information of bankrupt to Mr. Bhushan and the news coloured the facts in such a way that people thought that the bank was about to collapse. Nobody made the fact checks and believed the negative hearsay that they heard.
- If you do not get the regular payment what will you do?
Ans. If I do not get the regular payment, I will enquire the authority. I will try to understand their problems and see whether they are genuine or not. If it continues, I will leave the job. If I realize that employers are not giving my payment on purposely, I will approach the labour commissioner and will send a legal notice with the help of credible lawyer.
- What would have you felt or done of you get the news that your bank had collapsed?
Ans. It is not easy to lose money that you get after hard work and toil. Such information would be so stunning that I would not be able to breathe or stand straight. However, I would go to bank and meet the Bank manager or Bank authority. I would try to get the details about bankrupt. If it would be a fact, I would try to get my money as early as possible.
- Do you like to go for shopping?
Ans. Yes, I like to go for shopping. I like to go for shopping specially at outlet malls. I appreciate convenience of having multiple store options in one general location. It gives me a chance to spend outside walking from shop to shops. I like to go for shopping specially for my earning range. It is fun to see all the new products that have come out. It is always fun to try new brands. It gives me an opportunity to have ‘Touch – Feel –Try’ experience. I like to have a look around and buy something new. Besides I can meet different people and customers while shopping. It gives me a joyful experience.
- What is your opinion about the beggar in the streets?
Ans. A beggar is a poor person who asks others or begs for money or food. I think we must ask beggars to work instead of giving them money and encouraging them to beg. Women are usually seen carrying a small child in their arms which is a tactic to evoke pity. Small kids in torn clothes also go around from street to street begging for food, clothes and money. It is difficult to figure out whether the story told by these beggars is genuine or fake. Some people start out with begging and often get involved in crimes such as theft, robbery and even murder. Street beggars are more likely to get involved in such bigger crimes. Since they get to know the residents and their whereabouts and financial status of the residents of the area they visit frequently, it is easier for them to carry out thefts and robbery. Begging is a business which is controlled by begging rackets. So I think begging must be banned by the government of India.
2.4 An Epitome of Courage
- “Handicapped are those who refused to take up challenges.” Do you agree with this statement? Why?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the statement. Generally, we think that the people, who are physically disabled, are handicapped. But it is not true. Being disabled or handicapped is not being unable to do something. It is about selecting not to be active despite having the ability to do so any work. People who have all their senses working and physically fit but scare to take up the challenges are handicapped. Coward people who are scared of taking the challenges are most lunatic and most handicapped. A life without overcoming obstacles is a handicapped life.
- Do you think courage is a wonderful thing? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think courage is a wonderful thing. Courage is the secret sauce that allows us to act despite our fear. All our dreams come true if we have courage to pursue them. When we take action in spite of our fears, we find our courage and confidence soaring. Courage gives us mental and moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear and difficulty. All the great people in the world showed courage to get out of their comfort zone to become something extraordinary. So, I think courage is wonderful thing which makes us successful in our lives.
- Do you love music? Why?
Ans. Yes. I love music because it is what my life revolved around. It makes up my soul and heals my heart when it is broken. The right song can make me think of a million’s different thoughts and a million of different people. Music brings colour, joy and peace to my very being. It makes me feel that I am not alone. It comforts me on hard times. For me music is like a friend that will always be there when I need them.
(71) What will you do if your parents want you to study different subjects and you opt for a different subject?
Ans. I will choose my career with the help and support of my parents. My parents are aware of my qualities, my interests, my abilities, and potentials in me. My parents have brought up me in such a way that I can live a healthy, successful and happier life. It is my parents desire to see me well settled in my life. We both together will decide which subject I should learn as choosing what to study is one of the biggest decisions I will have to make.
- What will you do to improve your handwriting?
Ans. Handwriting is like a mirror to your subconscious mind. Commonly people believe that beautiful and clear handwriting is most important. However, handwriting is much beyond that of. So, I will improve my handwriting by following some techniques. I will take a nice pen that works for me and I maintain a relaxed grip. I will get the guidance from an expert teacher. I will learn about shapes and sizes of letters. I will learn cursive writing and art of calligraphy. I will practice a lot on worksheets.
- What do you think, who should choose the career of child – Parents or Children?
Ans. Making a right career choice involved a lot of thinking as we have to analyze various fields of studies and right colleges. Parents are influential factor in the career development of a child. The world is changing and the dreams of each child change accordingly. Children should be given the right to choose their career path and live their dreams but the real-world experience of parents definitely can’t be put on a back seat. I think both, the parents and child should think together, taking into consideration the skill, interests, abilities, and potentials of the child.
- What will you do if you realized that your prognosis of your health is bad?
Ans. I will not dwell in the thought. I will think that I have a better hand to play my role and I am still alive. I won’t be afraid to live on the stage. I will enjoy every last drop of my life. I will forgive the people who have done badly to me. I will enjoy myself in doing some ‘NEO’ activity. I also invest handsomely in an insurance policy so that I can leave some financial relief to my parents. I will try to live the rest of my life in such a way that I won’t have any regrets.
- What will you feel if you realize that you are suffering from a deadly disease?
Ans. If I realize that I am suffering from a deadly disease, it would be a bolt from the blue. I may feel that life is not worth living. I may feel sad and may lose my confidence to do anything. My mind may be filled with fear. I may find myself lingering between life and death. But I will muster up my courage and accept this unfortunate and unavoidable situation in my life. I will remain undaunted and will take proper medication and care. I will try to overcome that deadly disease.
- Would you like to do research work? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to do research work because it is really a challenging job. Doing research is more than just gaining experience. There is nothing cooler than knowing that I am contributing to the discovery or development of something that can make a difference in peoples’ lives or a change in the world. It will allow me to pursue my interest to learn something new, to hone my problem-solving skills. It will help me to have characteristics like independent thinking, resilience, communications and creativity. It will help me to mould myself into the person, I would like to be.
- Would you like to study Cosmology? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to study Cosmology because it is an interesting branch of knowledge. I would like to study the beginning and development of universe structure. I am fascinated with stars, constellation, moon and other celestials’ bodies on the universe and curious to unearth the mysteries surrounding these objects. I am good at physics and mathematics. I have special interest in space and its functioning.
- Would you like to be a cosmologist? What will you do to become a cosmologist?
Ans. Yes, I would like to become a cosmologist. A cosmologist is a scientist who tries to find answers to questions regarding the origin and fate of the universe. A person, who has a stronghold on the physics and who is ready to work for long stretch of time without taking break can be a cosmologist. I will acquire bachelor degree and Master degree either in physics/ mathematics with honours. I will do PhD and would appear for Joint Entrance Screening Test (JEST) examination. I will join private or public sector space organization under some scientists to have firsthand experience.
- What do you know about Black Holes?
Ans. A block hole is a region of space time exhibiting such a strong gravitational effect that nothing, not even the particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light; can escape from inside it. The theory of general relatives predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform space time to form a black hole.
- What do you think the miseries of persons who are confined to wheelchair?
Ans. I think those who are confined to a wheelchair get the message of confinement, bound, disabled and helplessness. The society labels wheelchair bound person to be a helpless entity. They are unable to take care of themselves. They are unable to take decisions regarding their own lives. They have to face many restrictions, difficulties and inconveniences. They become mentally and physically depressed all the time. They are deprived of living comfortable and happy lives. They think it’s better to be dead than to be disabled.
- How will you feel if you receive any award? Why?
Ans. If I receive any award, I would be happy and feel proud of myself. Everyone works hard to get closer to their goal. When we get a positive result of our hard work in the form of award and in front of everyone is a matter of pride. The more awards we get, the more we become popular. Receiving a prize is a matter of honour as it underlines the fact that we are the best in that in that particular field for which we are being awarded. As a result, we feel wonderful.
- What will you do if you meet a great person like Dr. Stephen Hawking?
Ans. I would consider myself very lucky to have such a great opportunity. I would tell him, how inspiring he is to me. I would tell him that he has given hopes to disabled people to live their life fullest. I would thank him for being courageous and determined for starving to make a better life for him and for contributing to the society in such an exceptional way.
- Do you think that Dr. Hawking is a perfect example of optimism and hope?
Ans. Yes, I think that Dr. Hawking is a perfect example of optimism and hope. The brilliant physicist, though never won a Nobel Prize, his book A Brief History of Time, which helped to make science more accessible to everyone, brought him worldwide fame. He was diagnosed ALS at only 21 and was given five years to live, but went on not only to outlive his doctor’s estimation, but went on to complete his best work. He was the one who can’t do anything besides thinking, changed a lot in physics especially in cosmological physics. Suffering from so much problems but still reading, studying and researching, established an idol for all people. Hence, he was an example of optimism and hope that never left his hope down till the last day of his life.
- What inspiration we get from Dr. Hawking’s example?
Ans. We often tend to hide our weaknesses and disabilities or mourn over them our whole life but Dr. Stephen Hawking did not do so. His life was full of worst extremity. But he had positive approach towards life. From his example I get the inspiration not to surrender to the difficulties in our life. His life showed me that with the help of power of my mind, I can convert adversities into opportunities. I have got the inspiration that I should overcome the adverse situation and continue making efforts towards my goals. His life taught me — “Impossible Is Nothing.”
- What unique qualities of Stephen Hawking stand out from the text?
Ans. Dr. Stephen Hawking was the world’s best-known scientist and the galaxy’s most likely celebrity. He had an unquenchable zest for life. He was enormously stubborn. He was optimistic person. He was undeniably determined. He has indomitable will power. He was courageous, visionary physicists and witty scientists. He was bestselling author and disability icon. He was very unique and just unbelievable person. He possessed the unique quality of turning the adverse situation onto blessings. He is the example of triumph of the human spirit. He is the smartest man of our generation who stared at the death in the face and said, “Maybe some other time.” He is the biggest inspiration of our generation.
- What will you do if you meet a disabled person who needs your help?
Ans. If I meet a disabled person, I would first make sure that the person is really in need of my help and I act accordingly. I would make him / her comfortable and without making him / her feel dependent, I would help him / her. If the disabled person needs a long-term help, I would contact with Registered NGO who work for empowerment of disabled persons to provide him /her proper help.
- What you would you do if your friend is in trouble?
Ans. If my friend is in trouble, I would try to be with him /her. I would listen to his / her problems and try to help him / her by all means. I would encourage him / her to bear a positive attitude and to have patience. I would stay with him / her throughout his / her difficult time. I would make him / her sure that he/ her would to overcome the problem.
- What will you do if you fall ill during your final examination?
Ans. If I fall ill during my final examination, I would go to the doctor immediately to seek medical help and get an official note that can verify my illness to let my teacher know about my illness. I would take my medicine on time. I would adopt an optimistic mindset and without being disheartened or distracted, I would study for the examination. I would take help from my parents to prepare myself. I would do everything to ensure that I would appear for my final examination.
- Would you like to consider Stephen Hawking as a role model? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to consider Stephen Hawking as a role model as he fulfils all criteria of being the same. The man had overcome extreme situation, which no one expected him to, and then proved to the world that Einstein’s successor had arrived. Each of his work has been groundbreaking and a pioneer in the world of theoretical physics. Every person on this planet, who knows who he was, admires him for his brilliance, his bravery and his never give up attitude. Hawking was the smartest man, who proved that “Impossible is Nothing”. He stared at the death in the face and said, “Maybe some other time.” He is the biggest inspiration to me and my generation.
- Describe your favourite book.
Ans. My favourite book is ‘Wings of Fire’. It is an autobiography of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. It is an account of Dr. Kalam who tried to achieve his dreams beating all odds. The story emphasizes the importance of family, relatives and friends in helping achieve each other’s goals and turning dreams to reality. It gives an insight into the lives of Hindus and Muslims of India and their relationship among each other and among multi religious communities in India. As a teenager and a knowledge-seeker with dreams of a bright future, Kalam’s ‘Wings of Fire’ has inspired me. I feel as though the book has given me Wings too, to soar high in the sky of my success.
- What is the importance of science in our life?
Ans. Advancement in science in many areas has made the lives of people more advance than the ancient time. Science is important because it influences most aspects of our everyday life. Our food, energy, medicine, transportation and leisure activity are related with science. It improves human life at every level from individual comforts to global issues. New inventions in the field of science are necessary in such a modern world of a county to be strong and well-developed country than other country. If we follow science, we can develop our life and country, so it is important
2.5 Book Review- Swami and Friends
- Kids are most sensitive and loving. Do you agree with the statement? Why?
Ans. Yes. I agree with the statement. Kids are really sensitive and loving. Kids do not have long term plan. They live for the moment and act on impulse. They know only how to fill their days with enjoyment. They find fun in everything but they don’t have very broad horizons. They follow new enthusiasm. They can get hurt easily. They are emotional and innocent. They are quick forgiving and forgetting compared to adults. They believe in everything we tell them.
- Why do you think some kids are mischievous?
Ans. Mischief is something that’s harmless but may be disturb others. Some kids are mischievous because it is a natural instinct. They find fun in everything. They are not matured. They don’t have broad horizons. They just behave as they think without thinking consequences of their behaviour. They do anything that comes to their mind, unintentionally. Some children feel neglected by others, so they try to draw attentions of others. Some parents and teachers are very strict so whenever they get a chance they behave mischievously.
- Do you think that even today most of the kids like to live the life Swami was living?
Ans. Yes. Definitely I think so. It is the natural instinct of most of the kids to play, to make fun, to play mischief and enjoy the life like Swami. They try to avoid going to school under some pretext and dislike to learn and even to do the home work. For them school is so preachy and unexciting thing. They are often get beaten or punished for their naughtiness and mischievous deeds. They only act that come to their mind unintentionally. Even today children are mischievous, impulsive and innocent like Swami.
- What difference do you find between the children of Swami’s days and today’s children?
Ans. I don’t think that there is any peculiar difference between the children of Sami’s days and today’s children. Children are all mischievous, impulsive and innocent like Swami. They all play and enjoy like Swami and try to circumvent doing homework by ingenious excuses and methods. Like Swami, for children, school is so preachy and unexciting and they dislike learning some particular subject. Like Swami, today’s children mind is influenced extensively by the company of friends and the unusual pressure from parents. The only difference between them according to me is that many of today’s children are unable to climb the trees. They do not play under the sun and in open space instead they keep themselves busy in mobile and mobile games. They spend hours together in watching TV and playing games on mobile.
- Write three or four lines about any book you have read?
Ans. Last Sunday I have read a book ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. It is the world-famous historical novel, set in London and Paris, by Charles Dickens. It is a fine piece of literature. It is based on the French Revolution. It is masterfully interweaving political and personal events. The characters are very touching. The language of the novel is lucid and easy to understand.
- How will you convince the children who hate school?
Ans. I will convince the children who hate school by different ways. I will tell them the importance of going to school. I will tell them that by going to school they will be able to discover a lot of things and meet other children with similar age and have good relationship with them. I will tell them that school will help them to live in the future independently and to have a good outlook in life. I will tell them that school life is nothing but a preparation for life. It makes them ready to encounter and overcome challenges posed by the bigger school called “world”. I will tell them that it is better to attend the school rather than sitting idle the entire day at home.
- What kind of books do you like to read?
Ans. I like to read historical books. Historical book is the study of past events, particularly in human affair. Historical books make me aware about our past and shared past. It provides insights into the processes and events of the past and interconnects them. I can learn from the great Mistakes of humanity in the past and learn to avoid them or repeat them. History books enable me to understand how I have become what I am, and why I differ from others, and help me to become informed, active citizens of the country.
- Which magazine for children do you like to read?
Ans. I like to read ‘Discovery Girls’ magazine. It features the stories of real girls – written by and for girls. It covers everything. There is a great variety of content in the articles from information to quizzes and fun. There is a positive focus on self-esteem, attitude and general tone that encourages girls to be themselves and appreciate who they are. I can have lots of practice of reading and comprehending skills as well as evaluation skill if I have an opportunity to discuss articles.
- Which magazine for children do you like to read?
Ans. I like to read the magazine ‘Wisdom’ It is a unique magazine educating, enlightening and entertaining, covering a wide range of health, healing, spiritual and metaphysical topics. It reforms our thinking and wrong attitude. It is an integral part of my childhood. It is one of the most eagerly awaited magazines which every member of our home trying to get hold of it first. It has reader – friendly language, lovely print quality and something for everybody’s content. It is a veritable repository of infotainment.
- Do you think we should read books? Why? OR Write about importance of reading books. Ans. We should read books. Importance of books plays a significant role in our life. It is said, “When we open the book, we open a new world.” Book is a symbol of knowledge, emotions and the very reason for human wisdom. Reading books makes us more humans. Reading books is like a travelling through people and different lands and understanding them there, in their stance. Reading books is priceless activity which gives us incomparable pleasure. Reading books helps us to gain knowledge. It gives a way to exercise our brain and keeps us healthy. It allows us to internalize, respond, react and transform. It helps us to have clarity of thoughts to behave like a human. It demands nothing, instead gives us plenty of joys.
- Do you read Book Reviews, before reading a book? Why?
Ans. Generally, I don’t read book reviews before reading if it is written by my favourite author or if it is suggested by my friends. But sometimes, I read reviews of it, if I don’t know much about the author or genre. It is necessary to do so, if the book is expensive for me to buy. I think Book reviews are filters. Reading reviews prepares me for what I will find in the book on which I am going to spend my money to buy and time to read. It helps me validate the worthiness of a book. So sometimes, I read the reviews of the book before reading the same book.
- Do you read Book Reviews after reading a book? Why?
Ans. Yes, I read reviews of the book after reading the book. Book reviews are filters. I read reviews just to see if I agree with the views expressed in it. I do like to check out to see what I think about the book compares to others. It helps me to articulate what I feel about the book. It provides me with different perspectives on the book that I have read. It provides me new ways of thinking about what I have read is worthy or not. It refines my critical ability.
- Do you like to review books? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to review books because reviewing books is an interesting activity. Reading books is my hobby. After reading books I realize the positive and negative aspects of the book. I like to share my opinion about the book I have read. I want other readers to know about the worthy book. Reviewing books will be helpful to them to decide whether they should read or not. The act of reviewing can give me an opportunity to hone my skills of analyzing, reviewing and critiquing books. My reading, thinking and writing skills will be developed. By critiquing others literary works, I can look for strengths and weaknesses in my own work. Besides, it can help me to boost an author’s profile. It will provide me a network with other reviewers and build relationship with authors.
2.6 World Heritage
- Express your views about Importance of World Heritage Sites.
Ans. World Heritage Sights are cultural and natural sites considered being ‘Outstanding Universal Value’, which have been inscribed on the world heritage list. They are not just constructions made of bricks and mortar; they are layers and layers of information about our ancestors and where we are born. They are contributors or achievements of our ancestors. They are reminiscence of the living witnesses of our golden historic era. They stand for natural cultural and historical importance. They are the links between past and present world. They are the pole stars to guide the present world so they are very important.
- What is the role of the ‘World Heritage Site’ in promoting tourism in any country?
Ans. The ‘World Heritage sites’ plays a very important role in promoting tourism in any country. Heritage sites have always been attractions for both, domestic and international travellers or tourists. The greater the number of Heritage sites in a country, greater will be the number of tourists, attracted to them. It is the need to enrich the lives of travellers and lead them to appreciate the world and its diverse cultures. In this regard Tourism is always looked at as a means of rest and relaxation. Tourism provides business for small and medium enterprises and employment to the local people and raises their standard of living. It promotes local activities through art, craft and generates revenue for the country.
- Why we should we preserve the World Heritage Sites?
Ans. World Heritage Sites are a sense of identity. They are the living witnesses of our golden historic era. They are now in danger state. We must preserve them otherwise they will be vanished by time and weather especially due to global warming. We should keep our heritage sites alive, so that they can be experienced by future generation. They must be conserved as proud relics of humanity and the mute witnesses of our glorious history for our future generation.
- How can we preserve World Heritage Sites?
Ans. We have to preserve Historical Sites and monuments and showcase them to the next generation as the contributions or achievements of our ancestor. They must be preserved well so that they do not face danger from pollution, attacks and breakdown etc. A lot of can be done in this respect. A strong fence should be built around the sites so that animals and trespassers cannot approach them. The entry to the sites must be strictly monitored and controlled. Security checks at the entrance are necessary. The sites should not be neglected. The smallest cracks or damaged, must be brought to the notice of local authorities and addressed promptly. Repairs and maintenance should be performed. We must insist the government to take the complete responsibility of preserving sites. We must consider that it is our foremost duty to preserve them and should do everything that is possible for us.
- What are our duties towards preservation of any historical sites?
Ans. Historical sites are our identities. It is our duty to preserve them and we can do a lot in this regard. Our duties are —-We should help in keeping the monuments clean and in maintaining the natural environment around the monuments. We should help in preventing any kind of destruction and report any such matter to the concern person. We must keep distance while looking at any displayed or easily reachable antiquity and paintings etc. We must stop defacing our monuments. We must maintain hygiene at the historical places. We must renovate them with the help of residents in the area, NGOs and the government. We must help loyally implementing the government schemes.
- What possible ways, you would like to suggest to Government to preserve historical sites. Ans. India has an extraordinary, vast and diverse pool of cultural heritage and ancient monuments. They carry a special and well-deserved respect in the eyes of Indians. Government must take serious actions to preserve them. I would like to suggest some ways — Harsh laws should be made and implemented effectively against the people who cause damage to such sites. Pilgrimage Rejuvenation and Augmentation Drive should be arranged. Public awareness programme regarding the importance of keeping safe cultural and historical sites should be arranged. Government should try to win the trust of local community so that they co-operate. Periodical renovation and maintenance should be done by the Government.
- What will you to protect natural beauty of your places or sites?
Ans. Being concerned about the environment I will do every possible thing to protect natural beauty of our place. I will prevent people from scribbling, scratching, writing and carving names on the wall or monuments. I will participate in the regular Cleanliness Drives. I will convince the people around me not to throw garbage here and there and not to spit anywhere. I will try to keep our area clean and hygiene. A little effort on my side can create drastic changes that will make the past, the present and the future generations of the county proud of India.
- Do you like to visit historical places / sites? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to visit historical places. The visit helps me to release a vast amount of mental pressure from my daily monotonous activities. Besides I like to explore new things and to develop my basic knowledge of history. It let me know about the history of my country and the people who used to live in the past.
- Do you like to visit natural places? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to visit cultural sites. Our cultural sites are our assets. There is so much to see that even one life is not enough. I like to explore new things and to see old sculptures, monuments and temples which are masterpieces built by our ancestor. I feel proud and refreshed after a visit to those cultural places.
- Do you like to visit the World Heritage sites? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to visit World Heritage sites. They are the true legacy of the past. I like to visit impressive sites. Visiting these sites provides me with more information and I can improve my knowledge. I like to enjoy scenic and cultural beauty of these places. I think if we are not visiting these sights, we must be considered to be very unlucky. Visiting these sites gives me an opportunity to pay respect to art of our ancestors.
- Describe your visit to the World Heritage sites.
Ans. I have visited the Ajanta Caves which is one of the most well-known World Heritage sites. They are located in the midst of the Sahyadri Hills in Aurangabad. They are constructed by carving into the mountain side. They are carved in the period between 2nd century BC and 6th century AD. There are 29 caves all of which are known for their spectacular paintings. I was able to witness the grand architecture and carving and felt to be proud of being Indian.
- Describe your visit to Historical place.
Ans. I have visited Sindhudurg Fort. It is an ancient fortress occupying islet in the Arabian Sea. The imposing construction is spread over an area of 48 acres, with massive walls standing tall against the crashing waves of the sea. The main entrance of the fort is hidden away in such a manner that no one can identify it from the outside. Not only is this mighty Fort a significant historical place in Maharashtra, but the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape makes it a popular. By visiting this fort, I have learnt about the Maratha foresight and resourcefulness.
3.2 A Lesson in Life from a Beggar
(117) Would you like to be work as an LIC Officer? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to be an LIC officer because it an interesting field of work. An LIC is trustable company in insurance. It is lucrative job. It is a desk job and you do not have to commute much except between home and work place. I would like to contact different people, encouraging them to save money for their future, through this work.
(118) What, according to you, is the difference between an optimistic person and a pessimistic person?
Ans. According to me an optimistic person is a cheerful, wonderful, confident and hopeful person. Sometimes he relies on luck and thinks that everything will be okay. An optimist believes that he /she can overcome whatever life throws at him/her and continues on his/her way. An optimist can see positive things in worst things. A pessimistic person has negative thoughts and attitude towards life. A pessimist is always gloomy, dissatisfied, hopeless and less confident.
- Do you like walking? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like walking because is the best exercise for our body. It makes me physically and mentally fit. Being a pedestrian is awesome. Walking especially in the street gives me a strange, idle feel to my mind and lets me see everything around me. It lets me to see, hear and smell everything around me in a different way. I can see strangers’ lives pass by. It may not be as fun and full of zest as running, zooming in on motorcycle, or casually passing by on a bus, but it’s a basic activity that has been embedded in to our life.
- Have you ever got caught in the rain? Narrate your experience.
Ans. I was walking back home when it started raining. There was a heavy drizzle for a short while, but soon it turned into steady downpour. I started walking fast as I didn’t have an umbrella. I did not want my books to get wet. I ran and stood under the portico of a house. I waited for the rain to subside, but there was no sign of that. At last the rain stopped and I walked briskly to reach the home soon. I was slightly wet when I reached my home.
- Would you avoid your friend if you see him /her after a long time? Why?
Ans. Avoiding friend or not totally depends on how we parted and on how close I am with the friend. If there is a strong reason, I will definitely avoid meeting him/her. It is an overwhelming feeling to meet my dear friend after a long time so I will never avoid him/her. Though we had a quarrel the last time I would not avoid him/her because there’s no need to give up friend just because of quarrel. I will try to keep my feelings for him/her at bay. I will let bygone be bygone.
- What will you do if you meet your friend after a long time.
Ans. If I meet a friend after a long time I will welcome him/her because it is an overwhelming feeling to meet a friend. I will talk about all funny things I used to do and all the people involved in them. I will congratulate him/her for his/her achievements. I will have fun, laugh with him/her and go back to those days. I believe that old friends are equal to loads of memories. I think when we meet our friends Emotions Speak more than a word. I will enjoy the company of my old friend.
- Do you think old memories and friends are precious and rare? Why?
Ans. Yes, I think old memories and friends are precious and rare. Best friends are those who have endured through the years. They are key activators of fascinating and valuable parts of the self that we need. There is always unspoken band with the friend who knows us better than anyone else. Beautiful memories are like old friends. They may not always be in your mind but they are forever in your heart. True friends and memories are more valuable than a precious jewel. A jewel may be replaced. But a true friend may be irreplaceable.
- Who is your best friend? Why?
Ans. My best friend is my classmate at school. She and I have been studying together since we entered school in kindergarten. We go to school by bus, because we stay close to each other. She is kindhearted and sweet natured. We are always happy to be with each other. She has always been helpful to me. When I miss school because I am unwell, she comes to my home to share with me that has been taught at school. When she misses school, I too help her. She is good at classical singing. And I am sure she will be a great singer in future.
- What is that, you dislike in your friend, but never tell him/her?
Ans. I like to make friendship so I have many friends. All of them are from different culture and of different nature. But I have accepted them as they are. One of my friends, Seema is a very nice person and like her very much because she is extroverted, always finding fun to do things. But there’s one thing I just cannot stand about her. She only seems to really care about herself. She is the person who can talk hours about every detail of what has happened to her and how much other people have wronged her. She seems to act as if she is above it all. She never seems to focus on other people in equal measure. She wants a friend as a listener only and she is not ready to listen to others. But I have never told about my dislike, as I have accepted her as she is and try to be a patient listener.
- Change is a law of life- Explain.
Ans. Back in 1963, President John F Kennedy stated “Change is the law of life.” And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” I think change is inevitable. Life, the universe and everything which we see with our eyes is changing constantly. If we want to survive, we need to accept the change. We must remember, to go with the wind is the easiest way to survive. Trees that bend down against the storm survive while those that try to stand erect get uprooted. Although change is inevitable, you can only change yourself and not the whole world. If you do not adjust, you will be left alone among the crowd. So we have to change our viewpoint and enjoy the change.
- Is it possible to bring change in our life? How?
Ans. Yes, It is possible to bring change in our life. We can be the “Best Version” of ourselves. To be the best version, we have to listen to that little voice in every single moment that says, “This is what I truly want” and then making decisions from that place within ourselves. We complain that people change with time but I think people don’t change, their feelings change, so the people. Change enables us to become the person we want to be. By practicing things and changing habits we move our steps towards our success. We can learn a lot from the people around us, from the difficult situations and from various experiences and start to strengthen our inner power to accept and adjust ourselves according to it. Thus, we can change ourselves into our new version.
- What will you do if you realize that your friend is changed in behaviour?
Ans. My reaction will actually depend on what kind of change is there in my friend’s behaviour. I will ask him/her or ignore the change. I know that a change in behaviour is most likely due to influence, either positive or negative. I understand that everyone is going through their own journey and their own set of struggles. I will try to know what he/she has been through or what circumstances made him/her like that. I will talk to my friend and remind him/her of our old times. And even if things don’t change, I will accept it the way it. If the change is positive, I will embrace my friend with the new version.
- What behaviour do you want to change in yourself? Why?
Ans. I want to change my behaviour of keeping quiet. Actually, I am like a dumb girl. I am a shy girl. I hesitate while speaking. I can’t collect the power to speak in society. I am fed up to listening others. I want to speak, and shout like others. I want to speak front of thousands of people. I just want to speak as I want, I want to open, I want to sing and I want to dance. I want to overcome my shyness and be social in my behaviour. I am sure I will be able to speak my mind and express my thoughts in proper way.
- Describe an experience, where somebody has changed your way of looking at life.
Ans. Once I was travelling by train. I caught the first local train leaving the station. The train was comparatively empty than other trains and I got the window seat. I was thinking about: How different life would have been if I had taken Computer Science instead of Mechanical Engineering? How different life would be if I had gone for JEE coaching at Pune? And so on… My chain of thought broke when I realized that our train was still standing on the station. Frustrated, I said to the old man who was sitting calmly without any remorse of boarding this slow train, “Agar hum dusri train mein hote toh, ab tak pahuch jate.” He replied to my cribbing, “Jindagi agar-magar se nahi chalti, beta.” (Life doesn’t depend on ifs and buts, dear) The person who I thought to be illiterate gave me in one sentence the answers of my all questions. I realized that it is useless to whine about past. I learnt that life indeed is too short to think about ifs and buts, better accept the present and fight it with the capacity.
- How would you help beggars? OR How would you treat beggars?
Ans. I can help beggars to get internal satisfaction. I would give them food to eat instead of money. I would make them realize that they should work and earn. I would help them by giving them work somewhere. If I see child beggars, I would contact a local NGO working on rehabilitation of child beggars. I will help them to get support if they are homeless. I would donate money to charity and organizations that helps homeless and disadvantageous people.
- Do you think it is good to give leftovers to beggars? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t think it is good to give leftovers to beggars. By leftover, I mean food that came from a plate that you ate off. I don’t want to give food that I possibly touched and ate off. Personally, I think it is rude. It isn’t kindness but self –serving interest falsely presented as generosity. I think if we want to be generous, we should give them untouched food and unopened sealed pack of food. We must not forget that beggars are just people like us and we must treat them like we want to be treated.
- Who is your role model? Why?
Ans. My father is my role model. He has all the qualities that I find in an ideal person. He teaches me all the values and morals; I must live by. And he himself lives, by all the values. He believes in practicing what he preaches. If anyone approaches him with a genuine need, he helps them to whatever extent he can. And he never grudges any help he offers. He is time conscious, co-operative, supportive and an optimistic person. But he is never proud of his good qualities. That’s why I see him as my role model at all the time and I wish to be like him.
- Do you think that giving precious gifts shows great love? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t think that giving precious gifts shows great love. Precious gifts are simply expressions of the emotional intent or motivation to show that person how you feel. Love is not the thing that needs to be expressed through gifts only. It can be shown through our behaviour patterns and by doing simple things like; taking care of the love ones, by spending time with them ,by trying to see things from their eyes, by trying to understand what they are going through, by becoming kind enough to them and making them happier to live their lives.
- What would you like to give your guru as a ‘gurudakshina’? Why?
Ans. Gurudakshina means something offered by us to Guru/Teacher as a token of our love and respect. What to give as a gurudakshina is depends on us. It can be anything like happiness, gifts or some memorable moments.etc. I would give gifts or donation if they are needed. I will learn, imbibe and practice which I am taught to become a Good Student, a better citizen and adorable personality. I would like to follow a disciplined and a principled life guided by the Guru/Teacher as a gift to them. I am sure, by becoming noble, generous and just human being; I will make my Guru/ Teacher happy forever.
- Would you like to get education in a boarding school? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to take education in a boarding school because it will provide me an opportunity to become self-reliant. I would understand the importance of home while learning in a boarding school. I would learn quickly how to perform many domestic chores and complete school assignments all by myself. I would become expert at managing my time, money and recourses. I would be more confident and self-responsible and I will be a mannered human being.
2.3 Let’s March!
- What is your vision of tomorrow about India?
Ans. I have a fairly clear vision of what I want my India to be like. I dream of India where people are eager to accept the divergence in ethnicity without resulting in partition of land, civil strife or insurgencies. Every child will be entitled to education. My Indian children will be free from slavery, trafficking, child labour, sexual abuse, child mortality and malnutrition and illiteracy. India of my vision would occupy the position of the harmonic county in international relations bringing the world together. My vision is an educated, intellectual, healthy and compassionate India.
- How are children treated in the society?
Ans. The children are treated as a burden and in a bad way in the society. They are forced into child labour. They are abused and beaten. Girl child is sold into prostitution. Girl child faces discrimination, humiliation and oppression. Children suffer from slavery, trafficking, malnutrition and many diseases. They are deprived of education.
- Would you like to work for children? Why?
Ans. Yes. I would like to work for children. I want to improve their condition in society. Children are always considered next to pious versions of the God who always strive to inculcate happiness, joy, innocence and hope. The future of the nation is determined by the way it treat its children and its women. All children imply a hope to strengthen the economy of the country. They provide the country with skilled human resources. I think it is my moral duty to ensure the childhood of our children is protected and not marred with child labour.
- What are the reasons of the child labour?
Ans. Child labour typically means the employment of children in any manual work with or without payment. There are many reasons of child labour. Due to poverty children are made to work to earn money. Accidental death of the earning member of the family forces the children to work. Lack of affordable school and illiteracy forces children to live without getting education and pushes them to trap of child labour. Lack of awareness of their rights and has encouraged child labour. Poor compliance of laws is also responsible for child labour.
- What will you do if you see a child working as a labour?
Ans. If I see a child working as a labour I will ask him/her why he/she has to work and earn money. If I find that he has to earn for his poor family I will help him/her to get financial help from the institutions like CRY and NGO. I will try to get him/her registered in a school and find sponsors to fund his/her upbringing. I will raise my voice against the stonehearted that employed child as a labour. I will go to the nearest police station and register the complaint.
- What will you do if you see a child working in a restaurant?
Ans. I will find out why he is working there whether he is being forced to work or he is trying to support his family. If he is being forced then I will talk to the owner and make him aware of punishment for keeping a child as a labour. If he is not ready to understand me, I will contact the Child Line India Foundation on the Toll-free no: 1098. If he is trying to support his family I will talk to his parents and relieve them by informing that there are NGOs who can help and support their child and family.
- What will you do if you see a child working on a construction site?
Ans. I will find out, why the boy is working there, whether he is being forced or is trying to support the family. I will talk to his parents to send the child to school in a nearby area. I will explain them the importance of education and tell them that the child will get a better job and earn money if he is educated. I will talk to the responsible person at the construction site and will inform him that if a child is found working at the construction site, he will have to pay Rs.20, 000 to Child Labour Welfare-cum- Rehabilitation Fund as a law, so it is better not to employ the child to work at the construction site.
- What will you do if you see a child working on a brick work site?
Ans. I will find out why the boy is working on the brick site. I will talk to him that the work is not suitable for his delicate limbs which may get affected permanently. I will talk to his parents and advise them to send the child to school so that the child will get a better job after being educated. I will talk to the Brick Kiln owner and inform him that if a child is found working at kiln, he will have to pay Rs.20, 000 to Child Labour Welfare-cum-Rehabilitation Fund as a law, so it is better not to allow any child to work on the brick site.
- What will you do if you come across a beggar child?
Ans. If I come across a beggar child, I will talk to him first to find out whether he is a trafficked (a victim of trafficking) or not. I have an app named Helping Faceless on my mobile. I will click a photo of the child and upload it on the app. A search process will start in order to match it with the previous record. It will help NGOs to connect the child with his family. I will give the child to the NGOs. I will donate some amount to them for the child. I will even talk to police and get help from them too.
- Why should stop “Child Labour?
Ans. Child labour is a stigma on our society. It is a gross violation of a child rights. It is one of the leading aspects of child abuse and exploitation. A child is meant to learn and not to earn. Children are meant to enjoy all the rights bestowed upon them and have a happy and fulfilling childhood. Child labour impacts the psychological, emotional and physical well-being of children. It drifts them away from education and deprives them from an opportunity hone their skills. As a result when they grow up, they end up being a part of menial and labour-oriented jobs. This is very harmful for the development of our country. A child is the future citizen of our country. So we should stop Child Labour.
- Suggest some solution to overcome the problem of child labour.
Ans. As a responsible citizen of our county, we should do whatever it takes to get the intolerable practice of child labour. To prevent child labour, incidence of poverty needs to be reduced. Spreading literacy and education is a potent weapon against it. Employment opportunities should be increased. Our own thinking should be changed. We should take up a resolve that we will not buy any items from the shops where a child is employed. We need proper implementation of laws. There should be more robust and stricter laws for child labour. We must support an NGO. We must donate them. We must co operate NGOs, police and the government to put a blanket ban on child labour.
- Do you think, “India is a country of civilized society”? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t think that India is a country of civilized society. Civilization is the stage of human social development which is considered most educated. Civilized society is conflict free society. In our India there are many bad practices. There is lack of overall cleanliness, there is honking and pedestrians are not respected. Traffic is not orderly and disciplined. Emergency services such as medical and fire services are never paid on time. Children are not safe; they are forced into labour, abused and beaten. The girl child faces discrimination, humiliation and oppression. Women are treated very badly. So I think India is not a civilized country.
- How can we make our country – a civilized society?
Ans. We can make our country a civilized society by doing following things. Overall cleanliness should be maintained. We should keep roads and railway tracks clean and litter free. We should follow traffic rules. Drivers should be taught to respect other road users, particularly people on bicycles and foot. Emergency services such as medical and fire services should be provided on time. Children especially girl children and women should be treated as human beings. Security to all people should be provided. Education to all should be given and employments should be increased. India should be conflict and problem free.
- Do you think education is the first right of every child? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think it is the right of every child to take education. It is the fundamental right of every child. It makes aware every child, about what is good and what is bad. It gives them experience and confidence to face the outside world. It develops the personality of every child. It helps in earning money and fulfilling the basic needs of life. To lead a happy and prosperous life is the right of a child.
- What do you mean by “Every child has the right to life”?
Ans. The right to life is a universally recognized right for all human being. It is a fundamental right which governs all other existing rights. For children, the right to life is the chance to be able to live and have the possibility to grow, to develop and become adult. The right to life means to have a life protected from birth and to be able to survive and develop properly. This right to life ensures the children to have the possibility to develop in a healthy and normal fashion, under all circumstances. (Peace, War, Natural disasters)
- What will you do to bring, out of school children to school? OR What efforts will you take to enroll the out of school children?
Ans. If I see any child out of school, I will try to find the reasons behind it. I will meet the parents and persuade them to send their children to school by telling them the Right of free education for children. I will find out the government schools nearby their residences. I will request the school Head Master to enroll them in the school. I will tell my parents to help them to procure necessary documents or complete formalities in the school. I will take the help of NGOs to provide the children with books and the essential stationary.
- If your friend is unwilling to come to school, what will you do?
Ans. If my friend is unwilling to come to school, I will talk to him /her and try to find out the reasons and problems. I will convince him /her to come to school for the betterment of his own future. I will try to solve all his /her problems. I will assure him/her that I am with him all the time. I will provide him /her with books, notebooks and stationery if he /she needs. I will help him to study so that he will not have a burden of study.
- What is the role of education in nation building?
Ans. Education plays a very important role in nation building. Education transfers a human being into an intelligent and honest citizen towards its country. A proper and right education makes independent citizen who leads to a developed country. Educated citizens of the country bring fame, wealth and prosperity to the country. The education level of a country decides whether a country is developed or not. Education which is a big invaluable asset helps in nation building and in shaping the future of present generation.
- Why should government invest in education and young people?
Ans. Education is the systematic process of gaining knowledge and skills. It creates positive influence in the life of citizens. The educational level of country decides whether a country is developed or not. Education promotes national interest. It is the backbone of developing countries. Educated people bring fame, wealth and prosperity to the country. So government should invest in education. Young people are also the backbone of the country. They are the future of any country. So, young generation should be treated in right manner. Good habits, values, mannerism should be inculcated in them. If young generation is educated and developed, the nation is developed. So government should invest in young people for their own betterment and for the betterment of nation.
- What according to you, is the biggest challenge before our country?
Ans. According to me, poverty is the biggest challenge before our country. In spite of all the attempts, the overall number of poor in India is still increasing and becoming a hurdle. About 25% people are still living below poverty line. They can’t even fulfill their basic needs. Poverty is just like a disease. It has given the birth to many problems such as crime, low-paced development, etc. There are number of people in India who still live on the street and beg for the whole day to eat meal. People below poverty line live in unhygienic condition and so, prone to many health problems. With this the vicious cycle of poor health, lack of education and more poverty keeps on increasing.
- Whom would you like to give credit, if you win an award?
Ans. If I win an award, I will give credit to my sincere efforts. I will give credit to my parents for their unconditional love and support. I will give credit to the people and organization that made my achievement possible. I will give credit to my teachers for their valuable guidance. I will also give credit to my sincere and loving friends for their support.
- What according to you, should the government do for the development of children? Ans. I think government should take some decisive steps for the development of the children. Education should be given to all children, free of cost. Government should make child – friendly policies regarding health, nutrition, child care and child support. Government should increase employments. Government should protect children’s rights as individual and respecting and nurturing family autonomy and privacy. Government should control the growth of population by implementation of major and strict laws.
- What will you do for our country?
Ans. I will try to take higher education. As far as possible I will try to use my knowledge for the development of my country. I will perform all my individual and group responsibilities. I will join NGOs and Rotoract Club to perform my social duties. I will arrange free medical camps for poor people. I will assist social workers in their Adult Education Shibir. I will try to empower old persons, women and disabled persons so that they can live with dignity and pride in our country. I will respect the rules and regulations made by the government. I will pay my income tax regularly. I will donate money to NGOs like CRY and Sanjsobat, etc. I will try my level best to develop my country.
- Do you think our parents are the most beautiful gift to us? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think our parents are the most beautiful gifts to us. They play the biggest role in our mental, physical, social, financial and career development. They help us in every step of our life. They slap on us when we do wrong. When we commit mistakes, they became teachers. They train us very hard style for future challenges. They do all the sacrifices and reduce their own living cost for our future. Their guidance and support help us to live the life we always wanted. I am afraid even with the thought that, if I didn’t have the parents like my parents what will be my future.
- In which fields the Nobel Prizes are given?
Ans. Since 1901, the Nobel prizes are given for the outstanding achievement and work done in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. A memorial Prize in Economic science is added in 1968.
3.5 The Alchemy of Nature
- Explain – “Nature whisper and commands”
Ans. Nature is silent. It does not teach lesson in a loud, aggressive manner. It is continuously enticing us to spend time in her embrace. The soft and unheard voice of nature is like a whisper. It whispers through the calling of birds, the babbling of brooks and streams, the fragrance of flowers, psithurism of trees and rustling of leaves. These sounds make us happy. Nature provides us with all the resources to live happy and blissful life. Nature is wonderful yet a dangerous thing. It can be gentle as a breeze on a warm summer day or as deadly and ferocious as a violent hurricane in populated cities. It is very powerful and keeps all under its control. It commands us not to be against it. If we do not follow its rules and commands, it gives us punishments in form of natural calamities, and destroys us, and sends us through a living hell.
- Impossible itself says, “I’ M possible”. Do you agree? Justify your answer.
Ans. Yes. I agree. It is possible to turn the impossible into possible. I think everything is possible on the basis of will power, dogged determination and sacrifice. There is an old saying, the way you choose to look at the water filled glass, will create all the differences. If you see the glass as half empty, you will always be craving for more. However, if you see the glass as half full, you will feel the need of nothing more. The same goes for things that seem extremely difficult. If you believe that challenges or aims are impossible, you can’t do anything. However, if you decipher the word impossible, to read as I am possible, you will always strive to achieve it and the chances are there you will achieve it in real.
- What lesson can we learn from a hibiscus plant?
Ans. We are blessed with a wonderful life which is a gift of god to us. We get it once in a lifetime. We are mortal so definitely we have to leave this world, one day. So whatever our life span is – whether it is short or long, we should enjoy it to its fullest. We should live our life happily and with positive state of mind.
- Do you agree with the phrase, “This too shall pass”, expressed in the article. Justify your answer.
Ans. Yes. I agree with the phrase. I know nothing is permanent in the world, even we; we have to exit one day. It is a general statement of ephemerality of human experience that all things are fleeting and impermanent. This phrase implies that no matter what, a particular pain or sense of grief or loss will eventually pass at the least. We need not worry if we are suffering from difficulties and pain of failure. The great things we are experiencing with eventually fade away or be forgotten. This phrase teaches us to have patience in our difficult time and we should not be over-exuberant (feel proud) about our success or victory. The phrase is the narcissist’s (an egoist’s) nightmare as well as the hope of those in sorrow.
- Explain- ‘Nature is the best Friend’
Ans. The best is one who stands by us during good times as well as bad times. Based on this criterion we may regard nature as our best friend because it has been in existence long before us and ever since it has taken care of and nourished us. Nature provides all the resources to live here. It cries in the form of rain like our friend if we have pain. Its rainbow tell us that life has many colours apart from shades of black and white just like our friend tell us that our life will be colorful and we need not worry. Like a best friend it tells us that there is always a scope, as after a failure, (darkness/night) we will have success (sunshine). It guides and protects us against all kind of damages and harms as our friend in difficult situation. Our best friend is angry with us if we do wrong things and shows his/her anger. Nature expresses his anger through natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes to give us punishment for our wrong and destructive acts towards it.
- We learn many things from nature. Do you agree?Justify. OR ‘Nature is the best teacher’- Explain.
Ans. Nature is a great and world’s best teacher as we learn many things from it. Nature teaches us patience, acceptance, self-reliance and many more. The best lesson we learn from it is, to be a giver rather than receiver. Each thing in nature teaches us lessons. The sun teaches us to have bright future; the moon teaches us how to be calm and shine even in darkness. The trees teach us how to share our shelter and to treat everyone equally important. The river teaches us how to move forward even when we are facing many challenges; flowers teach us to spread aroma of our great deeds. Like a teacher sometimes nature becomes angry with us for doing wrong thing and for taking granted it too much. It expresses its anger through the natural disasters like flood, draughts, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions; and gives us punishment and sends us through a living hell for our wrong deeds like deforestations, pollution, taking land areas, wasting and exploiting its resources. We can say that Nature is the best teacher for anything and everything we wish to learn. We must develop the ability to read the invaluable lessons from Nature.
- What lesson can we learn from a rock?
Ans. From a rock, we can learn to stand firm and posed. We should not be affected by the storms of difficulties. Our emotional guidance system should be kept tough like a rooted rock. We can learn from the rock that we can shape ourselves from the commands of others. Hard natured person can be changed by soft natured person.
- What can we learn from water / river?
Ans. We can learn to be fresh and useful like water/river. We can learn from it not to be stagnant but always keep on doing. We have to make our own way, even we have to face difficulties and cross the obstacles to get success. We should be pure, clean and fresh like moving water/ flowing river – we should not keep any malice or negativity in our heart. At the emotional level we should not get stuck with the past but live life moment and moment, be here now. Water/river teaches us to be flexible, compromise according to changing situations and enrich the life of other people with our success and behaviour.
4.2 Bholi
- How do you feel on your first day at you school?
Ans. I feel very happy. My excitement starts with the riding the school bus. There is always curiosity about a new class teacher and new friends. I like to go to school with all new things, new uniform, a new school bag, new books and notebooks, new water bottle, new shoes with new socks and my new a Dora shaped Tiffin with delicious food stuff in it. I feel happy but a little sad that summer is over. On the very first day all the teachers talk about all the stuff I will be doing that year. Our class teacher let us pick our own seat with my best friend sitting next to me. (After the first day they maps out our seating arrangement as per requirement). I can choose bench and desk if I go to school on the first day. There is no study on the first day; just talking and laughing with my friends.
- What do you think about Ramlal’s attitude towards sons and daughters?
Ans. I think Ramlal’s attitude towards was not partial. He was orthodox and not treating his children equally. He gave the opportunity of getting education to the sons and even sent them to city to learn but he denied education to his daughter and even he married them off. It seems that he was making difference between his sons and daughter. He might be thought that daughters need not be educated. He discriminated his children on the basis of their gender which is a social evil.
- What do you think about Ramlal’s wife’s opinion about girls’ education?
Ans. Ramlal’s wife’s opinion about girls’ education is wrong. She has the negative approach towards girls’ education. She thought education is a hurdled in girls’ marriage. She was orthodox and unaware of the advantages of being educated. It seems that she herself might be uneducated and illiterate.
- “If girls go to school, who will marry them?”- Why do you think, that Bholi’s mother thought so?
Ans. It is sad that some communities still discriminate between boys and girls. They are against the education of the girl child. In the past the situation was worst for girls. If a girl child was sent to school, nobody was ready to marry with the girl. Education was not at all important for any girl in those days.
The girls had to look after ‘Home and Heart’, so taking education was considered to be useless then. Bholi’s mother was from the same era. So she thought that nobody would marry their daughters, if they were sent to school.
- Do you think that education is a must for girls and women? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think education is a must to all girls and women. Education is important because it gives the way to live a life. If they are educated, they can groom their children very well. They can deal the problem very well, if they are educated. Education helps them to make better decisions as they are aware and informed. They have better say in the family matters making them an essential part of it. They can act as a helping hand during difficult financial difficulties, if they are educated.
- Write about importance of education.
Ans. Education is important for all. It is considered as means of empowering oneself. Everyone needs to be educated. To be functional and independent person, you must be educated. It is a background in life that leads to a better future. Education makes a person much more rounded and interesting as it makes a person stronger and smarter. No one will be fully developed if he/she is not getting education.
- Do you think Bholi was a ‘Neglected Child’? Support your answer.
Ans. Yes, I think Bholi was a neglected child. None of the family members cared for her. She had not been given new and clean clothes to wear. He had to wear old and abandoned clothes of her sisters. She was not given bath regularly. She had dry and matted hair. All those things showed that she was a neglected child.
- What are the duties of government servants about government policies?
Ans. Government servants are representatives of the government, so they must try to implement government policies in proper way and manner. But before that they must accept the policies for them and themselves and their family. They must follow the rules and regulations given in the policies. They should not oppose the constructive policies of the government.
- Is it good to make fun of handicapped person? Why?
Ans. No, it is not to make fun of any handicapped or disabled person. It is a nasty thing to make fun of them. It needs a rather cold heart to make fun of any disabled person. We must not forget that they are human like us. It can be destructive for their sensitive souls. I think we should not use humor to make fun of people who are handicapped or crippled as it is deplorable act. It’s our duty to treat them with respect and support them to be self- reliant. Our polite behaviour and positive approach help them to change their status in society.
- Is it good to make fun of the child who can’t speak well? Why?
Ans. No. It is not good to make fun of the child who can’t speak well because it is his/her disability and it is not good to laugh at somebody’s disability. The child may feel awkward, dishearten and discouraged. It makes harder to the child to be comfortable with his/her inability to speak. We must remember that misfortune can happen to anyone. So we must encourage him/her to speak so that he/she would speak clearly. It will definitely boost his/her confidence. We must be helpful to him/her
- What will you feel and do if someone makes fun of you?
Ans. If someone makes fun of me, I will not be affected. A person, lacking empathy or compassion having low self-esteem and having a sense of superiority makes fun of others. It reflects back on him/her, it doesn’t reflect on me. I think that no matter what someone says or does, I have inherent value of being me and no one can ever diminish it. So I prefer to ignore them I will not be affected by his/her indecent act. I will not answer his/her meanness and just keep on going my way.
- Describe your first day at school.
Ans. I still remember the first day of my school. My family was extremely excited that day. My bag was packed with great care. I was going to school for the first time in my life. I hated the thought of being away from home for so many hours and tears rolled down my cheeks. My father came to drop me to my classroom and helped me to get familiar with my teacher and class. My father tried to cheer me by drawing my attention to the playground where the swings were inviting me to come and play and I felt a little better. My class teacher taught us some songs and told us few stories. I realized that school was fun. In the lunch break, the boy sitting next to me shared his lunch with me. At the end of the day, I fell in love with my school.
- Do you think that Bholi’s teacher was a real artist? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think Bholi’s teacher was a real artist because she brought many changes in her life and her personality. I appreciate her way of tackling Bholi to boost her confidence to be educated. It was because of her teacher, she could speak fluently. The teacher transformed her into a confident person who could read, write, express her views and takes her own decisions related to her own life in future.
- “The teacher is an artist.” Do you agree with the statement? Justify you answer.
Ans. Yes. I fully agree with the statement. The teacher is an artist who fills colours in lives of many students. The teacher does everything to shape the students’ life. The teacher brings out the potential of students and ignite their worth and contributions. The teacher helps the students to develop multiple pathways to achieve their dreams. When the students become successful, the teacher feels satisfied from the bottom of the heart and feels proud. It is like an artist contemplating after completing his/her masterpiece. So I think, the teacher who fills the colours in students’ life, is the sculpture of the students’ life.
- Do you like to attend wedding ceremony? Why?
Ans. Yes. I like to attend the wedding ceremony if the person who is going to be married is close to me. I like to be a witness of ceremony in which bride and bridegroom make a commitment to each other. Wedding ceremony is a joyous occasion. It is full of enjoyment and fun. I like to see colourful decoration at the venue of wedding ceremony. Besides it gives me a chance to meet all the relatives and catch up with my old friend.
- Do you think Bishamber was right bridegroom for Bholi? Justify your answer.
Ans. No, I don’t think that Bishamber was not right bridegroom for Bholi. He was an aged person with grown up children from his first wife. It was his second marriage. There was greater age gap between Bishamber and Bholi. Bishamber could not understand Bholi in well manner. It was an unequal match. They did not seem to be a good couple.
- Why do you think Bholi first agreed to an unequal match?
Ans. I think Bholi first agreed to an unequal match because she knew her parents were worried about her, especially because of her looks. She wanted to give her parents the comfort and satisfaction of knowing that they were successful in getting her married in spite of her drawbacks. She might have felt that she was lucky to get a well settled bridegroom who owned a shop, had a house of his own and had several thousand rupees in the bank.
- What do you think about Bholi’s decision of not to get married to Bishamber?
Ans. I think Bholi had taken the right decision. She refused to marry Bishamber. It was good decision. She couldn’t be happy with Bishamber who was of her father’s age. He was greedy and heartless. He had negative qualities. So the decision taken by her not to get married with Bishamber was right and sensible.
- What is your opinion about the dowry system?
Ans. Dowry System is the worst, highly condemnable, and despicable. This system is followed by almost all persons of the country either by rich or by poor. This evil is increasing day by day because the rich people give dowry to their daughters by naming it as a gift which will help their daughter in future. Dowry is deep-rooted malady which is destroying the moral fabric of our society. Just because of this system, many of females are being aborted and killed. It leads to a large number of crimes (harassment, domestic violence and dowry murder). We should fight for it and encourage and convince the parents of girls to educate their daughter so that they become self- reliant and need not bow their head in front of others.
- How will you create awareness against dowry system?
Ans. Creating a widespread awareness against the evils of the dowry system is the key first step towards eradicating the practice. I will arrange different awareness programme in society. I will design campaign to reach the deepest strata of the society. I will tell the people to educate their girls so that they become self-reliant, financially independent and they need not bow their head in front of others. I will tell them that dowry system is an evil and highly condemnable thing which is a feature of uncivilized society.
- What will you do if you see somebody taking dowry in a marriage from the bride’s parents? Ans. If I see somebody taking dowry in a marriage from the bride’s parents, first I will listen carefully what is happening there actually. If possible, I will shoot the scene. Then with the help of my friends or relatives I will call the police and inform whole story. I will produce them the clip I have taken as a proof. I know that there is a law ‘Dowry Prohibition Act (passed on 20th May, 1961) with the aim to eradicate the evil practice from the society. With the help of this law, I will try to give punishment to the responsible person.
4.4 Unbeatable Super Mom-Mary Kom.
- What makes the writer call Mary Kom ‘a legend’?
Ans. A legend is a famous person, icon or superstar in a particular field. Mary Kom is the first Indian boxer to make a mark in the male dominated sport and put India up on the boxing charts at an international level. With a complete dedication and efforts and by fighting against all the odds and difficulties that come her way, she earned name and fame. She showed humility in spite of the fame she had achieved. She had won the silver medal at the tender age of 18 at her debut in the first ALBA Women’s World Boxing Championship, yet she apologized to the whole nation for not being able to win the Gold medal. She is the real torch- bearer for Indian women. So the writer calls her a legend. (192) Many famous personalities rose from humble surrounding to make a name for themselves in society. Write about such a personality.
Ans. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam an Indian scientist and the eleventh President of India, is such a person. Born to poor Tamil-Muslim Family, he faced unbeatable odds to lead the nation. He was the average student but the turning point in his life came when Dean of his collage scolded him for his poor work and threatened him that his scholarship would be revoked. Kalam then, tirelessly reworked on his project and within three days he completed it. From then on, he continued his mission of peace and perfection and became successful.
- What will you do if you won an Olympics Medal?
Ans. If I won the Olympic Medal, I would be happier with my achievement. I would feel that I am at the top of the world. It would be a nice feeling to receive standing ovation on a large stadium from the audience. I would earn respect from whole world. I would feel proud for putting our Indian National Flag at the top of the podium. I would be glad to have my name in the history of Olympic and sports. I would get crores of rupees. I would start Sports Academy with some of the money. I would use some of the money for the betterment of kids in slums and rural area so that they can have quality education.
- How would you prepare for sports?
Ans. Preparation is must for sports performance. I will prepare myself mentally and physically well. I know that if I don’t prepare, my health can be at risk. I know that preparation physically for peak performance requires smart training, nutrition and rest. I will go to bed early to take proper rest. I will start exercising as soon as possible. I will have healthy diet. I will run and practice the sports for at least 1-2 hours each day. I will remain calm to handle pressure in a game or competition.
- How much do you believe a wrong decision or dodgy judging affect a player?
Ans. I believe that a wrong, biased or dodgy judging affect a player too much especially when he has just started off his career. Every landmark achievement is a matter of motivation for any player and when judges show any kind of favoritism or bias, player feels demoralized and dejected. The player has to struggle a lot to prove him /her. I think judges should be impartial and should not give wrong verdicts.
- Have you ever been at the receiving end of a dodgy decision? What did you feel?
Ans. Yes, once while playing football, I scored a goal and our team members were excited at the prospect of winning the match. But the next moment, the goal was declared a foul by the referee. Out entire team was sure of the goal, but the referee was adamant. We were so dejected that we lost the game mentally. The rival team made the most of this situation and went on to score a goal. Our team finally lost the game. I felt down. Our effort and the way we played were proven useless, due to just on dodgy decision.
- Would you like to take up sports as a full-time career? Why?
Ans. Yes. I would like to take up sports as a full-time career. I am passionate about sports and there are different career options in the field of sports – such as event planner, sports marketing, sports psychology, umpire/ referee, sports physician and physiotherapy, teaching etc. I would like to enter in teaching profession. I would take Bachelor of Physical Education (B. P. Ed) or Master of Physical Education degree to enter in the field of education. It is unique occupation by which I can earn a substantial amount of money and the same time I can keep myself fit and healthy.
- Do you think financial support is very necessary for sports person? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think financial support is very necessary for sportsperson. Parents of the sports persons have to be prepared for expenses related tournament participation, travel, sporting gears, sports equipments, coaching fees and so on. Parents, whose financial condition is not good, cannot provide these things to their sports children. Due to shortage of money, they are unable to give proper diet to grow their children as athletes. If the sports persons get financial support, they can get training from good coach to improve their game. They don’t have financial pressure and can just focus on their games. So it is necessary for them to get financial support.
- Do you think that nutrition is a neglected area in Indian Sports? Why?
Ans. Yes. I think that nutrition is a neglected area in Indian Sports. Your performance in sports depends on what you eat. To get the medal in sports, lot of mental and physical energy is required. We see that there is poor performance of India in Olympics. Nutrition is one of the reasons. Sports nutrition is a juggling act balancing fueling, hydration and electrolyte balance. Most of the Indian sport persons come from the lower middle class or from the poor families and the parents can’t provide their children with proper nutrition to grow as athletes. Indian sportsman or sportswoman is less aware of nutrition as a result they don’t have physical energy to perform well in sports.
- Do you think that coking is a traditional feminine activity? Why? OR Do you think cooking is only female’s activity? Why?
Ans. No, I don’t think that cooking is only a female’s activity. We need nutrition in the form of food to survive. Food can’t be consumed raw, so it needs to be cooked. In earlier times only men used to go to earn money and women used to stay at home and cook for the family. But now, time is changed. Both men and women are working as wage earners and they both are equally responsible for making “House a Home.” So it’s fair that men should share house work including cooking and cleaning. Everybody should know how to cook. I think anyone who wants to eat should learn to cook.
- What are the benefits of playing sports?
Ans. Games and sports are an integral part of Indian culture. Organized sport has many psychological and social benefits for children. It teaches children to control their emotions and channel negative feelings in a positive way. It teaches them to co operate, to be less selfish. It gives them a sense of belonging and team spirit. It teaches them to follow rules, accept decisions and makes them understand that they can be penalized for their bad behaviour. It helps them to develop a positive sporting attitude by praising the team’s or other players’ efforts, even if they don’t win. Thus, we can say that life skills are developed through sports.
(202) Do you think that women should participate in sports? Why? OR Write can be the advantages of women participating in sports.
Ans. Yes, I think woman should participate in sports. It is beneficial for them. Participating in sports allows them to acquire individual competency. It is helpful to them to build personality and improve their health. This would lead to positive consequences for their family as well as the whole society. Sporting activity helps them to reconnect with the power of their own bodies. It is helpful to them to have mental well-being, independence and peace of mind. It increases concentration, brings fame, and gives reservations in job and educational institution etc.
- Do you think that woman can compete with men in any field?
Ans. Yes, I think that women can compete with men in some fields. It is not wise to compare men and women in terms of “Abilities” and that to “In all fields”. We cannot even say that men are superior in physical abilities. Because many women may have enough physical fitness and the power compared to men. With the help of cognitive, logical reasoning, critical / creative thinking, they can compete with men. Women are organized, punctual, disciplined and meticulous by nature. They are good at multitasking and management. These natural qualities enable them to compete with men.
- Do you think that Women should compete with men in sports?
Ans. I think women and men should be allowed to compete against each others in sports which don’t require much body movements such as chess, darts, snookers, tennis, archery, horse riding etc. But not in boxing and wrestling. I think there should be no reason at all why any woman should be turned down for playing a sport if she has the talent to play. Women deserve every right to play alongside males. We should not discriminate between women and men in the arena of sports.
- Would you like to be a boxer? Why?
Ans. No, I would not like to be a boxer. I don’t like boxing as a sport. I am not at all interested in boxing. I think it is a violent, cruel and extremely dangerous game. Children get easily influenced by what they watch on TV and think that fighting behaviour is acceptable and they fight with each other using fists. I even don’t understand how people can watch boxing game in which a sportsperson hits his opponents, just for entertainment. I thing fighting in war is different thing and fighting with each other to gain name, fame and money is a different thing. So, I won’t be a boxer in my life.
- Which is your favourite game? Why?
Ans. My favourite game is Table Tennis. It is played between two players or between two teams of two players each. Each player uses a strung racquet to strike a hollow rubber ball covered with felt over a net into the opponent’s courts. Spin, speed and strategy play an important part, in this game. Staying balanced and being able to quickly change directions is a key for being a good table tennis player. I love playing table tennis because it is good for health. It keeps me mentally sharp. It helps me to build strength, speed and agility without risking serious injuries. It is a non-seasonal sport, so I can play it wherever I get time.
- Who is your favourite sportswoman? Why?
Ans. My favourite sportswoman is Saina Nehwal. She is the gem of a sportswoman. She is the perfect blend of character and performances. She is the best badminton player representing India. The passion for playing for country is clearly seen in her. She is fit and she practices for long hours to improve her game. She is a great personality off the field. She appreciates her fans and pays heed to them. She gives her precious time to her fans signing autographs, clicking selfies and talking to them. She has won a lot of tournaments and bagged many prizes. She is the first woman and the youngest players to win 4- stars tournaments. She has won two Gold medals in commonwealth in 2010 and in 2014. She has taken India to the first rank many times and I think she would continue to do so in the coming years.
- What qualities are needed for being a good sportsperson?
Ans. Sportsperson is that person whose profession is to play sports. And so needs to be physically and mentally fit, if he has to be successful. The most important quality is confidence. He must trust in himself and his talents. He must be optimistic and not afraid of failure. He must play fair play. He must make whole team get involved in playing. He must keep trash talk to a minimum. He must respect the ruling officials even if they make a bad call. He must not gloat or put down the other opponent team after winning the game and he must accept his failure after losing the game by showing the sportsmanship.
- What qualities, do you think one should have to win medals or matches?
Ans. I think, the qualities one should have to win the medals or matches are — physical and mental fitness, confidence, concentration, stamina, will power, devotion, dedication, discipline, hard work, practice, patience, optimism, taking proper diet, following instructions given by coach, sportsmanship, respecting the ruling officials and their judgments or decisions and quality of remaining down to earth even after winning or losing the game. He should keep in his mind and heart that he is playing for himself as well as for the sake of county.
- Write the names of some Indian sportswomen you know.
Ans. India has produced the champion sportswomen who brought laurels to their motherland by establishing records and winning titles on international stages. Some of the names of Indian sportswomen are– Saina Nehwal (badminton), P.V.Sindhu (Badminton), Mithila Raj (Cricket), Swapna Barman (Athletic), Monica Patra (Table Tennis), Anjali Bhagvat (Shooting), Dipa Karmakar (Gymnastics),Vinesh Bhogal (Wrestling) Aditi Ashok (Golf), Rani Rampal (Hockey), Deepica Kumari (Archery), Dutee Chand (Athletic).
- Write the names of different awards given in the field of games and sports in India.
Ans. There are five different Sports awards which are given by Government of India and are considered as national level Sports Awards. Besides these awards many sports awards are given by private organizations and are considered as reputed. The national awards are conferred by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. There Awards in order to priority and merit are — (1) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award. (2) Dronacharya Award. (3) Arjun Award. (4) Dhan Chand Award. (5) Rashtriy Khel Protsahan Puraskar. The other awards are (1) Shiv Chhatrapati State Sports Award. (2) Hind Kesari Award.
4.5. Joan of Arc.
- Do you like to watch Drama in a theater?
Ans. Yes, I like to watch drama in a theater. Drama is an artistic and creative activity. It is full of events in the life of main character. Good drama doesn’t tell you anything, at least not overtly. It teaches through shared experience. I like to go to theater to see a drama. I can find the real time action of the actors and actresses. I can see on the stage all the events and the acting of actors and actresses from a close distance. I can see the live performance of the actors and actresses. A good performance with a good story in a drama mesmerizes me and affects me. So I like to see drama.
- What is your opinion about Joan?
Ans. I think, Joan is a courageous and brave lady. She is persistent and not afraid of anything. She dared to fight against the enemy for her country, without caring for her own life. She is really a patriotic person who was proud of her country and loved her country from the bottom of her heart. She had the art of convincing people and putting fire into soldiers. She was aware of her own strength. Her determination is seen through the efforts she had taken to go and see the Dauphin. She is the person of immense faith.
- Describe any brave lady like Joan of Arc, from India who fought for her nation.
Ans. Rani Laxmibai, the queen of Jhansi, fought against the British Rule for the freedom of her kingdom in 1857. She fought very bravely with the help of Tatya Tope and others but not surrendered herself and was finally killed. British refused to accept her adopted son as Raja of Jhansi and took possession of Jhansi. She sacrificed her life for the sake of her kingdom.
- What qualities help soldiers to win a battle?
Ans. Victory and success cannot be achieved by running away. Soldiers must be prepared to face any kind of danger and must be ready to sacrifice their lives for the nation. If they fear death, they do not deserve to be soldiers. Love for land, will power to win, courage, presence of mind, patriotism, determination etc. are some of the qualities which help soldiers to win a battle.
- Write the names of the women who contributed to India’s freedom fight.
Ans. Many Indian women have contributed to India’s freedom struggle. The names of some women are Rani Laxmibai, Madam Cama, Sarojini Naidu, Aruna Asaf Ali, Usha Mehata, Pritilata Wadedar and Indira Gandhi.
- Do you believe in miracle? Why?
Ans. Yes, I believe in miracle. I believe each and every day we pass is a miracle. Our birth itself is the miracle. It can really be experienced when we have “Patience” and “Faith”. Who have thought that an 18- month’s old girl fell 22 feet into the well and survived after 58 hours of rescue operation? Who have thought, a boat man’s son would become the beloved President irrespective of religion and renowned scientist? Who have thought that an ordinary tea vendor would become the nation’s most successful Prime Minister? I think miracles actually do take place all the time. I think that miracles are “whispers” that pop into my consciousness from time to time with no rhyme or reason. Even if nothing special happens at least it gives me the hope to face the situation. It gives me the courage to fight till the end as inside my mind I always think that at any moment of time something will happen that will turn out to be in my favour.
- Do you love your country? Why?
Ans. I love my country from the bottom of my heart. It is the place where I have taken a birth. It is country where independence comes naturally as a matter of pride amongst all. My India is a land of different cultures, heritage, many languages and religions and a land of picturesque beauty. We all Indian are like different beads joined together by an invisible string. My county’s legacy, history and deep-rooted value system bind us as one. I owe everything to this country. I always think about the betterment of my country. I love my country and I am proud of being an Indian.
- Why it is important to be a patriotic to your country?
Ans. Patriotism is the feeling of love and devotion for our country and a sense of alliance and brotherhood with our citizens. Patriotism develops naturally and it is important for the protection of a country’s culture and historical heritage. Our country has given us a lot of comforts, security for living, earn a livelihood and decent life of course under and within the frame work of certain laws enacted for the betterment of the society. So it is important to love our nation we live in and focus more on what it has given to us and what can we do back for our nation. We need to be united and stand together for the progress of our country for its improvements. If the citizens are patriotic then country won’t have any kind of attacks on it, so it is important.
(220) Would you like to join military services? Why? OR Would you like to choose your career in the army officers? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to join military services because every living cell in my body swears to protect my country and my countrymen. I would join army for my own selfish reason of living the dream that I have ever had. I would join army because I am extremely emotional person and I have a strong bond with the soil in which I am born. I would join the forces because when I say Bharat Maata Ki Jay, I believe in it. I think it is my responsibility to safeguard my nation. For me military service is a package of adventure, friends, facilities and a secure job with pay and pension.
- How would you encourage your team members who are sure to lose the match against the strong Kabbadi / Football team?
Ans. As a captain of our team it is my duty to encourage them. So I would talk to them first. I would say them…. “I think it is not right to take for granted that we will lose the match. We have practised a lot. We are going to play as a team. Don’t forget that you all are star players. We have chances of winning as much as they have. So be strong. We are going to win and nobody can defeat us. Tomorrow is the day of our victory against the strongest team. Let’s put up our best efforts. And what if we lose? We will surely learn new lessons. This match is not the end of the world! So be positive and concentrate on the game. Our winning is sure.”
4.6. A Brave Heart Dedicated to Science and Humanity.
- The history of men’s progress is from the darkness of ignorance to the glorious light of knowledge and enlightenment. Do you agree with the statement? Why?
Ans. I am disagreed with the statement. Today the modern technology enables us to live a life better than what our forefathers lived. Even though, some achievements of our forefathers remain a mystery. For example, we still do not know how the great pyramids of Egypt were built with minimal tools available during that era. Furthermore, prehistoric humans managed to travel the globe without access to modern navigation system such as GPS and state-of-art ships. Our ancestors excelled in many areas of human activities in olden days and they were not inferior to us. Therefore, by stating that humanity has developed from a state of ignorance to the era of development, we are ignoring attainments of our ancestors. I believe that human history is gradual and slow process from simple to complex and lower to higher stages of development and we should neither underestimate the accomplishment of our ancient forefathers nor place us above them.
- Do you like to read History Books? Why?
Ans. Yes, I like to read History Books. History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. It is important for any society and human being. It gives awareness about our past and provides insights into the process and events of the past and makes us learn from the great mistakes of humanity in past so as not to repeat. It gives us insight into evolving behaviour in matter of life, love, mutuality, war, diplomacy and peace. We get inspired from historical events and legends for a better and satisfied life. It helps us understand our own society.
- Would you like to dedicate your life to the cause of science? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to dedicate my life to the cause of science. Working in the field of science will provide me with a chance to make significant impact to society. I think it is a greater joy to discover something new that changes the world for the betterment of our society. I would like to do some research in science to discover something new regarding, the whole universe. I would like to uncover the truth and mystery of the universe and my research would help the whole world to understand the origin and development of the universe.
- Which is your favourite subject? Why?
Ans. My favourite subject is mathematics. It gives us the opportunity to make career in the field of engineering, statistics. I like it because I do not have to memorize everything like parrot learning, like I have to do in other subjects. I can solve problems related to mathematics for hours without boring. I can score full marks and raise my overall percentage. I love mathematics because it helps me solving problems through logic. It boosts my creativity and innovation through critical thinking and power of logical reasoning.
- Would you like to be a governess? Why?
Ans. Yes, I would like to take a job as a governess. I love teaching and it would be a nice opportunity for me to work as a governess. It would offer me an opportunity to witness my students exceed their academic expectations beyond the conventional classrooms. I would like to watch the children in my care, develop and hone their academic attributes, social skills, emotional capabilities and cultural understanding from the early age throughout their upbringing.
- Would you complete your education if you were from poor family? How?
Ans. Yes, Definitely I would complete my education in spite of being poor. I would study hard every day with full determination. I would try to get merit-based scholarship as I know that good universities and colleges always look forward to have Meritorious Students and to attract them. They are always ready to offer them scholarships which would make my education affordable and enabled me to access the best collages in my class. I would take an educational loan to study further. With courage I would face the miseries of a life of poverty and pursue my studies indomitably and at any cost. I would sacrifice all the luxuries of life to save money but would not give up my struggle. If it is needed, I would do a part time job to earn money to fulfill my educational needs.
- Write about the most precious gift that you have ever received.
Ans. I have received lots of gifts from my parents, relatives and friends. All of them are very valuable and precious for me, but the most precious gifts I have ever received is a beautiful wrist watch which was gifted to me by my parents on my 10th birthday. It is V2A Golden stainless Steel Analog-Digital watch. It is very nice. It has a round clock face and a golden band. I still have it and I wear it every day. It is just like a small mobile. It is very useful to me as it shows correct time.
- What do you think about gift giving?
Ans. I think giving gift and receiving gift is important to both giver and receiver. Gifts occupy a crucial place in our society. It can strengthen bonds with other persons. Gift is a non-verbal way to express our feelings and appreciation towards the gift recipient. It is the way of showing caring, love and respect. Nothing is more important in this world than to make someone feel special by showering our love and affection through gifts. Gifts make us happy as they allow us to connect with someone we care about, no matter how far they are to us.
Read Also : Class 10th Personal Response Questions
- How would you feel if you received any precious gift?
Ans. I would feel lucky and happy, if I received any precious gift. It would be momentous to receive any kind of appreciation. I would feel delighted to know that someone has approved my work. It would refill my body and mind with positive energy. My work can put the life of the future persons in a better position. My precious gift would motivate others to keep on working for the betterment of them as well as for the whole humanity.
- Why awards and prizes are given to the people in different fields?
Ans. Awards and prizes are given to persons, in recognition of their excellence in various fields. They serve as an inspiration, appreciation and financial use for people dedicated to their work. It is indeed important to appreciate the great jobs done by any persons through awards and prizes. It boosts the confidence of recipients, encourages and inspires others to achieve something great. Awarding prizes is a great way to motivate educated students to keep on working for the betterment of society.
- Scientists have to work very hard and make many sacrifices for years, to achieve success in their experiments. Why?
Ans. Scientists have to search and discover something new which is never known before. They have to some experiments with the help of apparatus and materials which are not easily available. To get these apparatus and materials they need money and so they have to sacrifice their life. It takes many years to perform some experiments because there is trial and error. They have to keep on trying, without the guarantee of desired outcome. Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts before inventing consistent light bulb. Hence it is said that scientists have to work very hard and make many sacrifices for years to achieve success in their experiments.
- What are the roles of scientists in society?
Ans. Scientists have numerous roles in society. All of which involve exercising curiosity in order to ask questions and seek answers about the universe. Scientists have roles in advancing medicine and technology through conducting applied research. Scientists’ primary role is to engage in systematic experimentation with a purpose of gaining knowledge. They have to do a great deal of scientific researches to interpret evidence with a practical perspective. For instance, Earth scientists work to understand Earth’s history and predict climate change, while Physicists work to understand matter and potentially create new materials for industrial use. An Epidemiologist’s role is to understand and predict the spread of disease across a population.
- Marja was passionate about Science. Is there anything that you are passionate about?
Ans. Passion is a feeling of intense enthusiasm towards or compelling desire for someone or something. My passion is to be good at what I do. I am passionate about painting. I take evening art class once a week and try to find time each weekend to paint. Painting is my hobby. From the age of 5 years, I am practising regularly, even when I am unwell or have exams. Painting is a good way for me to relax. I have planned to make a name in the field of painting.
- Pierre Curie was an ideal partner for Marie. Do you agree with the statement?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the statement, Pierre Curie was an ideal partner for Marie. Pierre was poor, but was brilliant scientist. Marie and Pierre began as friends, fell in love and got married to each other. He supported Marie and both worked together for their discovery. They shared credit for discovery of Radium and Polonium together. So it seemed that Pierre was the perfect match for Marie. Pierre was an ideal spouse for Marie. They formed an unbeatable team.
(236) Marie Curie’s Journey of discovery was long and ridden with challenges who was a true lover of humanity. Write about the person whose journey was towards humanity like her. Ans. According to me the journey of Mother Teresa was too long and ridden with challenges. She came to India from Czechoslovakia. She served the leprosy patients in Kolkata for nothing in return. She was dedicated towards the service to mankind. She wiped and cleaned the infectious wounds of leprosy patients and brought them to her Charity Home where she treated them and rehabilitated. Till she died in the year 1997, she continued her selfless service. She was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize, Bharat Ratna, the Order of the Smile, Padma Shri Award, Golden Honour of the Nation Award and many more. She was the Mother of humanity in truest sense.
- Would you like to work for humanity? Why? How?
Ans. Yes, I would like to work for humanity through social work. Social work would give me an opportunity to help people from all walks of life in a multitude of settings. I would like to help the needy at all times and every place. I would like to work for humanity because for me, the most important religion is Humanity. For me, humanity means extending unconditional love to each other and every living being on Earth, and forgetting my selfish interest at times when others need my help.
- What are the qualities/ characteristics of a good scientist?
Ans. A scientist is a person who is doing research or has expert level knowledge in a field of science. A good scientist must possess some qualities — Vision, passion, intellectual honesty, curiosity, patience, a sense of optimism, determination, devotion, dedication, inquisitive and innovative mind, strong ability to concentrate even in the midst of noise and never give-up-attitude.
- What would you do to protect yourself from cold winter?
Ans. I like winter season. I take care of myself in winter season. I would like to take care of it, if it would be very severe. I would protect myself from getting illness during winter season. I would heat up my body a bit by moving around to stay warm and fit. I would cover my face and ears, with warm jacket or sweeter and ears muffs. I would wear mittens which are warmer than gloves. I would drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables. I would take vitamin supplements if it would be necessary. I would drink hot soups or hot tea with ginger which is soothing and healing.
- Who is your favourite scientist? Why?
Ans. There are many great scientists in the world but Thomas Alva Edison is my favourite scientist. He was born on 11th February 1847 and died on 18th October 1931. He exerted a tremendous influence on modern life contributing inventions such as incandescent light bulb, the phonograph and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone. He was self-educated. Even though he met with failure many a time, he was not discouraged. It was his patience that gave him victory over darkness. He was the only person who provided the entire city of New York with electricity. The next city he electrified was Paris. He was awarded with Technical Grammy Award, Congressional Gold medal, Franklin medal.