Question Bank By Education Department Language Study Q & A

Question Bank By Education Department Language Study Q & A

Question Bank By Education Department Language Study Q & A


SET 1: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) att _ ck 2) h _ mble 3) par _ el 4) gr _ cer

Ans: i) attack 2) humble 3) parcel 4) grocer

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) promise, curious, rubric, distress

ii) wisdom, within, winter, window

Ans: i) curious, distress, promise, rubric

ii) window, winter, wisdom, within

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) i havent even received my regular pay

ii) have you studied that he asked me

Ans: i) ‘I havent even received my regular pay.’

ii) “Have you studied that?” he asked me.

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Encouragement: agreement, Argument . argumenter. Centre, man. congruent. nature. Content, ten, net, meet, rat, rate, tent,

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘nouns.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (2)

Story i) ……… 2)…………3)………. 4)……

Ans: Story: i) Yak, ii) Kite, iii) Elephant, iv) Tiger

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘in front of’

Ans: They’re standing in front of their house.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

This is my school………………………………….

Ans: This is my school where I completed my high school education.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) happy………………… ii) thought………………….

Ans: i) happy- unhappy ii) thought – thoughtless


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) happy ii) thought

Ans: i) Today, I am so happy. ii) I thought that Tom was kind.

SET 2: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) ch _ ose 2) f _ und 3) ti _ le 4) vis _ on

Ans: 1) choose 2) found 3) title 4) vision

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) imminent, clumsy, captain, road

ii) always, afraid, assume, around


i) captain, clumsy, imminent, road

ii) afraid, always, around, assume

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) i dont know whats happening to pipalnagar

ii) why is he not with us in school

Ans: i) I don‘t know what’s happening to Pipalnagar.

ii) Why is he not with us in school?

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Understanding: under, stand, dear, tan, ten, net, rest, test

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘adjective.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Brave i) ……………. 2)……… 3)………………..4)………

Ans: Brave: i) easy ii) young iii) good iv) dear

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to be afraid of’ Ans: Don’t be afraid of asking questions.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

I saw my friend………………………………….

Ans: I saw my friend who was making his science project.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) honour………………… ii) satisfy………………….

Ans: i) honour: honourable ii) satisfy: satisfied


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words. (01)

i) honour ii) satisfy


  1. honour:  It is a great honour to be invited.
  2. satisfy: His answer didn’t satisfy me.

SET 3: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) cha _ e 2) le _der 3) hea _ y 4) sp _ rt

Ans: 1) chase 2) leader 3) heavy 4) sport

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) space, grief, alchemy, connect

ii) absence, ability, abolition, absolute

Ans: i) alchemy, connect, grief, space

ii) ability, abolition, absence, absolute

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) lets walk together

ii) she asked me why did you not come earlier


i) Lets walk together.

ii) She asked me, “Why did you not come earlier?”

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Improvement: improve, prove, net, ten, rent,

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Start i) …………… 2)…………… 3)………… 4)………

Ans: Start i) take, ii) eat, iii) talk iv) kick

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to root out’

Ans: We should root out bad habits.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

This is the answer………………………………….

Ans: This is the answer which is the correct one.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) depart………………… ii) regular………………….

Ans: department irregular


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) depart ii) regular

  1. Ans: depart: We depart from Mumbai at ten o’clock tonight.

ii) regular: Sunday is a regular holiday.

SET 4: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) go _ l 2) tr _ uble 3) fo _ ce 4) led _ e


1) goal 2) trouble 3) force 4) ledge

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) group, hesitation, origin, prove

ii) sample, salary, salute, safety

Ans: i) group, hesitation, origin, prove

ii) safety, sample, salary, salute,

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) he said it will be difficult task

ii) where did you disappear mrs bhushan

Ans: i) He said, “It will be difficult task.”

ii) Where did you disappear Mrs Bhushan?

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Recommendation: recommend, mend, date, rent, end, tent, net, mean

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘ nouns.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

World i) …………2)……………3)………………..4)……

Ans: World: i) dog ii) goat iii) tiger iv) rat

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to be able to’ Ans: You are able to speak English fluently.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

He found a new pen………………………………….

Ans: He found a new pen which was blue in colour.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) kind………………… ii) educate………………….

Ans: kind: kindly ii) educate: education


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) kind ii) educate

Ans: i) Kind: My mother is so kind woman.

ii) educate: School teachers educate children.

SET 5: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

A 1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) acad _ my 2) mi _ chief 3) nat _ ral 4) pea _ e

Ans: 1) academy 2) mischief 3) natural 4) peace

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) subside, mistake, violence. pursuit

ii) equally, effect, escape, enough

Ans: i) mistake, pursuit, subside, violence,

ii) effect, enough, equally, escape,

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) the adamant bird said i am doing my bit

ii) was this really meena


i)The adamant bird said, “I am doing my bit.”

ii) ‘Was this really Meena?’

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans:Determination: date, nation, net, ten, rent, ant, determine, man, eat

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘ adjective.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Dangerous i) ………2)…………3)………4)………


Dangerous: i) silent ii) tasty iii) young iv) great

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for’ Ans: He came to the Mumbai to look for a job.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

I saw an intelligent boy………………………………….

Ans:   I saw an intelligent boy who was studying in the library.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) great………………… ii) impress………………….

Ans: i) great: greatest ii) impress: impression


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words. (01)

i) great ii) impress

Ans: i)great: My school teachers are great.

ii) impress: He spoke loudly to impress.

SET 6: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) ci _ cle 2) dre _ m 3) te _ ture 4) fea _ ful

Ans: i) circle ii) dream iii) texture iv) fearful

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) separate, disaster, forgive, legend

ii) notice, normal, number, novelist

Ans: i) disaster, forgive, legend, separate

ii) normal, novelist, notice, number,

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) well i wish you luck said sitaram

ii) he asked me what is my fault


  1. Well, I wish you luck,’ said Sitaram.

ii) He asked me, “What is my fault?”

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans:Communication: Communicate, cat, unit, common, act, action, nation

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Listen i) ………2)………3)………4)………..


Listen: i) narrate ii) eat, iii) talk iv) kick

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to be a part and parcel’

Ans: Injuries are part and parcel of a player’s life.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

Swami is a kid………………………………….

Ans: Swami is a kid who is a talkative & naughty.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) known………………… ii) require………………….

Ans: i) known: unknown ii) require: requirement


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) known ii) require

Ans: i) A man is known by his friends.

ii) All living beings require food.

SET 7: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) c _ mpany 2) vill _ ge 3) spa _ k 4) min _ tes

Ans: i) company 2) village 3) spark 4) minutes

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) wages, disease, strive, typical

ii) dragon, doctor, damage, difference


i) disease, strive, typical, wages

ii) damage, difference, doctor, dragon

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) dont raise such dust

ii) do you think i ought to have another talk with her


  1. ‘Don’t raise such dust!’ he called out to Nathu.
  2. Do you think I ought to have another talk with her?

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Investigation: Investigate, gate, nation, eat, station,

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘adjective.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Young i) …… 2)……………3)………… 4)…………

Ans: Young: i) good ii) dear iii) real iv) large

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘in search of’

Ans: Raj went in search of water.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

There is a garden………………………………….

Ans: There is a garden which is so beautiful.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) maintain………………… ii) real…………………. OR

Ans: i) maintain: maintenance ii) real: reality

b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) maintain ii) real

Ans: i)maintain: Physical exercise is needed to maintain good health.

ii) real: Let’s do our work for real.

SET 8: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

A 1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) f _ eld 2) dep _ nd 3) t _ ist 4) uau _ l

Ans: i) Field ii) depend iii) twist iv) usual

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) content, heritage, accident, stoop

ii) building, butterfly, business, bundle

Ans: i) accident, content, heritage, stoop

ii) building, bundle, business, butterfly

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) technology isnt big in a kids life

ii) are they afraid of her

Ans: i) Technology isn’t big in a kids life.

ii) ‘Are they afraid of her?’

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans:Acknowledge: knowledge, know, edge, dog, god, now, lead

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘ nouns.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Campus i) ……… 2)………… 3)………… 4)……..

Campus: i) sea ii) ant iii) tiger iv) rain

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to get rid of’

Ans: It is difficult to get rid of mobile.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

I met a small boy………………………………….

Ans: I met a small boy who was so naughty.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) depart………………… ii) operate………………….

Ans: i) depart: department ii) operate: operation


b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) depart ii) operate

Ans: i) depart: When does the next train depart?

ii) operate: children can operate computer easily.

SET 9: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

A 1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) ma _ ch 2) divin _ ty 3) persu _ de 4) ext _ eme

Ans: 1) march 2) divinity 3) persuade 4) extreme

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) happenings, absolute, landscape, cultural

ii) tonight, tongue, tourist, totally

Ans: i) absolute, cultural, happenings, landscape

ii) tongue, tonight, totally, tourist

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) jesus said let the children come to me

ii) is there anything else left for use to think

Ans: i) Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”

ii) Is there anything else left for use to think?

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans:  ‘Characteristics: character, act, risk, sit, teach, eat, rat, rest

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘ verbs.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Visit i) ……… 2)…………….3)…………4)………

Ans: Visit: i) teach ii) heal iii) laugh hit

Read Also: Grammatical Examples for Class 12th Board Exam

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to be engrossed in’

Ans: students are engrossed in reading story books.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

I know………………………………….

Ans: I know why was late for the school.

2) Attempt any one (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) manage………………… ii) possible………………….

Ans: i) manage: management

ii) possible: impossible


Read Also: Clauses Expand the sentences

b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) manage ii) possible

Ans: i)You don’t worry I will manage the team.

ii) Every thing is possible.

SET 10: Q.1 LANGUAGE STUDY (10 Marks)

Q.1 A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (08)

A 1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. (02)

i) spe _ ial2) sup _ ort 3) fli _ ht 4) sa _ ple

Ans: 1) special 2) support 3) flight 4) sample

2) Put the words in alphabetical order. (02)

i) sweeper, decree, talkative, feature

2) journey, judge, justice, joyously

Ans: i) decree, feature, sweeper, talkative,

ii) journey, joyously, judge, justice

3) Punctuate the following sentences. (02)

i) good morning nathu said the washermans boy

ii) is that so said mrs srivastava

Ans: i) “Good morning, Nathu,” said the washerman’s boy.

ii) “Is that so?” said Mrs Srivastava.

4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the word. (02)


Ans: Ignorance: ignore, rain, groan, grain,

5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)


6) Complete the word chain of ‘nouns.’ Add four words beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (02)

Book i) ……… 2)…………… 3)………… 4)…………

Ans: Book: i) kite ii) tiger iii) rain iv) nose

B) Do as directed. (02)

1) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘in a flash’

Ans:  It was done in a flash.


b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.

There was a great woman………………………………….

Ans: There was a great woman who fought for freedom.

2) Attempt any one: (01)

a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

i) develop………………… ii) fortunate…………………. OR

Ans: i) develop: development ii) fortunate: unfortunate

b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.

i) develop ii) fortunate

Ans: i) develop: It is important to develop good study skills.

ii) fortunate: I was fortunate to have/in having a good teacher.

SSC Question bank 2023 PDF Files With Answer sheet:
Section 01 Language Study
Section 02 Part 01 Textual Passage
Section 02 Part 01 Textual Passage
Section 03 Poetry
Section 04 Non-Textual Passage
Section 05 Writing Skill
– Letter Writing
– Dialogue Writing
– Speech Writing
– Information Transform Verbal or Non- Verbal
– News Report Writing
– Develop a Story
Section 06 Translation

Read Also:
1. Example of Gerund
2. Clauses Expand the sentences
3. Grammaetical Examples for Class 12th Board Exam
4. Important Grammar Examples For Board Exam
5. Class 8th Second Preliminary Exam Practice Paper 2023

Question Bank By Education Department Language Study Q & A

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