Std. 9th Second Semester Practice Paper Exam 2025

Std. 9th Second Semester Practice Paper Exam 2025

Std. 9th Second Semester Practice Paper Exam 2025

Std. IX. Sub: English Marks: 80


(1) Complete the words by using correct letters.

(i) Truth (ii) Cloud (iii) Brave (iv) Speak

(2) Arrange the words in alphabetical order.

  1. Arrows, battles, fields, ships
  2. Scatter, slave, speaker, stammer

  1. Punctuate the following.
    1. The king said, “What a strange appeal!”
    2. This is what happens with the spoken words.
  2. Make four words (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in the word


(i) Hope (ii) Shine (iii) Price (iv) Nice

(5) Write the related words as shown in the example.

Palace: Big, small, beautiful, royal, attractive,

(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Adjectives’. Add four words,

Rich: 1. Happy 2. Yellow 3. Wise 4. Eager

Q.1.B) Do as direct

  1. (attempt any 0ne )
    1. Make a meaningful sentence using „ to wake up‟
    2. Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully.

I saw a man……………………………………………………………

  1. (a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words.

(i) Sorrow (ii) dark

  1. Use any one of the following words in your own sentence.
    1. help
    2. dark
  2. Make a meaningful sentence using “to wake up”:

She set an alarm to wake up early for her morning jog.

  1. Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully:

I saw a man who was struggling to carry a heavy box across the street.

  1. Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:

(i) sorrow: sorrowful (suffix) (ii) dark: darkness (suffix)

  1. Use any one of the following words in your own sentence:
    1. help: She offered to help her friend with the difficult homework assignment.
    2. dark: The room was so dark that I couldn’t see anything.

Q.2 A). Read the following passage and do the activities: (A1) State if the following statements are True or False:

  1. Faraday’s work on electricity is still a subject of study.
  2. Faraday as a child, had a speech defect.
  3. Faraday disliked reading.
  4. The first consistent light bulb was produced by Davy.

Michael Faraday is regarded as one of the most distinguished scientists and inventors of modern times, and his work on electricity is still a subject of study, in the form of Faraday’s Laws. But few know his inspirational life story, which is all about courage and fighting against the odds. Michael Faraday was born into a poverty-stricken family in a dirty London suburb. He suffered from a speech defect as a child. He would pronounce ‘rabbit’ as ‘wabbit’.

He could not even say his own name and would call himself ‘Fawaday’. Other children laughed at him and teachers did not help him either. When he was twelve, his mother was forced to take him out of school, thus putting an end to his formal education. At thirteen, however, he started working with a bookbinder, binding hundreds of books during the day and staying up all night to read them. Reading thus became his obsession. One day he came across a book on electricity which had been sent to his master for binding. He started reading it and was completely hooked. That was his first introduction to the subject of electricity, which soon became a lifelong fascination.

Q.2 A). Read the following passage and do the activities: (A1) State if the following statements are True or False:

  1. Faraday’s work on electricity is still a subject of study.
  2. Faraday as a child, had a speech defect.
  3. Faraday disliked reading.
  4. The first consistent light bulb was produced by Davy.

(A1) State if the following statements are True or False:

  1. Faraday’s work on electricity is still a subject of study. – True
  2. Faraday as a child, had a speech defect. – True
  3. Faraday disliked reading. – False
  4. The first consistent light bulb was produced by Davy. – False

A2) What were the problems Faraday faced in his childhood: 1………..2……….3………..4………….

The problems Faraday faced in his childhood were:

  1. He was born into a poverty-stricken family.
  2. He suffered from a speech defect.
  3. Other children laughed at him.
  4. Teachers did not help him with his speech defect.

(A3) Two compound words are:

1.Bookbinder 2.Lifelong

(A4) Do as directed:

  1. Michael Faraday is regarded as one of the most distinguished scientists, isn’t he?
  2. What a great scientist he was!

A5) What is your dream? How will you achieve it?

  • Answer:

My dream is to become a successful software engineer. I will achieve it by studying hard, gaining relevant experience through internships, and continuously updating my skills with the latest technologies.

Q.2B. Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10 Marks) A1. State whether the following statements true or false:

  1. Prospero wanted to become Duke of Milan.
  2. Prospero spent most of his time reading books.
  3. The king of Naples was Prospero’s friend.
  4. Antonio managed to take over Prospero’s wealth and power

A1. State whether the following statements are true or false:

    1. Prospero wanted to become Duke of Milan. – False
    2. Prospero spent most of his time reading books. – True
    3. The king of Naples was Prospero’s friend. – False
    4. Antonio managed to take over Prospero’s wealth and power. – True

A2. Answer in 3-4 sentences:

What had the faithful Lord Gonzalo done to help Prospero? Gonzalo, out of love and loyalty for Prospero, secretly placed fresh water, food, clothes, and Prospero’s most valued possessions, his books, in the boat. This act of kindness helped Prospero and his daughter Miranda survive while they were left to drift in the open sea.

A3. Match the following words with their synonyms:

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

  1. loyal
  2. rightful
  3. enemy
  4. drift
  5. faithful
  6. correct
  7. foe
  8. float

A4. Do as directed.

  1. Prospero was a studious and learned scholar. (Use “not only… but also”)
  2. Antonio wanted to become Duke of Milan. (underline the infinitive)
  3. Prospero was not only studious but also a learned scholar.
  4. Antonio wanted to become Duke of Milan.

A5. Personal Response:

What will you do if somebody leaves you alone in the wide-open forest?

    • Answer:

If someone left me alone in a wide-open forest, I would first try to stay calm and assess my surroundings. I would look for sources of water and food, and try to find a safe place to stay. I would also attempt to create signals, like smoke or loud noises, to attract the attention of potential rescuers.

Q. Read the following poem and do the activities: A1. Simple Factual Activities:

  1. Pick out the correct alternative:
    1. The poet says that success is
      1. to laugh less and work more (b) to laugh never at all

(c) to laugh often and much (d) to laugh less and low

    1. The poet wants us to
      1. earn a lot of money (b) earn profits

(c) earn property (d) earn the appreciation of honest critics

    1. The poet wants us to appreciate

(a) riches (b) God (c) beauty (d) society

    1. The poet wants us to leave the world a bit

(a) bitter (b) better (c) broader (d) bared

A2) Which lines tell you that a parent, a good gardener, a social reformer are all successful people?

A3) Write rhyming words for:

  1. Match: ……………… 2. Sweety: ……………….

A1. Simple Factual Activities:

    1. The poet says that success is Answer: (c) to laugh often and much
    2. The poet wants us to

Answer: (d) earn the appreciation of honest critics

    1. The poet wants us to appreciate Answer: (c) beauty
    2. The poet wants us to leave the world a bit Answer: (b) better

A2. (2) Which lines tell you that a parent, a good gardener, a social reformer are all successful people?


The lines that indicate this are:

“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch

or a redeemed social condition;”

A3. Write rhyming words for:

  1. Match: patch
  2. Sweety: beauty

Appreciation: To a Butterfly

  1. Title: The title of the poem is To a Butterfly
  2. Author/Poet: The poem is written by William Wordsworth.
  3. Rhyme scheme:

1st stanza is: ‘aabbcbccb’.

2nd stanza is: ‘aabbcacca

  1. Figure of speech: Alliteration, Repetition,
  2. Theme /Central Idea The speaker of the poem is grown-up person who looks back to his childhood days. The sight of a butterfly reminds him of the present childhood days he spent together with his sister chasing butterflies on the countryside. This is the theme of the poem

A1. Choose the correct alternatives from the following & complete the sentences given below:

  1. is the latest facility available on the mobile phones.

(d) Internet

  1. Mobile phone is a must during ……

(d) natural calamities

  1. Mobile phone keeps you connected to your …… all the time.

(c) friends and family

  1. You can operate a mobile from ……
  2. anywhere

A2. Complete the following web with suitable words/phrases from the passage:


  • We can take pictures and store them.
  • It can tell the time.
  • We can listen to FM radio.
  • We can send or receive SMS messages.

A3. Match the adjectives with the nouns:

Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

  1. Superior
  2. Lonely
  3. Attractive
  4. Heavy

c. Quality

d. life

  1. Instrument
  2. Rains

A4. Do as directed:

  1. There is no need to wear a wristwatch. (Underline the infinitive)
  2. You can take pictures and store them in your mobile phone.

(Use „Not only …but also‟)

  1. There is no need to wear a wristwatch.
  2. You can not only take pictures but also store them in your mobile phone.

A5. How mobile phone is useful to a student?


A mobile phone is useful to a student in several ways. It helps them stay connected with family and friends, access educational resources and the internet for research, set reminders and alarms for study schedules, and use apps for learning and productivity.

Additionally, it allows students to capture notes or lectures through photos and recordings, making it a versatile tool for both academic and personal use.

Q.4B) Write a summary of the above passage and suggest\ a suitable title for it.

Uses of Mobile Phones:

The passage talks about the many features and uses of mobile phones, making them a very important and useful device today. Mobile phones are not just for calling; they can also tell time, work as an alarm clock, play FM radio, and act as a calculator. More advanced phones can play MP3 music, take high-quality photos, and connect to the internet. This helps people stay in touch with friends and family, especially during emergencies like storms or floods. Mobile phones make sure people are always connected and never feel alone.


Q.5 (A) Read the following leaflet and write any one of the letters given.

Attempt any one of the following letters with the help of the following:

Imagine you are Jaydeep / Jiya Kapoor from Swami Vivekananda School, SVK Road, Dadar (East), Mumbai – 400

099. Now, attempt any one of the following letters after reading the following poster in your locality

Jaydeep Kapoor

Swami Vivekananda School SVK Road, Dadar (East) Mumbai – 400 099

Date: 8th Feb. 2025. Dear Raj,

How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to tell you about an exciting trip our school has organised to the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Vastu Sangrahalaya museum. It’s going to be a fun and educational visit, and I thought you might want to join us!

The museum has so much to explore, like ancient sculptures, artefacts, and paintings. There will also be guided tours to make the visit even more interesting. The best part is that schools get special discounts, and the tour guide is free!

We’re planning to go on [insert date], and I think it’ll be a great way to learn about ancient India while having fun. Let me know if you’re

interested, and I’ll share more details. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Your lovingly, Jaydeep

A2. Formal Letter

Jaydeep Kapoor

Swami Vivekananda School SVK Road, Dadar (East) Mumbai – 400 099

Date: [Insert Date]


The Principal

Swami Vivekananda School SVK Road, Dadar (East) Mumbai – 400 099

Subject: Request to Organise a Trip to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya

Respected Ma’am/Sir,

I am writing to request you to consider organising a school trip to the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya museum. This museum offers a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about ancient India through its collection of sculptures, artefacts, and paintings.

The museum provides guided tours, which will make the visit both educational and engaging. Additionally, they offer special discounts for schools, and the tour guide service is free. This trip would be a great way for students to enhance their knowledge outside the classroom.

I hope you will consider this request and organise a visit for the students. Thank you for your time and attention.

Yours sincerely, Jaydeep Kapoor

Q.5 B) Do any one of the following – B1 or B2.

B1) (a) Prepare a dialogue by arranging the given sentences in proper order.

  1. Thanks for the encouragement.
  2. Are you ready for the exam?
  3. Don’t worry; you’ll do great.
  4. I still have some studying to do.

b. Are you ready for the exam?

d. I still have some studying to do.

c. Don’t worry; you’ll do great.

a. Thanks for the encouragement.

Raj: Do you agree that time is indeed money? Meena: Yes, I completely agree. Time is one of the most valuable resources we have.

Raj: How can we use our time wisely?

Meena: We can use our time wisely by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions.

  1. Write a dialogue between your mother and child on

“The Importance of Self Dependent.”

“The Importance of Self Dependent.” Mother: Do you know why doing things on your own is important? Child: Not really. Why, Mom?

Mother: When you do things yourself, you don’t always need help. It makes you strong and confident.

Child: But isn’t asking for help easier?

Mother: Asking for help is okay sometimes. But doing things on your own helps you in the future.

Child: How?

Mother: Like finishing homework by yourself now will help you later.

Child: How can I start doing more on my own?

Mother: Start small. Keep your school things tidy. Do homework without help. Help with small chores.

Child: I’ll try, Mom. Thanks!

Mother: You’re welcome! I’m proud of you!

Speech on Children’s Day

Respected teachers, parents, and dear friends,

Today, we celebrate Children’s Day. It is the birthday of India’s first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He loved children and believed we are the future of the country.

This day reminds us to focus on our studies and learn new skills. Education is important, but we should also learn teamwork, creativity, and problem- solving. These will help us in life.

We must also be responsible. We should respect elders, help others, and take care of our environment. Small actions can make a big difference.

Let’s promise to work hard, dream big, and become good citizens. Let’s make our parents and teachers proud.

Thank you, and Happy Children’s Day! Jai Hind!

Effects of Laziness

Laziness has many negative effects on our lives. It weakens both the body and mind, making us feel constantly tired and reducing our interest and excitement in daily activities. When tasks are left undone, it often results in stress. Laziness also increases the risk of sickness and can lead to excessive weight gain. Overall, it harms our physical and mental well-being, making it important to stay active and motivated.


A2) Verbal to Non-Verbal Information:

Read the following passage and complete the web diagram given below.

There are various environmental problems we witness around the world which are increasing with the passage of time. Most of the environmental problems stem from man-made causes. The environmental problems we witness around us include serious issues of climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, deforestation, soil erosion, and pollution in all its forms – water pollution, air pollution, plastic pollution, and sound pollution. Depletion of natural resources, loss of habitat, overfishing, and wildlife trafficking are issues we face too.

Waste management challenges also have to be addressed on a priority basis.

Environmental Problems

  • Climate Change
  • Depletion of the Ozone Layer
  • Deforestation
  • Soil Erosion
  • Pollution
    • Water Pollution
    • Air Pollution
    • Plastic Pollution
    • Sound Pollution
  • Depletion of Natural Resources
  • Loss of Habitat
  • Overfishing
  • Wildlife Trafficking
  • Waste Management Challenges

Q.6 B) B1 OR B2) B1) News Report Writing:

Teacher’s Day Celebration with a Difference

By Staff Reporter

Mumbai, September 5, 2023

Students at Green Valley High School celebrated Teacher’s Day in a special way this year. They organized a surprise event to thank their teachers for their hard work.

The celebration included heartfelt stories from students about how their teachers inspired them. They gave handmade cards and gifts. Teachers and students also played fun games together, making the day joyful.

Principal Mrs. Sharma said, “This shows the strong bond between teachers and students. It’s a day we will always remember.”

The event ended with students promising to respect and value their teachers every day. It was a unique and memorable celebration for everyone.


B2) Develop a story:

Develop a story using the following beginning. Suggest a suitable title.

Vidya was new in the city, attending a class…………

Title: A New Friend in the City

Vidya was new in the city, attending a class for the first time. She felt nervous as she walked into the classroom, unsure of how the other students would treat her. The teacher introduced her to the class, and Vidya took her seat quietly, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

During the break, a girl named Priya approached her with a warm smile. “Hi, I’m Priya. Would you like to sit with us for lunch?” Vidya hesitated but nodded, grateful for the friendly gesture. As they ate together, Priya and her friends made Vidya feel welcome, sharing stories and jokes.

Over the next few weeks, Vidya and Priya became close friends. Priya showed Vidya around the city, introducing her to its vibrant culture and hidden gems. Vidya, who had initially felt lonely, now looked forward to each day.

One day, Vidya noticed Priya seemed upset. When she asked, Priya confided that she was struggling with a difficult family situation. Vidya listened patiently and offered her support. Their friendship grew stronger as they helped each other through challenges.

By the end of the school year, Vidya realized that her move to the city had brought her not just new experiences but also a true friend. She learned that kindness and understanding could turn strangers into lifelong companions.

Moral: A small act of kindness can create lasting friendships and make a new place feel like home.

  1. Translate the following words into Marathi: Faith – विश्वास

Taste – चि

Advance – प्रगती Easily – सहजपणे Reaction – प्रवतविया

Atmosphere – िातािरण

  1. Translate the following sentences into Marathi:
    1. Wash your hands regularly. –नियनितपणे हात धुवा.
    2. Use mask for safety. – सुरनिततेसाठी िास्क वापरा.
    3. Stay away from crowd. – गर्दीपासूि र्दूर रहा.
    4. Be careful, life is precious. – सावध रहा, जीवि िौ□ वाि आ हे.
  2. Translate the following idioms/proverbs into Marathi:
    1. Man is the slave of his habits. – िाणूस त्याच्या सवयीींचा गुलाि अ स तो.
    2. Hard work is the key to success. – िेहि त ही यशाची गुरुनि ल्ल ी आ हे.
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