Textual Personal Response Questions Std.10th
Std. X, Sub: English
- Describe the surroundings of your house.
➡ तुमच्या घराच्या आजूबाजूचे वातावरण वर्णन करा.
I live in a small, crowded town. My house is a beautiful row house with a small garden at the entrance. The streets near my house have many shops, restaurants, supermarkets, and a bus station. My neighborhood is clean, with green lawns and flower beds. I love my surroundings and can’t imagine living anywhere else.
- Do you like to spend your vacation in the company of nature? Why?
➡ तुम्हाला सुट्टीचा वेळ निसर्गाच्या सहवासात घालवायला आवडतो का? का?
Yes, I like to spend my vacation in nature because it gives peace and relaxation. I enjoy visiting beaches where the blue sea, sky, and golden sand create a beautiful view. It refreshes my mind, reduces stress, and fills me with energy.
(3.) How do you spend your vacation?
➡ तुम्ही तुमची सुट्टी कशी घालवता?
- I spend my vacation in a relaxed and happy way.
- I join non-academic classes like dance and music.
- I watch inspiring TED talks.
- I visit the library to find books I like.
- I help my mother with household work.
- My vacation helps me recharge and get ready for my studies.
- What different opportunities do holidays provide you with?
➡ सुट्टी तुम्हाला कोणत्या वेगवेगळ्या संधी प्रदान करते?
Holidays provide me different opportunities like:
- To boost my brain function by reading.
- To try out new skills.
- To sleep a lot.
- To do something memorable.
- To volunteer for a charity.
- To meet new people.
- To go for a trip and write about it.
- To enjoy fully to charge myself with new vigor and energy.
- Do you have a reading hobby? How do you pursue it?
➡ तुमचा वाचनाचा छंद आहे का? तुम्ही तो कसा जोपासता?
Yes, I love reading. I read storybooks, novels, biographies, magazines, and newspapers whenever I get time. I try to read for 1-2 hours daily and more on holidays.
(6) What type of books do you like to read?
➡ तुम्हाला कोणत्या प्रकारच्या पुस्तकांचे वाचन करायला आवडते?
I enjoy reading various types of books like novels, adventure stories, fiction, and dramas, but autobiographies fascinate me the most. These life stories of great personalities teach valuable lessons and reveal their struggles, emotions, and achievements. They make the writers feel more real and relatable. Every page inspires me to overcome challenges and aim for success. Such books shape my thinking and help me build a better future.
(7) If you find an injured animal or bird, how will you help it?
➡ तुम्हाला एखादे जखमी प्राणी किंवा पक्षी दिसला, तर तुम्ही त्याला कशी मदत कराल?
If I find an injured animal or bird, I will gently bring it home and treat its wound with care. I will give it water and food, keep it in a cozy box, and take care of it until it recovers. Once it is strong, I will set it free to live in the wild again.
(8) What will you do if you see an animal in trouble?
➡ तुम्हाला एखादा प्राणी अडचणीत दिसल्यास तुम्ही काय कराल?
If I see an animal in trouble, I will help it get free and make sure it is safe. I will call the Animal Welfare Committee and take care of the animal until help arrives.
(9) What would you do if you had to save a baby langur, like the author?
➡ लेखकाप्रमाणे तुम्हाला एखाद्या लंगूराच्या पिल्लाला वाचवायचे असल्यास तुम्ही काय कराल?
If I have to save a baby langur, I will do the same as the author. I will protect it and call the Animal Protection Group for urgent help. I will also call experts to handle aggressive animals safely.
(10) Have you ever saved an animal from any encounter?
➡ तुम्ही कधी एखाद्या प्राण्याला संकटातून वाचवले आहे का?
Yes, I once saved a street dog from boys throwing stones at it. The dog was scared and running around. I scolded the boys and told them not to hurt animals and to be kind instead.
(11) What will you do if you hear the street dog/neighbouring dog, barking furiously?
➡ तुमच्या शेजारील कुत्रा अथवा रस्त्यावरचा कुत्रा जोरजोराने भुंकताना ऐकला तर तुम्ही काय कराल?
If I hear a dog barking furiously, I will check the reason. If it happens repeatedly, I will use a dog whistle or inform the municipality about the issue.
(12) What do you think about the wicked custom practiced by animals living in groups that is mentioned in the text?
➡ गटांमध्ये राहणाऱ्या प्राण्यांच्या वाईट प्रथांबद्दल तुमचे मत काय आहे?
The wicked custom of animals hurting their young seems cruel to us, but it is natural for them. Animals follow their own survival rules, which are different from human morals.
(13) What is your mother’s state of mind during your illness?
➡ तुमच्या आजारपणात तुमच्या आईची मानसिक अवस्था कशी असते?
During my illness, my mother gets very worried. She takes care of me like a nurse, stays awake at night, and ensures I get the right food and medicines. She remains anxious until I recover.
(14) What does your mother do if you are in great trouble?
➡ तुम्ही मोठ्या अडचणीत असाल, तर तुमची आई काय करते?
My mother is my biggest support. When I’m in trouble, she listens calmly and offers solutions. She protects me like a shield from all problems.
(15) Every baby finds great solace in the caring arms of mothers. Do you agree with the statement?
➡ प्रत्येक बाळाला आईच्या प्रेमळ मिठीत मोठा दिलासा मिळतो. तुम्हाला हे विधान पटते का?
I believe both mothers and fathers provide comfort to babies. Some babies find solace with their mothers, while others feel calm with their fathers. Both parents have caring and loving arms.
(16) Are wild animals important to nature? How?
➡ वन्य प्राणी निसर्गासाठी महत्त्वाचे आहेत का? कसे?
Yes, wild animals are important as they help maintain nature’s balance. They keep the environment clean, maintain the food chain, and support natural processes. They also hold cultural and ecological value.
(17) What would you do to maintain a healthy relationship with animals and birds?
➡ प्राणी आणि पक्ष्यांसोबत निरोगी संबंध राखण्यासाठी तुम्ही काय कराल?
To maintain a healthy bond with animals and birds, I would offer them food, water, and shelter. I would treat them kindly, protect them from harm, and provide medical help if needed.
(18) What should we do to help animals and birds during summer?
➡ उन्हाळ्यात प्राणी आणि पक्ष्यांना मदत करण्यासाठी आपण काय केले पाहिजे?
During summer, we should place water pots outside, on terraces, and balconies for animals and birds. We should also spread grains to feed them and gently spray water to help them cool down.
(19) Communication between animals and humans is not possible. Do you agree with the statement?
➡ प्राणी आणि माणसांमध्ये संवाद साधता येत नाही. तुम्हाला हे पटते का?
I disagree with the statement. Animals and humans communicate through sounds, actions, and body language. Animals respond to human emotions and actions once trust is built.
(20) If you were in the place of the narrator, would you be comfortable living so close to an animal habitat?
➡ तुम्ही कथाकथनकारांच्या जागी असता, तर तुम्हाला प्राण्यांच्या निवासस्थानाजवळ राहायला आवडले असते का?
Yes, I would enjoy living close to nature and animals. Although it would require some adjustments, it would be a unique and rewarding experience.
(21) What should we do to develop a relationship with animals?
➡ प्राण्यांशी चांगला संबंध प्रस्थापित करण्यासाठी आपण काय करावे?
To build relationships with animals, we should provide food, water, and shelter. More importantly, we should treat them with compassion, kindness, and understanding to earn their trust.
(22) What opinion do you form about the narrator from the text?
➡ पाठावरून कथाकथनकाराबद्दल तुमचे मत काय आहे?
The narrator was compassionate, brave, and thoughtful. He acted wisely in a tough situation and showed deep sensitivity toward animals, especially the baby langur and its mother.
(23) What qualities of the narrator stand out from the text?
➡ कथाकथनकाराच्या कोणत्या गुणविशेषांचा पाठात उल्लेख आहे?
The narrator was brave, kind, and caring. He had a quick presence of mind and understood animals’ gestures. His courage and sensitivity stood out in the story.
(24) Have you ever encountered wild animals?
➡ तुम्ही कधी वन्य प्राण्यांना भेटले आहात का?
Yes, I once encountered an elephant while driving through a forest. It walked towards us on a narrow road. Our driver acted wisely by hiding the car, and the elephant went back into the forest. It was a thrilling and unforgettable experience.
(25) How do you feel when somebody helps you?
➡ कोणी तुम्हाला मदत केल्यावर तुम्हाला कसे वाटते?
When someone helps me, I feel happy and grateful. I deeply respect that person and always remember their kindness. It inspires me to help others in need.
(26) How do you feel when you help someone?
➡ तुम्ही कोणाला मदत केल्यावर तुम्हाला कसे वाटते?
Helping someone makes me feel blessed and satisfied. It brings joy, boosts my mood, and strengthens my belief in humanity. I feel that giving help is more rewarding than receiving it.
(27) Do you think goal setting is useful? Why?
➡ तुमच्या मते उद्दिष्टे ठरवणे उपयुक्त आहे का? का?
Yes, goal setting is important as it fuels ambition, gives long-term vision, and short-term motivation. It helps us focus, plan our efforts, and turn our dreams into reality.
(28) Do you think setting a goal is easy? Why?
➡ तुमच्या मते उद्दिष्ट ठरवणे सोपे आहे का? का?
No, setting a goal isn’t easy. It requires careful planning, clear steps, and hard work. It’s more than just wishing; it involves commitment and determination.
(29) Advantages of setting goals. Explain in your own words.
➡ उद्दिष्टे ठरवण्याचे फायदे. तुमच्या शब्दांत समजावा द्या.
Goal setting helps us stay focused, motivated, and disciplined. It guides us in the right direction, builds confidence, and brings long-term success.
(30) What is your achievable goal during this year? How will you achieve it?
➡ यावर्षी तुमचे कोणते उद्दिष्ट साध्य करायचे आहे? तुम्ही ते कसे साध्य कराल?
My goal this year is to score above 90% in my SSC exam. I study systematically, focus in class, and avoid stress. I plan to finish my studies by January and dedicate February to revisions and paper-solving.
(31) Write about the dream or goal that you want to achieve and state ways you are going to follow.
➡ तुमचे स्वप्न किंवा उद्दिष्ट कोणते आहे यावर लिहा आणि ते साध्य करण्यासाठी तुम्ही कोणत्या पद्धती अवलंबणार आहात ते सांगा.
My dream is to become a lawyer. After my 12th exam, I will join Symbiosis Law College, get an LLB degree, complete an internship with a reputed lawyer, and start practicing.
(32) Why is it necessary to set realistic goals? Explain with an example.
➡ वास्तववादी उद्दिष्टे ठरवणे का आवश्यक आहे? उदाहरणासह समजावा द्या.
Realistic goals match our skills and abilities. For example, wanting to be a singer without musical talent is unrealistic. Goals should align with our strengths to be achievable.
(33) What qualities are needed to be successful in life?
➡ जीवनात यशस्वी होण्यासाठी कोणते गुण आवश्यक आहेत?
To be successful, one needs qualities like ambition, determination, discipline, patience, courage, resilience, and positivity. These traits help overcome challenges and achieve goals.
(34) Should our goal be time-bound? Should we set a time limit to get success? Why?
➡ आपले उद्दिष्ट कालमर्यादित असावे का? यश मिळवण्यासाठी कालमर्यादा ठरवावी का? का?
Yes, goals should be time-bound. Setting deadlines helps us focus, organize efforts, and achieve success within a timeframe. Time limits push us to act before opportunities are lost.
(35) Can we achieve success without visions, wishes, intentions, or dreams?
➡ कल्पना, इच्छा, हेतू किंवा स्वप्नांशिवाय आपण यश मिळवू शकतो का?
No, success requires visions, dreams, and ambitions. These motivate us to set goals and work toward them. Without dreams, life is aimless, and success is impossible.
(36) Do you like to go to the gym? Why?
➡ तुम्हाला जिमला जाणे आवडते का? का?
Yes, I enjoy going to the gym as it improves my physical and mental health. It keeps me fit, boosts brainpower, and fills me with positive energy.
(37) Do you agree, “Champions aren’t made in gyms?” Justify your answer.
➡ तुम्हाला हे विधान पटते का, “चॅम्पियन्स जिममध्ये तयार होत नाहीत”? तुमचे उत्तर समर्थवा.
Yes, I agree. Champions are not made in gyms. Physical fitness is important, but qualities like determination, endurance, and critical thinking make a true champion.
(38) ‘Success is a walk in the darkness.’ Do you agree? Why?
➡ ‘यश म्हणजे अंधारात चालण्यासारखे आहे.’ तुम्हाला हे पटते का? का?
Yes, success is like walking in darkness. The path to success is unclear and filled with challenges. We must take careful steps, stay focused, and face hardships to reach our goals.
(39) ‘Life is something like a trumpet.’ Do you agree? Why?
➡ ‘जीवन म्हणजे ट्रम्पेटसारखे आहे.’ तुम्हाला हे पटते का? का?
Yes, life is like a trumpet. It only produces beautiful sounds when we blow air into it. Similarly, success comes only when we put in consistent efforts.
(40) If we don’t put anything in, we can’t get anything out! Explain.
➡ आपण काही घातले नाही तर काहीही मिळणार नाही! समजवा.
If we don’t make efforts, we won’t achieve anything. Success requires time, hard work, and dedication. The more effort we put in, the more rewards we get.
(41) How will you encourage your friend to be successful?
➡ तुमच्या मित्राला यशस्वी होण्यासाठी तुम्ही कसे प्रोत्साहित कराल?
I will encourage my friend by helping them find their purpose and sharing inspiring stories. I’ll appreciate their efforts, boost their confidence, and support them whenever needed.
(42) How would you react if you had to travel alone?
➡ तुम्हाला एकट्याने प्रवास करावा लागला तर तुम्ही कशी प्रतिक्रिया द्याल?
If I had to travel alone, I would take it as a challenge. It would help me become more confident, independent, and flexible with my plans. Using technology for navigation, I’d explore freely and follow my interests.
(43) How do you react if you had to stay alone at home?
➡ तुम्हाला घरी एकटे राहावे लागल्यास तुम्ही कशी प्रतिक्रिया द्याल?
If I had to stay home alone, I’d be excited but also cautious. I’d lock the doors, take care of myself, and spend time reading or watching TV. If needed, I’d call my parents. I’d enjoy the experience of independence.
(44) Why do you think that human beings also find it difficult to face great challenges?
➡ तुमच्या मते, माणसांना मोठ्या आव्हानांचा सामना करणे कठीण का वाटते?
People find it difficult to face challenges because of fear and lack of confidence. To overcome challenges, we need hope, self-confidence, and a positive mindset.
(45) Have you ever felt fear of something? How do you overcome that fear?
➡ तुम्हाला कधी एखाद्या गोष्टीची भीती वाटली आहे का? तुम्ही ती भीती कशी दूर केली?
I felt fear when I gave my first speech. I forgot my lines and was scared of being mocked. But seeing my parents and teachers encouraging me gave me confidence. I completed my speech well and even won a prize. I learned that fear is in the mind, and overcoming it makes us stronger.
(46) Describe the challenges you faced while learning to ride a bicycle.
➡ सायकल चालवायला शिकताना तुम्हाला कोणत्या अडचणी आल्या हे वर्णन करा.
When learning to ride a bicycle, I was scared of falling. My father helped me gain courage. I kept trying until I succeeded. I realized that learning requires daring and persistence.
(47) Describe the challenges you faced while learning to swim.
➡ पोहायला शिकताना तुम्हाला कोणत्या अडचणी आल्या हे वर्णन करा.
Learning to swim was challenging. I was scared of water and thought I’d sink. My father encouraged me. Slowly, I learned to float, hold my breath, and swim. I realized that consistent effort and courage are key to learning new skills.
(48) What would you do if you wanted to learn something new?
➡ तुम्हाला एखादी नवीन गोष्ट शिकायची असेल तर तुम्ही काय कराल?
To learn something new, I’d set clear goals, stay motivated, and follow a schedule. I’d practice regularly, take breaks, and remove distractions. I’d believe in myself and stay focused on my progress.
(49) Which skill would you like to learn from your parents?
➡ तुम्हाला तुमच्या पालकांकडून कोणती कौशल्ये शिकायला आवडतील?
I’d like to learn problem-solving and time management skills from my mother. From my father, a carpenter, I’d like to learn carpentry skills like cutting wood, sharpening tools, and finishing furniture.
(50) What will you do if you are hungry and your mother is not at home?
➡ तुम्हाला भूक लागली आहे आणि तुमची आई घरी नाही, तर तुम्ही काय कराल?
If I’m hungry and my mother isn’t home, I’d buy ready-to-cook food or prepare a simple dish myself. I’m confident in cooking since I help my mother in the kitchen.
(51) The young seagull was afraid of flying. Do you think all the young birds are afraid of their first flight? Do you think a human baby also finds it challenging to take its first steps?
➡ तरुण Seagull उडण्याची भीती वाटत होती. तुम्हाला वाटते का की सर्व तरुण पक्ष्यांना त्यांच्या पहिल्या उड्डाणाची भीती वाटते? तुमच्या मते, एखाद्या बाळाला त्याचे पहिले पाऊल टाकणे आव्हानात्मक वाटते का?
Yes, young birds and human babies both find their first steps challenging. The fear of falling or failure makes them nervous. But with courage, they grow independent and mature. Facing challenges is part of learning and growing.
(52) Do you think that the seagull’s family loved him? Justify their attitude towards him.
➡ तुमच्या मते Seagull कुटुंबाला त्याच्यावर प्रेम होते का? त्यांच्या वागणुकीला समर्थन द्या.
Yes, the seagull’s family loved him. They refused to feed him because they wanted him to fly and become independent. Their tough love pushed him to make his first flight, and they celebrated his success.
(53) Do you think the seagull’s parents were cruel? Justify your answer.
➡ तुमच्या मते Seagull पालक क्रूर होते का? तुमचे उत्तर समर्थवा.
No, the seagull’s parents weren’t cruel. They were wise and taught him self-reliance through tough love. Their method worked, as the seagull finally flew out of hunger. They wanted him to learn independence for survival, which shows their care and concern.