SSC English Question Bank 2023 Section 6 Translation With Answers
Set -1 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) distress – दुः ख/क्लेश, यातना (2) shrill – ककक श (3) stout – दणकट, मजबूत (4) assault – हहस्रिं हल्ला (5) compassion – दया, करुणा (6) cuddled – क रवाळणे, क शीत घेणे, कवटाळणे (b)Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Thanks for your invitation. आपल्या हनमिंत्रणाबद्दल धन्यवाद. (2) Glad to see you. त लापाहून /भेटून आनिंद झाला. (3) It is pleasant today. आजचा हदवस स खद / आल्हाददायक आहे. (4) Please count the money. कृपयापैसेमोज/मोजा. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) A bad workman always blames his tools. नाचता येईना, अिंगण वाकडे (2) A stitch in time saves nine. वेळीच के लेल्या उपायानेसिंभाव्य मोठी हानी टळते. / वेळेवर के लेली कृती प ढील न कसान टाळते. Set -2 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) glisten – चमकणे (2) plodded – मोठ्या कष्टाने, रखडत चालणे (3) bankrupt – हदवाळखोर (4) courage – धैयक, धाडस (5) research – सिंशोधन (6) firm – हनग्रही, दृढ, भक्कम, घट्ट, कणखर, एकहनष्ठ (b)Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Raman decided to continue his research. रामननेत्याचेसिंशोधन चालूठेवण्याचेठरहवले (2) He was very simple and intelligent. तो खूप साधा आहण ब हिमान होता (3) Courage is a truly wonderful thing. धैयकहेखरोखर अद्भ त गोष्ट आह.े (4) She is so beautiful. ती खूप स िंदर आह.े (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction: (Any one) (01) (1) Spread one’s wing. स्वावलिंबनानेव आत्महवश्वासानेएखाद्या नवीनउपक्रमास स रुवात करणे/झेप घेणे (2) as free as bird. पक्ष्यासारखा म क्त. Set -3 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) manner – पित, रीत (2) passive – हनहरक्रय (3) gather – गोळा करणे (4) information – माहहती (5) occupation – व्यवसाय (6) honour – सन्मान (b)Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) He just felt dizzy. त्याला चक्कर आल्यासारखे वाटले. (2) He owns 5 acres of land. त्याच्याकडे पाच एकर जमीन आहे. / तो पाच एकर जहमहनचा मालक आहे (3) The woodcutter cut the weak branch of tree. लाक डतोड्यानेझाडाची कमक वत फािंदी तोडली. (4) She is the head of our institution. त्या आमच्या सिंस्तेच्या प्रम ख आहते. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) Action speaks louder than words. उक्तीपेक्षा कृती श्रेष्ठ. (2) All good things come to an end. सवकचािंगल्या गोष्टींचा/ला अिंत असतो. Set -4 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) forgive – क्षमा करणे (2) surprise – आश्चयक (3) paradise – निंदनवन/ स्वगक (4) zest – उत्साह (5) fortunate – नशीबवान / स दैवी (6) sequence – क्रम (b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) She divided the class in four groups. हतने वगाकची चार गटात हवभागणी के ली. (2) Select irrelevant words from the passage. पररच्छेदातून असिंबिंहधत शब्द हनवडा. (3) I have promised to go there. मी तेथे जाण्याचे वचन हदले आहे (4) His horse seems anxious to keep going. त्याचा घोडाप ढेजाण्यासाठी हचिंताग्रस्त/हचिंतातरूवाटत आहे. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) All that glitters is not a gold. चकाकतेतेसवक सोनेनसते/चकाकणारेसवकसोनेच असतेअसेनाही. (2) All is fair in love and war. प्रेमात आहण य िात सवककाही क्षम्य असते Set -5 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) education – हशक्षण (2) market – बाजार (3) general – सामान्य (4) easy – सोपे (5) unhappy –दुः खी (6) taste – चव (b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Books are our real friends. प स्तकेआपली खरी हमत्र आहते. (2) Everyday writing is a good habit. दररोज हलहहणिंही चािंगली सवय आह.े (3) Rashmika likes playing music. रहममकाला सिंगीत वाजवायला आवडतिं. (4) All Indians are my brothers and sisters. सवक भारतीय माझेबिंधू-भहगनी आहेत. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) Honesty is the best policy. प्रामाहणकपणा हा सवोत्कृष्ट धोरण/ग ण आहे. (2) Charity begins from home. दान हेआधी स्वतुःच्या घरापासून स रु व्हावे. /परोपकाराची स रुवात घरापासून होते Set -6 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) climate – हवामान (2) headline – मथळा (3) devotion – हनष्ठा, भक्ती, समपकण (4) reporter – वाताकहर, बातमीदार (5) miracle – चमत्कार (6) satellite –उपग्रह (b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Never lose an opportunity. कधीही सिंधी गमावूनका. (2) Knowledge is power. ज्ञान हेच सामर्थयक (3) Eat to live, don’t live to eat. जगण्यासाठी खा, खाण्यासाठी जगूनका. (4) Change is the law of nature. बदल हा हनसगाकचा हनयम आहे. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) Might is right. बळी तो कान हपळी (2) An empty vessel makes much noise. उथळ पाण्याला खळखळाट फार. Set -7 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Create – हनमाकण करणे (2) expert – तरबेज (3) natural –नैसहगकक (4) achieve – सिंपाहदत करण, े प्राप्त करणे (5) afraid – घाबरणे (6) pretend – बहाणा करणे, ढोंग करणे (b)Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Sonali ate the mango. सोनालीनेआिंबा खाल्ला. (2) He learnt new words today. त्याला आज नवे शब्द हशकायला हमळाले. (3) Eat healthy food every day. दररोज सकस आहार घ्यावा. (4) Hard work is a key of success. कठोर पररश्रम/मेहनत ही यशाची ग रुहकल्ली आहे. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction :(Any one) (01) (1) Service to man is service to God. जनसेवा हहच खरी ईश्वर सेवा (2) All is well that ends well. ज्याचा शेवट गोड तेसारेच गोड Set -8 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) habit – सवय (2) confidence – आत्महवश्वास (3) universal – वैहश्वक (4) customer – ग्राहक (5) taste – चव (6) improvement – स धारणा (b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Don’t waste your time. आपला वेळ वाया घालवूनका. (2) Follow the traffic rules. वाहत कीच्या नियम ांचेपालन कर . (3) Use helmet while riding a bike. दच ाकी चालवताना हेल्मेटचा वापर करा. (4) Wash your hands before you eat. खाण्यापूवीहात स्वच्छ ध वा. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) Barking dog seldom bite गजेल तो पडेल काय? (2) Better late than never. कधीही न करण्यापेक्षा, उहशरा का होईना करणेश्रेयस्कर Set -9 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Shout – ओरडणे (2) account – खाते (3) rumours – अफवा (4) declare – घोहित करणे, जाहीर करणे (5) suddenly – अचानक (6) afford – परवडणे (b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Save water, save trees पाणी वाचवा, वक्षृ /झाडेवाचवा (2) Study honestly, you will get success. प्रामाहणकपणेअभ्यास करा त म्हाला यश हमळेल. (3) Don’t use mobile phones while driving a car. गाडी चालवताना भ्रमण ध्वनीचा वापर करू नका. (4) Wash your hands before you eat. जेवणाआधी त मचेहात ध वा. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) No pain no gain कष्टाहशवाय फळ नाही. (2) Early bird catches the worm. हाजीर तो वजीर Set -10 SECTION VI: SKILL DEVELOPMENT Q. 7 Translation (5 Marks) (a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) develop –हवकहसत करणे (2) suggest – स चहवणे (3) incident – प्रसिंग (4) calamity –आपत्ती (5) effective –पररणामकारक (6) systematic –पितशीर (b)Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction: (Any four) (02) (1) Practice makes man perfect. प्रयत्नािंतीपरमेश्वर (2) Obey the orders of your teacher. त मच्या हशक्षकािंच्या आज्ञेचेपालन करा. (3) Daily exercise can keep aside diseases. हनयहमत व्यायाम आजारािंना दरूठेऊ शकते. (4) Respect your parents. त मच्या आई वहडलािंचा आदर करा. (c) Translate the given idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction:(Any one) (01) (1) Every dog has his day. चार हदवस सासूचे, चार हदवस स नेच.े (2) God helps those who help themselves. कष्ट करणाऱ्याला देवाचेसहाय्य/जो दस ऱ्याला मदत करतो त्यालाच देव मदत करतो. |