Used as Adjectives
1. Present Participles: Progressive/Continuous Tense मध्ये (अपूर्ण / चालू काळात) –ing’ असलेल्या रूपांचा उपयोग एखादी क्रिया सध्या/ आता चालू आहे किंवा ती पूर्वी चालू होती किंवा यापुढील काळात चालू असेल, असे दर्शवण्याकरिता मूळ क्रियापदाला ‘-ing’ हा प्रत्यय जोडून करतो. -ing हा प्रत्यय जोडलेल्या क्रियापदाला Present Participle म्हणतात.
(1) Madhu is playing.
(2) Raghu was playing,
(3) They will be playing tomorrow.
अशा Present Participles चा Adjective (विशेषण) म्हणून कसा उपयोग होतो, हे पाहूया.
Read the following sentences :
(1) I got into a moving bus. (मी चालत्या बसमध्ये चढलो. )
(2) She has a singing bird. (तिच्याकडे एक गाणारा पक्षी आहे.)
(3) Tapan is reading an interesting story. (तपन एक मनोरंजक कथा वाचत आहे.)
(4) It is a burning problem. (ती एक ज्वलंत समस्या आहे.)
वरील वाक्यांत moving, singing, interesting आणि burning हे शब्द अनुक्रमे bus, bird, story व problem या शब्दांविषयी अधिक माहिती सांगतात. म्हणून ती adjectives आहेत. अशा प्रकारे होणाऱ्या adjectives ना Verbal Adjectives असेही म्हणतात.
अशी आणखी काही उदाहरणे पाहा :
flowing water, dancing doll, growing trees, barking dogs, swimming pool, wrapping paper, writing pad, etc.
2. Past Participles as Adjectives: क्रियापदाच्या मूळ रूपाला -d किंवा ed लावून क्रियापदाचे Past
Participle (क्रियापदाचे तिसरे रूप) तयार होते. त्याचप्रमाणे काही क्रियापदांची अशी तिसरी रूपे अनियमितपणेही होतात,
उदा., see – seen, speak – spoken, write – written, go-gone, इत्यादी.
या क्रियापदांचा उपयोग आपण Present Perfect (पूर्ण वर्तमानकाळ) आणि Past Perfect (पूर्ण भूतकाळ) या काळांत करतो, हे आपल्याला माहीत आहे.
उदा., He has gone – He had gone. She has cooked – She had cooked. I have seen – I had seen.
अशा Past Participles चा उपयोग विशेषण म्हणून कसा होतो हे पाहूया.
Read the following sentences :
(1) We bought an imported TV. (आम्ही आयात केलेला टीव्ही खरेदी केला.)
(2) Swami collected the scattered books. (स्वामीने विखुरलेली पुस्तके गोळा केली.)
(3) Chorge sells stolen goods. (चोर्गे चोरलेल्या वस्तू विकतो.)
(4) We sat on a fallen tree. (आम्ही आडव्या पडलेल्या झाडावर बसलो.)
वरील वाक्यांतील imported, scattered, stolen व fallen हे शब्द अनुक्रमे TV. books, goods व tree या नामांविषयी अधिक माहिती देतात, म्हणून ती Adjectives आहेत.
● अशी आणखी काही उदाहरणे पाहा:
broken heart, tinted glass, spoken words. protected area, printed matter, high-
pitched yells, forgotten moments, etc.
1. Underline the Participles and write what kind of Participles they are:
(1) The langur was forced to drop the baby from the sloping roof.
Ans. sloping – Present Participle.
(2) He started to cry with a muffled cry.
(3) The baby found a great solace in her caring arms.
(4) There sat a universal mother holding a stricken child in her lap.
(5) His two little twinkling eyes welled up with tears.
(6) I hurled a piece of stone at the marauding langur.
(7) He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes balanced on his head.
(8) ‘Swami and Friends’ by R. K. Narayan is an interesting read.
(9) Old Ganpat, the beggar, had a crooked leg.
(10) He made many epochmaking statements.
(11) Dr Stephen Hawking was a living legend of Cosmology.
(12) Fulfil all your dreams and unfulfilled desires.
2. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct form of the words given in the brackets
(1) Her life in the university was a……………experience.
(2) Nutrition has been a……………. area in Indian sports-
(3) The………………..bandsmen thought this was the end of the ceremony.
(4) Bholi lay awake and listened to her parents’…………….. conversation.
(5) I have held their injured bodies and felt their………………. spirits.
Answer sheet
1. Underline the Participles and write what kind of Participles they are:
(1) sloping – Present participle
(2) muffled – Past participle
(3) caring – Present participle
(4) stricken – Past participle
(5) twinkling – Present participle
(6) marauding – Present participle
(7) pressed – Past participle
(8) interesting – Present participle
(9) crooked – Past participle
(10) epoch-making – Present participle
(11) living – Present participle
(12) unfulfilled – Past participle
2. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct form of the words given in the brackets
(1) disheartening
(2) neglected
(3) confused
(4) whispered
(5) broken