Story Writing
Develop a story suitable to the conclusion/end given below. Suggest a suitable title.
and so, with tears of joy and pride, the 10
year-old Sanyogita More received the National Bravery Award from the Prime Minister.
“Sanyogita’s Brave Adventure”
Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a brave little girl named Sanyogita More. She was only ten years old but had a heart full of courage and a love for excitement. Her village was beautiful, but it had dangers that the children had to be careful of.
One day, while Sanyogita was playing by the river with her friends, she noticed that they were in trouble. The river’s strong currents were pulling them away, and they couldn’t swim back to safety. Without thinking twice, Sanyogita jumped into the water and fought against the waves to save her friends. Everyone who saw her was amazed at her bravery and kindness.
News of Sanyogita’s brave act spread quickly. Even the Prime Minister heard about her and was deeply touched. He decided to honor her with the National Bravery Award. When Sanyogita’s family found out, they were overjoyed and proud. They couldn’t believe that their little girl was going to receive such a special award.
As the award ceremony approached, the village buzzed with excitement. The villagers organized a big celebration to honour Sanyogita. The streets were decorated with colourful banners and ribbons. Sanyogita was grateful for all the love and support she received but stayed humble and kind to everyone.
Finally, the day of the ceremony arrived. Sanyogita stood on a big stage, feeling nervous but happy. The Prime Minister smiled kindly at her and presented her with the National Bravery Award. The crowd clapped and cheered loudly, and Sanyogita couldn’t help but cry tears of joy and pride.
From that day on, Sanyogita became a hero to children all over the country. She used her voice and influence to speak up for the safety and well-being of children. She believed that education, awareness, and support from the community were important. Many people were inspired by her determination and joined her cause.
As time went on, Sanyogita continued to work hard for the children’s welfare. She became a role model, showing that even small acts of bravery can make a big difference. Her story touched the hearts of many, and she became known far and wide.
And so, with tears of joy and pride, the ten-year-old Sanyogita More received the National Bravery Award from the Prime Minister. Her incredible journey from a small village girl to a national hero had just begun. With courage in her heart and a desire to help others, Sanyogita set out to make the world a better place for children everywhere.
The End
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