Day 8 Std.10th Bridge Course 2023-24 Enrich vocabulary through reading
Day: 08 Sub: English Std.: 10th
8. Enrich vocabulary through reading
Learning Outcome:
Learn new words, expressions and enrich his/her vocabulary through reading.
Learning Activity/Experience:
Teacher asks student to read the passage carefully and tells them to find some new words.
Teacher supports all students to complete all activities.
Students follow all the instructions and try to complete the activity.
At least one earthquake happens somewhere in the world every day. On some days there are many more. A few cause great damage and loss of life; some are felt only as slight shudders of the ground; many more are so small that they cannot be felt at all. We know about them only because they are shown on a seismograph – a delicate instrument which records movements of the ground. It has a small needle which scratches a white line on a strip of black paper, which is going round on a drum. When everything is quite still the line is straight, but when the ground shakes the line becomes wiggly. A severe earthquake, even though it is a long way away, makes large wiggles on the line. Many earthquakes happen under the sea and they often cause great waves, called tsunamis. Tsunamis are taller than a house and they race across the sea one after another at high speed. Ships in their path may be wrecked and, when the waves reach land, there may be flooding and enormous damage. |
Teacher takes the following activity to understand the new words.
1) Match the opposite words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.
Column ‘A’ |
Answer |
Column ‘B’ |
1) huge 2) vibrations 3) little 4) loss |
a) small b) damage c) enormous d) shudders |
huge – c) enormous
vibrations – d) shudders
little – a) small
loss – b) damage
2) Find out the adjectives for the following:
1) ………… earthquake
2) ………… damage
3) ……….. instrument
4) ………… line
1) Severe earthquake
2) Great damage
3) Delicate instrument
4) Wiggly line
3) Complete the word chain of nouns. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word of your own.
Earthquake …………………. …………………. …………………. ………………….
Ans: Word chain of nouns:
Earthquake – Earth – Hemisphere – Eruption – Tsunami
Solved/Demo Activity:
Teacher demonstrates one of the activities and supports learner to get expected answers from the reading passage.
Fill in the blanks.
1) Many ………………………… happen under the sea.
2) ………………………… are taller than a house.
- Many earthquakes happen under the sea.
- Tsunamis are taller than a house.
Teacher helps learner to give hints of answers by giving stress while reading the passage.
Teacher takes one key word from the passage and tells student to add related words for it.
Write the related words as shown in the example.
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
Read new books, magazines, non-fictional books, newspapers every week.
Note the various unfamiliar words and find the meaning, synonyms and antonyms from the dictionary.