Day 11 Std.10th Bridge Course 2023-24 Letter and Application Writing
Day: 11 Sub: English Std.: 10th
11. Letter and Application Writing
Learning Outcomes:
_ Write formal letter in the expected format.
_ Write formal letters and applications in the expected format, as well as informal letters.
Learning Activity/Experience:
Teacher asks student to read the format of a letter.
Teacher asks to find out sender’s address, salutations, subject, body of the letter and conclusion.
Formal Letter Format
Nisarg Sagar Sadabahar Colony, M.G. Road, Ahmednagar- 414005 10th June, 2023. To, The Organizer Fitness Yoga Class Shirdi. Subject: Enquiry for admission to Yoga Classes. ( Subject ) Dear Sir, (Salutation) I am Nisarg Sagar, a 19 year old boy from Ahmednagar. I noticed your advertising in the Times of India newspaper on May 12, 2023. I am writing this letter to you for inquiry regarding admission to your Yoga Class. As a health-conscious individual, believe yoga is the most effective kind of exercise. It benefits us not only in terms of physical exercise but also in terms of mental and spiritual activity. So, sir, kindly provide me with detail about fees of your class. I want to know the different schedules of your class. So that I may join as per my convenience and your timetable. Please do the needful. I hope you will send me details about Yoga Classes. Thank You. Yours faithfully, Nisarg Sagar |
Solved/Demo Activity:
Teacher explains the steps of the formal letter with the help of a given format.
Teacher elicits the responses from the students.
1) Write a letter to the chief officer of the Pollution Control Office, Nagpur requesting to him/her to organize the campaign for celebrating Diwali without crackers.
Radhey Jadhav, B/651 Ram Apartments, C. A. Main Road, Nagpur 440001 17th July, 2023. To, The Chief Officer, Pollution Control Office, Nagpur. Subject: Campaign for celebrating Diwali without crackers. Dear Sir, This letter is with a humble request to organize an awareness campaign among the general public for celebrating Diwali festival without crackers in order to stop air pollution. We need to make the general public aware that celebrating Diwali without crackers does not ruin the festival of lights. It will actually spare citizens from lethal doses of toxic substances that are not measured in routine pollution checks such as mercury, lead and aluminium. The Pollution Board needs to conduct a thorough campaigning by displaying the information about the harm caused by firecrackers much more aggressively. Stringent measures are required to be taken by the board for controlling the burning due to crackers which can only be done by putting a ban on bursting crackers and cautioning people against burning of crackers. Thank You, Yours Obediently, Radhey Jadhav |
Write a letter of application to the principal requesting him/her to issue a duplicate copy of the leaving certificate. Use the information given below.
Applicant: Riya/Ritesh Patil,
School: Shri Rajendra High School, Mahal, Nagpur. Class: X.
Division: B, Register No. 10011,
Reason: Qualified for Abroad Scholarship Examination, have to submit the documents.
Ritesh Patil.
Samata Sadan.
M.G. Road,
25th. July. 2022.
The principal
Shri Rajendra High School,
Mahal, Nagpur.
Subject: Request for Duplicate Leaving Certificate
Dear Principal,
I am writing to request a duplicate copy of my leaving certificate from Shri Rajendra High School. I am Riya/Ritesh Patil, a former student of Class X, Division B, with register number 10011.
I recently qualified for an Abroad Scholarship Examination and need to submit my documents. However, I have misplaced my original leaving certificate and cannot find it despite my best efforts.
I kindly ask for your assistance in issuing a duplicate leaving certificate. I am willing to provide any necessary documents or information and cover any associated costs or fees.
I assure you that I will use the duplicate certificate responsibly and solely for the scholarship application. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated as the deadline is approaching.
Thank you for your understanding and support. I hope for a positive response to my request.
[Ritesh Patil.]
Write a complaint letter regarding irregular electric supply in your locality. (Use the following Points)
A) Duration of the problem
B) Its Impact
C) Request to solve the problem
8F, Heaven colony,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai – 400017.
13th February, 2022.
The Electric Department officer,
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai,
Electricity and Water Department,
Dadar, Mumbai.
Subject: Complaint letter regarding irregular electricity supply.
Respected Sir,
We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months in our locality.
In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their upcoming Board Exams as well as for other final examinations. But, this irregularity in electric supply is causing obstacles in their preparation. Sir, you also know, this year the summer is extremely hot so the old people facing it very difficult to tackle the problem. The problems of current supply also lead to some other illegal activities in our locality.
We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly am requesting you to look into this matter personally. If you do the needful then I shall be very much thankful to you.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
X y z
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
Write a letter to the Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Aurangabad to complain about the inconvenience caused by prolonged road – repair work going on in your area.
Ritesh Patil.
Samata Sadan.
M.G. Road,
25th. July. 2022.
Mr. Daniel Grub
The Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
Respected Sir,
I am Ritesh Patil, a resident of M.G. Road, Aurangabad. From last one year, the M. G. Road outside our locality has been in serious need of road repair.
Due to the long-lasting need to repair, the condition of the road from bad has gone to worse. As a result, it is becoming extremely difficult to drive on the road and many a time various small accident have also taken place which have injured the people. Off late, the bad condition of the road has worsened due to water clogging and if we do not repair the road on the urgent basis, the things are going to get all the more difficult.
Therefore, I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the need of road repair in our area. I hope you will understand the situation and have a new road constructed as soon as possible after examining the site.
Thanking in anticipation.
Ritesh Patil.