Day 09 Std.10th Bridge Course 2023-24 Know new construction through reading
Day: 09 Sub: English Std.: 10th
9. Know new construction through reading
Learning Outcome:
Understand new constructions through reading.
Learning Activity/Experience:
Read the following passage carefully and do as directed.
Long, long ago, in a big forest, there were many trees. Among the cluster of trees, there was a very tall pine tree. It was so tall that it could talk to the stars in the sky. It could easily look over the heads of the other trees. One day late in the evening, the pine tree saw a ragged, skinny girl approaching him. It could see her only because of its height. The little girl was in tears. The pine tree bent as much as it could and asked her, ”What is the matter? Why are you crying?” The little girl, still sobbing, replied, ”I was gathering flowers for a garland for goddess Durga, whom I believe would help my parents to overcome their poverty and I have lost my way”. The pine tree said to the little girl, ”It is late in the evening. It will not be possible for you to return to your house, which is at the other end of the forest. Sleep for the night at this place.” The pine tree pointed out to an open cave-like place under it. The little girl was frightened of wild animals. The girl quickly crept into the cave-like place. The pine tree was happy and pleased with itself. He stood like a soldier guarding the place. The little girl woke up in the morning and was amazed to see the pine tree standing guard outside the cave. Then her gaze travelled to the heap of flowers that she had gathered the previous night. The flowers lay withering on the ground. The pine tree understood what was going on in the girl’s mind. It wrapped its branches around the nearby flower trees and shook them gently. The little girl’s eyes brightened. But a great surprise awaited her. The pine tree brought out a bag full of gold coins which had been lying for years in the hole in its trunk and gave it to the girl. The little girl was so surprised and said, ”Oh! What a wonderful gift it is!” |
Do as directed:
1) Underline the interrogative sentence.
2) Find and write the main clause and the subordinate clause.
3) Identify the sentences in the simple past tense.
4) Find and write infinitives.
5) Find and write the exclamatory sentences.
6) Underline the finite verbs.
7) Find out the following
A) Simple sentences.
B) Compound sentences.
C) Complex sentences.
- Underline the interrogative sentence.
- “What is the matter?
- Why are you crying?”
- Find and write the main clause and the subordinate clause.
- It was so tall that it could talk to the stars in the sky.
- It could see her only because of its height.
- Then her gaze travelled to the heap of flowers that she had gathered the previous night.
- The pine tree brought out a bag full of gold coins which had been lying for years in the hole in its trunk
- Identify the sentences in the simple past tense.
- The little girl woke up in the morning and was amazed.
- The pine tree brought out a bag full of gold coins.
- Find and write infinitives.
- to return, to overcome, to gather, to sleep, to see, to lie, to shake, to give
- Find and write the exclamatory sentences.
- “Oh! What a wonderful gift it is!”
- Underline the finite verbs.
- bent, asked, was, woke up, was, lay, understood, brought, gave
7. Find out the following:
A) Simple sentences:
- Long, long ago, there were many trees in a big forest.
- The pine tree was very tall.
- The pine tree could talk to the stars in the sky.
- The pine tree could easily look over the heads of the other trees.
- The little girl was gathering flowers for a garland for goddess Durga.
- The little girl lost her way.
- The pine tree asked the little girl why she was crying.
- The little girl replied that she had lost her way.
- The pine tree suggested that the girl sleep in the cave-like place for the night.
- The little girl crept into the cave-like place.
B) Compound sentences:
- Long, long ago, in a big forest, there were many trees, and among the cluster of trees, there was a very tall pine tree.
- It was so tall that it could talk to the stars in the sky, and it could easily look over the heads of the other trees.
- The little girl was gathering flowers for a garland for goddess Durga, whom she believed would help her parents overcome their poverty, but she lost her way.
C) Complex sentences:
- One day late in the evening, the pine tree saw a ragged, skinny girl approaching him, and it could see her only because of its height.
- The pine tree said to the little girl that it would not be possible for her to return to her house, which was at the other end of the forest, so she should sleep for the night at the open cave-like place under it.
- The little girl, who was frightened of wild animals, quickly crept into the cave-like place.
- The little girl woke up in the morning and was amazed to see the pine tree standing guard outside the cave, and then her gaze traveled to the heap of flowers that she had gathered the previous night.
- The pine tree, understanding what was going on in the girl’s mind, wrapped its branches around the nearby flower trees and shook them gently.
- The pine tree brought out a bag full of gold coins, which had been lying for years in the hole in its trunk, and gave it to the girl.
Solved/Demo Activity:
Teacher explains the following activity with the help of above points.
One morning there was a loud knock at Dean Swift’s door. The servant opened it. A man handed her a fine duck and said, “Here’s a present for the Dean. It’s from Mr. Boyle.” Without a word, he walked away. Mr. Boyle was a sporting neighbour and he was an admirer of Dean Swift. The next time, the man brought a quail. “Here’s something else for the Dean,” he said roughly and tossed it into the servant’s arms. “That fellow has no manners,” she said. “The next time he comes,” said the Dean, “let me know, and I will go to the door.” It was not long until the man came with a present. The Dean went to the door.” Here’s a rabbit from Mr. Boyle,” said the man. “See here,” said the Dean in a stern voice, “that is not the way to deliver a message. Just step inside and make believe that you are Dean Swift. I will go out and make believe that I am bringing him a present.” “I’ll agree to that,” said the man; and he stepped inside. The Dean took the rabbit and went out. Then he knocked gently at the door. The door was opened by the man. The Dean bowed and said, “If you please, sir, Mr. Boyle’s compliments, and he wishes you to accept this fine rabbit.” “Oh, thank you,” said the man very politely. Then, he offered the Dean a shilling. “And here is something for your trouble.” The lesson in manners was not forgotten; the man was always very polite when he brought his presents. And the Dean always gives the man a “tip” for his trouble. Jonathan Swift, often called Dean Swift, was famous as a writer. Among other books, he wrote “Gulliver’s Travels.” |
Do as directed.
1) Find the assertive sentence from the passage.
Ans: The Dean took the rabbit and went out.
2) “I will go to the door”, said the Dean. (Change into indirect speech)
Ans: The Dean said that he would go to the door.
3) Underline the subordinate clause.
Ans: The Man was always very polite when he brought his Presents.
4) Write a sentence which has passive construction.
Ans: The door was opened by the man.
5) The servant opened it. (Make it negative sentence.)
Ans: The servant didn’t close it.
Teacher gives some passages to understand new constructions through reading.
Learners have to identify different types of constructions through reading.
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
Find simple, complex and compound sentences from the course book.
Make a list of the infinitives from the course book.