1.1 Walk a Little Slower

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1) What would happen if the child tried to walk fast? Why?

Ans: If the child tried to walk fast, it would fall because he/she

is very small to walk fast or to match the speed of its father,

walking at a good speed.

2) Does the word walk refer only to the act of walking? What

does the poet actually mean to say?

Ans: No, the word walk does not refer only to the act of

walking. It refers to father’s actions, thoughts and his way of

living and behaving.

3) What do the ‘footsteps’ of the father refer to?

Ans: Here the footsteps of father refer to father’s way of

speaking and behaving, his actions and his characteristics that

make a person successful in life.


1. Put the words given in brackets in the proper blanks.

(a) The is child talking to its father. (father / child)

(b) The is father leading and the child is following. (father /child)

(c) Someday the child will become a father. (father /child)

(d) The child does not wish to fall while following its father. (father /child)

2. Find and write pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

(Words that appear at the end of the line.)

1. small – fall

2. see – me

3. be – me

4. true – you

3. The meanings of the words in the following pairs show that

they are related

* Daddy/father = child * follow = lead

Find five more pairs of related words –

Examples : * teacher : student

* doctor: patient

* give: take

* live: die

* question: answer

4. The child in the poem requests his father to walk slower.

Here, the poet implies that the child wants to understand his

father’ actions better. The child would like to act the same way, but wants the father to be more understanding towards the child’s needs. What is implied in the following lines?

(a) Sometimes, your steps are fast …

Ans: This line suggest that sometime the father take very quick


decisions and actions.

(b) Sometimes your steps are hard to see …

Ans: Sometimes the actions of father are not understood by

the child.

(c) I would want to lead just right …

Ans: Child do not want to make any mistake while guiding its

own child in future.

(d) And know that I was true.

Ans: Child want to make sure that it has given its child the

right guidance.

5. Using your own ideas, frame three sentences that show

continuous action.

Example: You are leading me.

1. I am following you.

2. Raju is falling on the tree.

3. They are coming my home.

6. Using your own ideas, frame at least three sentences that

show future action or state.

Examples: • Who’ll (who will) want to follow me.

• When I’m all grown up …

1. I will meet you tomorrow.

2. When the rain stop, I will go to the market.

3. She shall write all the answers.

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