Std. 9th Test Paper 1.5 The Necklace
Marks: 30
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four): (8 marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) he_rt
(ii) pe_ple
(iii) met_l
(iv) lot_s
(2) Put words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) still, good, made, kettle
(ii)such, soft, small, skill
(3) Punctuate the following sentences: (2)
(i) how strange life is
(ii) margie said to tommy can I read the book some more with you after school
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters in the word:
‘fashionable’. (2)
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘nouns’. Add four words, each beginning with the last
letter of the previous word: (2)
garden ………… ………… …..……….. …………
(B) Do as directed: (2 marks)
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase: ‘be famous for’. (1)
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:
I read a story………..
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words: (1)
(i) success
(ii) popular
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) success
(ii) popular
Answer sheet
Q. 1) Language study.
(i) heart
(ii) people
(iii) metal
(iv) lotus
(2) Putting words in alphabetical order:
(i) good, kettle, made, still
(ii) small, skill, soft, such
(3) Punctuating the sentences:
(i) “How strange life is!”
(ii) Margie said to Tommy, “Can I read the book some more with you after school?”
(4) Making four words from “fashionable”:
(i) able (ii) ash (iii) lion (iv) tone
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example:
Small: 1) tree 2) garden 3) cat 4) bird 5) puppy
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘nouns’. Add four words, each beginning with the last
letter of the previous word: (2)
garden: i) Nose ii) Elephant iii) Tiger iv) Rose V) Eight
(B) Do as directed:
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase: ‘be famous for’.
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:
I read a story.
(a) She became famous for her incredible singing talent.
(b) I read a story that was so horror.
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words: (1)
(i) success
(ii) popular
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) success
(ii) popular
- (i) successful
(ii) popularity
(i) She achieved success.
(ii) The movie is popular.
Q.2A) Read the following passage and complete the activities:
A1. Read the following sentences and write who said it and to whom.
i. I would rather not go to the party.”
Mathilde said this to Monsieur Loisel.
ii. “You have nothing else?”
Mathilde asked this to Madame Forestier.
iii. “Would you lend me this, just this?”
Mathilde asked this to Madame Forestier.
iv. “What!…. How!…. That’s impossible!”
Monsieur Loisel said this to Mathilde
The day of the party drew near, and Madame Loisel seemed sad, restless, anxious, though her dress was ready. One evening her husband said to her, “What’s the matter? You’ve been acting strange these last three days.” She replied: “I’m upset that I have no jewels, not a single stone to wear. I would rather not go to the party.” “You could wear flowers,” he said, “They are very fashionable at this time of year.” She was not convinced. The next day she went to her friend’s house and told her of her distress. Madame Forestier went to her mirrored wardrobe, took out a large box, brought it back, opened it, and said to Madame Loisel: “Choose, my dear.” First Mathilde saw some bracelets, then a pearl necklace. She tried on the jewellery in the mirror. She kept asking, “You have nothing else?” “Why, yes. But I don’t know what you like.” Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace, and her heart began to beat with uncontrolled desire. Her hands trembled as she took it. She fastened it around her neck and stood lost in ecstasy as she looked at herself. Then she asked anxiously, hesitating, “Would you lend me this, just this?” “Why, yes, of course.” She threw her arms around her friend’s neck, rapturously, then fled with her treasure. |
A2. What did Madame Forestier’s large box contain?
Madame Forestier’s large box contained the following:
- Some bracelets
- A pearl necklace
- A black satin box containing a superb diamond necklace.
A3. Give the synonym of the following:
i. bliss ii. Delightedly
i. bliss: ecstasy ii. Delightedly: rapturously
A4. Grammar:
1. “You could wear flowers,” he said. (identify the Modal Auxiliary)
could – Modal Auxiliary
ii. In front of……………… mirror, she took……………..final look at herself in all her glory.
(Fill in the correct articles)
ii. In front of the mirror, she took a final look at herself in all her glory.
A5. Write what you think about the following thought and action of Mathilde.
Mathilde lost the necklace.
Mathilde lost the necklace because in the glory of the party, she became careless and did not notice that her necklace was missing. I think Mathilde should have been more careful, especially since the necklace belonged to her friend.
B) Read the following passage and complete the activities:
B1. Complete the table:
Who said |
To Whom |
They looked in the folds of her dress, in the folds of her cloak, in her pockets, everywhere. But they could not find it. “Are you sure you still had it on when you left the hall?” he asked. “Yes. I touched it in the hall at the Ministry.” “But if you had lost it in the street we would have heard it fall. It must be in the cab.” “Yes. That’s probably it. Did you take his number?” “No.” They stared at each other, stunned. At last Loisel put his clothes on again. “I’m going back,” he said, “Over the whole route we walked, and see if I can find it.” He left. She remained in her ball dress all night, her mind blank. Her husband returned at about seven o’clock. He had found nothing. He went to the police, to the newspapers to offer a reward, to the cab companies, everywhere the tiniest glimmer of hope led him. She waited all day, in despair at this frightful disaster. |
Who said |
To Whom |
Mathilde Monsieur Loisel |
Monsieur Loisel Mathilde |
B2. What did Monsieur Loisel and Mathilde do in order to search the missing necklace?
Once Monsieur Loisel and Mathilde realised that the necklace was missing, Monsieur Loisel traced the route back from where they came home. He then went to the police, to the newspapers to offer a reward, to the cab companies; everywhere the tiniest glimmer of hope led him.
B3. Give the antonym of the following:
i. broken ii. Lend
i. broken: mended ii. Lend: borrow
B4. Do as Directed.
- She remained in her ball dress all night. (identify the Verb)
remained – Verb
- Give the verb form of the following:
- dictation ii. Replacement
i. dictation: dictate ii. Replacement: replace
B5. Why was Mathilde shocked and despaired over the loss of her necklace?
I think that Mathilde was rightly shocked and despaired over the loss of the necklace as it was expensive and she had to return it to Madame Forestier.
Read Also: The Necklace English Workshop & Warming Up Activities With Answers