Second Semester Paper

Second Semester Paper

Second Semester Paper




4) Make four words each (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in given word. 2

ii. did he finish his homework

i. arya said i am writing a novel


3) Punctuate the following.

ii.. pollution, population, proper, payment.

i. determination, honesty, aptitude, perseverance


2) Write words in alphabetical order.

Rabb-t iii. bu-b iv. li-ht

1) Complete the following words by using correct letters. 2

Q. 1(A) Do as directed . (Attempt any 4) 8

2) Write words in alphabetical order.

inventor, event, overtime, reinvent, rent, tent,



4) Make four words each (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in given

ii. Did he finish his homework?

i. Arya said, “I am writing a novel.”

3) Punctuate the following.

ii. Payment, pollution, population, proper,.

i. aptitude, determination, honesty, perseverance



b iv. li


ard iii. bu


t ii. re



1) Complete the following words by using correct letters.

6) Complete the word chain of nouns. Add four words, each beginning with the last


In search of

1) Make a meaningful sentence by using given phrase. (01)

a. Attempt any one of the following:

Q.1 (B) Do as directed. 02

-…………- ………. -………..-………..



letter of the previous word.



5) Write related words as shown in examples: 2

6) Complete the word chain of nouns. Add four words, each beginning with the last

letter of the previous word.



God, Doll, Lion, Net, Tiger, Rabbit

Q.1 (B) Do as directed. 02

1) Make a meaningful sentence by using given phrase. (01)

In search of

He travelled to Europe in search of work.



4. …………………………. hung her head in shame and sorrow


3. ………………….,…………………&…………………………. Were carried off as

2. Troy was fill with …………………………………..

1. The old king …………………………..was killed with all his brave sons.

A1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Q. 2. (A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)


1.Possible 2. Safe

2. Make a meaningful sentence by using any one of the following words. (01)

Possible 2. Safe



) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words


b. Attempt any one of the following


This is the house

2) Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully. (01)

1.Possible 2. Safe

4. Helen hung her head in shame and sorrow.

his old mother and sister were carried off as slaves.


3Hector’s wife

weapons and the cries of weeping women.

2. Troy was fill with the sight of leaping flames and the sound of shouting and the noise of

1. The old king Priam was killed with all his brave sons.

A1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

Q. 2. (A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)

with its mother.


2. Child is

to speak English fluently.


1. It’s

2. Make a meaningful sentence by using any one of the following words. (01)



possible 2. Safe = safe


Possible =


1) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words

which is so beautiful.

This is the house

2) Add a clause to expand the sentence meaningfully. (01)

had turned her heart away from her home and her husband and her child. When morning

A2) Complete the web:

with …..

Troy was filled

came, nothing was left of the proud, rich city that had resisted attack for ten years.

speak. But Menelaus forgave her and she went back with him, for it was only Aphrodite who

as she faced her former husband. Her voice was choked with emotion and she could not

the city, looking for her and found her in her palace. She hung her head in shame and sorrow

by the conquerors. Their fate was in contrast to Helen’s when King Menelaus rushed through

with all his brave sons. Hector’s wife and his old mother and sister were carried off as slaves

The Trojans fought as well as they could, but it was all in vain. Old King Priam was killed

light lit up the night sky as palaces and houses, temples and towers went up in flames.

Trojans were killed before they could put on their armour and seize their weapons. A bright

they were taken by surprise. Their enemies were right inside their walls, and many of the

weapons and the cries of weeping women. The sleeping Trojans sprang out of their beds, but

Troy was filled with the sight of leaping flames and the sound of shouting and the noise of

Forgiving someone means that you are one step closer to God.

I, think forgiveness is the biggest and the most grateful quality in humans.

A5. Do you think forgiveness is a good quality? Why?

How rich city Troy was!

(Make it exclamatory.)

2) Troy was very rich city.

Troy was filled with the sight of leaping flames, wasn’t it?

(Add a question Tag)

Troy was filled with the sight of leaping flames.


A4) Do as directed:

a. wife of king Menelaus.

b. Old Trojan King

d. a Greek goddess

c. sailing in the leading ship of Greeks

4. Helen


2. Aphrodite

1. Agamemnon

A3. Match the names of the persons in column ‘A’ with the information in Column ‘B’.

will find them in almost all his paintings.

thought. Very few abstract paintings communicate with the viewers as much as Raza’s do.

that the painting is a visible form of very deep

and philosophy. His pictures seem to radiate peace and life at the same time. We realise

Raza found his paintings through his study of Indian art and its heritage, cultural context

combinations, achieving balance in some places and creating imbalance in other places.

in different compositions using effective techniques of applying paint, attractive colour

inner mind. They are made by arranging circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, lines, dots

inspired by any external factor. They originate when the artist tries to peep into his own

environment. His paintings belong to the abstract style of paintings. Such paintings are not

None of his paintings depict lifelike human figures or copies of scenes from his

of the characteristic features of his paintings, and so are the colours blue and orange. You

geometric shapes, striking colour combinations, captivating compositions – these are some

Sayed Haider Raza, popularly known as Raza, was a renowned Indian artist. Simple

Raza’s paintings do not depict lifelike………figures.


Raza found his paintings through his…………….


Raza’s paintings belong to………….


Sayed Haider Raza was …………………………..


B1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

1. Effective 2. Internal 3. Unknown 4. Invisible.


not to go away.

A1) Pick out from the first stanza, four expressions where the poet pleads with the butterfly

Q.3A Read the poem and do the following activities:


B5. Do you like painting? Why?

( Identify the tense)

2. You will find them in almost all his paintings.

(Underline sub-ordinate clause)

B4. 1. We realise that the painting is a visible form of very deep thought.

B3. Write the opposite words for the following from the passage.

Sayed Haider Raza paintings

The characteristic features of

B2) Complete the web:


B2) Complete the web:

The characteristic features of

Sayed Haider Raza paintings










4. Raza’s paintings do not depict lifelike



context and philosophy

study of Indian art and its heritage, cultural

3. Raza found his paintings through his


the abstract style of paintings.

2. Raza’s paintings belong to


a renowned Indian artist.

Sayed Haider Raza was


B1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

B5. Do you like painting? Why?

Yes, I like it very much. Painting can be very relaxing and calming. I enjoy

painting because it is one of the few things I am good at and can be proud about.

Paintings, like many forms of art, can express ideas and feelings. … Painting is a

good way to escape from the real world and take a break from everything going on in


STAY near me-do not take thy flight!

My father’s family!

A solemn image to my heart,

Thou bring’st, gay creature as thou art!

Dead times revive in thee:

Float near me; do not yet depart !

Historian of my infancy!

Much converse do I find in thee,

A little longer stay in sight!

A3) What is the rhyme scheme?

(b) Is like a hunter………………… .

(a) Reminds the poet of his childhood………………… .

A2) Say WHO –


butterfly not to go away.

A1) Pick out from the first stanza, four expressions where the poet pleads with the

Q. 3 A. Read the following stanzas and do the activities. 05


A1) Pick out from the first stanza, four expressions where the

poet pleads with the butterfly not to go away.

1. STAY near me-do not take thy flight!

2. A little longer stay in sight!

3. Much converse do I find in thee,

4. Float near me; do not yet depart !

A2) Say WHO –

(a) Reminds the poet of his childhood


(b) Is like a hunter


A3) What is the rhyme scheme?


3. Theme/Central Idea

To know even one life has breathed

easier because you have lived;

This is to have succeeded.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

1. Title :

2. Poet/Poetess

or a redeemed social condition;

4. Rhyme scheme

5. Figure of speech

3. Theme/Central Idea

To win the respect of intelligent people

Q.3. (B) Appreciation of the poem. 05 Marks

Read the given poem and write an appreciation of the poem using the points given

below of the poem

What is success ?

To laugh often and much;

and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics

and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty;

To find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by

a healthy child, a garden patch

3. Rhyme scheme –

A successful person wants welfare of everyone.

have positive attitude. He or she finds the best qualities in other people.

happiness and enthusiasm. A person who wants to be successful should

The poem is about success. Success gives

5. Theme / central idea –


4. Figure of speech –

The poem has no rhyme scheme. It’s a free verse.

The poem is Ralph Waldo Emerson.

2. Poet –

The title of the poem is “What is Success?”

1. Title –

Appreciation of What is success ?


A2) Write about Coffee.

4. If adults take it in moderation it is good.

3. Coffee should be prohibited.

2. It can also produce toxic effects in small children.

Coffee was first introduced in France.


State whether the following sentences are True or False:

A1-True or False:-

Q.4. (A) Read the passage carefully and complete the activities: (10 Marks)

SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage – 15 marks

definitely not a poison.

produce toxic effects in small children but for adults who drink it in moderation it is

as a poison when it is given in large doses to animals in laboratory tests. It can also

thing to drink coffee. And “Coffee-houses” sprang up everywhere. Coffee can actually act

that coffee was a strong poison and should be prohibited. Others insisted it was a good

century there was a great deal of controversy about it. Many learned doctors announced

When coffee was first introduced in Europe during the second part of the seventeenth

A3) Write describing words from the passage.



small, strong, good , large, toxic,

1) It is definitely not a poison,

For some time it gives us energy & we feel enthusiastic.

Both contains caffeine which makes us active & we don’t feel sleepy.


A5) How do you feel after you have had a cup of tea or coffee? 2

thing to drink coffee

not a bad

2) It was

isn’t it?


(Make it negative without changing in meaning. )

2) It was a good thing to drink coffee.

(Add a question tag)

1) It is definitely not a poison.


A4) Do as directed.

(B) Summary Writing:

(5 marks)

Read the passage given in Q No. 4(A) and write a summary of it. Suggest

a suitable title to the summary.


coffee was first introduced in Europe during the second part of the

seventeenth century. Many learned doctors announced that coffee was a

strong poison and should be prohibited. It can also produce toxic effects in

small children. If adults take it in moderation it is good.

Q. 5. A) A1 Or A2. Letter Writing:

Imagine you are Jay/ Jyoti Parate from 15/A, Ram Nagar, Nagpur –

440010. You have read the following advertisement of ‘Dwarka Water

Park’ Saoner. Now attempt any one of the following.

Our school has decided one day picnic at Dwarka amusement park, Sapnar on 1st April 2022. My all

Jay Parte.

yours lovingly,

Convey my best wishes to all at home. love to Little minti and Tinku.

about me but I will better take care of myself. Moreover my teachers are also going to accompany us.

So, I request you to give me permission and send 500 rupees as early as possible. I know you will worry

park is considered to be one of the largest amusement parks near Nagpur.

400 per head. It is the safest place for the students. What an attractive and pleasant place it is! this water

as water park, rain dance, club house, swimming pool, restaurant, tent houses etc. The entry fee is only

friends are ready to go. Dwarka park has many facilities for the students. It is full of entertainment such

special purpose to write this letter about school picnic.

I am writing this letter after a long time. I hope this letter finds you in pink of your health. It’s my

Dear father,

15th March, 2022.

Nagpur – 4400010.

15/A, Ram Nagar,

Jay Parte.

* Where do you live?

games” 3.

C) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on “Importance of

Shyam: …………………………………………………………………..

Ram: what time do you get to bed at night?

Shyam: …………………………………………………………………….

Ram: What time do you get up early in the morning?

b) Complete the following dialogue. 1.

My name is Amol

* What is your name?

* I live in swami Vivekanand Nagar.

a) Prepare a dialogue from jumbled sentences. 1

B1) Dialogue Writing.


B1 or B2. Do any one of the following.

(B) Dialogue writing/Drafting a speech:

Shyam: I go to bed at 10 p.m.


I think games are essential for good health.


Yes, Vijay. I play cricket.


Do you play any game Raj?

Yes, it keeps my body and mind fit.


Do you play tennis every day?


I play tennis there with my friends.

What do you do there?


I am going to Gymkhana.


Where are you going, Vijay?


Answer: “Importance of games”

C) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on

* Her amiable qualities

A1. Non-verbal to verbal

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following: (5 marks)

Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer:

Add your own points

* Her relations with all family members

* Her nicest thing

* Her hobbies

* Her daily routine

with the help of following points.

The topic is My Mother. You have made up mind to participate it. Prepare a speech on it

‘Mother’s Day’.

Your School has organised an elocution competition on occasion of

B2. Drafting a speech: 5.


My Mother

Honourable president, chief guest, my principal and my beloved teachers

and my friends, I would like to express myself on my mother on the

occasion of Mothers Day. My mother is the best relative in my family.

My mother’ s name is Kavita. She is 35 Years old. She is a graduate in

Science. But she does not do any service. She likes to be an ideal house

wife. She likes to spend her time for the betterment of our family.

However, my mother is a caretaker of my family. She takes care of all

family members including grandparents. She provides us whatever we

want. She provides food and other things to us. She does all our work.

She helps in our work. She provides food and other things to us. She is a

teacher for us. She takes our study regularly. She assigns some study to

us. She cultivates good habits in us.

Her day begins early n the morning and ends late at night. She is

busy every time. She is the backbone of our family. She is a

religious woman. She has different hobbies like playing chess,

writing, watching TV serials but reading is her favourite hobby.

She believes, ‘Reading makes man perfect. She is a social

woman. She takes part in social functions Moreover, her helpful

nature is the nicest thing about her. She has the

qualities like kindness, helpful, sympathy and simplicity. She

believes in simple living and high thinking. very much. Let us

celebrate Mother’s Day every day. Thank you.


Avoid mass or gathering.


Don’t get close to anyone

who is suffering from cold,

fever or cough.


Don’t touch the animals.


Don’t shake your hands with






Wash your hands often.

Use soap water and sanitizer.


Cover your mouth & nose if

you cough or sneeze.


Keep at least 1meter distance

between yourself & others.

Features of an iPhone and an iPad

An iPhone is basically a Smartphone, whereas iPad is a

tablet PC. The screen of iPhone is small, only 3.5 inches but

iPad has 9.7 inch screen. An iPhone allows the user to make

and receive calls whereas iPad doesn’t have this facility.

One can view videos on iPhone but on small screen only.

On the contrary, iPad is good to view videos as its screen is

much bigger than that of the iPhone. An iPhone is difficult

to operate while an iPad allows better computer work.

IPhone is quite different from netbooks and laptops but ipad

is closer to netbooks and laptops.

Hardworking Boy Vivek, the son of shoemaker, was a brilliant student in our

these two options to Vivek.

came to know about Earn and learn scheme in some colleges I informed

came to know the scholarship facility for the merit students. However, I

find out a viable solution on the problem of Vivek. We put on thinking caps. I

told us, “I can’t afford the expenditure of my education.” Then we decided to

know his decision. We went to him to know the reason of his decision. He

give up his education because of his poverty. We all friends were shocked to

school. He stood first in S.S.C. examination in our school. He decided to

Ans: Hardworking Boy

first in S.S.C. examination. He decided to give up his education….

Vivek, the son of shoe maker, was a brilliant student in our school. He stood

B2) Read the beginning and complete the story in your own words.


However, along with my friends collected the funds to

provide basic things for admission Vivek became happy to

know our timely help He registered his name in a well-known

college. He got the National merit scholarship However, he

joined earn and learn scheme. He completed his education.

Then he prepared for the competitive examinations. He got

the brilliant success in an I.AS examination. He became the

collector in this way, Vivek completed his education because

of our timely help and proper guidance So we should offer

our help and give guidance to the needy people.

(any two)

2) No pain, no gain.

1) All that glitters is not gold.

instruction. (any one) 1

(c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of

4) Follow the traffic rules.

schools and hospitals. 3) Use helmet while riding a bike.

Don’t use mobile phone while driving a car. 2) Don’t blow horns near



(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction.

1) confidence 2) taste 3) universal 4) customer 5) habit 6) improvement

instruction. (any four) 2.

(a) Translate the following words into your medium of



सससससससस/ससससससससस सससस सससस/ससससससससससस ससससससस


2) Don’t blow horns near schools and hospitals.

सससस ससस ससससससससस/ससससससससस सससससससस सससससस

ससससस/ससससस ससससस ससस.

3) Use helmet while riding a bike.

सससससस ससससससससस सससससससससस सस सससस ससस.

4) Follow the traffic rules.

ससससससस ससससससससस ससससस ससससससस (सससससस) सससस ससस

सससस ससस.

c) Translate the following idioms/proverbs into your medium of instruction (any one ):


All that glitters is not gold.

सस सससससस सस ससस सससस सससस.

2) No pain, no gain.

ससससससससस सस सससस


Q1.a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction.( any four):

1)habit =


2) confidence=





4) customer=

5) taste=


6) improvement=



b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two):


Don’t use mobile phone while driving a car


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