Std.9th Pat Summative Practice Paper FIRST-TERM EXAM PAPER STD. IX SUB. ENGLISH ( L.L ) MARKS: 80 Language Study: (1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (1) ju ce…
An Encounter of a Special Kind housed (हाउस्ट्)- provided facility to live; राहण्याची व्यवस्था केली. Housed: The homeless puppy was housed in a warm shelter. profound (प्रफाउन्ड्) – very deep;…
Test Paper On A Teenager’s Prayer A1) Simple Factual Questions: Complete the Following sentences by using correct alternatives According to the poet …………are brought by each new day. ii. We…
SSC All English Poems Appreciation No Title/Poem 1/2 Poet 1/2 Rhyme Scheme 01 Figure of Speech 01 Theme / Central Idea 02 1 A Teenager’s Prayer J. Morse ‘abcb’ Alliteration:…
Important Proverbs ( मराठी म्हणी )
SSC English Textual Grammar With Answers 1.4. Be Smart Champions aren’t made in gyms. (Add a question tag) Answer: Champions aren’t made in gyms, are they? Fear of failure may…
STD 10th Question Bank Letter Writing Skill With Answers SECTION V: WRITING SKILLS SET 5: Q. 5/ Q.6 WRITING SKILLS (20 Marks) Q.5 A Letter Writing A1 or A2. Do…
SSC Question Bank Poetry Section & Unseen Passage With Answers Q.3 (A) Read the following extract and do the given activities. (5 Marks) A Teenager’s Prayer Each day brings…
SECTION II: TEXTUAL PASSAGES Q. 2 TEXTUAL PASSAGES (20 Marks) Set :1 Q 1 A Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10) A 1Complete the following sentences. (02)…