First Term Exam Practice Paper Std.9th With Answers
First Term Practice Paper
Std. 9th Sub: English (L.L.) Marks –80
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) he_rt
(ii) gr_up
(iii) sma_t
(iv) mar_et
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) road, curiosity, dark, important
(ii) perfect, pretended, parents, plaintively
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) youve chosen a good time to come he declared
(ii) have you bought your ticket yet
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters
in the given word ‘‘Banking’. (2)
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2)
(6) Complete the following word-chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words,
each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (2)
talk, ………, ………, ….……, ………….
(B) Do as directed. (2 Marks)
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase
‘to ask for’ (1)
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully: (1)
We watched the latest movie
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (1)
(i) fold (ii) guide
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words: (1)
(i) fold (ii) guide
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) heart
(ii) group
(iii) smart
(iv) market
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) curiosity, dark, important, road
(ii) parents, perfect, plaintively, pretended
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) “You’ve chosen a good time to come.” he declared.
(ii) Have you bought your ticket yet?
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters
in the given word
Banking: bank, king, ink, gang, bang
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2)
- Small, 2. Beautiful, 3. Clean, 4. Big, 5. Attractive
(6) Complete the following word chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words,
each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (2)
Talk, Kill, Like, Eat, Take, Enter
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase
‘to ask for’: I would never ask for help from you.
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully: (1)
We watched the latest movie which was so good.
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (1)
(i) fold * unfold (ii) guide * guided
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words: (1)
(i) fold: Mother folded kid’s cloths.
(ii) guide: Teacher will guide you properly.
Q, 2. (A) Read the passage carefully and solve the activities. (10)
A-1) Complete the sentences using the information given in the passage. 2
2) The teas we buy are usually classified according to…………
3) Tea plants require at least………. of rainfall a year.
4) These ………… are called flushes.
Characteristics |
1. |
2. |
3. |
A-3) Match the words in Column A with their meaning in column B.
A |
B |
a. any liquid for drinking b. the hot regions of the world c. fragrant d. to make tea etc. by boiling |
1. It was funny to read words the stood still. (Add a Question Tag.)
2. These buds and leaves are called flushes. (Use not only…but also)
A-5) What is your favourite beverage? Why?
1) Camellia synesis is an evergreen plant.
2) The teas we buy are usually classified according to their leaf size.
3) Tea plants require at least 100 to 125 cm of rainfall a year.
4) These buds and leaves are called flushes.
A2) Complete the chart: (2)
Types of Tea |
Characteristics |
1. Assam |
largest leaves |
2. China |
the smallest leaves |
3. Cambod |
leaves of intermediate size. |
A-4) Do as directed: 2
1. It was funny to read words the stood still, wasn’t it?
2. Not only these buds but also leaves are called flushes.
A-5) What is your favourite beverage? Why?
Ans: my favourite beverage is lassi. It is made by milk which is nutritious for health. I like its taste most.
(B) Read the passage carefully and solve the activities. 10
B1) Write true or false:
- Mark Twain was a popular Indian writer.
- He does not oppose wars and imperialism.
- Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemes.
- Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today.
Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemes, a popular American writer. He was famous for his humorous, stories, novels and other writings. His ready wit shone through everyday conversations. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today. It should be noted that he was a great defender of human values like liberty, equality and fraternity. He opposed wars and imperialism and supported the cause of labourers and of the black people in his country America. Given below are some anecdotes from his life and some questions from his speeches and writings. Some Anecdotes One day during a lecture tour, Mark Twin entered a local barber shop for a shave. This, Twin told the barber, was his first visit to the town. “You’ve chosen a good time to come,” he declared. “Oh!” Twain replied “Mark Twain is going to lecture here tonight. You’ll want to go, | suppose? “I guess so…” “Have you bought your ticket yet?” “No, not yet.” “Well, it’s sold out, so you’ll have to stand.” “Just my luck,” said Twin with a sigh. “Il have always have to stand when that fellow lectures.” |
B -2) Complete the following web.
Mark Twin
A-3) Find out similar meaning words for the following from the passage. 2
1. freedom – 2. protector –
B-4) Do as directed:
1.Mark Twain was a popular Indian writer. (Frame W-h question)
2. Mark Twain is going to lecture here tonight. (Underline Infinitive)
B5) What is your vision?
SECTION III: Poetry – 10 marks
Q.3. (A) Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5)
(A1) Put the words given in brackets in the proper blanks:
(1) The child is talking to its ………… (Father/child)
(2) The …….is leading and the child following. (Father/child)
Walk a little slower….. “Walk a little slower Daddy’ Said a little child so small. And | don’t want to fall. ‘I’m following in your footsteps ‘Sometimes your steps are very fast, Sometimes they are hard to see; So, walk a little slower, Daddy, For you are loading me.’ For I must follow you.” |
(A2) What do the ‘footsteps’ of the father refer to?
(A3) Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the stanzas.
(B) Appreciation of the poem. (5 Marks)
Comparisons Fast as a spaceship, slow as a snail, Big as a dinosaur, small as a nail, Fierce as a tiger, gentle as a lamb. Sour as a lemon, sweet as jam. Dry as the desert, wet as the sea. Square as a house, round as a pea. Cool as a cave, warm as toast, Noisy as a road drill, quiet as a ghost. |
Strong as an ox, weak as kitten. Hard as a rock, soft as a mitten. Dark as a tunnel, light as the moon, Night time midnight, day time noon. Tall as a giant, short as an elf. Crooked as a mountain path, straight as a shelf… The world is full of opposites, so think of some yourself
-Anonymous (Unknown) |
SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage – 15 marks
Q.4. (A) Read the passage carefully and complete the activities: (10)
A1-True or False: –
State whether the following sentences are True or False
1) A man having the habit of reading is very happy.
2) A man who does not read is really poor. –
3) Reading gives us the highest kind of pleasure.
4) Books are not our faithful friends.
A man, who has acquired the habit of reading is very happy. His mind is filled with knowledge, noble thoughts and high ideals. A man who does not read is really poor and his life is empty. If we are able to choose the right kind of books; reading gives us the highest kind of pleasure. We read some books like novels for more pleasure and amusement. When we are tired, such books give us healthy recreation. But we should not read books of fiction only. As we need wholesome food, so we need serious reading for the mind. We must develop a taste for books on history, philosophy, religion, travel, science and also books of poetry. Such books give pleasure and education. Books are the most faithful friends. They are always ready to help us and converse with us. |
A2-Web diagram
Complete the following web showing the kinds of books.
A3-Describing words i-
Find the correct describing words for the following nouns.
a)…….. recreation b) friends
c) …….thoughts d) Deals
A4. Do as directed.
- A man is very happy. (Make it exclamatory)
- We can choose the right kind of books. (Use be able to)
- A5-Personal Response
Do you like reading books? Support your answer.
Read the passage given in Q No. 4(A) and write a summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to the summary.
SECTION V: Writing Skill (20 Marks)
Q. 5A) Letter writing: 05
A1 Or A2 Do any one of the following:
A1) Informal letter Imagine you are ‘Anand/ Anjali ‘Patil, 9/A, Sundaram Nagar, Vijapur Road, Solapur – 413004. Suppose your younger sister likes fast food. Write a letter to her informing about bad effects of fast food. Use the points given in the poster. Add your own points. |
A2) Formal letter Imagine you are ‘Anand/ Anjali ‘Patil, 9/A, Sundaram Nagar, Vijapur Road, Solapur – 413004. Look at the above poster and write a letter to the President of Doctors’ Association, Solapur, thanking him for the informative poster. Use the points given in the poster and add your points also |
‘Health is Wealth’ Say “NO” to Fast Food
Issued in the Public Interest BY Doctors’ Association, Solapur |
A1) Informal Letter.
Anand Patil,
9/A, Sundaram Nagar,
Vijapur Road,
Date-2nd June, 2020.
My dear Anuja,
Hi! Anu, how are you? I received your letter yesterday. I became very happy to read that you stood first in ‘State Level Elocution Competition’. I am preparing my annual examination. I miss you a lot.
Anu, I am writing this letter to you for a special purpose. I would like to inform you the importance of good health. I know that you always like to enjoy fast food. You always give preference to fast food. I would like to advise you to avoid fast food. As per doctor’s advice
fast foods are very difficult for digestion. They create many diseases in our body. However, they are not original and fresh, so they are unhealthy. Fast foods are prepared with the help of artificial ingredients. So fast foods are artificial foods. Because of all those practices they become the root cause of many diseases. So it is very essential for you to avoid fast food.
On the other hand, I would like to tell you about the importance of homemade or deshi food. You should enjoy the food cooked by our mother. It is good to buy local, seasonal as well as organic food. Please, follow these suggestions for your better health. I hope that you will inform these suggestions to your friends also.
Convey my best regards to parents and grandparents and love to little Sonu.
Yours lovingly,
A2) Formal Letter.
Anjali Patil,
9/A, Sundaram Nagar,
Vijapur Road,
Solapur- 413004.
9th June, 2020.
The President,
Doctors’ Association,
Sub: Expressing thanks for informative and guiding poster.
Respected Sir,
I am Anjali Patil, a student of well-known school in Solapur.
Yesterday I came across your poster cum appeal in a leading newspaper ‘LOKMAT TIMES.’ I am very much thrilled to read your informative poster about ‘Say ’NO’ to fast food. Really, Sir, it is a great work of your association.
You have designed a poster on a burning issue. It is the need of the age because all over the people are so much addicted fast food. I liked all the points mentioned in the poster. I would like to congratulate you as well as all the members of your association for preparing this
poster. I have no words to express my gratitude.
Please, continue such awareness programme on different health issues. I assure you that I will follow those suggestions in my daily life. I will inform these tips to my friends as well as my relatives.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Anjali Patil.
A: Good morning sir.
B: Good morning my boy,
A: I want to become a member of library.
B: Yes good thing. Fill this form properly.
Prachi: Are there any situations when you get afraid?
Tejaswini: Yes, I am afraid of darkness.
Prachi: How would you react if you had to travel alone?
Tejaswini: I would be tremble with fear and i would be called police.
Patient: Good morning Doctor.
Doctor: Good morning. Please sit down. Show me your report.
Patient: Yes doctor, take it.
Doctor: Ok, your report shows that you are covid positive. But don’t worry. It is normal you are not necessary hospitalize.
Patient: Ok. Then what types of precautions should I take?
Doctor: you should home corontine for fifteen days. And don’t contact any one physically.
Patient: Ok doctor.
Doctor: I am giving these medicine take it regularly, do physical exercise and be positive and enjoy each day by following your hobbies.
Patient: ok doctor, thank you.
My Favorite Teacher
Good Morning respected principle, teachers and my dear friends. Today I am here to give a tribute to my favorite teacher.
Teachers are our second parents. They not only look after us but also seed knowledge and values in us. They teach us not only lessons of our book but also the lessons of our life. There are many teachers in our school. Some had already taught us and some are yet to come. With all my heart, I respect and like them equally. My favorite teacher is Mr. Ravi.
He is highly educated and gold medalist in Mumbai University. He teaches English in our school. His method of teaching is very simple, Because of his English teaching, my English is very strong now, and he always tries his level best to help his students. Every time he ensures that every student in the class do their best in English like in writing, grammar and communication skills. He is gentle but strict. When it comes to our homework, he make us feel that it is for our practice but not as a burden. Being our class teacher, he reports everything about us to our parents.
With all our hearts, we wish that his best future.
Thank you.
A1) Ans:
Reasons for failure of students in examination:
There are so many reasons for failure of students in exam, but lack of proper environment, watching T.V. influence of mobiles, victim of bad company, lack of proper guidance, lack of proper study habits and low aims these are some of the reasons. Most of the don’t have suitable environment for the study so they waste their time in watching T.V. and playing with mobile phones like chatting or watching YouTube don’t etc. one more important which affects their study that is bad company of friends. Wandering, addiction these types of bad habits they have due to bad company. These types of students live in slum area and with bad company so they can’t get proper guidance. This is also one of the main reason of failure in exam. Students don’t have study habit because they are unaware about their aim or what they want to do in their life.
SECTION VI : Skill Development – 5 marks
- Translation (5 Marks)
- Translate the following words into your medium of instruction.(Any four) (2)
1) Sacrifice → त्याग 2) face → चेहरा
3) Robber → चोर
4) Persuade→ मनवळवणे
5) Education→ शिक्षण
6) Refuse→ नाकारणे
- Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) (2)
- Always use clean utensils and plates.
→ नेहमी स्वच्छ भाांडी व ताटे वापरा.
- The driver should avoid sudden breaking unless really required.
→ चालक खरोखर आवश्यक नसल्यास अचानक ब्रेकिंग टाळावे.
Save water for your children.
→तुमच्या मलाांसाठी पाणी वाचवा.
- Water is more precious than gold.
सोन्यापेक्षा पाणी अधिक मौल्यवान आहे.
- Water is life, treat it right.
→ पाणी हे जीवन आहे, त्याचा वापर योग्य करा.
- Translate the following proverbs (Any one): (1)
- Every dog has his day.
चार दिवस सासूचे, चार दिवस सुनेचे.
- Action speaks louder than words.
उक्तीपेक्षा कृती श्रेष्ठ
- Action speaks louder than words.
उक्तीपेक्षा कृती श्रेष्ठ