Example of Letter Writing (Formal & Informal)
Q. 5. (A) Letter Writing Al or A2.
Do any one of the following Imagine you are Saujay/Sanjana Bhosale from Room No. B/10, Sai Nagar, Purvo Colony, Amravati. Now, attempt any one of the following letters after reading the advertisement:
[5 Marks]
A 1. Informal Letter:
Look at the poster regarding `Road Safety Week’. Write a letter to your brother informing him about safe driving. Use the points given in the poster. Add your own points as a token of advice.
A2. Formal Letter:
Look at the poster regarding ‘Road Safety Week’. Write a letter to the Chief Traffic Controller, Amravati thanking him/her for informative and appealing poster. Mention how it is useful to the residents of Amravati. Add your own points.
ROAD SAFETY WEEK Safe driving is the only and best option. Remember: • Leave early, reach early. • Use a seat belt while driving a car. • Use a helmet while riding a bike. • Say no to ‘drink and drive. • Avoid overspeeding. • Avoid using a mobile phone while on the drive. • Avoid overtaking. • Follow the ‘you first’ rule. • Follow all the traffic rules. Issued in the public interest by Traffic Police, Amravati. |
Example of Letter Writing ( Formal & Informal)
Ans: (Informal letter)
Sanjay Bhosale.
Room No.13/10,
Purva Colony,
10th June 2022.
Dear Dada,
Hope you are doing well there and happy with your new job reach your office on time I know you ride it carefully and safely You must have heard the famous saying_ “No Safety, Pain, Know Safety, No Pain. It tells us everything that we want to do while driving.
I am forwarding some tips for you and your safety driving. Kindly follow it as our life is the biggest gift given by God. And we can enjoy it when we are alive. Use a helmet while riding a bike and avoid overspeeding on the highway. Please do not use a mobile phone while riding. Always follow the ‘You First rule. It is always good to follow all the traffic rules. Leave the before time so that you will reach at the office on time. So, there wouldn’t be a hurry as it’s rightly said “Speed thrills but Kills” Always keep in mind: Safety First.
I am sure you have been following the traffic rules. Aai and Baba are doing well. My school and studies are going on very well.
We are musing you always. We love and care for you. So, follow the instructions given by my mother and me. Take Care. Reply to me once you receive the letter.
Your loving brother,
A2 Formal Letter:
Sanjay Bhosale.
Room No.13/10,
Purva Colony,
10th June 2022.
The Chief Traffic Controller,
Sub: About issuing poster on ‘Road Safety Week’
Respected Sir,
I am Sanjay Bhosale,. a resident of Purva colony, would you like to thank you and your department heartily for the informative and appealing poster issued for the public.
I know Traffic Police Amravati are doing their best for the safety on road. So, the number of accidents is reducing day by day. During ‘Road Safety Week,’ you have issued very useful tips for the public interest. It is not only beneficial for bike riders but also for car drivers. It is rightly said “Speed thrills but Kills” Always keep in mind: Safety First. The tips given by you will definitely control the speed of the roads.
I am sure all the information is appealing and useful for all the residents of Amravati. Safety first for happy family life. So, people will definitely follow the same while driving
Thanks again for the same.
Yours faithfully,
Sanjay Bhosale.