Sub:10th English (L.L.) [Marks: 30]
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using the correct letters: (02)
(i) an_mal
(ii) he_rt
(iii) dr_am
(iv) se_son
(i) animal
(ii) heart
(iii) dream
(iv) season
(2) Put the following words in alphabetical order: (02)
(1) manager, declare, locker, beggar
(2) shouting, salary, suddenly, shocking
(1) beggar, declare, locker, manager
(2) salary, shocking, shouting, suddenly
(3) Punctuate the following sentences: (02)
(i) i dont wish to talk about it complained the sweeper-boy
(ii)technology isnt big in a kids life
(i) “I don’t wish to talk about it.” complained the sweeper-boy.
(ii)Technology isn’t big in a kid’s life.
(4) Make four words (minimum 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word: ‘nightmare’ (02)
1. Night
2. Mare
3. Rat
4. Eat
5. Right
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example. (02)
– Strange
– Nice
– Innovative
– Creative
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word: (02)
write, ……………., ……………, ………………, …………….
Write – eat – tell – laugh – hit- take
(B) Do as directed. (2 Marks)
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for. (01)
Ans: He has to look for a new job.
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.
Radha will get good marks.
Radha will get good marks if she works hard.
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (01)
(i) active (ii) care
(i) active – Inactive
(ii) care – Carefully
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words.
(i) active
(ii) care
(i) I am active.
(ii) He has caring nature.
Q.2. Read the following passage and complete the activities. (10)
A1. Complete the following sentences. (02)
(i) The young seagull loved to…………………………………
(ii) The whole family had walked about………………………..
(iii) Nobody had gone near the seagull for………………………
(iv)The young seagull felt the heat because…………..…………
(i) The young seagull loved to tear food that way, scrapping his beak now and again to whet it.
(ii) The whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him for his cowardice.
(iii) Nobody had gone near the seagull for twenty-four hours.
(iv)The young seagull felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
That was twenty-four hours ago. Since then nobody had come near him. The day before, all day long, he had watched his parents flying about with his brothers and sister, perfecting them in the art of flight, teaching them how to skim the waves and how to dive for fish. He had, in fact, seen his older brother catch his first herring and devour it, standing on a rock, while his parents circled around raising a proud cackle. And all morning the whole family had walked about on the big plateau midway down the opposite cliff taunting him for his cowardice. The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing on his ledge that faced the south. He felt the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall. He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge, and standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing, he closed one eye, then the other, and pretended to be falling asleep. Still, they took no notice of him. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau dozing with their heads sunk into their necks. His father was preening the feathers on his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. She was standing on a little high hump on the plateau, her white breast thrust forward. Now and again, she tore at a piece of fish that lay at her feet and then scraped each side of her beak on the rock. The sight of the food maddened him. How he loved to tear food that way, scrapping his beak now and again to whet it. |
A2. Write the activities of the young seagull. (02)
(i) ………………………………………
(ii) ………………………………………
(iii) ……………………………………..
(iv) ………………………………………
- He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge.
- By standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing.
- He closed one eye.
- He pretended to be falling asleep.
A3. Match the words with their meanings. (02)
Words Meanings:
A |
B |
(i) herring (ii) devour (iii) cackle (iv) cowardice |
(a) lack of courage (b) utter a shrill cry (c) eat hungrily (d) a kind of sea fish |
A |
B |
(i) herring (ii) devour (iii) cackle (iv) cowardice |
a) kind of sea fish b) lack of courage c) utter a shrill cry d) eat hungrily |
A4. Do as directed. (02)
(i) He had watched his parents flying.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘Simple Past tense)
Ans: He watched his parents flying.
(ii) She was standing on a little high hump.
(Frame a ‘Wh- question to get underlined part as an answer)
Ans: Where was she standing?
A5. Personal Response
Do you like to learn any skills from your parents? Justify your answer. (02)
I would like to learn effective communication skills from my father. He is a teacher and a good communicator. I want to be like my father.
Q. 3. Dialogue writing: (5 marks)
(a) Put the sentences in proper order to prepare a meaningful dialogue. (01)
(a) I enjoy reading detective stories the most.
(b) How do you spend your leisure time?
(c) What kind of books do you like?
(d)I like to read in my free time.
- How do you spend your leisure time?
- I like to read in my free time.
- What kind of books do you like?
- I enjoy reading detective stories the most.
(b) Complete the following dialogue: (01)
A: Which subject do you like to study most?
B: ……………………………….
A: Why do you like it most?
B: ……………………………….
A: Which subject do you like to study most?
B: I like English Subjects most.
A: Why do you like it most?
B: I like English subject most because it is an international language.
(c) Write a dialogue of a minimum of three meaningful exchanges on ‘The importance of reading’. (03)
‘The importance of reading’
Reema: Do you like to read books dear?
Seema: Yes, I like it so much.
Reema: Why should we read books?
Seema: Because it provides us with information and knowledge, improves Our Speaking skills, and enriches our collection of words. It gives us pleasure and fun. So, we should read more and more.
Reema: Oh! really. I thought we should read only for getting good marks in the examination.
Seema: Besides it. reading develops our minds and imagination. It helps us to discover new things. So, we should read varieties of books.
Reema: Thanks a lot.
Q.4. Translation (5 marks)
(a)Translate the following words into your mother tongue. (02)
(1) ability
(2) commotion
(3) benefit
(4) failure
(5) opportunity
(6) vision
(1) ability क्षमता
(2) commotion गोंधळ
(3) benefit फायदा
(4) failure अपयश
(5) opportunity संधी
(6) vision दृष्टी
(b)Translate the following sentences into your mother tongue. (02)
(1) Don’t spit anywhere.
Ans: कुठेही थुंकू नका.
(2) I like to read stories.
Ans: मला कथा वाचायला आवडतात.
(3) Smoking is injurious to health.
Ans: धूम्रपान आरोग्यासाठी हानिकारक आहे.
(4) We should help the poor and needy.
Ans: आपण गरीब आणि गरजूंना मदत केली पाहिजे.
(c) Translate the following sentences into good English. (01)
(1) Practice makes a man perfect.
Ans: आपण गरीब आणि गरजूंना मदत केली पाहिजे.
(2) Tit for tat
Ans: करावं तसं भरावं