Day 04 & 05 Bridge Course 2023-24 Std.9th English Responding to the Announcement
Day: 04 & 05 Sub: English Std.: 9th
4 and 5. Responding to the Announcement
Learning Outcome:
Responds to the instructions and announcements in school and public
places such as railway station, market, bus stand, airport, cinema hall,
malls and acts accordingly.
Learning Activity/Experience:
Bus Stand Announcement
Teacher reads the announcement made at the bus stand or plays it on his mobile phone.
Solved/Demo Activity:
Teacher reads the whole transcript and supports learner to get appropriate answers from the listened transcript.
Teacher demonstrates the following activity.
May I have your attention, please! Good morning to one and all! You are all welcomed in the Aurangabad bus stand. Dear passengers, Aurangabad – Pune Bus No. 1233 is coming on platform number five. All passengers are requested to follow the following guidelines: 1) Beware of pickpockets. 2) Do not eat any food items offered by strangers. 3) Don’t spit at public places. 4) Don’t leave your child alone in the crowd. 5) Keep the surrounding clean and neat. |
Teacher asks student to listen to the transcript of the bus stand announcement.
Teacher motivates student to elicit the answers.
1) Match the words to their meanings. (Student matches the pairs.)
Words |
Answer |
Meanings |
1) Announcement 2) Attention 3) Strangers 4) Pickpockets |
A) Notice taken of someone. B) A formal public statement about the occurrence. C) Steal from the pocket. D) A person whom one does not know. |
Words |
Meanings |
1) Announcement 2) Attention 3) Strangers 4) Pickpockets |
B) A formal public statement about the occurrence A) Notice taken of someone. D) A person whom one does not know. C) Steal from the pocket. |
2) Listen to the announcement and tick the correct answer from the given options.
(Student listens and ticks the appropriate answer from the given options.)
1) Which instruction is given on the bus stand?
a) Don’t spit at the public places.
b) Cover your mouth with masks properly.
c) Stand in groups.
d) Drink a lot of water.
2) From where is to where the bus no. 1233 going?
a) Aurangabad to Pune
b) Pune to Nashik
c) Nashik to Nagar
d) Dhule to Nashik
3) What is advised to be aware of?
a) dogs
b) cats
c) pickpockets
d) rumours
Student listens to the same announcement and fills in the blanks.
1) Always listen to the announcements ………………..
(carelessly, attentively, hopelessly)
2) The announcements in public places are given for our …………………..
(profit, safety, business)
3) The ultimate aim of the announcements is the safety of ………………….
(students, passengers, animals).
Watch the videos of general announcements or listen them at the railway stations, bus stands, airports, school assemblies, etc. Present it in front of the class.
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
Listen to the instructions given by the headmaster in the school assembly and write them in your notebook.
- Come to school regularly and always be on time.
- Attending the Morning Assembly is compulsory.
- Keep the school premises clean and tidy and use all school property with respect and care.
- Always be clean, well-groomed and in proper school uniform.
- Bring Diary to school daily. Must maintain regularity & punctuality.
- Cover your school books neatly with brown paper/Plastic Sheet and properly name them. Always come to school with the required stationery and books.
- Pupils should be simple and modest in their dress. Gold ornaments should not be used.
- Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their own books or belongings.
- Students suffering from contagious or infectious diseases will not be allowed to sit in the class.
- Greet your friends, teachers and elders suitably and make them happy. Always respect your elders and teachers.