Day 03 Bridge Course 2023-24 Class 9th English 3. Jokes
Day: 03 Sub: English Std.: 9th
3. Jokes
Learning Outcome:
Narrates a joke, story/incident, makes an announcement.
Learning Activity/Experience:
(Choose appropriate vocabulary/expressions in various formal/informal situations.)
Teacher writes the joke on the board.
Teacher asks student to read the joke written on the board.
Teacher tells the joke and asks student to retell the joke in the class.
Solved/Demo Activity:
Teacher presents the following joke loudly.
Father: Hey! Why don’t you go and study?
Son: For what?
Father: You’ll get good marks.
Son: Then?
Father: You’ll get good salary.
Son: Then?
Father: You’ll get new car and big house.
Son: Then?
Father: You’ll relax.
Son: What do you think I’m doing right now?
The teacher instructs and encourages the student to share other jokes in English as follows.
Teacher: If a lion chased you, what would you do?
Student: I would climb a tree.
Teacher: If the lion climbs a tree?
Student: I will jump in the lake and swim.
Teacher: If the lion also jumps in the water and swims after you?
Student: Teacher, are you on my side or on the lion’s?
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
- Share your favourite joke/s with your friend/s.
Sometimes your steps are very fast