Day 03 Bridge Course 2023-24 Class 9th English 3. Jokes

Day 03 Bridge Course 2023-24 Class 9th English 3. Jokes

Day 03 Bridge Course 2023-24 Class 9th English 3. Jokes


Day: 03 Sub: English Std.: 9th


3. Jokes

Learning Outcome:

Narrates a joke, story/incident, makes an announcement.

Learning Activity/Experience:

(Choose appropriate vocabulary/expressions in various formal/informal situations.)

 Teacher writes the joke on the board.

 Teacher asks student to read the joke written on the board.

 Teacher tells the joke and asks student to retell the joke in the class.

Solved/Demo Activity:

 Teacher presents the following joke loudly.

Father: Hey! Why don’t you go and study?

Son: For what?

Father: You’ll get good marks.

Son: Then?

Father: You’ll get good salary.

Son: Then?

Father: You’ll get new car and big house.

Son: Then?

Father: You’ll relax.

Son: What do you think I’m doing right now?


 The teacher instructs and encourages the student to share other jokes in English as follows.

Teacher: If a lion chased you, what would you do?

Student: I would climb a tree.

Teacher: If the lion climbs a tree?

Student: I will jump in the lake and swim.

Teacher: If the lion also jumps in the water and swims after you?

Student: Teacher, are you on my side or on the lion’s?

Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:

  1. Share your favourite joke/s with your friend/s.


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