Day 01 Bridge Course 2023-24 std.10th Narration Conversation Description
Sub: English Std.: 10th
- Narration, Conversation, Description
*Learning Outcome:
Predict the next part of the narration, conversation, description, story.
Learning Activity/Experience:
* Teacher reads out the first sentence and asks the students to
respond accordingly.
Teacher : Can you guess, what are you going to learn today?
Student : ( ……………………………………………..)
Teacher : Glance through the sentences written on the board quickly and try again.
Student : (We are going to learn how to guess missing words in a sentence.)
* Teacher reads the following sentences loudly.
* Teacher asks the student to listen attentively.
* Teacher asks the student to read the sentences silently.
* Student reads the sentence silently and copy them into
their notebooks.
On the Board
Don’t tell, Let me……………………..
1) I see a doctor visiting my neighbour’s house. Somebody must be …………………….. .
2) The clouds are gathering in the sky. It might …………………….. in the evening.
3) Road is wet and slippery. Walk carefully or you may …………………….. down.
4) The sun rises in …………………….. .
5) Sports competitions are cancelled. When will games ……………………..?
Don’t tell, Let me guess
1) I see a doctor visiting my neighbour’s house.
Somebody must be ill.
2) The clouds are gathering in the sky. It might rain in the evening.
3) Road is wet and slippery. Walk carefully or you may fall down.
4) The sun rises in the East.
5) Sports competitions are cancelled. When will games start?
Teacher asks student to guess and fill in the correct word in the blank.
Teacher elicits words for each sentence one by one.
Teacher provides some clues to lead the students to the correct answer.
1) I see a doctor visiting my neighbour’s house. Somebody must be ……………….
2) The clouds are gathering in the sky. It might …………………….. in the evening.
3) Road is wet and slippery. Walk carefully or you may …………………….. down.
4) The sun rises in ……………………..
5) Sports competitions are cancelled. When will games ……………………..?
Teacher asks student to guess and fill in the correct word in the blank.
Teacher elicits words for each sentence one by one.
Teacher provides some clues to lead the students to the correct answer.
Solved/Demo Activity:
Game Time:
Let me guess…
Teacher gives a demonstration of how to play ‘The game of guessing’.
Teacher calls two students in front of the class.
Student ‘A’ writes a sentence with a keyword missing in it.
Don’t count your chicken before they are ………………………
Student ‘B’ reads the sentence and guesses the next word. He/she fills the blank.
Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched.
Now swapping the roles. ‘Student B’ writes the sentence.
Action speaks louder than ………………………
Student ‘A’ reads the sentence and guesses the next word. He fills the blank.
Action speaks louder than words.
* Teacher should continue this activity for the following sentences.
1) Vegetables are excellent sources …………………… vitamins.
2) Microscopes make small things appear larger than …………………….
3) An apple a day keeps …………………… away.
4) The pineapple, a fruit …………………… in tropical climates throughout the world, is native to parts of South America.
5) What’s wrong with you? You look …………………..
1) Vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins.
2) Microscopes make small things appear larger than they are.
3) An apple a day keeps doctor away.
4) The pineapple, a fruit grows in tropical climates throughout the world, is native to parts of South America.
5) What’s wrong with you? You look worried/sad.
Teacher asks student to work in pairs and play the game.
Teacher suggests student to use proverbs and collocations for the purpose.
Students work in pairs and play the game.
Teacher helps student when students in a doubt.
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
1) Choose any short story of your choice.
2) Write the story removing keywords from it.
3) Present the story in your class.
4) Let your classmates guess/predict the missing key words.
Story with removed keywords: Once there was a girl named ……who lived in a peaceful village. She had a cat named ………who always stayed by her side. While Lily was exploring the nearby ……one day, she unexpectedly …….a secret treasure. With an excitement, she opened it and discovered a …..inside. This map would ….. her on an incredible adventure that would have a lasting impact on her life. |
Once there was a girl named Lily. She lived in a peaceful village. She had a cat named Mittens who always stayed by her side. While Lily was exploring the nearby woods one day, she unexpectedly discovered a secret treasure chest. With excitement, she opened it and discovered a map inside. This map would guide her on an incredible adventure that would have a lasting impact on her life. |