The Old Brown Horse
-By W.F. Holmes
World Galaxy
1. Weary- tried 2. Dashing- the act of running somewhere very quickly 3. Shaggy- hairy and untidy 4. Trim- neat and smart 5. Trot- moving at a peace faster than walk 6. Wearily- tiredly |
Q 1. Find the lines in the poem that mean the same as the phrases below
Q 2. Describe the old brown house.
Ans: The old brown was lame and half blind and had a shaggy coat.
Q 3. Why do you think the horse’s coat is shaggy?
Ans: When the horse was dear to his master, he was washed and well-groomed but now no one takes care of him since he is old.
Q 4. How did the old brown horse spend his days when he was young?
Ans: The old brown horse used to trot through the woods and lanes with his master who was fond of him.
Q 5. When does the horse feel the life is not so bad?
Ans: The horse feel that life is not so bad when a friendly person stops by speak to him and gives him a friendly pat on his shaggy coat.
Q 6. Why does the master ignore his horse now?
Ans: The master ignores his horse now as he is busy driving his motor-car.
Q 7. Why does the horse like to be petted?
Ans: The old brown horse feels lonely and ignored so he feels happy when someone pets him kindly.
Q 8. Why is the horse no longer used for riding? Give two reason.
Ans: The horse is no longer used for riding because he is a lame, half-blind, old and tried.
Q 9. What does the old brown horse long for as he rests his tried head on the fence?
Ans: The old brown horse longs for a friendly word and kindly touch as he rests his tried head on the fence.
Q 10. What does the poet request young people/passers-by to do for the old horse?
Ans: The poet requests the young people/passers-by to stop by the field one day for a word or two with old brown horse who was once as young and as full of life as them.