Summary Writing on Unseen -Passage ( Writing Skill )

Summary Writing on Unseen -Passage ( Writing Skill )

Summary Writing



Q. Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

(1) Unseen-Passage

One beautiful spring day, a red rose blossomed in a forest. Many kinds of trees and plants grew there. As the rose looked around, a pine tree nearby said, “What a beautiful flower! I wish I was that lovely.” Another tree said, ” Dear Pine, do not be sad, we can’t have everything.” The rose turned its head and remarked, “It seems that I am the most beautiful plant in the forest.” A sunflower raised its yellow head and asked, “In this forest there are many beautiful plants. You are just one of them.” The red rose replied, “I see everyone admiring me.” Then the red rose looked at a cactus and said, “Look at that ugly plant full of thorns!” The pine tree said, “Red rose, what kind of talk is this? You have thorns, too.” The proud rose looked angrily at the pine and said, ” You have no taste! You can’t compare my thorns to that of the cactus.”

Ans: Summary

Title: Proud Rose

A red rose blossomed among many trees and plants. The pine tree wished to be like a red rose. Another tree comforted the pine tree by saying not to be sad. The sunflower told the rose that it was one of many beautiful flowers. The red rose disliked to be compared with cactus.

(2) Unseen-Passage:

We are what we eat. The type of food we eat. has both immediate and long-term effect on us, at all the three levels – the body, the mind, and the spirit. Food which is tamsik (i.e., stale or leftover) in nature is bound to generate stress as it tends to upset the normal functioning of the human body.

Fresh food, whenever available, must be preferred. Excessive use of condiments should be avoided. Taking piping hot tea/milk or steaming hot food also disturbs one’s usually calm attitude. Further it is mistaken belief that smoking and drinking, even in moderation, relieves stress. Simple meals with one or two food items, rather than too many dishes are advisable. Thus, vegetarian diet is preferable. Although it is customary to serve fruits with food, it is not the right thing to do. This is because different kind of digestive secretions are produced by the stomach for variant foods. Mixing up too

many varieties of food items at one meal creates unavoidable problems for the digestive system.

Ans:  Summary

Title: Effects of food

Food has immediate and long effect on our mind, body and spirit. Tamsik food generates stress. Excessive condiments, piping hot tea/milk, steaming hot food, fruits with food should be avoided. Fresh food, simple meals with one or two food items and vegetarian diet should be preferred.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.3

Most video games present changing colourful visual effects and complicated sound effects. A video game is controlled by a microprocessor. All video games have a programme. They are connected to viewing screen or video screen, that is why these

games are called video games.

Video games are of two types, namely arcade games and home games. Arcade games are designed

to play one kind of game while home games are programmable, i.e. they can be programmed to play different kind of games.

Equipment for typical video game consists basically of a microprocessor module connected to a television set. A cartridge inserted into the module provides the programme for the games action. The cartridge contains a ROM chip. This chip has

all the instructions for playing the game and its accompanying sound. The action circuit board connects the ROM to the game console. A keyboard, keypad, rotary knob or joystick control the action. A home computer can also be used for playing these games.

B- Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Video Games

A video game is controlled by a microprocessor and connected to viewing screen or video Screen. There are two types of video games- arcade and home. Video game consists – a microprocessor

module, a television set, a cartridge, ROM chip, the action circuit board. A key pad, rotary knob or joystick control the action.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.4

Common sense use of paper, if practised by a majority of people, will save immense forests from needless cutting. Use paper carefully if, in writing, you use both sides of the paper, you reduce waste by 50 percent. Old envelopes, old bills, etc. make good memo paper. Do not discard a memo sheet until it is full. Don’t burn discarded paper. Better to have it converted to pulp and composting it. Be thoughtful about paper. Be conscious of how much you throw away that could be put to other uses. You can save eight to ten trees per year if you see that all reusable paper is returned for recycling. Stack newspapers in bundles and save them for return to the paper and pulp industries. Look for those

products which contain the most reused paper. Some products feature completely recycled paper. Encourage recycling by buying such products. A ton of paper saved or recycled saves seventeen trees – your family uses that much or more each year.

B-Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Saving paper

Proper use of paper will save immense forests from needless cutting. Recycling the used the paper, using both sides of the paper for writing, using old envelopes and old bills for memo are the ways of saving paper. Discarding a memo sheet until it is full1

and burning discarded paper should be avoided to save paper.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.5

He sounded very emotional, but at the same time he expressed immense satisfaction over the performances of his players. India’s chief national coach Pullela Gopi Chand believes that he could not have asked for more from his trainees who brought laurels to the nation by winning medals at the Olympics. Saina Nehwal won bronze 2012 London and the World Championship. P.V. Sindhu won bronze in 2013 at Guangzhou, China.

Honestly, I am not surprised with these results. Firstly, the credit goes to these champion players and the kind of commitment shown by the support staff at the academy (Gopi Chand’s academy) Whatever training you give, it is ultimately the players who will have to deliver out there, execute the game-plan according to the given

situation,” says Gopi Chand.

“These medals, won by Saina and Sindhu are bigger than any other award I got; they are the reflection of real hard work despite facing all odds. I must thank my father and mother Subash Chandra and Subbaravamma who scarified so much and showed great commitment in helping me out,” says the 39-year-old Dronacharya Award winner,

struggling to control his emotions.

B-Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Pullela Gopichand’s feelings

Pullela Gopichand sounded very emotional and expressed immense satisfaction over the performance of his players. He gave credit to champion the players – P.V. Sindhu and Saina Nehwal and the commitment shown by the support staff academy. Their awards are the reflection of rea hard work despite facing all odds. He expressed his gratitude towards his parents.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.5

For eight years, Kalam led a team of 500 experts in TIFAC and evolved Technology vision 2020. Later, the Technology Vision 2020 and the national security aspects got combined into Indian

Millennium Mission 2020 (IMM 2020). It aimed at transforming India from a developing to a developed nation by 2020. As the Principal Scientific Adviser, Dr. Kalam focused on evolving a plan for implementing IMM 2020.

The marathon meetings he held with his colleagues helped to achieve a consensus on the importance of each branch of science in improving the various sectors of society and thereby contributing to the welfare of the nation. But, initially, the focus would be on five sectors. These

were agriculture, power, education and healthcare, information technology and the strategic sector. Dr. Kalam felt the emphasis on these five areas would help in transforming India into a developed nation by 2020.

B Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Dr. Kalam’s efforts

Kalam led 500 experts in TIFAC to evolve technology vision 2020. The IMM 2020 aimed to transfer India from a developing to a developed nation by 2020. As the principal scientific adviser,

he focused on evolving a plan for implementing IMM 2020. He held the marathon meetings with his colleagues to achieve consensus on the importance of each branch of science to improve society. He stressed on agriculture, power, education and healthcare, information technology and the strategic sector.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.6

Tt is a common notion among people that brain attack’ or ‘stroke’ and ‘heart attack’ are one and the

same. It is estimated that one person dies of stroke every 36 seconds in India. A STROKE is a blockage in an artery in the brain or neck that supplies blood to the brain. When a clot form in one of those arteries and stops blood flow, a section of the brain

begins to die. When those cells die, the person loses whatever function those brain cells control. This can present as sudden inability to move arm, leg or face. It may also cause aphasia or inability to speak. There is another category called the hemorrhagic stroke’ in which a blood vessel bursts and bleeds in

the brain.

In a number of patients with paralysis due to stroke, the symptoms can now be reversed completely if treated immediately. If you arrive at the hospital quickly, you may be treated with a drug known as ‘tPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator), This drug breaks down the blood clots that cause an ischaemic stroke. It is very good at improving a person’s recovery after stroke but it can also cause bleeding in the brain. ‘tPA must be started within

4.5 hours of the stroke, after a CT scan, and can only be used where there are experienced doctors and specialist services. This drug is only useful for certain types of stroke (those due to blood clots) and is not suitable for everyone.

B Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: A stroke

A stroke is a blockage in an artery in the brain or neck supplying blood to the brain. It can create sudden inability to move arm, leg or face, aphasia or inability to speak. Hemorrhagic stroke a blood vessel bursts and bleeds in the brain. tPA drug breaks down the blood clots causing ischemic stroke.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.7

Dear Children,

India is not just the India is land, mountains and rivers. you and me, all the millions of young and old who are her citizens. The thoughts and actions of the people who have inhabited India for thousands of years have moulded our society. Out of the past grows the present, and what we do today will shape our future.

When we build a road or plant a tree or inculcate good habits, it is not for ourselves alone but also for those who will be born in the years to come. The work of building is not easy. We must give it all we have and strain every nerve and muscle. It is only by trying that we learn and by doing that we gather strength. All the world over, progress has been possible because of the hard work and sacrifice of pioneers.

These 25 years have laid the foundation of the new modern India. The children of today must continue this work and make our country united and strong-Anything which is easy soon becomes dull. The very hardships we face provide challenge and excitement.

The future is calling you. Don’t be disheartened by difficulties. You can change the bad, not only by doing big things but by trying your best to do even ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Indira Gandhi

January 16,1973

B Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Indira’s advice to children

We should do good things and follow good habits not for ourselves but for the coming generation. The work of building is not easy. We should strain every nerve and muscle. We must be ready for hard work and sacrifice. We should not be disheartened

by difficulties. We can change the bad.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.8

NEW DELHI: With the wild only 4,000 snow leopards left in and 500 of them in India, a new report has urged countries to take urgent action in the wake of climate change to save the endangered species and conserve its “fragile” mountain habitats.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) report titled “Fragile Connections: Snow leopards, people, water and the global climate” said that more than a third of snow leopard habitat could be rendered “unsuitable” for the big cats if climate change is not checked.

“Warmer temperatures could see the tree line shifting up the mountains and farmers planting crops and grazing livestock at higher altitudes, squeezing the remaining snow leopards into smaller pockets,” a WWF India report said. “Climate change could drastically alter the flow of water down from the mountains, threatening the livelihoods of vast numbers of people across the continent,” it said “With an estimated population of 500 cats, India has been a leading player in the conservation efforts to secure the snow leopard and its habitat in the Himalayas,” said Ravi Singh, Secretary General and CEO, WWF-India.

B-Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Endangered snow leopards

The news report says that only 4,000 snow leopards left in the world and 500 in India. It urges to save the endangered species and its fragile mountain habitats. It also reports that a third of snow leopard habitat would be unsuitable because of climate

change. The climate change could drastically alter the flow of water. The secretary general and CEO, WWF-India said that India has been a leading player in the conservation efforts of snow leopard and its habitat in the Himalayas.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.9

Medha Patkar, a popular socialist of today’s times in India, caught the eyes of global leaders. As a social activist, she is behind many good causes. She is known for her active role in Narmada Bachao Andolan. Violence was never in her agitation; those were a complete reconstruction of Gandhiji’s Nonviolence Movement. Born on 01 December 1954 in Mumbai, to Indu and Vasant Khanolkar, a trade union leader and freedom fighter, Medha Patkar was keen on public service from a very young age. She developed interest in social service. Her father being a trade union leader, she was brought up politically and socially, letting her understand the problems of people. Her father took active part in the Indian Independence Movement, while her mother

was a member of Swadar, an organization formed to assist and support women who are financially weak, and helped them in getting educated. It was an inherent property for Medha Patkar from her parents, to serve the needy. She completed her M.A.

in social work from Tata Institute of Social Science. She got married to Mr. Patkar but divorced later.

B-Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Medha Patkar

Medha was born on 1 December 1954 in Mumbai to Indu and Vasant Khanolkar. She developed interest in social service from young age. Her parents were working for society through Indian Independence movement and Swadar movement. Medha got an

inherent property from her parents to serve the needy people. She is well known for her activity role in Narmada Bachao Andolan.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.10

Kavita Raut (born 5 May 1985) is an Indian distance runner from Nashik, Maharashtra. She holds the current Indian National record for 10 km long road running with a timing of 34:32 as well as the current Indian National record in the half marathon with a timing of 1:12:50. She won the bronze medal in 10,000 meters race at the 2010 Common Wealth Games, the first individual track medal by an Indian woman athlete at the Common Wealth Games. She also won the silver medal in 10,000 metres race at

the 2010 Asian Games.

Raut’s personal best for 5,000 meters is 16:05.90

which she achieved while winning a bronze on 10 November 2009 during the 18th Asian athletics championships held at Guangzhou, China. During the 50th National Open athletic meet held at Kochi, Raut set a meet record in the 10,000 meters event

on 18 May 2010 while winning the gold medal. She

bettered the previous meet record held by Preeja Shreedharan by clocking 32:41.31.

She is a recipient of Arjun Award.

B-Summary Writing

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Kavita Raut’s Achievement

Kavita Raut holds the current Indian National record for 10 km road running and in the half marathon. She won the bronze medal in 10,000 meters race in 2010 Common Wealth Games and the silver medal in 2010 Asian Games. She created her personal best in 5,000 meters by medal in winning bronze 18th Asian athletics championship. She set a meet record in the 10,000 meters winning the gold medal.

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.11

Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one- fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways, buildings and furniture making. They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for papermaking. Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintaining our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We m 1st, therefore, protect and develop our forests. Vanmahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During

this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global


B-Summary Writing

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Importance of forests

Forests are the sources of natural wealth. They supply the timber for the railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for papermaking and medicinal herbs. In the past wisemen and philosophers were living in the forests Unfortunately forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years. Vanmahotsav is an important

Unseen Passage:

Passage No.12

There was a small village in North Karnataka with a population of five to eight thousand. It boasted of a beautiful lake with a temple of Lord Hanuman on its shore. The area was dotted with banyan trees. In Kannada, a banyan tree is called ‘aladamara’ and ‘halli’ means village, so the village was named Aladahalli. Aladhalli had only one main road, with houses on either side, and a bus stand right in the middle of the village. Must people who were from here preferred to stay on and commute for work to the cities nearby: Hubli and Dharwad. The advantages of staying in Aladhalli were a laid-back life, less noise and almost no pollution. The greatest attraction though was the school, which was on a par with any city school, and where the medium of instruction was both English and Kannada. Just like in city schools, the students got a rank based on their merit. Bheemanna’s daughter, Mridula, was among the top students in her class and was known as her intelligence

B-Summary Writing:

Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension and suggest a suitable title to it.

Ans: Summary

Title: Aladahalli village

Aladahalli is a small village in north Karnataka with a population of five to eight thousand. It has a beautiful lake with a temple of Lord Hanuman on its shore. The area was dotted with banyan trees. It had only one main road with houses on either side and a

bus stand right in the middle of the village. It had a laid-back life, les noise and almost no pollution. The village had English and Kanada medium schools.

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