Story Develop Example

Develop a story
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: 05
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: 05
B1 or B2. Do any one of the following:
B2. Develop a story using the following beginning:
Once upon a time there lived a woodcutter in a small village. One day he went to the forest….
Ans: B2. Story-Writing
“Honesty is the best Policy’
Once upon a time there lived a wood-cutter whose name was Mohanchand, in a small village. He brought some wood from the forest and sold them in the market and earned bread butter for his family. One day as usual he went into the forest and started cutting dry woods from the tallest tree. Accidently he dropped his axe into a river, flowing along with the forest. Mohanchand wept cried, as this axe was only means of livelihood He was weeping and cursing his luck. Taking pity on him the River God dived into the water and returned with ‘Golden axe. “Was this what you had lost? The God asked but Mohanchand said it was not.
The God again dived into the river and returned with ‘silver’ axe Mohanchand modestly replied”, it was not mine.” Further he said that his axe war ordinary iron made. The Gold was pleased to hear his answer. The God dived into the water and brought the wood cutter’s original Iron axe Mohanchand was on cloud nine as he got his axe back. He thanked the God for his deed.
Impressed by honesty the God allowed him to keep all three but Mohanchand said, “I ‘m happy with my own. The God rewarded him all three axes. Mohandchand returned home happily. He sold the silver axe and by that money he started small business and lived happily with his family.
Moral: Honesty is the best policy.