Std. 9th First Semester English Exam Paper 2023 With Answersheet

Std. 9th First Semester English Exam Paper 2023 With Answersheet
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four): (8 marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) fou_d
(ii) re_ard
(iii) for_y
(iv) ca_ch
(2) Put words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) whole, clasp, dealt, seven
(ii) both, back, blank, ball
(3) Punctuate the following sentences: (2)
(iii) im going back he said
(iv) are you sure you still had it on when you left the hall he asked
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters in the word:
‘thinking’. (2)
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs. Add four words, each beginning with the last
letter of the previous word: (2)
know ………… ………… …..……….. …………
(B) Do as directed: (2 marks)
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase: ‘be able to’. (1)
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:
This is my friend.
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words: (1)
(i) enjoy
(ii) happy
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) enjoy
(ii) happy
Q. 2. (A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)
A1. Fill in the blanks.
1. In Russia, tea is made and served in …………………………………….
2. In Japan, tea is made using……………………………………
3. In India, tea is served as a token of …………………………..
4. In china, tea is made in small ……………………….teapot
Many Koreans today still have tea ceremonies for important occasions including special birthdays and anniversaries. In most areas of China the tea is made in small clay teapots. At tea ceremonies, cups are only half-filled. The Chinese believe that the rest of the cup must be filled with friendship and affection. In Russia, tea is made and served in samovars- a special Russian tea kettle, made of metal. Vietnam produces special varieties of tea such as lotus tea and jasmine tea. In Japan, tea is made using powdered green tea called ‘matcha’. The tea is mixed with boiled water using a bamboo whisk and served in small bowls. And how about India? A cup of tea is offered to any guest or visitor as a token of hospitality even in the humblest of homes. Most Indians like their tea hot with a good deal of milk and sugar in it. In the rainy season, it is brewed with ginger to give it additional medicinal properties. Others add spices like cardamom, cloves or mace to add to its taste and flavour. Tea is a must after a plate of spicy snacks, especially in the morning and evenings. Some connoisseurs relish delicately flavoured jasmine tea, green tea, lemon tea and even iced tea! How about you? |
A2. Complete the web. 02
A3. List the things from the passage that are used for making tea.
1. Vietnam produces special varieties of tea. (Add a question tag.)
2. A cup of tea is offered to any guest or visitor as a token of hospitality.
(Change the voice)
A5. What is your favourite beverage? Why?
Q. 2. (B) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)B1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1. Mark Twain was the pen name of ………………………
2. Mark Twain entered ……………………… for a shave.
3. Mark Twain was a great defender of ……………………..
4. Mark Twain was a popular…………………………
Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a popular American writer. He was famous for his humorous stories, novels and other writings. His ready wit shone through everyday conversations. Many anecdotes related to Mark Twain are told and enjoyed even today. It should be noted that he was a great defender of human values like liberty, equality and fraternity. He opposed wars and imperialism and supported the cause of labourers and of the black people in his country, America. Given below are some anecdotes from his life and some quotations from his speeches and writings. Some Anecdotes One day during a lecture tour, Mark Twain entered a local barber shop for a shave. This, Twain told the barber, was his first visit to the town. “You’ve chosen a good time to come,” he declared. “Oh?” Twain replied. “Mark Twain is going to lecture here tonight. You’ll want to go, I suppose?” “I guess so…” “Have you bought your ticket yet?” “No, not yet.” “Well, it’s sold out, so you’ll have to stand.” “Just my luck,” said Twain with a sigh. “I always have to stand when that fellow lectures !” |
B2. Complete the web:
B3. Write the same meaning words for….
- Funny 2. Being brotherly
B4. Gammar:
1. He was a great defender. (Make Exclamatory)
2. “You’ve chosen a good time to come,” he declared. (Make Indirect speech)
B5. What is the importance of humour in our life?
Q.3 (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities. (5 Marks)
‘Walk a little slower, Daddy,’ Said a little child so small. ‘I’m following in your footsteps And I don’t want to fall. ‘Sometimes your steps are very fast, Sometimes they are hard to see; So, walk a little slower, Daddy, For you are leading me.’ |
1. The ………………………. is talking to its…………………………….
2. The ……………………… is leading and the ………………… is following.
3. The boy is requesting his father to walk……………………….
4. The boy is following his father’s …………………………..
A2. What would happen if the child tried to walk fast? Why? 02
A3. Pick out the rhyming pairs from the stanza. 01
(B) Appreciation of the poem. (5 Marks)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the
points given below.
‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers – ‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul – And sings the tune without the words – And never stops – at all – And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard – And sore must be the storm – That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm – |
I’ve heard it in the chillest land – And on the strangest Sea – Yet – never – in Extremity, It asked a crumb – of me. – By Emily Dickinson |
• Title ½
• Name of the poet ½
• Rhyme Scheme 01
• Figures of Speech (Any one) 01
• Theme / Central idea ( in 2 to 3 lines) 03
Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
A1. Fill in the blanks.
1. Balls and building blocks are …………………..play things.
2. Gizmos provide ……………………. entertainment.
3. Psychologists suggest …………………… for toys.
4. Child learns ……………………………….. his attention.
Everything is going electronic and toys are no exception. Old fashioned play things-like balls and building blocks – are fast being replaced gizmos that zoom around the room at the push of a button. Such toys provide instant entertainments, but contribute little to the child’s development. Ordinary toys do much more than entertain the child –they help in the child’s psychological and physical development. A child building a tower with a basic set of blocks is having fun he claps and laughs when the tower stands – but he is also developing some vital skills. He learns to focus his attention, improves his hand and eye co-ordination and learns to visualize a goal. When the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in a different way. Toys which allow unstructured play encourage imagination and creativity. Child psychologists feel that the high-tech novelties that we buy for children actually rob them of opportunities of mental and physical development. Many of the skills we use as adults were developed during playtime with the help of basic toys. Therefore, psychologists suggest to save some space for toys that work on kid power. |
A2. Complete the web: 02
Two benefits of unstructured play
A3. Write the verb form of .. 02
1. Entertainment 2. Development 3. Imagination 4. Co – ordination.
A4. Grammar: 02
1. When the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in different way. (As soon as)
2. They help in the child’s psychological and physical development (As well as)
A5. What, according to you, are some other evil effects of high-tech toys? 02
Read the passage given in Q.4 (A) and write the summary of it. Suggest
a suitable title to your summary.
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing (5 Marks) Al or A2 Do any one of the following.3) Letter writing
Imagine you are ‘Sonali / Soham Ramesh Jadhav’, 10/A Ashok Nagar, M.G Road, Solapur-
413003. Now read the following poster regarding ‘How to save Mother Earth from Global
Warming.’ And attempt any one of the following letters.
Let us stop Global Warming How to save Mother Earth from Global Warming
Issued in the Public Interest by Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Student’s Organisation for Social Service AND Members of ECO CLUB |
Write a letter to your younger brother/sister informing him/her about the remedies on Global Warming. Use the points given in the poster. Add your own points. |
Look at the above poster. Write a letter to the President of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University Student’s Organization, Solapur for social service thanking him for informative and appealing poster. Use the points given in the poster. |
Q.5 (B) Dialogue Writing & Speech Writing (Any one) (05)
B.1) Dialogue Writing 01
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences.
A: How do you spend your leisure time?
B: I enjoy reading detective stories the most.
A: What kind of books do you like?
B: I like to read in my free time.
b] Complete the following dialogue. 01
A: What types of books do you like to read?
B: ……………………………………….
A: Why do you read these books?
B: ………………………………………….
c) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on
“The importance of reading”. 03
Q. Prepare a speech on ‘Eat Vegetables, Live Longer’. Points:
# Vegetables – complete food. # Nutritive – cheap – easily available. # Full of vitamins, minerals and other elements. # easy to digest. # Wide variety of foods. # Affordable to all # Healthy, longer life. |
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: 5 Marks
Non-verbal to verbal
Write a short paragraph on food with the help of the diagram given below.
B2. Read the following passage and draw a tree diagram to cover the main points.
When we talk about commerce, what do we mean? Generally, by commerce we mean the trade and auxiliaries to trade. Trade is classified into two types – the home trade foreign trade. The home trade plays an important role in national economy as the wholesale and retail trading involves a large number of people by providing them means of living. On the other hand, the foreign trade consists of import and export of goods. This type of trading consists of few numbers of economic factors. Commerce cannot exist without its auxiliaries. These auxiliaries include transport, communication, banking, finance, insurance, warehousing and advertising. |
Q.6 (B) Expand the theme. 5 Marks
B1: News Report:
B2: Develop a story to get the following end. Suggest a suitable title.
…….Because of his honesty and hard work, Swapnil was rewarded.
Q. 7 (B) Translation: 5 Marks
(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any four) 2
1.) normal –
2) breakfast –
3) holiday –
4) success –
5) poverty –
6) education –
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) 2
1) Plant trees, avoid pollution.
2) Save water, save earth.
3) Keep the garden neat and clean.
4) I like nature.
(c) Translate the following idiom / proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one) 1
1) All that glitter is not gold.
2) Experience is the best teacher.
Answer sheet
Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four): (8 marks)
(1) Complete the words by using the correct letters: (2)
(i) found
(ii) reward
(iii) forty
(iv) catch
(2) Put words in alphabetical order:
(i) clasp, dealt, seven, whole
(ii) back, ball, blank, both
(3) Punctuate the following sentences:
(i) “I’m going back,” he said.
(ii) “Are you sure you still had it on when you left the hall?” he asked.
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters in the word:
- think (ii) thin (iii) king (iv) night
(5) Write related words as shown in the example:
Family: 1. Big, 2. Small, 3. Happy, 4. Funny, 5. Co operative
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs. Add four words, each beginning with the last
letter of the previous word:
know ………… ………… …..……….. …………
know: 1. Work 2. Keep 3. Put 4. Take. 5. Eat, 6. Teach
(B) Do as directed: (2 marks)
(1) Attempt any one:
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase: ‘be able to’.
She worked hard so that she would be able to achieve her dreams.
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:
This is my friend.
This is my friend, who I met during my school time.
(2) Attempt any one:
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) enjoy: enjoyment
(ii) happy: unhappy
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) enjoy: I always enjoy spending time with my friends
(ii) happy: I am always happy student.
Section II (Textual Passage)
Q. 2. (A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)
- In Russia, tea is made and served in samovars- a special Russian tea kettle, made of metal.
- In Japan, tea is made using powdered green tea called ‘matcha’.
- In India, tea is served as a token of hospitality.
- In China, tea is made in small clay teapots.
- cardamom, 2. cloves, 3. ginger, and 4. Mace
A3. Things used for making tea in the passage:
- Samovars (special Russian tea kettle)
- Matcha (powdered green tea)
- Clay teapots (small ones used in China)
- Bamboo whisk (used for mixing matcha in Japan)
- Metal (material used for samovars in Russia)
- Boiled water (used for making tea in Japan)
A4. Grammar:
- Vietnam produces special varieties of tea, doesn’t it?
- Any guest or visitor is offered a cup of tea as a token of hospitality.
A5. What is your favourite beverage? Why?
My favourite beverage has to be coffee. There’s something about the rich aroma and the bold flavour that I find incredibly satisfying. Plus, it’s a great pick-me-up during busy days.
Q. 2. (B) Read the passage and carry out the activities. (10 Marks)B1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
- Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.
- Mark Twain entered a local barber shop for a shave.
- Mark Twain was a great defender of human values like liberty, equality, and fraternity.
- Mark Twain was a popular American writer.
- human values like liberty, equality and fraternity.
- opposed wars and imperialism and supported the cause of laborer’s
- supported the cause of laborer’s and of the black people in his country, America.
B3. Same meaning words:
- Funny – Humorous
- Being brotherly – Fraternal
B4. Grammar:
- What a great defender he was!
- He declared that I had chosen a good time to come.
B5. Humor is super important in our lives. It makes us laugh and feel happy. It also helps us relax when we’re stressed. Humor makes things positive and fun, which is great for building good relationships. It can even change how we see tough situations. Plus, joking around can make talking to others more fun and easy to remember. How do you feel about humor in your life?
Q.3 (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities. (5 Marks)
A1. Fill in the blanks. 02
- The child is talking to its daddy.
- The daddy is leading, and the child is following.
- The boy is requesting his father to walk a little slower.
- The boy is following his father’s footsteps.
A2. What would happen if the child tried to walk fast? Why?
If the child walks too fast, he might fall because he’s trying to keep up with his fast-walking dad. Walking a bit slower helps the child keep up better and not fall down.
A3. Pick out the rhyming pairs from the stanza.
- Small: Fall
- Fast: See
- Daddy: Me
(B) Appreciation of the poem.
‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers-
1. Title: – The title of the poem is ‘Hope is the thing with feathers-’
2. Poetess / Author: – The author of the poem is Emily Dickinson.
3. Rhyme Scheme: – The rhyme scheme of the first 2 stanzas is ‘abab’
and the third stanza is ‘abcb’.
4. Figure of Speech: – Personification:
5.Central Theme / Idea: –
The central idea or theme of the poem is the role played by the hope in our lives. According to the poetess, hope – the little bird that nests in our soul -keeps us going even in the most difficult of times and demands nothing in return.
Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 Marks)
A1. Fill in the blanks.
- Balls and building blocks are ordinary play things.
- Gizmos provide instant entertainment.
- Psychologists suggest toys that work on kid power for toys.
- Child learns to focus his attention.
Two benefits of unstructured play:
- Imagination and Creativity: Unstructured play lets kids use their imagination and creativity. They can make up games and stories, which helps them think creatively and solve problems.
- Independence and Doing Things on Their Own: Unstructured play lets kids take charge of their playtime. They learn to start and plan their activities by themselves. This helps them become more independent and able to do things on their own.
A3. Verb forms of the given nouns:
- Entertainment – Entertain
- Development – Develop
- Imagination – Imagine
- Coordination – Coordinate
A4. Grammar:
- As soon as the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in a different way.
- They help in the child’s psychological and physical development, as well as other aspects.
A5. What, according to you, are some other evil effects of high-tech toys? 02
- Less moving and playing can make kids unhealthy.
- Kids might not talk to others much because they’re busy with screens.
- Too much screen time can make it hard to sleep and feel good.
- Too many exciting things can make it tough to pay attention and concentrate.
- Using games that are already set can make kids less creative and good at solving problems.
- Using toys that connect to the internet can be risky for privacy and online safety.
Read the passage given in Q.4 (A) and write the summary of it. Suggest
a suitable title to your summary.
“The Importance of Traditional Toys in Child Development”
In today’s world, fancy electronic toys are taking over, but old-fashioned toys like balls and blocks are better for kids. They help kids learn and grow. For example, building a block tower is fun and helps kids focus, use their hands, and set goals. Simple toys also let kids use their imagination. Experts say too many fancy toys can stop kids from learning and growing. So, it’s good to keep some simple toys around for kids to play with on their own.
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing (5 Marks) Al or A2 Do any one of the following.3) Letter writing
A1) Informal letter:
Ans: Top of Form
Soham Ramesh Jadhav,
10/A, Ashok Nagar,
M.G Road,
Date: 1st June 2020.
Dear brother Rohit,
Hello! How are you? I am fine. I miss you a lot. I am sending this letter to you for a special purpose. You know that now a days there is a rapid growth in the problem of Global Warming. It is an ever-increasing problem for all of us. Really it is a burning issue. It is the duty for all of us to stop this problem to save this Mother Earth.
I would like to suggest some solutions on this problem. We should use the vehicles whenever
necessary. So, it will help us to control the air pollution we should reduce the use of home appliances like refrigerators, coolers and other things. However, it is good to use internet for our daily business-like banking, shopping and booking. This will help us to save our time as well as money. We should use the things which are recycled. Now the time has come to say good bye to plastic and use cotton and paper bags. We should avoid use and throw articles. If we avoid all kinds of pollutions then and then only we can control this global warming. Let us plant and grow at least one tree around our house. Do you like all these solutions? Please, inform these things to your friends. Let us make our Motherland free from Global Warming.
Convey my best regards to parents and love to little Pinku.
Yours lovingly,
A2) Formal letter.
Sonali Ramesh Jadhav,
10/A, Ashok Nagar,
M.G Road,
Date: 1st June 2020.
The President,
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Student’s Organization,
Sub: Expressing thankfulness for informative and appealing poster.
Respected Sir,
I am Soham Jadhav. I am the student of well-known school in Solpaur. Yesterday I came
across your informative and appealing poster about Global Warming. Really all the
information given in the poster is very practical to overcome the problems of Global Warming.
Now a days this issue has become very crucial for all of us. If we do not control all these
things in time, then our Mother Earth will be in danger. I would like to express my special
thanks to you. What a praiseworthy work this is!
In future also, please continue your work of awareness among the people. Will you prepare
posters on saving energy and about rainwater harvesting?
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Sonali Jadhav
Q.5 (B) Dialogue Writing & Speech Writing (Any one) (05)
B.1) Dialogue Writing:
A: How do you spend your leisure time?
B: I like to read in my free time.
A: What kind of books do you like?
B: I enjoy reading detective stories the most.
b] Complete the following dialogue.
A: What types of books do you like to read?
B: I enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy novels.
A: Why do you read these books?
B: I find them fascinating because they transport me to different worlds and let me
explore imaginative adventures.
c) Write a dialogue of minimum three meaningful exchanges on
“The importance of reading”.
A: Do you think reading is important?
B: Absolutely, reading is incredibly important. It opens up new worlds and broadens our horizons.
A: I agree. What do you like most about reading?
B: One of the things I love most is how it can expand our knowledge and understanding of different cultures and perspectives.
A: That’s true. Reading also helps improve our vocabulary and communication skills, don’t you think?
B: Absolutely, it enhances our language skills and allows us to express ourselves more effectively. Plus, it’s a great way to relax and escape into a good story.
B2. Speech writing.
Q. Prepare a speech on ‘Eat Vegetables, Live Longer’.
Eat Vegetables, Live Longer’
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, I want to talk about something very basic but incredibly important: “Eating Vegetables for a Longer Life.” It’s a simple idea that can have a big impact on our health and how long we live.
Vegetables are like a complete package of goodness from nature. They are good for us, not expensive, and you can easily find them. When we eat vegetables, our bodies get lots of important stuff like vitamins and minerals that keep us healthy.
One great thing about vegetables is that they’re easy to digest. That means our bodies can use all the good stuff in them very easily. And there are so many different kinds of vegetables, so you can always find something you like.
The best part is that vegetables are affordable for everyone. It doesn’t matter how much money you have; you can still eat vegetables and stay healthy.
Eating lots of vegetables has many benefits. It helps us stay healthy, avoid getting sick, and live longer. The things in vegetables make our bodies strong and protect us from diseases.
In simple words, if we want to live a longer and healthier life, we should eat more vegetables every day. They’re good for us, good for our wallets, and they help us have a better and healthier future. So remember: “Eat Vegetables for a Longer Life.”
Thank you.
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: 5 Marks
Non-verbal to verbal
Write a short paragraph on food with the help of the diagram given below.
Types of Sentences
Sentence is a group of word which have a meaning. There are four main types of sentences. These are Assertive, Imperative, Interrogative & Exclamatory sentence. Assertive sentence is also called simple sentence. It’s word order is subject + Verb + Object. Eg. We can speak English fluently. Assertive sentence may be affirmative or negative. Imperative sentence begins with verb. For example, ‘Give me your pen.’ Imperative sentence has meaning of order, command or request. Interrogative sentence is a question. There are two types of question. W-h question and yes, no type question. For example, 1. Where do you live? 2. Will you help me? Forth type of sentence that is Exclamatory Sentence. End of the sentence there is exclamatory marks(!). It shows strong feelings or emotions. For example: How beautiful place it is!
OR Verbal to Nonverbal.
B2. Read the following passage and draw a tree diagram to cover the main points.
Q.6 (B) Expand the theme. 5 Marks
B1: News Report:
Celebration of Environment Day
Mumbai M. G. Vidyalaya, 14th July 2023.
Every year we celebrate Science Day, Mother’s Day, Independence Day, Republic
day etc. But this year we celebrated ‘Environment Day’ on 14th July 2014. This programme
was celebrated in our school assembly hall itself. Entrance and passage of the hall was
decorated with flower plants, banners and posters. Our geography teacher, Mr. Bhere was
the incharge of this programme. All the students from 9th and 10th standard gathered at 11
a.m. in the hall. The Mayor of Mumbai was the chief guest for this programme.
The girls of std. 9th sang a song on ‘environment. They give slogans – like ‘Save
trees, Trees are our best friends, Save trees from axe, More trees more rain. Our school
Headmaster Mr. Sandansiv and all teachers were present on the occasion. We planted
some saplings at the hands of the Mayor around school ground. There were rose plants,
sunflowers plants, Nilgiri plants provided by BMC. Our chief guest Mr. Harad gave
Environment pledge to all students and teachers. He advised us to plant more trees in our
gardens, village and open passage.
Take care of our trees; they are our best friends so protect our surrounding, nature. Help
to increase natural beauty on the earth. We should not destroy any tree.
In the end of our Headmaster Mr. Sandanshiv praised all the students and teachers
for their efforts to arrange this programme. We got sweets and went home at 3p.m.
B2: Develop a story to get the following end. Suggest a suitable title.
…….Because of his honesty and hard work, Swapnil was rewarded.
Title: “The Honesty Reward”
In a small town, there was a guy named Swapnil. Swapnil was known for being super honest and working really hard.
He had a job at a bank. One day, he found a big mistake in a customer’s account. He told his boss right away.
The bank checked and saw it was a mistake, not a trick. They were happy Swapnil told them. They gave him a bonus and said thank you in front of everyone.
Word about Swapnil’s honesty and reward spread everywhere. People liked him even more. They learned that being honest is important.
Swapnil kept working at the bank because he loved his job and being honest. He showed everyone that honesty and hard work are good. They may not always give you a prize right away, but in the end, they make you successful and respected.
Because of his honesty and hard work, Swapnil got a reward, and people admired him a lot.
Q. 7 (B) Translation: 5 Marks
(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any four) 2
1.) normal – सामान्य
2) breakfast – न्याहारी
3) holiday – सुट्टी, सुट्टीचा दिवस
4) success – यश
5) poverty – दारिद्र्य
6) education – शिक्षण
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) 2
1) Plant trees, avoid pollution.
झाडे लावा, प्रदूषण टाळा.
2) Save water, save earth.
पाणी वाचवा, पृथ्वी (जमीन) वाचवा
3) Keep the garden neat and clean.
बाग नीटनेटकी वं स्वच्छ ठेवा/राखा
4) I like nature.
मला निसर्ग आवडतो.
(c) Translate the following idiom / proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one) 11) All that glitters is not gold.
जे चकाकते ते सोने नसते/चकाकणारे सर्व सोनेच असते असे नाही.
2) Experience is the best teacher.
अनुभव हाच सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुरु आहे/ अनुभव हा सर्वश्रेष्ठ गुरु होय.