Std.8th First Term Exam Practice Paper
First Term Exam Practice Paper
Std. 8th Sub: English (L.L.) Marks: 50
Q. 1. Language study. (5 marks)
(1) Make anagrams of the following words. (02)
(i) ten
(ii) glean
(iii) listen
(iv) dairy
(2) Arrange the following words in an alphabetical order. (02)
mistake, market, memorize, mathematics
(3) Underline the Auxiliary Verbs in the following sentences. (01)
(i) They did not help me.
(ii) A big thorn had pierced the lion’s toe.
(1) Anagrams
(i) ten – net
(ii) glean – angle
(iii) listen – silent
(iv) dairy – diary
(2) Alphabetical Order
Ans. market, mathematics, memorize, mistake
(i) They did not help me.
Ans. They did not help me.
(ii) A big thorn had pierced the lion’s toe.
Ans A big thorn had pierced the lion’s toe.
Q.2) Read the passage and carry out the activities: (10 marks)
A1. State whether the following statements are true or false. (02)
(a) Sayali’s class teacher taught her English.
(b) The class teacher was very friendly with children.
(c) Sayali took out the mathematics notebook in the class on purpose.
(d) Sayali was good at History.
I got ready and went to school. In the first period, our class teacher, who taught us English, told us to take out our composition notebooks. I took out the mathematics notebook by mistake. I replaced it quickly but the teacher, perhaps, had kept her gaze fixed on me. She shouted, “Come here with your book, Sayali!” I obeyed her but her angry looks made my legs tremble and when I reached her chair, the notebook fell on her feet. Some girls laughed loudly. The teacher thought that I had dropped the notebook on purpose. She stared at me with an all-devouring look. “Go and stand near your seat,” she yelled. I kept standing, punished for the whole period. The next was History class and my favourite subject. The teacher had asked us to memorize the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat. I was well prepared. She began testing all of us, one by one. When my turn came, I went blank. The teacher gave me a stern stare, while I stood there stiff, still, with my head hanging down in shame. |
A2. Read the passage and complete the following sentences. (02)
(i) The notebook fell from Sayali’s hand because of.…………………….
(ii) The History teacher had asked children to …………………………
A3. Find out antonyms (opposites) of the following from the passage: (02)
(i) last x ………………
(ii) slowly x …………………
(iii) silently x ………………
(iv) up x ………………
A4. Language study. (02)
(1) I was well prepared. (Choose the correct question tag)
(a) didn’t I?
(b) was I?
(c) wasn’t I?
(2) Some girls laughed loudly. (Identify the tense)
A5. Personal Response
Who is your favourite teacher? Why? (02)
A1 True or False
(a) Sayali’s class teacher taught her English.
Ans. True
(b) The class teacher was very friendly with children.
Ans. False
(c) Sayali took out the mathematics notebook in the class on purpose.
Ans. False
(d) Sayali was good at History.
Ans. True
A2 Complete
(i) The notebook fell from Sayali’s hand because of her teacher’s angry looks and trembling of her legs.
(ii) The History teacher had asked children to memorize the causes and effects of the Battle of Panipat.
A3 Antonyms
(i) last x first
(ii) slowly x quickly
(iii) silently x loudly
(iv) up x down
A4 Language study
(i) I was well prepared.
Ans. I was well prepared, wasn’t I?
(ii) Some girls laughed loudly.
Ans. Simple Past tense
A5 Personal Response
Ans. Rajesh Sir is my favourite teacher because of his friendly nature. He is so kind-hearted. He teaches us in simple way. His helping nature I like most. Though he is friendly, well disciplined also.
Q.3 A) Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5 )
Trees are the kindest things I know, They do not harm, they simply grow. And spread a shade for sleepy cows, And gather birds among their boughs. They give us fruit, in leaves above, And wood to make our houses of, And leaves to burn on Hallowe’en, And in the Spring new buds of green. They are the first when day’s begun To touch the beams of morning sun. |
A2. Read the extract and pick out lines that mean the following. (02)
(i) Trees provide shelter for animals.
(ii) Trees provide food for all.
(iii) Trees are most lovable.
(iv) Trees live a simple life.
A3. Rhyming words.
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract. (01)
Parts of a tree mentioned in the stanza…
- Fruit
- Buds
- Leaves
- Boughs
(i) And spread a shade for sleepy cows.
(ii) They give us fruit, in leaves above.
(iii) Trees are the kindest things I know.
(iv) They do not harm, they simply grow.
A3 Rhyming words.
(i) know – grow
(ii) cows – boughs
Q.3) B) Write an appreciation of the poem with the help of given points: (05)
Be The Best If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley – but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass, And some highway happier make; If you are a muskie then just be a bass But the liveliest bass in the lake! We can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew, There’s something for all of us here, There’s big work to do, and there’s lesser, to do, And the task you must do is the near. If you can’t be a highway then just be a trail, If you can’t be the sun, be a star; It isn’t by size that you win or you fail Be the best of whatever you are! _ – Douglas Malloch |
Q.4) Read the passage and do the activities. (10)
1) Complete the following sentences with the words from the passage. (01)
i) A man who does not read is really __________________.
ii) When we are ________________,such books give us healthy reaction.
A man who has acquired the habit of reading is very happy. His mind is filled with knowledge, noble thoughts and high ideals. A man who does not read is really poor and his life is empty. If we are able to choose the right kind of books, reading gives us the highest kind of pleasure. We read some books like novels for more pleasure and amusement. When we are tired, such books give us healthy recreation. But we should not read books of fiction only. As we need wholesome food, so we need serious reading for the mind. We must develop a taste for books on history, philosophy, religion, travel, science and also books of poetry. Such books give pleasure and education. Books are the most faithful friends. They are always ready to help us and converse with us. |
2) Complete the web. (01)
3) Find plurals of the following words. (01)
i) book – ____________________________ ii) friend – ________________________________
4) Frame wh-questions to get underlined part as answer. (01)
i) Books are the most faithful friends.5) What kind of books do you like to read? Why? (01)
Q. 5 (A) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following (5 marks)
B1. Dialogue writing
(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences (1)
(1) Nature poems
(2) What type of poems do you compose?
(3) Yes, I do
(4) Do you like to compose poems?
(1) Do you like to compose poems?
(2) Yes, I do
(3) What type of poems do you compose?
(4) Nature poems
(b) Complete the dialogue (1)
Tanvi: Who is your best friend?
Venky: ………………………
Tanvi: Why do you like him/her?
(Write at least one quality)
Tanvi: Who is your best friend?
Venky: Naina is my best friend.
Tanvi: Why do you like him/her?
(Write at least one quality)
Venky: She is very talented and humble.
Write a dialogue of minimum 3 meaningful exchanges between a teacher and student on coming late in school.
Read the following chart and write a paragraph on it.
A good leader must possess certain qualities. He must be a fair person with good Ans. judgement. He must act discreetly in every situation. He must be honest with himself and just to others. He cannot lead if he is not kind and understanding. Perseverance is also an essential quality of a leader.
Q.No.6: Translation.
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