Std. 10th First Semester English Exam Paper 2023 With Answersheet
A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) |
[8] |
Fill in the missing letters to complete the words. |
2 |
i) so_th ii) pr_tend iii) br_ther iv) af_aid |
Put the words in alphabetical order. |
2 |
Punctuate the following. |
2 |
Make four words (minimum 3 letters) using the letters in the word. ‘knowledge’ |
2 |
STD. 10th. SUB: ENGLISH (L.L.) MARKS: 80
A6) |
Complete the word chain of nouns. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. Soup, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 |
2 |
Q.1 |
B) Do as directed. 1. (Attempt any one) |
[2] |
a) Make a meaningful sentence using ‘going to’. OR |
1 |
b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully. I know that…………. |
2. (Attempt any one) a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (2 words) a) visible b) possible |
1 |
b) Make as meaningful sentence using any one of the following words. a) visible b) possible |
Q.2 |
A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. |
[10] |
A1) |
Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate words from the bracket. |
2 |
(challenging, helm, methodology, illuminate) |
Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. Smart goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2) Why is it necessary to set goals? |
2 |
A3) Find the antonyms of the following words from the passage. i) success ii) past iii) difficult iv) beginning |
2 |
A4) Grammar:
Setting goals have two valuable assets.
a) Do they? b) Don’t they? c) Are they? |
2 |
A5) Explain in your own words the advantages of setting goals. |
2 |
Q. 1B) Read the extract and complete the following activities.
A1. Complete the following sentences. (02)
- Dr. Hawking expressed his thoughts ……………………….
- Dr. Hawking was suffering from……………………………
- He was bestowed with…………………………
- His writing is………………………..
Though confined to a wheel chair with no control over his body save a finger and with a computer to help him express his thoughts. Dr. Hawking is an authority on profound subjects of science. Numerous honorary doctorates and awards have been bestowed on him. He is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences. In spite of being considered Einstein’s equal in intelligence, Dr. Hawking is a humble man. A simple, down to earth man, he has authored many books dealing with his awesome ideas keeping a layman in mind. His writing is full of wit and humour. His style is so lucid that non-scientists can also him. His book, “A Brief History of Time” is one of the bestselling books of our times. On being asked, how he feels about having the dreadful ALS, Dr. Hawking, the quintessence of optimism and hope, says, “Not very different from the rest. I try and lead as normal a life as possible, and not think about my condition or regret the things it prevents me from doing, which are not many”. Dr. Hawking firmly believes that in the next millennium, science will discover the core secrets of the universe, its origin, its history and maybe even predict its ultimate demise. Like Dr. Hawking, there are many people who display exemplary courage in their lives. Let us salute all those brave people, who in spite of being disabled strive to do their best. |
A2. Complete the web chart. (02)
A3. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings given in column ‘B’ (02)
A |
B |
A4. Do as directed. (02)
1.Dr Hawking is a very humble man. (Make it exclamatory)
2.He has authorized many books. (Being your sentences with ‘Many books….’)
A5. Personal Response. (02)
If you meet a disabled person, how will you behave with him/her?
SECTION III: Poetry – 10 marks
Q.3. (A) Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5 Marks)
A1. Write whether the following statements are True or False:
i) The child wants to sow the seeds of moonlight behind his house.
ii) The whole village goes to the city daily to work.
iii) When father returns home, the child is asleep.
iv) The route from city to village is full of light.
O moon, give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full, with seeds of moonlight. From the city to my village, on the sides of the path I want to sow many, small, small moons of light. The whole village goes to the city daily to work. It becomes dark on its way back as my village is quite far. The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions. Neither bus nor cart plies. When my father returns home I am asleep. |
A3. Name the figure of speech from the line:
“O moon, give me moonlight,”
(B) Appreciation of the poem. (05)
The Twins In form and feature, face and limb, I grew so like my brother, That folks got taking me for him, And each for one another. It puzzled all our kith and kin, It reached a fearful pitch; For one of us was born a twin, Yet not a soul knew which. One day, to make the matter worse, Before our names were fixed, As we were being washed by nurse, We got completely mixed; And thus, you see, by fate’s decree, Or rather nurse’s whim, My brother John got christened me, And I got christened him. |
This fatal likeness even dogged My footsteps, when at school, And I was always getting flogged, For John turned out a fool. I put this question, fruitlessly, To everyone I knew, ‘What would you do, if you were me, To prove that you were you?’ Our close resemblance turned the tide Of my domestic life, For somehow, my intended bride Became my brother’s wife. In fact, year after year the same Absurd mistakes went on, And when I died, the neighbours came And buried brother John. – Henry Sambrook Leigh |
Read the given poem and write an appreciation of the poem using the points given below of the poem.
- Title ½
- Name of the poet ½
- Rhyme Scheme 01
- Figures of Speech (Any one) 01
- Theme / Central idea (in about 2 to 3 lines) 02
SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage – 15 marks
Q.4. (A) Read the passage carefully and complete the activities: (10 Marks)
A1) Arrange the following sentences in order of their occurrence in the passage: 02
1) Man began to use the leaves of the palm and the lotus to write.
2) The e-book brought about a great change in the field of printing.
3) The art of printing was invented and books were available.
4) Man used to inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls
Man has always felt a need to express himself. In ancient times, before paper was invented, man used to inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls. Later, he began using the leaves of the palm and the lotus to write. The art of printing was invented in 1454. Soon it became popular all over the world. Knowledge could now reach even the common man. Thousands of editions of any book became available for anyone who wanted them. The latest invention, the e-book, has brought about a great change in the field of printing. The e-book is an electronic book. It is a book printed in digital form. You can read an e-book on a computer or laptop. The ebook needs neither paper nor ink. The CDs of the e-books have a life of many years. The same e-book can be made available in different languages. Even CD’s of famous Marathi books are available today. In the future, there will be libraries of e-books. What a wonderful invention the e-book is! |
1) The e-book is a very wonderful invention. (Make exclamatory)
2) Man used to inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls. (Use ‘Would’)
A5) Do you think that printed books will lose their importance because of e-books? 02
Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension in Q.4 (A) and suggest a suitable title to it.
A1] Informal letter: Write a letter to your friend for inviting him / her for your sisters birthday party |
You are going to attend the birthday party write a leave application to your class teacher for 2 days Leave. |
Q. 5 ) B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following. (5 Marks)
Dialogue Writing / Drafting a speech:
B1) Dialogue Writing.
a) Prepare a short dialogue by arranging the following jumbled sentences in proper order.
1. Yes, I got many awards.
2. Off course, Kabaddi!
3. Have you awarded in this?
4. Which is your favourite game?
b] Complete the following dialogues.
Teacher: Why are you late today?
Student: ……………………………………
Teacher: It’s ok. Don’t be late next time.
Student: ……………………………………
C] Write a dialogue between you and your friend of minimum six meaningful exchanges on ‘Importance of in our life’. Trees
You are going to participate in an Inter-school Elocution Competition arranged by your school. Write a speech on ‘Books are our Real Friends’ with the help of the following points:
(i) Real friends (ii) Treasures of knowledge (iii) Personality development
(iv) Increase delivering speech ability and confidence (v) Leadership.
(A2) Verbal to Non-verbal: (05)
Read the following paragraph and complete the table by putting in correct information.
Suggest a suitable title.
While preparing to plant trees in a residential colony, highways or anywhere, one should consider three factors taking decision. What kind of (species) trees, where to plant and what kind of soil. He should consider the qualities of a tree such as pattern of branching and its height. If it is a school, you need shade-giving trees of moderate height so that children can play under them and not be hurt when they climb on to them. In residential colonies, trees with thick branches, like eucalyptus or Ashoka should be chosen to control pollution and trap dust. Similarly, the nature of the soil too should be considered. If you are planting trees by the road side, it withstands the topical monsoon and provides shade in summer. On highways the well-known choice would be the native trees tamarind or peepal. Being hardly, they do not need much care. Birds and animals interact more easily with native trees than the exotics. Villagers too consider such native trees to be sacred as the abode of gods. |
Q.6 B) Do any one of the following – B1 OR B2. [5]
B1) Every year Independence Day is celebrated in your school. How was it celebrated this year? Write a report for your school magazine.
The beginning of the story is given to you. Read the beginning and complete the story.
Suggest a suitable title.
Once upon a time, there was a king………….
(a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any four) 02
1) beautiful 2) taste 3) kind
4) customer 5) courage 6) prayer
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) 02
(1) Don’t pluck the flowers. 2) My favourite colour is blue.
(3) Use dustbin for garbage. 4) Lilavati likes flowers.
(c) Translate the following idiom/proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one) 01
1. Necessity is the mother of invention.
2. Practice makes man perfect.
Std. 10th First Semester English Exam Paper 2023 With Answersheet
Answer sheet
Language study:
1. Fill in the missing letters:
i) south ii) pretend iii) brother iv) afraid
2. Put the words in alphabetical order:
3. Punctuate the following:
- Sheetal asked me, “Do you like singing?”
- He bought apples, bananas, and oranges.
4. Make four words using the letters in the word
‘knowledge’: i) know ii) node iii) gone iv) lodge v) edge vi) god
5.Write Related word:
- Interesting, 2. Funny, 3. Historical, 4. Inspirational, 5. captivating
6.Word Chain of noun:
Soup, Pea, Apple, Elephant, Turtle
Q.1B) Do as directed:
- a) Make a meaningful sentence using ‘going to’:
I am going to attend a concert tonight.
b) Expand the sentence meaningfully:
I know that she is coming to visit us this weekend.
- a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
a) visible: invisible b) possible: possibility
b) Make a meaningful sentence using:
a) Stars are visible in the sky.
b) It’s possible for me to achieve more than 90% marks.
Q.2 A) Read the passage and carry out the activities. [10]
A1) Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate words from the bracket.
i) Goals illuminate the path.
ii) Goals put one at the helm of life.
iii) Setting goals is quite challenging.
iv) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking.
A2) Setting goals is necessary because they provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. Goals act as a guiding force, helping individuals make decisions, stay focused, and achieve meaningful outcomes. Without goals, one might drift aimlessly and miss out on opportunities for personal and professional growth.
A3) Antonyms:
i) success – failure
ii) past – future
iii) difficult – easy
iv) beginning – end
i) Spot the error and write the correct sentence –
Correction: Setting goals has two valuable assets.
ii) They help to steer a course of life. (Choose the correct question – tag)
Correct tag: b) Don’t they?
A5) Explain in your own words the advantages of setting goals.
Setting goals helps you know where you’re going in life, like a roadmap. It gives you a purpose and guides your decisions toward what you want. Goals keep you motivated and determined when things get tough. They also help you manage your time and resources better. In simple terms, having goals not only shows the way but also makes the journey more fulfilling.
Q. 1B) Read the extract and complete the following activities.
B1. Complete the following sentences.
i) Dr. Hawking expressed his thoughts using a computer due to being confined to a wheelchair.
ii) Dr. Hawking was suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).
iii) He was bestowed with numerous honorary doctorates and awards.
iv) His writing is full of wit and humor.
B2. Complete the web:
Qualities of Dr. Hawking:
- humble
- Resilience
- Intellectual Brilliance
- Humility
- Optimism
- Effective Communication
- Profound – c) very deep
- Demise – d) death
- Lucid – b) clear
- Awesome – a) very impressive
- What a humble man Dr. Hawking is!
- Many books have been authored by him.
A5. I would treat a disabled person with respect and empathy, recognizing their abilities and focusing on shared interests. It’s important to be considerate, inclusive, and supportive, fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and understood.
SECTION III: Poetry – 10 marks
Q.3. (A) Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5 Marks)
A1. Write whether the following statements are True or False:
i) True
ii) False
iii) True
iv) False
Ans: The child wishes to sow the seeds of moonlight because:
- The child really wants to enlighten the roads for the villagers and his father.
- The child’s imagination goes everywhere, and he gets to moonlight as his solution with which he can light the road by sowing moonseeds on both the sides of the road.
A3. Name the figure of speech from the line:
“O moon, give me moonlight,”
Ans: Alliteration:
(B) Appreciation of the poem.
The Twins
1. Title: – The title of the poem is ‘The Twins’
2. Poet: – The poem is written is ‘Henry Sambrooke Leigh’
3. Rhyme Scheme: – The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘ababcdcd’
4. Figure of speech: – There are three figures of speech in the poem.
Alliteration, Pun & hyperbole.
Example: – Alliteration: – In form & feature, face & limb
5. Theme / Central Idea: – This is a humorous poem. The poet & his brother are twins so their life became humorous & trouble same in various ways they faced many problems & the problems are so exaggerated by the poet to make humorous but we trusted it for brief time
SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage – 15 marks
Q.4. (A) Read the passage carefully and complete the activities: (10 Marks)
A1) Arrange the following sentences in order of their occurrence in the passage: 02
1) Man began to use the leaves of the palm and the lotus to write.
2) The e-book brought about a great change in the field of printing.
3) The art of printing was invented and books were available.
4) Man used to inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls
- You can read an e-book on a computer or laptop.
- The CDs of the e-books have a life of many years.
- The same e-book can be made available in different languages.
- The e-book needs neither paper nor ink.
- Modern: Ancient
- Different: same
- Ignorance: Knowledge
- Earlier: later
A4) Do as directed: 02
1) The e-book is a very wonderful invention. (Make exclamatory)
2) Man used to inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls. (Use ‘Would’)
- What a very wonderful invention the e-book is!
- Man would inscribe his thoughts on stones or walls.
A5) Do you think that printed books will lose their importance because of e-books? 02
Ans: No, I don’t think printed books will lose out to e-books. Some people really love the feel and smell of a physical book, plus having a cool bookshelf. People have different tastes, so both digital and paper books can stick around and make everyone happy.
B) Summary Writing: (5 Marks)
Write a summary of the passage given for comprehension in Q.4 (A) and suggest a suitable title to it.
“From Rocks to E-Books: A Journey of Expression”
The passage talks about how people used to write on stones and leaves way back when. Printing in 1454 made spreading knowledge easier. Now, there’s the cool e-book, a digital book you can read on devices. No paper or ink needed, and they last a long time. They can even be in different languages. The passage ends by saying how awesome the e-book invention is for the future of libraries.
Q.5 Letter Writing: (5 Marks)
555, Bajrang chowk,
Aurangabad – 414 434.
5th December, 2021.
Dear Raj,
I hope this letter finds you in great spirits. I’m writing to you with excitement bubbling over because something fantastic is on the horizon, and I wouldn’t dream of not having you there to share in the joy!
My little sister’s birthday is just around the corner, and we’re throwing a bash that promises unlimited fun, laughter, and all-around good times. It’s going to be a party to remember with games that will have us all on our toes, delicious dinner to tickle our taste buds, and an atmosphere brimming with joy.
Here are the details you need to mark on your calendar:
Date: 19th December 2021
Time: 6:00 pm onwards
Venue: Padmavati Lawns, In front of Renuka H.S. Satara Parisar, Aurangabad.
I know your presence will add that extra dash of happiness to the celebration. Your knack for bringing good vibes and laughter is exactly what we need to make this day even more special.
Looking forward to seeing you there and creating some unforgettable memories together!
Yours loving friend.
A2] Formal letter:
555, Bajrang chowk,
5th December, 2021.
Podar School,
M. G. Road,
Aurangabad – 414 434.
Respected [Mrs. Sharma Ma’am,],
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend school for the next two days due to a family event.
My younger sister is celebrating her birthday, and it’s a special occasion for our family. In order to be part of this celebration and contribute to the joyous moments, I kindly request your permission to grant me leave for two days.
I assure you that I will make up for any missed assignments and classwork promptly upon my return. I understand the importance of regular attendance and will ensure that my absence does not impact my academic progress.
I have informed my classmates about any group activities or assignments, and I will coordinate with them to stay updated on any important class discussions.
I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. If there are any specific procedures or forms I need to complete for the leave approval, please let me know at your earliest convenience.
Thank you for your consideration.
[Kishor Ravindra Pawar.]
[Class 10th/A]
Q. 5) B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following. (5 Marks)
B1) Dialogue Writing.
a) Prepare a short dialogue by arranging the following jumbled sentences in proper order.
- Which is your favourite game?
- Off course, Kabaddi!
- Have you been awarded in this?
- Yes, I got many awards.
b] Complete the following dialogues.
Teacher: Why are you late today?
Student: Sorry, ma’am. I overslept and missed my bus.
Teacher: It’s ok. Don’t be late next time.
Student: I’ll make sure to set multiple alarms tomorrow. Thanks, ma’am.
C] Write a dialogue between you and your friend of minimum six meaningful exchanges on ‘Importance of Trees in our life’.
‘Importance of Trees in our life’.
Friend: Hey, have you ever thought about how important trees are in our lives?
You: Absolutely! They provide us with oxygen, you know, the whole photosynthesis thing.
Friend: Yeah, and they also absorb carbon dioxide, helping to keep the air clean.
You: Plus, they’re like nature’s air conditioners, providing shade and cooling the environment.
Friend: True. And they’re a habitat for so many animals. It’s like a little ecosystem of its own.
You: I read somewhere that trees help prevent soil erosion. Their roots bind the soil together.
Friend: That’s interesting. And don’t forget they give us wood for so many things, from furniture to paper.
You: Yeah, but we need to be careful about deforestation. It’s affecting the balance in nature.
Friend: Absolutely. We should do more to plant and protect trees. They’re like the unsung heroes of our environment.
You: Couldn’t agree more. Let’s spread the word about the importance of trees!
B2. Speech Writing:
‘Books are our Real Friends’
Hello everyone,
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed judges, teachers, and my fellow participants,
Today, I want to talk about something close to my heart — “Books are our Real Friends.” In a world where friendships are often online, let’s not forget the magic of a good book.
Real friends stick by us in good times and bad. Books do the same. They’re not just pages; they’re like wise friends guiding us through life.
Books are like a treasure chest of knowledge. They teach us about the world and make us wiser. And reading helps us talk better, express ourselves, and be more confident, like we’re doing here today.
Think about it — characters in books become like our buddies, teaching us important things about life. They shape our personality and make us better people.
And guess what? Reading doesn’t just help us speak well; it also helps us become leaders. Lessons from books teach us about courage, honesty, and how to be a good leader.
So, let’s appreciate our friendship with books. They’re not just stories; they’re our buddies, mentors, and leaders. Books are indeed our real friends.
Thank you!
Q.6 (A) Information Transfer (5 Marks)
A1 OR A2. Do any one of the following.
(A1) Non-verbal to Verbal: (05)
Write two short paragraphs on ‘Village life’ by using the points given in following web diagram:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Village Life
Living in a village is like being surrounded by nature’s beauty. The air is so fresh, and you can see green fields and trees everywhere. People in villages are like a big family; they help each other and live peacefully, making life simple and healthy.
However, there are some challenges. The roads are not well-kept, and it can be tough to travel. Some people in villages believe in things that might not be true because they haven’t had the chance to learn more. Not many people can read, and sometimes there are issues with water and electricity. Also, getting a good internet connection or phone service is tricky, making it hard to connect with the wider world. Despite these challenges, the charm of village life, with its close-knit community and natural surroundings, makes it a unique and special way of living.
(A2) Verbal to Non-verbal: (05)
Read the following paragraph and complete the table by putting in correct information. Suggest a suitable title.
“Strategic Tree Planting: A Guide for Varied Environments”
Q.6 B) Do any one of the following – B1 OR B2. [5]
B1) Every year Independence Day is celebrated in your school. How was it celebrated this year? Write a report for your school magazine.
Independence Day Celebration
15th August 2023: The morning of 15th August this year at Angel Public School was a burst of colours of patriotism. The school was decorated considering the elements of the Tricolour. The Chief guest was the District Magistrate, Dr. Swati Rane.
The program started with the Diya lighting ceremony and proceeded with a Welcome Song. Then the Flag Hoisting Ceremony took place with the mass singing of the National Anthem. After these various kinds of dance from different states of the country were presented. Some of the very heart-touching acts dedicated to the soldiers and the brave freedom fighters were also presented in a beautiful way.
The program ended with a great speech from our respected Principal. He appreciated the discipline of the students and the members present there. We hope to see such programs in the future too.
B2) Expand the theme.
The beginning of the story is given to you. Read the beginning and complete the story.
Suggest a suitable title.
Once upon a time, there was a king………….
“The Hidden Treasure: Raja Vikram’s Journey to a Happy Kingdom”
Once in a kingdom called Ayodhya, there was a wise and kind king named Raja Vikram. Even though his people loved him, he felt a bit empty inside, like something was missing.
One day, while wandering in his palace garden, he met a sage in orange clothes. The sage told him about a hidden treasure at the Celestial Confluence, where a sacred river and cosmic energies met. This treasure, he said, would unlock the true potential of the kingdom.
Excited, Raja Vikram set off on a journey. He faced tough challenges in forests and mountains, but he also made friends and learned from different communities. Along the way, he realized that a kingdom’s strength isn’t just in money but in the unity of its people.
Finally, he reached the Celestial Confluence, where two rivers met—the outside world of the kingdom and the inner world of the mind and spirit. Here, he had a big realization about life.
Returning to Ayodhya, he changed things. The kingdom didn’t just get richer; it became a happier place. Raja Vikram focused on making his people’s minds and spirits strong, not just their wallets.
People talked about Raja Vikram’s journey, and his story inspired other leaders to find balance in their kingdoms. The once-empty king became a legend, known for not just the success of his kingdom but for the wisdom that guided him.
Q.7 Translation. (5 Marks)
(a)Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any four) 02
1) beautiful 4) taste
2) kind 5) customer
3) bosom 6) prayer
- beautiful – सुंदर
- taste – स्वाद
- kind – उदार, दयाळु
- customer – ग्राहक
- bosom – हृदय
- prayer – प्रार्थना
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) 02
(1) Don’t pluck the flowers. 2) My favourite colour is blue.
(3) Use dustbin for garbage. 4) Lilavati likes flowers.
- Don’t pluck the flowers. – फूल तोडू नका.
- My favourite colour is blue. – माझं आवडतं रंग निळं आहे.
- Use dustbin for garbage. – कचरा फेकण्यासाठी डस्टबिन वापरा.
- Lilavati likes flowers. – लीलावतीला फूलं आवडतात.
(c) Translate the following idiom/proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one) 01
1. Necessity is the mother of invention.
2. Practice makes man perfect.
- Necessity is the mother of invention. – गरज ही शोधाची जननी आहे. –
- Practice makes man perfect. – सराव माणसाला परिपूर्ण बनवतो.