Std. X. Sub. English Marks. 05
1) Title of the poem: The title of the poem is A Teenager’s Prayer.
2) Name of the poet: The poet’s name is J Morse.
3) Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme is abcb.
4) Figures of Speech: Alliteration: ‘Each day brings new beginnings,’
The sound /b/ is repeated.
5) Theme/Central Idea:
In this poem, the speaker, a teenager, shares their wish to live their teenage years wisely. They talk about the confusion they feel when trying to make the right choices. The teenager prays to God for help and guidance to make good decisions that will bring happiness and success in life.
1) Title of the poem: The Title of the poem is Basketful of Moonlight.
2) Name of the poet: The Poet of the poem is Sunil Sharma.
3) Rhyme scheme: Rhyme Scheme: Free Verse /
4) Figures of Speech: Apostrophe
O moon, give me moonlight,
5) Theme/Central Idea:
The poem is about a child’s strong wish to be with his father. It also talks about the problems in rural areas, like a lack of electricity, proper roads, and transportation. The child asks the moon for a basketful of moonlight, showing his simple hope for a better life and solutions to these problems.
1) Title of the poem: The title of the poem is “You Start Dying Slowly”.
2) Name of the poet: The poet’s name is Pablo Neruda.
3) Rhyme scheme: The rhyme scheme is: Free-verse.
4) Figures of Speech: Figures of Speech: Antithesis
5) Theme/Central Idea:
The poem tells us how to live life fully. To truly enjoy life, we should keep learning new things, trying different experiences, feeling new emotions, and taking on challenges. If we live a dull, repetitive, or ordinary life, we stop truly living and start fading away.
1) Title of the poem: The title of the poem : The Twins
2) Name of the poet: Name of the poet: Henry Sambrooke Leigh
3) Rhyme scheme: abab cdcd
4) Figures of Speech: Alliteration
In form and feature, face and limb,
5) Theme/Central Idea:
The poem is about two identical twins and the funny mix-ups they create. It talks about how the speaker and his brother look exactly the same, which leads to many funny situations where people confuse one for the other.
1. The title of the poem: If
2. The Poet of the poem: Rudyard Kipling
3. The rhyme scheme: aaaabcbc, ababcdcd, ababcdcd
4. The figures of Speech: Antithesis
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
5. The theme or central idea of the poem:
This poem is about a father giving his son advice on how to behave in different situations. He tells his son what to do and what not to do to succeed in life and how to handle failure to become a good person.
3.3 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
1) Title of the poem: The title of the poem is ‘Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening’.
2) Name of the poet: The Poet of the poem is Robert Frost
3) Rhyme scheme: aaba, bbcb, ccdc, dddd
4) Figures of Speech: Alliteration:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
The sound /d/ is pleasingly repeated.
5) Theme/ Central idea:
This poem talks about a small event on a winter evening. The speaker loves the beauty of the woods but remembers his responsibilities and moves on.
The poet wants to say that life has both happiness and challenges. There are many distractions and problems, but to reach our goals and do our duties, we must avoid these distractions and stay focused.
1. The title of the poem: The World is Mine
2. The Poet of the poem: Joy Lovelet Crawford
3. The rhyme scheme of the poem: aabbcc, aabbcc, aabbcc, aaabb
4. The figures of Speech: Apostrophe
O God, forgive me when I whine
5. The theme or central idea:
We should be thankful to God for the good things in our lives instead of complaining about what we don’t have. When we appreciate all the blessings we have, we can enjoy the beauty and happiness of the world.
1.The title of the poem: O Captain! My Captain
2. The Poet of the poem: Walt Whitman
3. The rhyme scheme of the poem: aabbcded
4. The figures of Speech: Alliteration, Personification, Metaphor, Tautology,
Antithesis, Apostrophe
5. The theme or central idea:
The poet feels sad about the death of the great leader Abraham Lincoln. While people are celebrating and bells are ringing, the poet walks sadly on the ship’s deck because the Captain is dead.