SSC English ACTIVITY SHEET Sept. 2021 With Answers

SSC English ACTIVITY SHEET  Sept. 2021 With Answers

SSC English ACTIVITY SHEET Sept. 2021 With Answers

English (Third Language) Time: 3hrs. Marks: 80

Q.1. (A) Do as directed. (Attempt any four) (8 marks)

(1) Complete the following words by using correct letters: (2)

(i) dan_e

(ii) gr_up

(iii) c_unt

(iv) sta_t

(2) Put the following words in alphabetical order: (2)

(i) hardwork, goal, success, aim

(ii)smart, simple, strange, specific

(3) Punctuate the following: (2)

(i) robert said i don’t know

(ii) i asked did you give any gurudakshina to your guru

(4) Make four words (minimum of three letters) using the letters in the word ‘butterfly’ (2)

(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2

(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘adjectives’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word. (2)

strong ………… ………… …..……….. …………

(B) Do as directed. (2 marks)

(1) Attempt any one:

(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to take care of’. (1)


(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:

I don’t know.

(2) Attempt any one:

(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words (two words): (1)

(i) able

(ii) charge


(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:

(i) able

(ii) charge

SECTION II: Textual Passages – 20 marks

Q. 2. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities. (10 marks)

A1. complete the following sentence. (2)

(i) The Seth was holidaying in…………

(ii) The beggar was sitting on the ………………

(iii) Deep Chand was cutting …………….

(iv) The news spread through ………………

Deep Chand who was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman, was so startled that his

hand shook and he nicked his customer’s right ear. The customer yelped with pain and

distress: pain, because of the cut and distress because of the awful news he had just heard.

With one side of his neck still unshaven, he sped across the road to the general merchant’s store where there was a telephone. He dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number. The Seth was not at home. Where was he, then? The Seth was holidaying in Kashmir. Oh, was that so? The elderly gentleman did not believe it. He hurried back to the barber’s shop and told Deep Chand: ‘The bird has flown! Seth Govind Ram has left town. Definitely, it means a collapse.’ And then he dashed out of the shop, making a beeline for his office and chequebook.

The news spread through the bazaar with the rapidity of forest fire. From the general

merchant’s it travelled to the shop, circulated amongst the customers, and then spread with them in various directions, to the betel-seller, the tailor, the free vendor, the jeweller, the beggar sitting on the pavement.

A2. Complete the following web: (2)

A4. Do as directed.: (2)

(1) The bird has flown.

(Rewrite the sentence using Past Perfect tense)

(2) He dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number.

(Select the proper verbal question from the following)

(i) Do he dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number?

(ii) Did he dial Seth Govind Ram’s number?

(iii) Was he dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number?

(iv) Does he dialled Seth Govind Ram’s number?

A5. Personal Response

Do you think that rumour spreads faster than fire? Support your answer in two to three lines. (2) (B) Read the passage and do the activities: (10 Marks)

B1. Complete the following sentences with the correct alternatives: (2)

(i) After the victory in the Manipur State, Mary Kom’s career started in…………

(a) 2001 (b) 2009 (c) 2005 (d) 2000

(ii) Mary Kom made her international debut in…………………

(a) United Kingdom (b) U.S.A. (c) United States (d) Manipur

(iii) Mary Kom had an eager interest in athletes since…..……………

(a) childhood (b) school life (c) college life (d) birth

(iv) In……………..she started competing at International level.

  1. 2000 (b) 2001 (c) 2002 (d) 2003

She had an eager interest in athletics since childhood and the success of Dingko

Singh a fellow Manipuri returned from the 1998 Bangkok Asian games with a gold medal, Kom recollects, had inspired many youngsters in Manipur to try boxing and she too thought of giving it a try.

Mary Kom’s career started in 2000 after her victory in the Manipur State women’s

boxing championship and the regional championship in West Bengal. In 2001, she started competing at international level. She was only 18 years old when she made her

international debut at the first AIBA Women’s World Boxing Championship in United States, winning a silver medal in the 48 kg weight category. Her greatness is reinforced by the way she apoligized to the whole nation for not being able to win the Gold. She is a legend for sure and an idol for all the sportswomen to look up to.

B2. Arrange the following sentences as per their sequence occurred in the passage: (2)

(a) Mary Kom made her international debut when she was 18 years old.

(b) Dingko Singh won gold medal in 1998 Bangkok Asian games.

(c) Mary Kom started her career after winning Manipur State Women’s Boxing


(d) Mary Kom is a legend for sure.

B4. Do as directed: (2)

(1) She is a legend for sure. (Choose the correct question tag)

(a) is she? (b) does she? (c) isn’t she? (d) doesn’t she?

(2) She was 18 years old.

(Frame ‘Wh’ question to get underlined part as an answer)

B5. Personal Response (2)

Which is your favourite game? Why do you like it?

SECTION III: Poetry – 10 marks

Q. 3. (A) Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5 marks)

A1. Complete the following with correct words from the options: (2)

(i) Age group of the speaker in the poem is…………….

(13 to 19/ 20 to 25)

(ii) The right decision leads to………………

(great success/great distress)

(iii) The poet wants to say ‘no’ when ……………comes his way.


(iv) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is ……………


Each day brings new beginnings,

Decisions I must make.

I am the only one to choose

The road that I will take.

I can choose to take the road of life,

That leads to great success

Or travel down the darkened road,

That leads to great distress.

Please open up my eyes, dear Lord,

That I might clearly see

Help me stand for what is right,

Bring out the best in me.

Help, Lord, to just say “no”

When temptation comes my way,

That I might keep my body clean

And fit for life each day.

When my teenage years are over,

I know that I will see

That life is lived its very best

With you walking next to me

A2.  In what condition does the poet wish to maintain his body? (2)

A3. Write the figure of speech of the following line. (1)

Please open up my eyes, dear Lord.

(B) Appreciation of the poem. (5 marks)

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points given below:


If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream and not make dreams your master;

If you can think and not make thoughts, your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth, you’ve spoken,

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings, nor lose the common touch;

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And which is more you’ll be a Man, my son!

– Rudyard Kipling

• Title (½)

• Name of the poet (½)

• Rhyme scheme (1)

• Figures of speech (Any one) (1)

• Theme/Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines). (2)

SECTION IV: Non-Textual Passage – 15 marks

Q.4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10 Marks)

A1. Write whether the following sentences are true or false: (2)

(i) Burbank was born on March 17, 1894.

(ii) Burbank was fascinated with the wonders of nature.

(iii) The Potato was successful when introduced to local farmer.

(iv) Burbank decided to devote his life to the production of new types and varieties of plant life.

Burbank was born on March 7, 1849 and was brought up on a farm in the State of

Massachusetts. He was fascinated with the wonders of nature and learned the techniques

of raising various crops and flowers first-hand during his early years. But after he read

Darwin’s “Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication,” he decided to devote

his life to the production of new types and varieties of plant life.

At 21, Burbank took up market gardening and was successful in selling the highquality vegetables that he grew. One of his experiments in the beginning involved

planting 29seeds from an ‘Early Rose’ potato plant. It was soon clear that his lack of

schooling was made up for by an inborn skill that lifted him far above the level of a

haphazard amateur. One variety of seed that was produced as a result of his work with

the potato was very successful when introduced to local farmer. Its superior qualities

became known throughout the country, and today, called the “Idaho”. Potato, it is grown

on the thousands of acres the north-western U.S.

A3. Write the antonyms of the following from the passage: (2)

(i) late x ……………

(ii) above x ……………

(iii) old x ……………

(iv) before x ……………

A4. Do as directed. (2)

(1) He decided to devote his life.

(Underline the infinitive)

(2) He was fascinated with the wonders of nature and learned the techniques of raising various crops.

(Use not only……..but also and rewrite the sentence)

A5. Personal Response

Write the name of any four vegetables and describe one of them. (2)

(B) Summary Writing: (5 Marks)

Read the passage given in Q. No. 4 (A) and write the summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to your summary

SECTION V: Writing Skill – 20 marks

Q. 5. (A) Letter writing:

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following activities: (5 marks)

Imagine you are Piyush/Priya, Wardhaman Nagar, C. A. Road, Nagpur-8. Read the following advertisement and write any one letter from the following:

(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following. (5 marks)

B1. Dialogue writing:

(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences: (1)

(1) My hobby is reading books.

(2) What type of stories do you like to read?

(3) What’s your hobby?

(4) I like to read adventurous stories.

(b) Complete the dialogue: (1)

Sayali: What’s your favourite dish?

Teju: …………………………………………

Sayali: Do you know how to prepare it?

Teju: …………………………………

(c) Write a dialogue between you and a doctor on how to keep our life safe from Covid-19 (Minimum three meaningful exchanges). (3)

B2. Speech Writing:

You are participating in an Inter-school Elocution Competition organized by the Rotary Club.

Write a speech on ‘The role of Young generation in the progress of the nation’ with the help of the following points:

❖ Dedication for the work

❖ Youth-pillar of the nation

❖ Education is the foundation of the success

❖ All round development

❖ Healthy, wealthy and strong

❖ Love for the nation

Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer:

A1 or A2. Do any one of the following: (5 marks)

A1. Non-verbal to verbal:

Read the information given in the following web. Write two short paragraphs based on it. Give a suitable title:

A2. Verbal to Non-verbal:

Read the following information and present it in the tree diagram given below. Give a suitable title to it.

No other object is as closely associated with the branch of Orthopaedics as Plaster of Paris or POP as we commonly call it. Its use is everywhere. Let’s know about POP’s history. The name Plaster of Paris (POP) had its origins from the fact that it was extensively mined from Montmartre in Paris district. In the beginning it was used in construction and by sculptor.

The biggest advantage of POP is the property that allows itself to moulding. This allows POP to be moulded according to the limb that is it is applied to. It is sufficiently rigid and allows immobilisation to allow healing to take place.

(B) Expand the theme: (5 marks)

B1 or B2. Do any one of the following:

B1. News report:

Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of given points:



Q.1. A)


(1) (a) to take care of:- I’ll take care of others while travelling.


(b) I don’t know how many teachers are there in school.

(2) (a) (i) able – unable, (ii) charge – discharge


(b) (i) able: students are able to attend the online classes.

(ii) charge: The new principal took the charge of school.

Q.2. A)


  1. The seth was holidaying in Kashmir.

(ii) The beggar was sitting on the pavement.

(iii) Deep chand was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman.

(iv) The news spread through the bazar with rapidity of forest fire.


Yes, I do. According to my experience rumours spread faster than fire. Because of over use of social media and digital era rumours spread faster than anything without verifying the news, people forwarded it thus the rumours spread by the people who are careless and spreading and creating scene in the society.


Al (i) Age group of Speaker in the poem is 13 to 19

(ii) The right decision leads to great success

(iii) The poet wants to say ” no” when temptation comes his way

iv) The poet prays to the Lord to help him for what is right.

A2 The poet wishes to maintain his body clean and fit for life each day.

A3 Please open up my eyes, dear Lord’ Figure of Speech: – Apostrophe.


(a) He decided to devote his life. – Infinitive to devote.

(b) He was not only fascinated with the wonders of nature but also learned the techniques of raising various crops.

A5. Names of vegetables

  1. Cabbage, ii) spinach, iii) Ladies finger, iv) Carrot

Carrot: Carrot is good source of fibre. It is use as a green salad. It is used in sweet dish too. Carrot cakes are mouth-watering dish for food lovers.


Luther Burbank: Agricultural wizard.

Burbank was born and brought up on a farm in the state of Massachusetts. He was fascinated with wonders of nature. After reading Darwin’s variation of Animals and plants under Domestication he devoted his life for the production of new types and varieties of plant. Though lack of schooling he produced the potato, which was successfully sold out to local farmers and today called the Idaho’ Potato grown on thousands of acres in north-western US.

Ans: B1. Dialogue Writing:

Q.6. (A) Information Transfer:

Al or A2. Do any one of the following: [5 marks]


A1. Non-verbal to verbal:

The Features of today’s Digital India’

Digital India is a massive compaign that the Government of India launched. The implementation of this would give easy access to different regions of the country. The objective was to make many facilities easily available to the citizens electronically by improving its online infrastructure all over the country. The awareness of the importance of technology has been successfully created among the masses of India. Because of 100% support of government, there has been a vast growth in the usage of internet and technology.

There are 44.2 crores people in India who are using smart phones today. In India 33 crores people use technology to handle bank transactions. 33 crores people availing E-Commerce facility. Nowadays people like contact less payment 20% population use online payment method rather than cash payment. The farmers are taking advantages of various digital facilities. 10 crores farmers are technosavy. 40 crores of people using social networking sites. This digital world plays important role in sports and entertainment 30 crores of people use smart phones for playing different gaming sites. Overall S6.45 crores people are Internet users in India and day by day the number is increasing. plays important role in sports and entertainment 30 crores of people use smart phones for playing different gaming sites. Overall S6.45 crores people are Internet users in India and day by day the number is increasing.



The tiger was found in the civil area.

Ravish Kumar

Staff Reporter

Mumbai, 10th March 2021

A tiger was successfully trapped a after being spotted roaming around Upavan, Thane on Monday morning. The tiger was spotted at 8.15 am, the Thane police and wildlife department were alerted. The tiger was trapped by forest officials. The forest official’s team setup a cage for the tiger. The team with a veterinarian skilfully captured it inside over five hours Because of coronavirus and due to curfew to limit this virus, there were no crowd on the road. The milkman, who noticed the tiger, reported police immediately. The tiger kept hiding for about 5 hours before being captured, a forest official reported. The milkman reported he saw the tiger last month also but this time it entered into the civil area. Forest department officials have warned the people not to venture into the jungle, near upavan. Special team for the patrolling near the area were arranged for the safety of the residents. People should not get frightened and not to go near jungle during the evening and morning hours. The sub-Inspector of the area reported to the newspaper.


B2 Develop a story with the help of the following ending Suggest a suitable title.

The Tortoise and the Rabbit

Once upon a time a Tortoise lived in a jungle and the Rabbit also lived there. The Rabbit was very proud of his fast speed. The Rabbit saw a Tortoise walking slowly with a heavy shall on his back. The proudly Rabbit challenged Tortoise to a race The Rabbit was sure he would win the race. He told the Tortoise over and over that he would beat him in race. All the animals in the jungle gathered to watch.

The Tortoise agreed. They stated the running race. The Rabbit ran down the road for a while and then paused to rest. He looked back at slow and steady Tortoise and cried out, “How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?” The Rabbit stretched himself out alongside the green grass and fell asleep thinking, “There is plenty of time to relax. “The Tortoise, slowly and steadily walked and walked, he never stopped until he came to the finish line. After some time the Rabbit slept off, he could not see the Tortoise, he started running as fast as he could but it was too late. The Tortoise was over the line slowly and Steadily the Tortoise won the race. The animals who were watching, cheered so loudly for the Tortoise, the Rabbit Felt ashamed of his deeds. Moral So always remember slow and steady wins. Never be overconfident and also never took any decision in overconfident ness.

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