N 774
Seat No.
2022 VIII 01 1030 -N 774- ENGLISH (17) (THIRD LANGUAGE)
Time:3 Hours (Pages 24) Max. Marks:80
SSC Board English Question Paper With Answersheet August 2022
SECTION I: Language Study 10 marks
Q.1.(A) Do as directed (Attempt any four) (8 marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters (2)
i) Sm-rt
(ii) st-ry
(iii) dre-m
(iv) d-ubt
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order (2)
(i) book, school read, short
(ii) shirt, soft, success, skill
(3) Punctuate the following sentences (2)
i) we wont get a taxi in this rain i grumbled
ii) is that so said mrs srivastava
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters
in the word ‘DEPARTMENT’. (2)
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2)

(6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word: (2)
Grow: …… ………… ………… ………….
(1) Attempt any one: (1)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase
to give up
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it
I know the boy.
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words
(i) appear
(ii) possible.
b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) appear
(ii) possible.
Answer sheet
Q.1.(A) Do as directed (Attempt any four) (8 marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters (2)
i) Smart
(ii) story
(iii) dream
(iv) doubt
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order (2)
(i) book, read, school, short
(ii) shirt, skill soft, success,
(3) Punctuate the following sentences (2)
i) “We won’t get a taxi in this rain.” I grumbled.
ii) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters
in the word ‘DEPARTMENT’. (2)
‘DEPARTMENT’. Depart, part, men, ten, net, pet,
(5) Write the related words as shown in the example: (2)
Blanket |
- Wet,
- Beautiful,
- Warm,
- Nice
- Good
- Shiny
(6) Complete the word chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word: (2)
Grow: Walk Kill Laugh Hit Take
(B) Do as directed (2 marks)
(1) Attempt any one: (1)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase
to give up
He had to give up the trip for lack of money.
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it
I know the boy who is studying in my school
(2) Attempt any one: (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words
(i) appear = disappear
(ii) possible = impossible
b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words:
(i) appear: The sun began to appear from behind the clouds.
(ii) possible. It is possible for them to climb on the top of the mountain
SECTION II: Textual Passages- 20 marks
Q.2. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities: (10)
A1. Complete the following sentences (2)
(i) The writer’s father was working for private company in ………
(ii) It was a few days into……………
(iil) The kitchen gardens and the magnificent trees attracted ………
(iv) A small incident took place on ……………
My father was a medical professional working for a private company in Raniganj in West Bengal. The officers of the company were housed in individual bungalows inside a large campus. Our house was in a corner of the campus. The officer’s club was adjacent to the boundary wall of our garden. The compound was luxurious with green grass, colourful flowers and a host of tall and majestic trees. The seasonal vegetables in the kitchen gardens of the households and the magnificent trees constantly attracted squirrels and many species of birds; a group of langurs had even made their den in an aswatha tree nearby. They had all become a part and parcel of our existence and daily life. A small incident on a Saturday afternoon left a profound effect on me and unfolded before my eyes a whole new dimension to the wonders of God’s creation. It was a few days into the Puja vacation. Just like for any other child, the holidays provided an opportunity for me to become engrossed in various magazines and storybooks published specially for children in the festive season. |
A2. Complete the following web diagram (2)

A3. Find from the passage the antonyms of (2)
(i) folded x ……………..
(ü) old x. …………….
(i) outside x . ……………
(iv) distracted x.. ………….
(1) Writer’s father was a medical professional.
(Make Wh-question’ to get underlined part as an answer)
(2) They attracted squirrels and many species of birds.
(Choose the correct passive voice)
(i) Squirrels and many species of birds was attracted by them.
(ii) Squirrels and many species of birds are attracted by them.
iii) Squirrels and many species of birds were attracted by them.
(iv) Squirrels and many species of birds attract them.
Describe the surrounding where you live. (in 3/4 sentences)
Answer sheet
A1. Complete the following sentences (2)
(i) The writer’s father was working for private company in Raniganj in West Bengal.
(ii) It was a few days into the Puja vacation.
(iil) The kitchen gardens and the magnificent trees attracted squirrels and many species of birds
(iv) A small incident took place on a Saturday afternoon
A2. Complete the following web diagram (2)

A3. Find from the passage the antonyms of (2)
(i) folded x unfolded
(ü) old x. young
(i) outside x . inside
(iv) distracted x engrossed
A4. Do as directed (2)
(1) Writer’s father was a medical professional.
(Make Wh-question’ to get underlined part as an answer)
What was writer’s father?
(2) They attracted squirrels and many species of birds.
(Choose the correct passive voice)
iii) Squirrels and many species of birds were attracted by them.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Describe the surrounding where you live. (in 3/4 sentences)
The house where I live is located in a colony. There is park just around the corner of my street which is perfect because I have to do morning walks. I feel a fresh breeze whenever I pass by the park. There is a supermarket just past my street which is also beneficial.
(B) Read the following passage and do the activities (10 marks)
B1. Write whether the following sentences are true or false (2)
(i)Writer’s journey from India to Norway is a connect between the two centres of global peace.
(ii) The Nobel Committee did not invite the writer to deliver a lecture.
(ü) Writer represented the sound of silence and cry of innocence.
(iv) Writer humbly accepted the award on behalf of all activists.
I give the biggest credit of this honour to my movement’s Kaalu Kumar, Dhoom Das and Adarsh Kishore from India and Iqbal Masih from Pakistan who made the supreme sacrifice for protecting the freedom and dignity of children. I humbly accept this award on behalf of all such martyrs, my fellow activists across the world and my countrymen My journey from the great land of Lord Buddha, Guru Nanak and Mahatma Gandhi; India to Norway is a connect between the two centres of global peace and brotherhood, ancient and modern. Friends, the Nobel Committee has generously invited me to present “lecture. Respectfully, I am unable to do that. Because, I am representing here-the sound of silence. The cry of innocence. And, the face of invisibility. I represent millions of those children who are left behind and that’s why I have kept an empty chair here as a reminder. I have come here only to share the voices and dreams of our children —-because they are all our children- (gesture to everyone in the audience). I have looked into their frightened and exhausted eyes. I have held their injured bodies and felt their broken spirits. |
B2. Complete the following (2)

B3. Write the describing words for the following nouns from the passage (2)
(1) … …………..credit
(2) ……………. sacrifice
(3) …………….chair
(4)……………… peace
B4. Do as directed (2)
(1) I humbly accept this award.
(Choose the correct question tag)
(a) do I?
(6) don’t I?
(c) did I?
(d) didn’t I?
(2) I am unable to do that.
(Make it negative without changing its meaning)
B5. Personal Response: (2)
Suggest any four ways to establish peace in the world.
Answer sheet
B1. Write whether the following sentences are true or false (2)
(i)Writer’s journey from India to Norway is a connect between the two centres of global peace. – True
(ii) The Nobel Committee did not invite the writer to deliver
a lecture. – False
(ü) Writer represented the sound of silence and cry of innocence.
– True
(iv) Writer humbly accepted the award on behalf of all activists.
– True
B2. Complete the following (2)
The writer gives the credit of his honour to |
- Kaalu Kumar,
- Dhoom Das
- Adarsh Kishore from India
- Iqbal Masih from Pakistan made the supreme sacrifice for protecting the freedom and dignity of children.
B3. Write the describing words for the following nouns from the passage (2)
(1) biggest – credit
(2) supreme – sacrifice
(3) empty – chair
(4) global – peace
B4. Do as directed (2)
(1) I humbly accept this award.
(Choose the correct question tag)
don’t I?
(2) I am unable to do that.
(Make it negative without changing its meaning)
I cannot do that.
SECTION III: Poetry- 10 marks
Q.3.(A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities : (5)
A1. Match the following (2)
A | B |
(i)The poet stopped to buy…… (ii) The lad who was selling sweets… (iii) The poet says “The world is mine because…… (iv) The poet talked to the lad, who seemed… | (a) was very thankful to the speaker in the poem. (b) some sweets. (c) calm and blind. (d) he can experience the beauty and gifts of his life |
Today on a bus, I saw a lovely girl with silken hair I envied her, she seemed so gay, and I wished I was so fair When suddenly she rose to leave, I saw her hobble down the aisle O God, forgive me when I whine I have two legs; the world is mine And then I stopped to buy some sweets The lad who sold them had such charm I talked with him, he seemed so calm, and if I were late, it would| do no harm, And as I left he said to me “I thank you, you have been so kind” | It’s nice to talk with folks like you. You see, I’m blind O God forgive me when I whine I have two eyes; the world is mine |
A2. Complete the following web (2)
The young girl on the bus |
was……………. |
was……………. |
was……………… |
had…………….. |
had silken hair. |
A3. Write rhyming words from the above stanzas (1)
(i) hair …………………….
ii) blind – …………………
Answer sheet
Q.3.(A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities : (5)
A1. Match the following (2)
A | B |
(i)The poet stopped to buy…… (ii) The lad who was selling sweets… (iii) The poet says “The world is mine because…… (iv) The poet talked to the lad, who seemed…. | (b) some sweets. (a) was very thankful to the speaker in the poem. (d) he can experience the beauty and gifts of his life (c) calm and blind. |
A2. Complete the following web (2)
was lovely |
was so gay or happy. |
was so fair |
had only one leg. |
had silken hair. |
The young girl on the bus |
A3. Write rhyming words from the above stanzas (1)
(i) hair – fair
ii) blind – kind
(B) Appreciation of the poem: (05)
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help the points given below.
The Twins In form and feature, face and limb, I grew so like my brother, That folks got taking me for him, And each for one another. It puzzled all our kith and kin, It reached a fearful pitch For one of us was born a twin Yet not a soul knew which. One day, to make the matter worse, Before our names were fixed, As we were being washed by nurse, We got completely mixed; And thus, you see, by fate’s decree, Or rather nurse’s whim, My brother John got christened me, And I got christened him. This fatal likeness even dogged My footsteps, when at school, And I was always getting logged, For John turned out a fool. I put this question, fruitlessly, To everyone I knew, What would you do, if you were me, To prove that you were you?’ Our close resemblance turned the tide of my domestic life, For somehow, my intended bridge Became my brother’s wife. In fact, year after year the same Absurd mistakes went on, And when I died, the neighbours came And buried brother John. –Henry Sambrooke Leigh |
● Title (1⁄2)
● Name of the poet (1⁄2)
● Rhyme scheme (1)
● Figure of speech (any one) (1)
● Theme/Central idea (in 2 to 3 lines) (2)
Answer sheet
1. Title: – The title of the poem is ‘The Twins’
2. Poet: – The poem is written is ‘Henry Sambrooke Leigh’
3. Rhyme Scheme: – The rhyme scheme of the poem is ‘ababcdcd’
6. Figure of speech: – There are three figures of speech in the poem.
Alliteration, Pun & hyperbole.
Example: – Alliteration: – In form & feature, face & limb
5. Theme / Central Idea: – This is a humorous poem. The poet & his brother are twins so their life became humorous & trouble same in various ways they faced many problems & the problems are so exaggerated by the poet to make humorous but we trusted it for brief time.
SECTION IV Non-Textual Passage- 15 marks
Q.4. (A) Read the following passage and do the activities (10)
A1. Find two names each from the passage for: (2)
(i) Diseases
(a) ……………..
(ii) Universities
Food neophobia – or fear of new foods – may lower the quality of a person’s dietary intake, and increase the risk of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Food neophobia is an eating behaviour trait in which a person refuses to taste and eat food items or foods they are not familiar with. Researchers from University of Helsinki in Finland and University of Tartu in Estonia examined the independent impact of eating behaviour; and especially food neophobia, on dietary quality as well as lifestyle diseases and their risk factors. “The findings reinforce the idea that a versatile and healthy diet plays a key role, and even has an independent role in health,” said researcher Markus Perola. The study monitored individuals aged between 25 and 74 years during a seven-years follow-up. Food neophobia is common in children and older persons, in particular. Few studies have so far been carried out on food neophobia in the adult population. Traits similar to food neophobia, including picky and fussy eating, also occur in different age groups in the population. These eating behaviours may also have a significant impact on dietary quality and subsequently health. |
A2. Complete the following (2)
Food neophobia:
(a) is an …………….
(6) is common in……………. .
(c) may increase ………………..
(d) may lower…………………..
A3. Write one word from the passage for the following (2)
() Fear of new foods-……………
(ti) A person who conducts research -………………..
(üi) An institution that provides the highest level of education-………
(iv) An illness of the body in humans-………………..
(i) Food neophobia affects on dietary quality as well as lifestyle diseases. (Rewrite the sentence using-‘not only-but also)
(ii) The study monitored individuals.
(Choose the correct Present Continuous Tense’ from the following for above sentence)
(a) The study was monitoring individuals.
(6) The study are monitoring individuals.
(c) The study is monitoring individuals.
d) The study will be monitoring individuals.
A5. Personal Response (2)
How do you keep yourself sound and healthy? Explain in 3/4
Answer sheet
A1. Find two names each from the passage for: (2)
(i) Diseases
(a) cardiovascular
(b) type 2 diabetes.
(ii) Universities
(a) Helsinki in Finland
(b) Tartu in Estonia
A2. Complete the following (2)
(a) is an eating behaviour trait in which a person refuses to
taste and eat food items or foods they are not familiar with.
(6) is common in children and older persons, in particular
(c) may increase the risk of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.
(d) may lower the quality of a person’s dietary intake
A3. Write one word from the passage for the following (2)
(i) Fear of new foods- Food neophobia
(ti) A person who conducts research – Researchers
(üi) An institution that provides the highest level of education- University
(iv) An illness of the body in humans- diseases
A4. Do as directed (2)
(i) Food neophobia affects on dietary quality as well as lifestyle diseases. (Rewrite the sentence using-‘not only-but also)
Food neophobia affects not only on dietary quality but also lifestyle diseases.
(ii) The study monitored individuals.
(Choose the correct Present Continuous Tense’ from the following for above sentence)
(c) The study is monitoring individuals.
A5. Personal Response (2)
How do you keep yourself sound and healthy? Explain in ¾
I keep myself sound and healthy by i) regular physical exercise, ii) yoga and meditation, iii) eat nutritious food iv) positive thinking, v) avoids unnecessary use of mobile.
(B) Summary Writing (5 marks)
Read the passage given in Q. No. 4(A) and write a summary of it.
Suggest a suitable title to the summary.
Food neophobia:
It may lower the quality of a person’s dietary intake, and increase the risk of lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Researchers proved that it’s an independent impact on eating behaviour; and especially food neophobia, on dietary quality as well as lifestyle. A versatile and healthy diet plays a key role.
SECTION V Writing Skill- 20 marks
Q.5. (A) Letter Writing
A1 or A2. Do any one of the following (5 marks)
Imagine you are Sanjay/Sanjana Bhosale. Read the following
advertisement regarding “ERA SALE CUM EXHIBITION and attempt any one of the letters given below:
A1. Informal Letter | A2. Formal Letter |
Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about your experience as you have recently visited “ERA SALE CUM EXHIBITION”. Use the information given in the advertisement and appeal him/her to visit the exhibition. | Write a letter to the co-ordinator of Active Women’s Forum, Solapur. Thank her for organising such an innovative “ERA SALE CUM EXHIBITION” and providing various things with special offer and reasonable rates. *Use information given in the advertisement. *Add your own points. |

Answer sheet
A1. Informal Letter:
Sanjay Bhosale.
Dream Apartment,
Subhash Nagar,
Solapur 413306.
23rd May, 2021.
Dear Raj,
How are you? I hope you will be fit and fine.
I am writing this letter for a special purpose. Yesterday I visited ERA SALE CUM EXBITION’ which is held at “TOWN HALL-Main Road, SOLAPUR. It is very close from my home. This sale is amazing where we can buy and enjoy so many things like Traditional and Western Men and Women Wear, Kids Wear, Home Décor, Handicrafts and Toys, Jewellery, Food stalls, Books etc. personally I enjoyed it a lot with my family. my mother and sister bought toys and jewellery. I bought a book of biography of A. P. J. Abdul Kalam that is Wings of Fire. Duration of the sale is from 22nd to 28th May, 2021
Timings 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (Monday to Sunday). It is organised by Active women’s Forum, Solapur.
I wish you must visit the sale with your family. I am also excited to meet you. So please come here we shall enjoy a tasty food.
How are mummy and papa? Come soon, I waiting for you
Your best friend
(B) B1 or B2. Do any one of the following (5 marks)
B1. Dialogue writing
(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences (1)
(1) Nature poems
(2) What type of poems do you compose?
(3) Yes, I do
(4) Do you like to compose poems?
(b) Complete the dialogue (1)
Tanvi: Who is your best friend ?
Venky: ………………………
Tanvi: Why do you like him/her ?
(Write at least one quality)
(c) You are afraid of darkness and your father is trying to remove
the fear from your mind. Write a dialogue between you and
your father.
(Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges) (3)
Answer sheet
(a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences (1)
1. Do you like to compose poems?
2. Yes, I do
3. What type of poems do you compose?
4. Nature poems
B2. Drafting a speech:
Imagine that you are the secretary of ‘Social and Cultural Department’ of your school. You are asked to deliver a speech on – Importance of social and cultural activities in life’.
Draft a speech using the following points Social and cultural activities help:
(a) to boost confidence
(b) to improve speaking skill1
(c) to develop personality
d) d) to expand the knowledge and thinking ability
(e) to develop creativity
add your own points.
Importance of social and cultural activities in life’.
Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. Today I am going to express my thoughts on the topic of Importance of social and cultural activities in life. I hope it will be benefitted & knowledgeable to you.
The importance of social and cultural activities is preparing students for real life and strengthening their personal skills. Social/cultural activities not only help us to identify themselves with the school & colleges but also assist students to develop themselves in a desired field and also improve skills such as organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication. As social and cultural activities are of paramount importance, the school encourages all extra-curricular activities that are both in line with the educational objectives of the institution and meet the needs of the students. Culture can be defined as the arts as well as the intangible shared beliefs, values, and practices of a community. Students participate in arts and culture at varying levels of skill and engagement. Some create, while others listen to, watch, teach, critique, or learn a cultural activity, art form, or expression. Some are professional artists, designers, and inventors, while others engage informally in expressive activities or create innovative tools, relationships, or products.
Wish you good day
Thank you very much.
Q.6.(A) Information Transfer:
A1 or A2. Do any one of the following (5 marks)
A1. Non-verbal to verbal
Read the information given in the following web and write two
paragraphs based on it. Give a suitable title to it:

Advantages and Disadvantages of City Life and Village Life
There is a huge difference between city life and village life. The environment, surrounding and people have a significant differences. City life provides various facilities and good infrastructure whereas village life is simple with minimum requirement facilities but peaceful as it is surrounded by beautiful nature which is less common in cities. Both city life and village life have their own benefits and drawbacks.
City life is full of things happening with fun and glamour. There are more entertaining places available in a city. People also have nightlife in cities. But village life is slow and simple. It is more about peace and tenderness. Although there are not many facilities in villages still people enjoy the real India there.
A2. Verbal to Non-verbal:
Read the information given below and represent it in the form of a table. Give a suitable title to it
Energy implies the capacity or ability to work vigorously. It has significant role to play in our day to day life. Energy resources are broadly classified as Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy. Conventional energy-The energy obtained from heat, food, fuel and electricity. The conventional sources of energy are not present in the environment in abundance, however their uses are unlimited. The energy sources include fire wood, fossil fuels, cow dung, cake etc. Conventional sources of energy are commonly in use since long time. They can be exhausted due to over consumption. Conventional sources of energy pollute environment on a large scale and adds to global warming. The conventional sources of energy are used for industrial and commercial purposes and comparatively it is very costly. On the contrary, the energy obtained from natural sources as sun, wind is non-conventional energy. Non-conventional energy sources are present in the environment in large quantity but are used for limited purposes only. The energy sources include wind energy, solar energy etc. Non-conventional sources of energy are identified recently few decades ago. They cannot be exhausted. Non-conventional sources of energy are environment friendly-that do not cause pollution. Non-conventional energy used for domestic purposes and comparatively less expensive. |

Title: Conventional and Non-conventional Energy.
Conventional Energy. | Non-conventional Energy. | |
(1) Obtained from | heat, food, fuel and electricity | the environment |
(2) Sources include | firewood, fossil fuels, cow dung, cake etc. | wind, solar, etc. |
(3) Used for | industrial and commercial purposes and comparatively | limited purposes (domestic) |
(4) Part of the pollution | Yes, it is | do not cause pollution |
(5) Cost | costly. | less expensive. |
(B) Expand the theme
B1 or B2. Do any one of the following (5 marks)
B1. News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of the given points
Heavy Rainfall in Marathwada: three killed by lightning |
Make use of the following guidelines
- Headline:
- Date line:
- Lead line:
- Body of the report:
Heavy Rainfall in Marathwada:
three killed by lightning
By Staff Reporter.
Aurangabad, August19,
Three men were killed in separate incidents of lightning strikes in Marathwada Aurangabad district, police said on Sunday.
Dinesh Kale (32) and Baban Jadhav (60), both farmers, were killed when the bolt from the sky struck their hut in Malkapur village amid heavy rain on Saturday.
In Mahamadpur village, Yogesh Patil (23) was killed when he was struck by lightning while working in his farm, an official said.
A case of accidental death was registered by the police.
B2. Develop a story with the help of the given beginning. Suggest a suitable title.
Anil, a polio victim boy and Sunil, a strong but visually challenged boy,
were friends………………………………………..
True Friend
Anil, the polio victim, and Sunil, the visually challenged man decided to hire a taxi to reach the place of worship. They had only
reached halfway when their taxi broke down. Since it was a quiet road, there was no other vehicle in sight. The driver of the taxi
told them that it would take him two hours to get the taxi running again. Anil started losing hope, but Sunil told his friend that
they will reach their destination on time. After waiting for half an hour, they didn’t see a single car pass by. The driver was not
even close to fixing the taxi. That’s when Sunil decided that he would get himself and Anil to the place of worship, no matter
what! Lenin helped Rahul out of the cab and carried him on his back. Anil was surprised by Sunil’s actions and told him that he
wouldn’t be able to carry him all the way to the place of worship. Sunil promised Anil that he will safely get him to his
destination. He simply asked Rahul to guide him as he could not see. And so, the friends continued their journey and in about an
hour, they reached their destination and paid their respects. Anil could not stop thanking Sunil for being so brave and carrying
him all the way. The story is a perfect example of, ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’.
SECTION VI: Skill Development- 5 marks
Q.7. Translation (5 marks)
(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction
(any four): (2)
(2) hope
(3) natural1
(4) century
(5) naughty
(6) author.
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two) (02)
(1) Respect your teachers and elders.
(2) It’s very hot today.
(3) Trees are our best friends.
(4) I like horror movies.
(c)Translate the following proverbs/idioms into your medium of instruction (any one) (01)
(1) Where there is a will, there is a way.
(2) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(a) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction
(any four):
(1) beggar भिकारी
(2) hope आशा
(3) natural नैसर्गिक
(4) century शतक
(5) naughty खोडकर
(6) author लेखक
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction (any two) (02)
(1) Respect your teachers and elders.
आपल्या शिक्षकांचा आणि वडीलधाऱ्यांचा आदर करा.
(2) It’s very hot today.
आज खूप उष्णता आहे.
(3) Trees are our best friends.
झाडे हे आपले चांगले मित्र आहेत.
(4) I like horror movies.
मला भयपट चित्रपट आवडतात.
(c)Translate the following proverbs/idioms into your medium of instruction (any one) (01)
(1) Where there is a will, there is a way.
‘इच्छा तेथे मार्ग’
(2) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
जो संकटात मदत करतो तोच खरा मित्र.
————————The End………