SSC Activity Sheet March 2022 With Answers English Medium

(March 2022) WITH ANSWERS
Sub: ENGLISH (English Medium) Time: 3hers. Marks: 80
Q.1) A) Do as director (attempt any 4) [4]
- Spot the error in the following sentence and rewrite it.
When I took the note, I saw it were still wet from the nights rain.
When I took the note, I saw it was still wait from the night’s rain.
- Form to present participle in which the last letter is doubled.
- Cut + ing = cutting
- Sit + ing = sitting
- It any 2 compound words of your own.
- Bookmark = book + mark
- Landlord = land+ lord
- Whether the following sentence is assertive (statements), imperative (commands, request etc.) interrogative (Questions), or exclamatory (exclamations).
How utterly we have failed our children!
1. Assertive sentence
2. Interrogative sentence
3. Imperative sentence
How utterly we have failed our children! = Exclamatory sentence.
- Pick out the gerund from the following sentence:
The attitude of taking destroys families.
Taking = Gerund
Spot the error in the given sentence and rewrite it:
The doctors give him two and half years to live.
The doctors gave him two and half years to live.
A.2 Do as directed (Attempt Any 2) [4]
1) Write a word register of 8 words related to: ‘Music’. [2]
Music = Piano, Jazz, Song, Guitar, Lyrics, Compose, Singer, Concert
2) Change the voice: [2]
Anil had already made the tea.
The tea had already been made by Anil.
3) Change the following sentences into indirect speech: [2]
Robert asked, “Joan. how old are you?” “I am 13 years old,” she replied.
Robert asked Joan. how old she was. Joan replied that she was 13 years old.
4) Make a word register of four words related to ‘Art’. [2]
Creative, Expression, Music, Portrait, Sculpture, Perform, Dance, Act
Q.1B) Do as directed (Attempt Any 1) [2]
1) Make two sentences by using the given word as a noun and as a verb: dream [2]
- I had scary dream last night.
- You should dream big to achieve big.
2) Rewrite the following sentences replacing ‘as soon as’ by ‘No sooner than’ As soon as the thief escaped, the family informed the police.
No sooner did the thief escape than the family informed the police.
SECTION II: Textual Passages –
(Reading Skills, Vocabulary, Grammar) [20]
2.A) Read the following passage and do the activities.
Al. Complete the following statements with the help of the passage: (02)
- The heaviness of being successful was replaced……….
- The technology we developed at Next………… .
My second story is about love and loss. I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz (Steve Wozniak) and I started Apple when I was 20. In 10 years, Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company. And then I got fired. It was devastating. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I had did. And so, I decided to start over. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life. During the next five years, I started a company Next, a company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar is now the world’s most successful animation studio, bought Apple next. I returned to Apple and the technology we developed at Next is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. |
A2. The writer Steve Jobs gives the readers some advice for life, list at least two of the important advices given by him in the passage: (02)
A3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given below: (02)
(devastating, renaissance, current, creative)
- The invention of the internet has brought about a…… in communication.
- We should read the newspaper to keep ourselves updated on the….affairs.
- The earthquake had a………… effect on the life of the people.
- The Art teacher is very ………,she always comes up with new ideas.
A4. Do as directed: (02)
- Pixar is the world’s most successful animation studio.
(Rewrite the sentence in Positive degree)
- Don’t lose faith.
(Rewrite as an Assertive sentence)
A5. What does the second story of Jobs convey to you? (02)
- The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again.
- The technology we developed at Next is at the heart of Apple’s current renaissance.
- When life hits you in the head with a brick, don’t lose faith.
- The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Keep looking for what you love and don’t settle.
- The invention of the internet has brought about a renaissance in communication.
- We should read the newspaper to keep ourselves updated on the current affairs.
- The earthquake had a devastating effect on the life of the people.
- The Art teacher is very creative, she always comes up with new ideas.
- No other animation studio in the world is as successful as Pixar.
- You should not lose faith.
The second of Steve Jobs conveys to me that we should do what we love if we want to achieve something great. We should follow our passion. It also tells us that loss and failures are a part of life. We should never lose hope and should have the courage to begin again. Failure is an opportunity to begin again.
Q.2B) Read the following passage carefully and complete the activities: [10]
Bl. State True or False: (02)
- On the eighty-fifth day, the old man succeeds in hooking a salmon with his bait.
- Mandolin was his apprentice.
- The old man hardly had any experience in fishing.
- During the First World War, the old man had worked with the Red Cross.
An old and experienced Cuban fisherman has a run of terrible bad luck and is unable to catch any fish for eighty-four days. His young and devoted apprentice, Manolin, has been forced by his parents to start working with another fisherman. The old man resolves to sail out farther than all the other fishermen and attempt to catch the really big fish. On the eighty-fifth day, he succeeds in hooking a marlin with his bait but the marlin is too strong for him and starts pulling the boat. ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ is the story of the old man’s struggle with the marlin and his later battle against sharks. Social/Historical context: Hemingway’s novel is based on real events and it also draws heavily on his own life. He had the experience of fishing in the Cuban waters and like the old man he was also a fan of baseball. He worked for the Red Cross during the First World War and was injured by shrapnel when he was in Italy. Hemingway always talks about the need to struggle against defeat or death and how determination and endurance can help one to win this struggle The old man is at the end of the novel very near death, but we know that the story of his suffering and loss will live on in the memories of the people of his village. Ultimately his story becomes one of triumph because the tales of his life will on even after his death. |
B2. Complete the following bubbles with the help of the passage: (02)
B3. Make meaningful sentences of your own using the below-given words or phrases: (02)
- devoted
- to be forced by.
B4. Do as directed: (02)
- He is unable to catch any fish for eighty-four days.
(Pick the infinitive in the sentence)
- Hemingway always talks about the need to struggle against defeat or death.
(Rewrite the sentence as a Negative sentence, without changing its meaning)
B5. Would you prefer to read a book or see a film based on the book?
Give reasons for your answer: (02)
i. False.
On the eighty-fifth day the old man succeeds in hooking a marlin with his bait.
ii. True.
Manolin was his apprentice.
iii. False.
The old man was highly experienced in fishing.
iv. True.
During the First World War, Hemingway had worked for the Red Cross.
- We should be devoted towards our work.
- The enemy was forced by the army to retreat.
i. Infinitive – to catch
ii. Hemingway never fails to talk about the need to struggle against defeat
or death.
I would always prefer to read a book over watching a movie based on the book. We use our own imagination while reading a book. A book is much more detailed than a movie. A movie is bound by time. Also, most movies based on books cut out many important parts and descriptions from the book. I think a book’s true essence is not completely captured in its movie.
3.A) Read the following extract and do the given activities:
A1. State whether the following statement is true or false:
- He read the second; grin grew broader
- After the poet read the third line he heard a chuckling noise
- The fifth he broke into a roar.
- The poet handed the paper to his servant.
He took the paper, and I watched, And saw him peep within At first line he read, his face Was all upon the grin He read the next; the grin grew broad And shot from ear to ear; He read the third; a chuckling noise I now began to hear. The fourth; he began to roar. The fifth; his waistband split; The sixth; he burst five buttons And tumbled in a fit. Ten days and nights, with sleepless eyes, I watched that wretched man, And since, I never dare to write As funny as I can. |
i. Which line suggests that the servant was totally out of control. (01)
ii. What did the poet decide after looking at the miserable condition
of his servant? (01)
A3. Name and explain the figure of speech in the following line. (01)
Pick out one line from the poem where the poet has used the figure of Speech “Tuatology”
- He read the second; grin grew broader- True.
- ii. After the poet read the third line he heard a chuckling noise – False.
- The fifth he broke into a roar- False.
- The poet handed the paper to his servant- True.
i. The line “The sixth; he burst five buttons/and tumbled in a fit” shows the servant was totally out of control. ii. After seeing the miserable condition of his servant, the poet decided to never write funny things with all his heart and capability.
A3. Tautology – “And saw him peep within” The words ‘saw’ and ‘peep’ are near in meaning.
3.B Appreciation: [5]
Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points in a paragraph format:
I think I could turn and live with animals, they are
so placid and self-contained I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with
the mania of owning things.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that
lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
So, they show their relations to me and I accept them,
They bring me tokens of myself, they evince
them plainly in their possession
I wonder where they get those tokens,
Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?
– Walt Whitman
You can use the following points while appreciating the given poem.
1. The title and the poet of the poem (01)
2. Rhyme scheme (01)
3. Figures of speech (01)
4. Central Idea/Theme (02)
Ans: Appreciation
The poem ‘Animals’ has been written by the famous American poet Walt Whitman. It has been written in a free-verse format and hence has no rhyme scheme. The beauty of this poem is enhanced manifold using various figures of speech like Alliteration, Antithesis, Consonance, Hyperbole, Interrogation, Metaphor, Onomatopoeia, Repetition, and Tautology that are simple to understand, yet result in a rich creation. An example of Interrogation from the poem is “Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?” as the question is not asked to get an answer, but to stimulate the reader to think deeply about the question. The central theme of the poem is the comparison of human virtues to the virtues possessed by animals. It is a sarcastic take on what human beings have lost in their craze for materialistic life. By comparing human life to that of animals, the poet highlights the appalling life man is presently living. Although today, he has made rapid progress and made himself stable, comfortable, and wealthy, he lacks many of the qualities that will help him enjoy the fruits of his labour. He has been reduced to a dissatisfied, materialistic individual who is ignorant of how well life should be lived.
SECTION – IV: Unseen/Non-textual Passages –
(Reading Skill, Vocabulary, Grammar and Summary) [15]
Q.45) A. Read the following passage and do the given activities:
A1. List the benefits of Yoga (02)
- …………………
- ………………..
- …………………
- …………………
We give undue importance to our health and the treatment of diseases. A large number of medicines treat only the symptoms of the disease, and not the root cause. In fact, the cause of many chronic ailments is still being researched. It is here that Yoga therapy comes to our assistance. Yoga emphasizes the treatment of the root cause of an ailment. It works in a slow, subtle and miraculous manner. Modern medicine can claim to save a life at a critical stage, but, for complete recovery and regaining of normal health, one must believe in the efficiency of Yoga therapy. The Yogic way of life includes a code of ethics, regulations, discipline, combined with prayer and meditation. Even a discussion of these subjects helps one relieve mental tensions and change attitudes. Simple Asana has helped to stretch and relax the whole body and release tensions. The sincere practice of Yoga postures is beneficial, for the mind and body. The continued practice of Yoga has a profound effect on the inner dimensions of life. Yoga aims at developing mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional facilities. Other forms of physical exercises, like aerobics, assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of the soul and mind. |
A2. Complete the following statement according to the passage: (02)
i. One must believe in the
ii. Aerobics assure only
A3. Fill up the word-formation chart: (02)
Noun Verb Adjective
Development …………. ………….
…………. Believe ………….
1. Yoga emphasizes the treatment of the root cause of an ailment. (02)
(Frame ‘Wh-Question to get the underlined part as an answer)
2. We give undue importance to our health.
(Begin with Undue importance……) (02)
A5. Do you believe Yoga Asanas are better than physical exercises? Justify your answer.
B. Summary Writing [5]
Write a short summary of the passage given in above and suggest a suitable title.
A1. List the benefits of Yoga
- Relieves mental tension and changes attitudes
- Stretches and relaxes the whole body and releases tensions
- Beneficial for the mind and body
- Has a profound effect on the inner dimensions of life.
- One must believe in the efficiency of Yoga therapy.
- Aerobics assure only physical well-being.
A3. Fill up the word-formation chart:
Noun Verb Adjective
Development develop developed
Belief believe believable
- What does Yoga emphasize on?
- Undue importance to our health is given by us.
Yoga has been in practice for ages, and it has countless benefits as ancient art. Unlike simple physical exercise, it carries the aim of healing the root cause of an ailment. While simple physical exercises leave one exhausted and drained, Yoga leaves you fresh and revitalized. The efficiency of Yoga is undeniable and it is proven to heal both; the mind and the body. All the way from incorporating ethics, discipline, and meditation in your life to helping you get rid of physical and mental stress, Yoga asanas work in miraculous ways. Helping followers with the right healing touch, Yoga is a transformational practice that aids the development of the mind, body, and soul.
B. Summary Writing
The importance of Yoga
The passage discusses the prevalence of diseases and health consciousness in today’s age, and how Yoga therapy can help individuals lead a better life. Unlike other therapies, yoga therapy targets the root cause of an ailment which makes it extremely efficient and effective. The benefits of practicing Yoga are plenty as it brings a code of ethics, regulations, discipline, combined with prayer and meditation in life; it also relieves mental stress and changes our internal attitude. Acting as a complete therapy for the body and mind, it proves to be a mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional healer. Lastly, unlike aerobic exercises, Yoga leads to the development and transformation of both – the mind and the body. It can certainly be seen as a slow and miraculous healer.
SECTION – V: Writing Skills
Q. 5 Letter writing: Attempt any one of the following activities.
‘Imagine you are Saurabh/Soha Das residing at, Parijat Colony, Pune 411051. ‘Historical Monument- A National Treasure.
Informal Letter Write a letter to your friend Rohan/ Rima describing him/her your visit to a famous Historical Place.
Informal Letter
Parijat Colony,
Pune – 411051
20th March 2021
Dear Rima,
Hope this letter finds you in fine fettle and in high spirits. I believe you are well settled in your new school and your new friends are supportive. I recently happened to visit Lal Mahal, one of the historical places in Pune. It’s a beautiful place to be. It is said that Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s father Shahaji Raje Bhosale, established the Lal Mahal for his wife Jijabai, and son. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj stayed here for several years until he captured his first fort.
However, my enjoyment took a downturn when I saw that the site was poorly maintained. The monument is in ruins and the place is unclean. The safety of the monument is put at stake as there is no security personnel in place which led to vandalizing the historically relevant architecture. I have fulfilled my duty by writing a formal letter to the Municipal Commissioner wherein | have put forward my suggestions for maintaining the monument well. I hope this will work as a ray of hope and on my next visit things will be in better shape. Do plan a visit to my place soon. Next time, I’d like to go to Lal Mahal with you. Convey my regards to your parents and love to your little brother. I wish to see you soon.
Yours lovingly,
5.B [5]
‘Imagine you are Saurabh/Soha Das residing at, Parijat Colony, Pune 411051.’ ‘Historical Monument- A National Treasure.
Formal Letter Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner requesting him/her to take strict action against those who spoil the beauty and purity of the Historic Places.
Formal Letter
Parijat Colony, Pune – 411051
20th March 2021
The Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation of Pune
Pune – 411050
Subject: Penalizing visitors for ruining the beauty and purity of historical places.
Respected Madam,
I, Soha Das, a class X student of Ideal High School, Pune. With great disappointment, I’d like to bring to your kind attention, the pathetic condition of the nearby historical places. They are in a sorry state of affairs for which the
irresponsible visitors are to be blamed. A few days ago, I had the opportunity to visit the famous Lal Mahal, one of the historical places in Pune. I am greatly disturbed by the state in which the site is maintained. The monument is in ruins and the place is unclean. I would like to suggest that the visitors who indulge in the destruction of the historical place through any means and amount, need to be penalized as they are no less than miscreants. They shouldn’t be spared at any cost. This would lead to a better condition of the place as well as people inculcating a good civic sense. We could have a CCTV camera in place to monitor the troublemakers. Placards and signboards could be placed in strategic places to warn as well as guide visitors. Sufficient and well-maintained sanitary facilities could be provided to ensure the cleanliness of the place. The involvement of the locals would be like the cherry on the cake. I kindly request you to keep us updated about the happenings at the site. My friends and I would be keen to do our part in protecting this very precious Heritage site.
Yours sincerely,
Soha Das.
6.A Information Transfer: Attempt any one of the following activities.
Non-verbal to verbal: Transfer the information into a paragraph.
Observe the web diagram and write a paragraph on it. Suggest a suitable title.
Run for Fitness
Running is a very effective activity for health. It’s no secret that moving around more helps to be fitter and agile. Just by dedicating 30 minutes to running every day, one can reap countless benefits. It helps tone the muscles and also improves oxygen capacity and the respiratory system. It results in building stamina and energy levels, also increases special talent to succeed which boosts one’s confidence. Running is one of the good sources of exercise as it needs little equipment and can be done at any place. Running contributes towards both mental health and physical fitness making it a good investment of time.
6.A.2 [5]
Verbal to Non-verbal:
Write Do’s and Don’ts for ‘In the Examination Hall. Suggest a suitable title.
You should carry all the necessary materials for exam such as pens, pencils, erasers, scales, geometrical box etc. You should not forget your identity card and hall tickets. After you enter the examination hall, keep all required things on your desk. You should follow the instructions given by the invigilator. You must read the question paper carefully. You should avoid observing other students because their tension might disturb you. You need not feel upset even if you notice other students writing very speedily. You stay calm. In any case do not talk to any of the students during the exam. It’s advisable to drink sufficient water before you enter the exam hall. Last but not the least, don’t forget to check all answers in last 10 minutes, before submitting your answer sheet to the invigilator.
Do’s and don’ts for the Examination Hall
Do’s |
Don’ts |
1. Carry all necessary materials for exam such as pens, pencils, erasers, scale, geometrical box. 2. Keep all required things on your desk after entering the examination hall. 3. Follow the instructions given by the invigilator. 4. Read the question paper carefully. 5. Drink sufficient water before you enter the exam hall. 6. Submit your answer sheet to the invigilator, timely. |
*Don’t Forget your identity card and hall tickets. *Don’t observe other students. *Don’t feel upset even if you notice other students writing very speedily. *Don’t talk to any of the students during the exam. Stay calm. *Don’t forget to check all answers in last 10 minutes. |
6.B | Speech writing/View-Counterview: Attempt any one of the following activities.
Prepare a speech to be delivered by you on account of the Republic Day.
Topic: ‘How to build a new India.’
• unity in diversity
• sacrifices of the freedom fighters
• education
• pollution free
How to build a new India
Respected principal, teachers, and dear friends, today we are celebrating Republic Day, the day our Indian constitution came into effect in 1950, and on this occasion, I would like to share my thoughts on “How to build a better India.”
India is the world’s largest democracy. We are a huge nation of people belonging to all castes and religions, living together in harmony. We are one big family. We all are here today, enjoying freedom, because of the countless sacrifices these freedom fighters made. They did not fight for a specific community or caste, but for everyone. They fought with their lives, for us to live and breathe freely. The free and prospering India of today is their gift to us. The youth holds the power to build a new India, towards progress and betterment. Now, it is our responsibility to continue their legacy and do something for our nation and its betterment.
Issues like poverty, corruption, and environmental pollution are eating the very core of this nation. We, as responsible citizens, need to bring this to a permanent stop. By adopting eco-friendly and green policies, by reusing, reducing, and recycling, and by participating ineffective waste management, we can lead a sustainable lifestyle that is not only great for us but also for the
For India to be stronger, better, and more advanced, education is the utmost important step. Educating every citizen, especially those who have been deprived of this privilege, should be our first aim. Educated and learned citizens will become the country’s strength, providing power and driving the country higher. Let’s take a step forward to bridge this gap of imbalance. When every citizen joins hands for a new India, a better India, we can undoubtedly achieve the dream.
Every action matters, so let us pledge to bring the change we want for India to be reborn.
6.B.2 [5]
Write your counterview on the topic:
‘Home cooked food cannot compete the readymade, restaurant food.’
• Simple
• Hardly mouth watering
• Consumes time and energy
• Less Variety
Home-cooked food is better than readymade, restaurant food
Every day, the average number of meals people eat at home is declining. The trend of eating out is growing more than ever. With a huge variety of readymade, restaurant food available instantly, most of us have adapted to this change very happily. But when we compare home-cooked food with restaurant meals, the winner will always be a warm, home-cooked meal.
Meals cooked at home are healthy. They are cooked in a simplistic manner and are easily digestible. The freedom to choose your own ingredients, replace unhealthy ingredients with healthier substitutes and still maintain the delicious taste and consistency is only available in our own homes. Home-cooked meals have lower calories, less sugar, and less fat. And all of these benefits without compromising on the taste and deliciousness of the meal.
It is a myth that home-cooked food consumes a lot of time and energy. Most meals can be prepared in less than an hour. Although readymade meals don’t consume any time or energy, the impact that they have on our health, as well as wallets, is not worth it. From a basic rice dish to an elaborate spread, anything can be prepared at home. In fact, a restaurant usually has a limited menu and it is easily possible to cook any meal at home, without restrictions.
Food from restaurants might seem quick and appetizing today, but in the longer run, it will only leave a hole in your pocket and your health. Home-cooked meals, on the other hand, are everything you want them to be healthy, delicious, and affordable.
SECTION – VI: Creative Writing
Q.7 [10]
7.A | Expand the theme/News Report: Attempt any one of the following activities. [5]
A.1 [5]
Expand the following idea into 100 words:
‘Travelling broadness our mind’
Travelling broadens our mind
Travelling Broadens the perspective and mind. It helps you to think outside the safe cocoon. It improves social skills as you meet a lot of people from different places. Traveling experience makes you come out of your comfort zone as it is not about luxury and comfort, it is about beholding the beautiful bouquet that the world has to offer and experiencing it. The serenity of nature and the beauty of historical places mesmerize you by leaving you calm and composed. Exploring new destinations boosts confidence as you get to meet and see new people and surroundings. It unwinds you and makes you more receptive to life. Another advantage of traveling is getting to know different cultures and traditions and appreciating them. The biggest learning of traveling is to value experience over worldly things.
A.2] [5]
News Report
Prepare a news report on the following:
’14 Child Labourers Were Rescued From Firework Factory.’
14 Child Labourers Rescued from Firework Factory
– Rohan Kaushik, Student Staff Reporter
Sivakasi, 20th March 2021
Fourteen innocent children in the age group of nine to thirteen years were found being exploited by an owner of a fireworks factory in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu. They were illegally being made to work in highly hazardous conditions, in exchange for food and shelter.
These kids, eight boys and six girls, were victims of human trafficking and were brought in from other states to avoid detection. They belonged to poor families whose parents had earlier sold them as bonded labourers. These facts came to light after a police raid on the factory premises in wee hours of 10th December. The proprietor of the firm was arrested along with two human traffickers who were present inside the factory. The inspector who led the raid commented, “For the past two weeks, we were collecting evidence against the proprietor and the human traffickers. With enough evidence, we successfully conducted the raid yesterday.”
7.B) Developing a story/Narrating an experience: Attempt any one of the following activities.
Develop a story in about 800-100 words with the following ending:
Give a suitable title:
following words:
This year it was an unusual Independence Day…
The Unusual Independence Day: My twenty-first birthday
It was my birthday and I was excited to the core. I woke up and went to my mother but, all she said was to get ready for college. My father was glued to the newspaper. I got a call from my friends which made me happy again but, they only called up for going together to college for Independence Day celebrations. This time, I was left aghast! How can so many people forget to wish me! When I finally returned home in the evening, there was a party planned by my friends and family, to my surprise. But, all of a sudden, we felt tremors and everything started shaking. It was an earthquake! Eventually, the tremors subsided. Nobody was hurt but everybody departed on an unpleasant note. This year it was really an unusual Independence Day.
7.B.2 [5]
Narrate an experience based on the given beginning and suggest a suitable title.
‘Last year in September, we were traveling to our village for Ganesh Utsav. It had been raining heavily for two weeks…’
The Bravest act I’ve Ever Witnessed
Last year in September, we were traveling to our village for Ganesh Utsav. It had been raining heavily for two weeks and the rivers were flooded. As our bus reached the bridge over the river near our village, it stopped all of a sudden. We got down to see what had happened and noticed other vehicles lined up ahead of us. We went ahead and found out that a car had crashed on the railing and was about to fall into the river. The car had five passengers, who were being rescued one at a time by helpful villagers. The current of the river was too strong and people were afraid that if the car fell into the river, no one would survive the force of the current. Fortunately, four people were safely taken out of the ca
over the edge with the driver still inside and we were all in shock. In that same instant, one villager jumped into the river, helped the driver get out of the car and brought him close to the river bank. By then, the other villagers had climbed down to the river bank and helped both the men out of the water. It was definitely the bravest act that I have ever witnessed in my life.