Answer the following Question:
1) Where did Milkha’s poor performance take place in his early career?
Ans: Milkha’s poor performance took place in Melbourne in his early career.
2) What was Milkha Singh’s primary mission in the years 1956 and 1957?
Ans: Milkha Singh’s primary mission was to excel in running in the years1956 and 1957
3) At what time did Milkha get up early in the morning?
Ans: Milkha Singh would rise up the crack of dawn in the morning.
4) Who was Milkha Singh’s coach in those days?
Ans: Ranbir Singh was Milkha Singh’s coach in those days.
5) Who motivated Milkha Singh to win the gold medal at Cardiff?
Ans: Dr. Howard motivated Milkha Sigh to win the gold medal at Cardiff.
6) What advice did Charles Jenkins give to Milkha Singh?
Ans: Charles Jenkins advised Milkha Singh that it was only through regular and rigorous practice that a sportsman can improve his technique and build his stamina.
7) What had filled Milkha Singh with false sense of Pride?
Ans: His success in India Had filled Milkha Singh with false sense of pride.
8) Who advised Milkha Singh to do regular and rigorous practice to build stamina?
Ans: Charles Jerkins advised Milkha Singh to do regular and rigorous practice to build stamina.
9) What was like an open book to Milkha Singh?
Ans: The running track was like an open book to Milkha Singh.
10) Why did Milkha Singh renounce all pleasures and distractions?
Ans: Milkha Singh renounced all pleasures and distractions to keep himself fit and healthy.
11) What had become Milkha Singh’s God, religion and beloved?
Ans: Running had become Milkha Singh’s God, religion and beloved.
12) Which exercise did Milkha Singh do develop his muscles?
Ans: Milkha Singh did stretching exercise to develop his muscles.
13) How many hours did Milkha Singh practice every day?
Ans: Milkha Singh practice five hours every day.
14) What molded Milkha Singh into a world-Famous athlete?
Ans: His disciplined routine molded Milkha Singh into a world-famous athlete.
15) Which exercise Milkha Singh did to strengthen his arms, legs and stomach?
Ans: Milkha Singh would do weight lifting exercise to strengthen his arms, legs and stomach.
16) Who warned Milkha Singh against his hard and rigorous practice?
Ans: His coaches and doctors had warned Milkha Singh against his hard and rigorous practice.
17) What was the only focus of Milkha Singh?
Ans: Milkha Singh only focus was to become the best athlete in the world.
18) What inspired Milkha Singh to embark upon the difficult journey?
Ans: His desire to succeed inspired Milkha Singh to embark upon the difficult journey.
19) What did Milkha Singh firmly believe?
Ans: If a person works hard and sincerely, his efforts would be rewarded.
20) Which maxim did Milkha Singh follow in his life?
Ans: Milkha Singh followed in his life maxim was early to bed, early to rise.
II. Answer the following questions.
1) How can a sportsman improve his technique and build his stamina?
Ans: An athlete can improve his techniques and build his stamina just through regular and rigorous practice. It is fundamental to repudiate all joys and distractions or interruptions to stay in shape, to keep fit, healthy and solid. An athlete ought to maintain severe standards and guidelines and should abide by strict rules and regulations and needs a self- imposed penance to build his stamina. A disciplined routine assists with improving the technique of an athlete. Further, running extended lengths on the sand, slope running by going all over mountain inclines, lifting loads to reinforce arms, legs and stomach serves to build stamina. Furthermore, playing games like hockey, football or handball can assist an athlete with improving his technique and method.
2) Why did Milkha Singh’s doctors and coaches warn him?
Ans: Milkha has shared his record of developmental stages in his profession effort, self-control, commitment and assurance to perform. He followed a disciple schedule that shaped him into the competitor he became. His life in those days was administered by strict rules and regulations. He would perform various types of activity to increase his stamina and furthermore to fortify his muscles. Regardless of what the climate was, he would rehearse for five hours each day and evening. Some of the time he used to rehearse so hard thus arduously that he was regularly depleted of all energy and looked horribly washed out when the training session was finished. Once in a while he would speed up so much that after his rounds, he would vomit blood or drop down oblivious through sheer effort. So, his doctors and coaches cautioned him and requested that he slow down to keep up his equilibrium and health.
3) What type of diet Milkha used have?
Ans: He followed a disciplined schedule that shaped him into the competitor he became. His life in those days was administered by strict rules and regulations. He would perform various types of activity to increase his stamina and furthermore to fortify his muscles. Regardless of what the climate was, he would rehearse for five hours each day and evening. Some of the time he used to rehearse so hard thus arduously that he was regularly depleted of all energy and looked horribly washed out when the training session was finished. Milkha’s exhausting training program should have been enhanced by a reasonable, high-protein diet to compensate for the supplements lost during training. He was devoid of fatty substances like butter and ghee, and instead, he used to drink glasses of milk and eat plenty of green vegetable fruits, eggs, fish and lean meat. He used to eat different meal every day. The ingredient and combination in his diet used to vary every day to help digestion.
4) Explain how Milkha Singh’s hard work and dedication helped him to become a famous athlete.
Ans: Milkha returned to India after his poor performance in Melbourne, he understood how insignificant his abilities were when set in opposition to magnificently fit and prepared competitors. It was then he understood that his determination against the best competitors in the world. He followed Charles Jerkin’s recommendation in a real sense and adhered to rules and regulations and rehearsed a willful compensation. Every morning he would rise at the crack of the dawn and then would run two- or three-miles cross country. After that he followed a similar routine in the evenings running a couple of miles and jogging between races. He would practice for five hours every morning and evening, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a tear. He put forward his objective to purse and resolved to change himself into a running machine. Running had become his God, religion and furthermore his dearest. Somewhere in the range of 1956 and 1957, essential mission of his life was to dominate in running. The track resembled an open book to him, in which he could read the purpose of his life. He loved it like something blessed. It was this disciplined routine and also dedicated efforts that moulded time into an athlete he became.