Practice Paper
Std: X Sub: English (L.L.) Time: 3Hrs. Marks: 80
(Language Study)
Q.1. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) ben_h (ii) st_ge (iii) so -nd (iv) se_ret
Ans: (1) bench (2) stage (3) sound (4) secret
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) visit, candle, person, joy
(ii) do, disable, difficult, during
(i) candle. joy, person, visit
(ii) difficult, disable, do, during
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) meena lets go for a walk
(i) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) Meena, let’s go for a walk.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters
in the given word ‘strange. (2)
‘strange: i) range (ii) sang (iii) ran (iv) stag
(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word (2)
Bank: (a)……….. (b)………… (c)…………. (d)………….
bank (a) kite (b) egg (c) goat (d) tail.
(B) Do as directed:
(1) (Attempt any one)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for (1)
(a) She was looking for her lost earring.
(b) Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
I found a stone …………….
I found a stone which was shining brightly.
(2) (Attempt any one) (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) clean (ii) courage
(1) unclean (ii) courageous
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the Following words
(i) clean (ii) courage.
- The children begun to clean the house.
- The young boy showed a great courage to face the danger.
(Textual Passage)
Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
Al. Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) We won’t achieve our goals unless we take action to achieve them. True
(2) We all don’t have natural talents. False
(3) The skill must be stronger than will. False
(4) Goals help to steer a course of life. True
Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. Successful professionals thrive in the same manner. We all have natural talents. If we use that talent to set our goal in life, we can easily get success in life. We shall not achieve our goals if we do not take action to achieve them. Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2. Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage:
(1) SMART goals are …………………..
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are ………………
(1) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success.
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path.
(1) use-noun (2) use-verb
(3) help-verb (4) help-adjective
(1) We use that talent to set our goals.
(2) Quantifying goals provide specific ways to track progress.
(3) It is important to create goals that are within a current skill set or area of expertise.
(4) We need to bring down life images down to earth and plan to execute our strategies.
A5. Do you have a goal in your life? What efforts will you make to achieve it?
Yes, I do have decided my goal in my life. I aspire to be a top musician. To achieve my goal i will keep on trying and going ahead despite difficulties with the help of talent and hard work. I am sure that my faith in God, my perseverance, courage and positive thinking will lead me to success.
Q. 2 (B) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
B1. Complete the following sentences:
(1) Meena chose …………..as her role model.
(2) There was traffic ……………
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how ……….with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing ………….
(1) Meena chose beggar as her role model.
(2) There was traffic on the road.
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how to be happy with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the terrace.
‘However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine. That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ |
(ii) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(iv) The beggar and the young girl were totally drenched and totally happy.
(ii) Meena felt ashamed of herself.
- Meena changed her attitude towards life.
A4. Do as directed
(1) They were totally drenched and happy.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only- but also’.)
- They were not only totally drenched but also happy.
- the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(Rewrite it in ‘present continuous tense’)
- The beggar and the young girl are playing on the road.
A5. Who is your role model? Why?
My father is my role model. He is a great social worker. People praise and love him for his simple, humble, honest and clean character. He works hard for the wellness of the people in society. People respect him for his great work for society. I wish to be like him.
Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities:
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences:
- According to the poet……………. are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings/new endings)
According to the poet new beginnings are brought by each new day.
- We must decide to take the road which leads to………………
(great distress/great success)
We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.
Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make. I am the only one to choose The road that I will take. I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success Or travel down the darkened road, That leads to great distress. |
A3. Activity based on poetic devices (1)
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract:
(1) make – take (2) success – distress
B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points: (5)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost |
- Title:
- Name of the poet:
- Rhyme Scheme:
- Fingers of speech (any one):
- Theme/Centrel idea (in two or three lines):
• Title – Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening
• Poet/Poetess – Robert (Lee) Frost
• Rhyme Scheme – The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’.
• Figure of speech – Inversion, alliteration
• Theme/Central Idea – This poem is about taking time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature. The theme revolves around the poet’ philosophy, the stranger here is really sad and would love to stay in the woods where he is all alone away from the rest of the world.
(Non-Textual Passage)
Q.4 A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Complete the sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done ……………
(2)…………… . is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers ……………….. of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of …………………….
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done an excellent Job of maintaining our forests.
(2) Vanamahotsav is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers one-fifth of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of natural wealth.
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one-fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways. buildings and furniture making They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In the olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintain our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past for few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must, therefore. protect and develop our forests. Vanamahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast-disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global warming. |
(1) destroy x protect (2) appearing x disappearing
(3) forestation X deforestation (4) artificial x natural
A4. Activity based on contextual grammar: (2)
Do as directed
- Forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years.
(Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
How were forests cut down in the past few years?
- They supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making
(Rewrite the sentence using Not only… but also.)
They supply not only the fuel for cooking but also the bamboo for paper making.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Why., do you think, is Vanamahotsav organized in July?
Vanamahotsav is organized for a week in July because generally it rains heavily during the month of July. If the plants get enough rain-water, it helps the plants to grow well and it protects and develops them. Good rain protects and restores the forests.
B) Write a summary of the above extract. Give your summary a suitable title:
Forests- Natural gifts of God
The important natural resources like timber for railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for Paper making, herbs to make medicines directly come from forest. so, they are called important source of natural wealth. Our sages had ashrams in the forests which were centres of knowledge and learning. So, our wonderful forests were protected by them in the past. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing due to various reasons.
(Writing Skill)
Q. 5 A) (5)
B)Dialogue Writing: (5)
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: (5)
A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
A2) Verbal to Non-verbal:
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: (5)
(B1) News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with help of the given point:
The Education Department organizes the science exhibition on environmental pollution.
Q.7) Translation: (5)
Practice Paper
Std: X Sub: English (L.L.) Time: 3Hrs. Marks: 80
(Language Study)
Q.1. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) ben_h (ii) st_ge (iii) so -nd (iv) se_ret
(1) bench (2) stage (3) sound (4) secret
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) visit, candle, person, joy
(ii) do, disable, difficult, during
(i) candle. joy, person, visit
(ii) difficult, disable, do, during
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) meena lets go for a walk
(i) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) Meena, let’s go for a walk.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters
in the given word ‘strange. (2)
‘strange: i) range (ii) sang (iii) ran (iv) stag
(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word (2)
Bank: (a)……….. (b)………… (c)…………. (d)………….
bank (a) kite (b) egg (c) goat (d) tail.
(B) Do as directed:
(1) (Attempt any one)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for (1)
(a) She was looking for her lost earring.
(b) Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
I found a stone …………….
I found a stone which was shining brightly.
(2) (Attempt any one) (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) clean (ii) courage
(1) unclean (ii) courageous
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the Following words
(i) clean (ii) courage.
- The children begun to clean the house.
- The young boy showed a great courage to face the danger.
(Textual Passage)
Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
Al. Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) We won’t achieve our goals unless we take action to achieve them. True
(2) We all don’t have natural talents. False
(3) The skill must be stronger than will. False
(4) Goals help to steer a course of life. True
Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. Successful professionals thrive in the same manner. We all have natural talents. If we use that talent to set our goal in life, we can easily get success in life. We shall not achieve our goals if we do not take action to achieve them. Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2. Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage:
(1) SMART goals are …………………..
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are ………………
(1) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success.
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path.
(1) use-noun (2) use-verb
(3) help-verb (4) help-adjective
(1) We use that talent to set our goals.
(2) Quantifying goals provide specific ways to track progress.
(3) It is important to create goals that are within a current skill set or area of expertise.
(4) We need to bring down life images down to earth and plan to execute our strategies.
A5. Do you have a goal in your life? What efforts will you make to achieve it?
Yes, I do have decided my goal in my life. I aspire to be a top musician. To achieve my goal i will keep on trying and going ahead despite difficulties with the help of talent and hard work. I am sure that my faith in God, my perseverance, courage and positive thinking will lead me to success.
Q. 2 (B) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
B1. Complete the following sentences:
(1) Meena chose …………..as her role model.
(2) There was traffic ……………
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how ……….with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing ………….
(1) Meena chose beggar as her role model.
(2) There was traffic on the road.
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how to be happy with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the terrace.
‘However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine. That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ |
(ii) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(iv) The beggar and the young girl were totally drenched and totally happy.
(ii) Meena felt ashamed of herself.
- Meena changed her attitude towards life.
A4. Do as directed
(1) They were totally drenched and happy.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only- but also’.)
- They were not only totally drenched but also happy.
- the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(Rewrite it in ‘present continuous tense’)
- The beggar and the young girl are playing on the road.
A5. Who is your role model? Why?
My father is my role model. He is a great social worker. People praise and love him for his simple, humble, honest and clean character. He works hard for the wellness of the people in society. People respect him for his great work for society. I wish to be like him.
Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities:
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences:
- According to the poet……………. are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings/new endings)
According to the poet new beginnings are brought by each new day.
- We must decide to take the road which leads to………………
(great distress/great success)
We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.
Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make. I am the only one to choose The road that I will take. I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success Or travel down the darkened road, That leads to great distress. |
A3. Activity based on poetic devices (1)
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract:
(1) make – take (2) success – distress
B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points: (5)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost |
- Title:
- Name of the poet:
- Rhyme Scheme:
- Fingers of speech (any one):
- Theme/Centrel idea (in two or three lines):
• Title – Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening
• Poet/Poetess – Robert (Lee) Frost
• Rhyme Scheme – The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’.
• Figure of speech – Inversion, alliteration
• Theme/Central Idea – This poem is about taking time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature. The theme revolves around the poet’ philosophy, the stranger here is really sad and would love to stay in the woods where he is all alone away from the rest of the world.
(Non-Textual Passage)
Q.4 A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Complete the sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done ……………
(2)…………… . is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers ……………….. of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of …………………….
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done an excellent Job of maintaining our forests.
(2) Vanamahotsav is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers one-fifth of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of natural wealth.
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one-fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways. buildings and furniture making They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In the olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintain our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past for few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must, therefore. protect and develop our forests. Vanamahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast-disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global warming. |
(1) destroy x protect (2) appearing x disappearing
(3) forestation X deforestation (4) artificial x natural
A4. Activity based on contextual grammar: (2)
Do as directed
- Forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years.
(Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
How were forests cut down in the past few years?
- They supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making
(Rewrite the sentence using Not only… but also.)
They supply not only the fuel for cooking but also the bamboo for paper making.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Why., do you think, is Vanamahotsav organized in July?
Vanamahotsav is organized for a week in July because generally it rains heavily during the month of July. If the plants get enough rain-water, it helps the plants to grow well and it protects and develops them. Good rain protects and restores the forests.
B) Write a summary of the above extract. Give your summary a suitable title:
Forests- Natural gifts of God
The important natural resources like timber for railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for Paper making, herbs to make medicines directly come from forest. so, they are called important source of natural wealth. Our sages had ashrams in the forests which were centres of knowledge and learning. So, our wonderful forests were protected by them in the past. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing due to various reasons.
(Writing Skill)
Q. 5 A) (5)
B)Dialogue Writing: (5)
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: (5)
A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
A2) Verbal to Non-verbal:
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: (5)
(B1) News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with help of the given point:
The Education Department organizes the science exhibition on environmental pollution.
Q.7) Translation: (5)
Practice Paper
Std: X Sub: English (L.L.) Time: 3Hrs. Marks: 80
(Language Study)
Q.1. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) ben_h (ii) st_ge (iii) so -nd (iv) se_ret
(1) bench (2) stage (3) sound (4) secret
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) visit, candle, person, joy
(ii) do, disable, difficult, during
(i) candle. joy, person, visit
(ii) difficult, disable, do, during
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) meena lets go for a walk
(i) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) Meena, let’s go for a walk.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters
in the given word ‘strange. (2)
‘strange: i) range (ii) sang (iii) ran (iv) stag
(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word (2)
Bank: (a)……….. (b)………… (c)…………. (d)………….
bank (a) kite (b) egg (c) goat (d) tail.
(B) Do as directed:
(1) (Attempt any one)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for (1)
(a) She was looking for her lost earring.
(b) Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
I found a stone …………….
I found a stone which was shining brightly.
(2) (Attempt any one) (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) clean (ii) courage
(1) unclean (ii) courageous
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the Following words
(i) clean (ii) courage.
- The children begun to clean the house.
- The young boy showed a great courage to face the danger.
(Textual Passage)
Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
Al. Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) We won’t achieve our goals unless we take action to achieve them. True
(2) We all don’t have natural talents. False
(3) The skill must be stronger than will. False
(4) Goals help to steer a course of life. True
Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. Successful professionals thrive in the same manner. We all have natural talents. If we use that talent to set our goal in life, we can easily get success in life. We shall not achieve our goals if we do not take action to achieve them. Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2. Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage:
(1) SMART goals are …………………..
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are ………………
(1) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success.
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path.
(1) use-noun (2) use-verb
(3) help-verb (4) help-adjective
(1) We use that talent to set our goals.
(2) Quantifying goals provide specific ways to track progress.
(3) It is important to create goals that are within a current skill set or area of expertise.
(4) We need to bring down life images down to earth and plan to execute our strategies.
A5. Do you have a goal in your life? What efforts will you make to achieve it?
Yes, I do have decided my goal in my life. I aspire to be a top musician. To achieve my goal i will keep on trying and going ahead despite difficulties with the help of talent and hard work. I am sure that my faith in God, my perseverance, courage and positive thinking will lead me to success.
Q. 2 (B) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
B1. Complete the following sentences:
(1) Meena chose …………..as her role model.
(2) There was traffic ……………
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how ……….with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing ………….
(1) Meena chose beggar as her role model.
(2) There was traffic on the road.
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how to be happy with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the terrace.
‘However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine. That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ |
(ii) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(iv) The beggar and the young girl were totally drenched and totally happy.
(ii) Meena felt ashamed of herself.
- Meena changed her attitude towards life.
A4. Do as directed
(1) They were totally drenched and happy.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only- but also’.)
- They were not only totally drenched but also happy.
- the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(Rewrite it in ‘present continuous tense’)
- The beggar and the young girl are playing on the road.
A5. Who is your role model? Why?
My father is my role model. He is a great social worker. People praise and love him for his simple, humble, honest and clean character. He works hard for the wellness of the people in society. People respect him for his great work for society. I wish to be like him.
Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities:
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences:
- According to the poet……………. are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings/new endings)
According to the poet new beginnings are brought by each new day.
- We must decide to take the road which leads to………………
(great distress/great success)
We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.
Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make. I am the only one to choose The road that I will take. I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success Or travel down the darkened road, That leads to great distress. |
A3. Activity based on poetic devices (1)
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract:
(1) make – take (2) success – distress
B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points: (5)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost |
- Title:
- Name of the poet:
- Rhyme Scheme:
- Fingers of speech (any one):
- Theme/Centrel idea (in two or three lines):
• Title – Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening
• Poet/Poetess – Robert (Lee) Frost
• Rhyme Scheme – The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’.
• Figure of speech – Inversion, alliteration
• Theme/Central Idea – This poem is about taking time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature. The theme revolves around the poet’ philosophy, the stranger here is really sad and would love to stay in the woods where he is all alone away from the rest of the world.
(Non-Textual Passage)
Q.4 A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Complete the sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done ……………
(2)…………… . is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers ……………….. of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of …………………….
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done an excellent Job of maintaining our forests.
(2) Vanamahotsav is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers one-fifth of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of natural wealth.
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one-fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways. buildings and furniture making They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In the olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintain our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past for few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must, therefore. protect and develop our forests. Vanamahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast-disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global warming. |
(1) destroy x protect (2) appearing x disappearing
(3) forestation X deforestation (4) artificial x natural
A4. Activity based on contextual grammar: (2)
Do as directed
- Forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years.
(Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
How were forests cut down in the past few years?
- They supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making
(Rewrite the sentence using Not only… but also.)
They supply not only the fuel for cooking but also the bamboo for paper making.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Why., do you think, is Vanamahotsav organized in July?
Vanamahotsav is organized for a week in July because generally it rains heavily during the month of July. If the plants get enough rain-water, it helps the plants to grow well and it protects and develops them. Good rain protects and restores the forests.
B) Write a summary of the above extract. Give your summary a suitable title:
Forests- Natural gifts of God
The important natural resources like timber for railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for Paper making, herbs to make medicines directly come from forest. so, they are called important source of natural wealth. Our sages had ashrams in the forests which were centres of knowledge and learning. So, our wonderful forests were protected by them in the past. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing due to various reasons.
(Writing Skill)
Q. 5 A) (5)
B)Dialogue Writing: (5)
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: (5)
A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
A2) Verbal to Non-verbal:
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: (5)
(B1) News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with help of the given point:
The Education Department organizes the science exhibition on environmental pollution.
Q.7) Translation: (5)
Practice Paper
Std: X Sub: English (L.L.) Time: 3Hrs. Marks: 80
(Language Study)
Q.1. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) ben_h (ii) st_ge (iii) so -nd (iv) se_ret
(1) bench (2) stage (3) sound (4) secret
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) visit, candle, person, joy
(ii) do, disable, difficult, during
(i) candle. joy, person, visit
(ii) difficult, disable, do, during
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) meena lets go for a walk
(i) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) Meena, let’s go for a walk.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters
in the given word ‘strange. (2)
‘strange: i) range (ii) sang (iii) ran (iv) stag
(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word (2)
Bank: (a)……….. (b)………… (c)…………. (d)………….
bank (a) kite (b) egg (c) goat (d) tail.
(B) Do as directed:
(1) (Attempt any one)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for (1)
(a) She was looking for her lost earring.
(b) Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
I found a stone …………….
I found a stone which was shining brightly.
(2) (Attempt any one) (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) clean (ii) courage
(1) unclean (ii) courageous
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the Following words
(i) clean (ii) courage.
- The children begun to clean the house.
- The young boy showed a great courage to face the danger.
(Textual Passage)
Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
Al. Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) We won’t achieve our goals unless we take action to achieve them. True
(2) We all don’t have natural talents. False
(3) The skill must be stronger than will. False
(4) Goals help to steer a course of life. True
Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. Successful professionals thrive in the same manner. We all have natural talents. If we use that talent to set our goal in life, we can easily get success in life. We shall not achieve our goals if we do not take action to achieve them. Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2. Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage:
(1) SMART goals are …………………..
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are ………………
(1) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success.
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path.
(1) use-noun (2) use-verb
(3) help-verb (4) help-adjective
(1) We use that talent to set our goals.
(2) Quantifying goals provide specific ways to track progress.
(3) It is important to create goals that are within a current skill set or area of expertise.
(4) We need to bring down life images down to earth and plan to execute our strategies.
A5. Do you have a goal in your life? What efforts will you make to achieve it?
Yes, I do have decided my goal in my life. I aspire to be a top musician. To achieve my goal i will keep on trying and going ahead despite difficulties with the help of talent and hard work. I am sure that my faith in God, my perseverance, courage and positive thinking will lead me to success.
Q. 2 (B) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
B1. Complete the following sentences:
(1) Meena chose …………..as her role model.
(2) There was traffic ……………
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how ……….with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing ………….
(1) Meena chose beggar as her role model.
(2) There was traffic on the road.
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how to be happy with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the terrace.
‘However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine. That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ |
(ii) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(iv) The beggar and the young girl were totally drenched and totally happy.
(ii) Meena felt ashamed of herself.
- Meena changed her attitude towards life.
A4. Do as directed
(1) They were totally drenched and happy.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only- but also’.)
- They were not only totally drenched but also happy.
- the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(Rewrite it in ‘present continuous tense’)
- The beggar and the young girl are playing on the road.
A5. Who is your role model? Why?
My father is my role model. He is a great social worker. People praise and love him for his simple, humble, honest and clean character. He works hard for the wellness of the people in society. People respect him for his great work for society. I wish to be like him.
Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities:
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences:
- According to the poet……………. are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings/new endings)
According to the poet new beginnings are brought by each new day.
- We must decide to take the road which leads to………………
(great distress/great success)
We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.
Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make. I am the only one to choose The road that I will take. I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success Or travel down the darkened road, That leads to great distress. |
A3. Activity based on poetic devices (1)
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract:
(1) make – take (2) success – distress
B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points: (5)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost |
- Title:
- Name of the poet:
- Rhyme Scheme:
- Fingers of speech (any one):
- Theme/Centrel idea (in two or three lines):
• Title – Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening
• Poet/Poetess – Robert (Lee) Frost
• Rhyme Scheme – The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’.
• Figure of speech – Inversion, alliteration
• Theme/Central Idea – This poem is about taking time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature. The theme revolves around the poet’ philosophy, the stranger here is really sad and would love to stay in the woods where he is all alone away from the rest of the world.
(Non-Textual Passage)
Q.4 A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Complete the sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done ……………
(2)…………… . is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers ……………….. of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of …………………….
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done an excellent Job of maintaining our forests.
(2) Vanamahotsav is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers one-fifth of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of natural wealth.
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one-fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways. buildings and furniture making They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In the olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintain our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past for few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must, therefore. protect and develop our forests. Vanamahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast-disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global warming. |
(1) destroy x protect (2) appearing x disappearing
(3) forestation X deforestation (4) artificial x natural
A4. Activity based on contextual grammar: (2)
Do as directed
- Forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years.
(Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
How were forests cut down in the past few years?
- They supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making
(Rewrite the sentence using Not only… but also.)
They supply not only the fuel for cooking but also the bamboo for paper making.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Why., do you think, is Vanamahotsav organized in July?
Vanamahotsav is organized for a week in July because generally it rains heavily during the month of July. If the plants get enough rain-water, it helps the plants to grow well and it protects and develops them. Good rain protects and restores the forests.
B) Write a summary of the above extract. Give your summary a suitable title:
Forests- Natural gifts of God
The important natural resources like timber for railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for Paper making, herbs to make medicines directly come from forest. so, they are called important source of natural wealth. Our sages had ashrams in the forests which were centres of knowledge and learning. So, our wonderful forests were protected by them in the past. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing due to various reasons.
(Writing Skill)
Q. 5 A) (5)
B)Dialogue Writing: (5)
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: (5)
A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
A2) Verbal to Non-verbal:
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: (5)
(B1) News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with help of the given point:
The Education Department organizes the science exhibition on environmental pollution.
Q.7) Translation: (5)
Practice Paper
Std: X Sub: English (L.L.) Time: 3Hrs. Marks: 80
(Language Study)
Q.1. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) (8 Marks)
(1) Complete the words by using correct letters: (2)
(i) ben_h (ii) st_ge (iii) so -nd (iv) se_ret
(1) bench (2) stage (3) sound (4) secret
(2) Put the words in alphabetical order: (2)
(i) visit, candle, person, joy
(ii) do, disable, difficult, during
(i) candle. joy, person, visit
(ii) difficult, disable, do, during
(3) Punctuate the following: (2)
(i) is that so said mrs srivastava
(ii) meena lets go for a walk
(i) “Is that so?” said Mrs. Srivastava.
(ii) Meena, let’s go for a walk.’
(4) Make four words (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters
in the given word ‘strange. (2)
‘strange: i) range (ii) sang (iii) ran (iv) stag
(6) Complete the word-chain of ‘Nouns’. Add four words each beginning with the last letter of the previous word (2)
Bank: (a)……….. (b)………… (c)…………. (d)………….
bank (a) kite (b) egg (c) goat (d) tail.
(B) Do as directed:
(1) (Attempt any one)
(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to look for (1)
(a) She was looking for her lost earring.
(b) Add a clause to expand the following sentence meaningfully.
I found a stone …………….
I found a stone which was shining brightly.
(2) (Attempt any one) (1)
(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:
(i) clean (ii) courage
(1) unclean (ii) courageous
(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the Following words
(i) clean (ii) courage.
- The children begun to clean the house.
- The young boy showed a great courage to face the danger.
(Textual Passage)
Q. 2 (A) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
Al. Say whether the following statements are True or False:
(1) We won’t achieve our goals unless we take action to achieve them. True
(2) We all don’t have natural talents. False
(3) The skill must be stronger than will. False
(4) Goals help to steer a course of life. True
Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill. Successful professionals thrive in the same manner. We all have natural talents. If we use that talent to set our goal in life, we can easily get success in life. We shall not achieve our goals if we do not take action to achieve them. Setting goals has two valuable assets – a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path. Goals put one at the helm of life; pursuing them acknowledges a better future situation. They help to steer a course of life rather than simply drifting along and letting things happen. Setting goals may appear easy, but, for some, it is quite challenging. Fear of failure may be avoided in the absence of any goals. After all, one has to decide what one wants to achieve in the end. To accomplish goals, experts recommend a five-step approach. SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. |
A2. Complete the following sentences using the information from the passage:
(1) SMART goals are …………………..
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are ………………
(1) SMART goals are a methodology of thinking that helps people reach success.
(2) Two valuable assets of setting goals are a sense of originality and a stepping stone to illuminate the path.
(1) use-noun (2) use-verb
(3) help-verb (4) help-adjective
(1) We use that talent to set our goals.
(2) Quantifying goals provide specific ways to track progress.
(3) It is important to create goals that are within a current skill set or area of expertise.
(4) We need to bring down life images down to earth and plan to execute our strategies.
A5. Do you have a goal in your life? What efforts will you make to achieve it?
Yes, I do have decided my goal in my life. I aspire to be a top musician. To achieve my goal i will keep on trying and going ahead despite difficulties with the help of talent and hard work. I am sure that my faith in God, my perseverance, courage and positive thinking will lead me to success.
Q. 2 (B) Read the following passage and complete the given activities: (10)
B1. Complete the following sentences:
(1) Meena chose …………..as her role model.
(2) There was traffic ……………
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how ……….with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing ………….
(1) Meena chose beggar as her role model.
(2) There was traffic on the road.
(3) The beggar and the young girl taught Meena how to be happy with life as it was.
(4) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the terrace.
‘However, what I saw from my window surprised me. The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road because there was no traffic. They were laughing, clapping and screaming joyously, as if they were in paradise. Hunger and rain did not matter. They were totally drenched and totally happy. I envied their zest for life. ‘That scene forced me to look at my own life. I realized I had so many comforts, none of which they had. But they had the most important of all assets, one which I lacked. They knew how to be happy with life as it was. I felt ashamed of myself. I even started to make a list of what I had and what I did not have. I found I had more to be grateful for than most people could imagine. That day, I decided to change my attitude towards life, using the beggar as my role model.’ |
(ii) The beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(iv) The beggar and the young girl were totally drenched and totally happy.
(ii) Meena felt ashamed of herself.
- Meena changed her attitude towards life.
A4. Do as directed
(1) They were totally drenched and happy.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only- but also’.)
- They were not only totally drenched but also happy.
- the beggar and the young girl were playing on the road.
(Rewrite it in ‘present continuous tense’)
- The beggar and the young girl are playing on the road.
A5. Who is your role model? Why?
My father is my role model. He is a great social worker. People praise and love him for his simple, humble, honest and clean character. He works hard for the wellness of the people in society. People respect him for his great work for society. I wish to be like him.
Q.3 (A) Read the given extract and complete the activities:
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences:
- According to the poet……………. are brought by each new day.
(new beginnings/new endings)
According to the poet new beginnings are brought by each new day.
- We must decide to take the road which leads to………………
(great distress/great success)
We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.
Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make. I am the only one to choose The road that I will take. I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success Or travel down the darkened road, That leads to great distress. |
A3. Activity based on poetic devices (1)
Write two pairs of rhyming words from the extract:
(1) make – take (2) success – distress
B) Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the given points: (5)
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost |
- Title:
- Name of the poet:
- Rhyme Scheme:
- Fingers of speech (any one):
- Theme/Centrel idea (in two or three lines):
• Title – Stopping by the Woods on a
Snowy Evening
• Poet/Poetess – Robert (Lee) Frost
• Rhyme Scheme – The rhyme scheme of the first three stanzas is ‘aaba’.
• Figure of speech – Inversion, alliteration
• Theme/Central Idea – This poem is about taking time to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature. The theme revolves around the poet’ philosophy, the stranger here is really sad and would love to stay in the woods where he is all alone away from the rest of the world.
(Non-Textual Passage)
Q.4 A) Read the following passage carefully and do the activities
A1. Simple Factual Activity: (2)
Complete the sentences with the help of the information given in the passage:
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done ……………
(2)…………… . is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers ……………….. of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of …………………….
(1) In olden days the sages living in forests had done an excellent Job of maintaining our forests.
(2) Vanamahotsav is an important step in protecting and developing our forests.
(3) Our forest covers one-fifth of country’s land area.
(4) Forests are important sources of natural wealth.
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth, covering one-fifth of country’s land area. They supply the timber for the railways. buildings and furniture making They also supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making Medicinal herbs also come from the forests. In the olden days, our wisemen and philosophers had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams were centres of knowledge and learning. Those sages had done an excellent job of maintain our forests. So, we had wonderful forests. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past for few years. While the forests are disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must, therefore. protect and develop our forests. Vanamahotsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week in July every year. During this week, lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is being done to restore our fast-disappearing forests. Still, deforestation poses a serious threat to forests on the earth. Deforestation causes soil erosion, sudden floods and global warming. |
(1) destroy x protect (2) appearing x disappearing
(3) forestation X deforestation (4) artificial x natural
A4. Activity based on contextual grammar: (2)
Do as directed
- Forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few years.
(Frame a wh-question to get the underlined part as an answer.)
How were forests cut down in the past few years?
- They supply the fuel for cooking and the bamboo for paper making
(Rewrite the sentence using Not only… but also.)
They supply not only the fuel for cooking but also the bamboo for paper making.
A5. Personal Response: (2)
Why., do you think, is Vanamahotsav organized in July?
Vanamahotsav is organized for a week in July because generally it rains heavily during the month of July. If the plants get enough rain-water, it helps the plants to grow well and it protects and develops them. Good rain protects and restores the forests.
B) Write a summary of the above extract. Give your summary a suitable title:
Forests- Natural gifts of God
The important natural resources like timber for railways, buildings and furniture making, fuel for cooking, bamboo for Paper making, herbs to make medicines directly come from forest. so, they are called important source of natural wealth. Our sages had ashrams in the forests which were centres of knowledge and learning. So, our wonderful forests were protected by them in the past. Unfortunately, forests are disappearing due to various reasons.
(Writing Skill)
Q. 5 A) (5)
B)Dialogue Writing: (5)
Q. 6. (A) Information Transfer: (5)
A1) Non-verbal to Verbal:
A2) Verbal to Non-verbal:
Q.6. (B) Expand the theme: (5)
(B1) News Report:
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with help of the given point:
The Education Department organizes the science exhibition on environmental pollution.
Q.7) Translation: (5)