(1) to look for – शोधणे
He was looking for his lost mobile.
(2) to look after – ची काळजी घेणे
We should look after our parents.
(3) to take care of – ची काळजी घेणे (Sept-2021)
We should take care of our health.
(4) to run away – पळून जाणे (March. 2020)
The thief ran away from jail.
(5) to be proud of – चा अभिमान असणे
I am proud of my country.
(6) to be afraid of – ची भिती वाटणे
Most of the people are afraid of ghosts and darkness.
(7) to be fond of – ची आवड असणे
He is fond of playing cricket.
(8) to be good at – च्यामध्ये तरबेज असणे
He is good at sports and games.
(9) to be eager to – उत्सुक असणे
The children are eager to see the circus.
(10) to be famous for – च्या साठी प्रसिद्ध असणे
Shivaji was famous for his bravery.
(11) to be unable to – असमर्थ असणे
He was unable to appear for the exam because of his illness.
(12) in front of – च्या समोर
My house is in front of my school.
(13) to get rid of – च्या पासून सुटका करणे
He got rid of the bad company.
(14) to be known as – ओळखले जाणे (March. 2020)
Dr. Abdul Kalam is known as Missile Man.
(15) in a flash – क्षणार्धात (in a moment)
It was done in a flash.
(16) to be known for – च्यासाठी प्रसिद्ध असणे (be famous for)
Amitabh is known for his acting.
(17) to be engrossed in – च्यामध्ये व्यग्र/मग्न होणे/ च्यामध्ये दंग/मग्न असणे (to occupied in)
He was engrossed in the conversation with his friend.
(18) to muster up courage – धैर्य एकवटणे
I mustered up courage to fight with tiger.
(19) to belongs to – च्या मालकीचे असणे, चा घटक असणे
He belongs to the royal family.
(20) bring up – संगोपन करणे/पालन पोषण करणे
She has decided to bring up the orphan as her own child.
(21) to give up -सोडून देणे/त्याग करणे/थांबविणे (August-2022)
He gave up his bad habits.
(22) to be a part and parcel – अविभाज्य अंग/घटक असणे
It had become a part and parcel of their daily life.
(23) to root out – काढून टाकणे /मूळापासून काढून टाकणे
It is necessary to root out the evils from the society.
(24) to be able to – समर्थ असणे
Radha is able to speak English fluently.
(25) in search of – च्या शोधार्थ
He was in search of a new job.
(26) muster up courage – धैर्य एकवटणे
The young man could not muster up courage to climb the tree.
(27) to ponder over – च्यावर चिंतन करणे
The artist pondered over his idea for a long time.
(28) to ask for – मागणे /मागणी करणे (March. 2019)
He came into my office to ask for a loan.
(29) a lot of (July. 2019)
There is a lot of noise in the class.
(30) to show off – देखावा करणे/प्रदर्शन करणे (November -2020)
He likes to show off his knowledge.