Opposites/Antonyms for Scholarship Exam
Revise the following table:
Antonyms/ Opposites with prefixes |
un- |
certain x uncertain |
able x unable |
in- |
correct x incorrect |
justice x injustice |
im |
possible x impossible |
perfect x imperfect |
dis |
agree x disagree |
obey x disobey |
il- |
literate x illiterate |
legal x illegal |
ir- |
regular x irregular, |
relevant x irrelevant |
anti- |
social x antisocial |
war x antiwar |
mis |
behave x misbehave |
guide x misguide |
extra |
ordinary x Extraordinary |
Suffixes – careful x careless |
non- |
violence x non-violence |
mal- |
nutrition x malnutrition |
(1) Four pairs are given. Which pair is not pair of opposite words?
(1) complete – incomplete
(2) poor – rich
(3) hard-easy
(4) praise – admire
(2) Four pairs are given in the following. Which pair is not the pair of opposite words?
Choose the correct alternative.
(1) wild–tame
(3) astonish – surprise
(4) agree – disagree
(3) Choose the opposite meaning word for the underlined words.
Hercules was brave and strong, but his enemy was ________ and ________.
(1) deadly and difficult
(2) strength and big
(3) timid and weak
(4) thin and kind
(4) Find the opposite words for ‘lost’?
(1) lifted
(2) won
(3) gain
(4) foot
(5) To which of the following words you cannot add the prefix ‘in’ to make it opposite in meaning.
(1) possible
(2) patiently
(3) Active
(4) purity
(6) Which prefix will you add to make the opposite of the word ‘able’?
(1) im
(2) ir
(3) un
(4) in
(7) Find the opposite words for ‘violent’?
(1) fierce
(2) humble
(3) non-violent
(4) vicious
(8) Which of following two sets have pairs of opposite words:
(1) joy x sorrow, strong x weal
(2) buy x bring, get x find
(3) begin x end, lost x found
(4) true x right, small x little
(9) Choose the correct pair of opposites:
(1) little x poor
(2) tiny x huge
(3) long small
(4) large x big
(10) Choose the correct pair of opposites:
(1) bold x coward
(2) same x similar
(3) smart x ugly
(4) soft x cold