• Sender’s address and date: ½ mark
• Recipient’s address: ½ mark
• Subject and Salutation: ½ mark
• Main body: 2 marks
• Subscription/ closing: ½ mark
• Grammar: ½ mark
A1. OR A2. Do any of the following activities: (5 marks)
1. Imagine you are ‘Raj/Rohini Patil.’ 110/A, Happy Niwas, Ganesh Nagar, Pune 410038. You have read the following appeal regarding ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’.
Now attempt any one letter of the following
How to keep yourself safe from corona: Tips • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. • If not feeling well, stay at home. • Maintain at least 3 meters distance from you and others. • Avoid going to crowded places. • Wear a cloth face mask. Avoid travelling. |
A2. Formal letter.
A2. Read the above appeal and write a letter to the ‘Commissioner’ of the Pune Municipal Corporation for expressing thankfulness for the appeal for controlling Corona Virus.
Rohini Patil.
110/A, Happy Niwas,
Ganesh Nagar,
Pune 410038.
24thMarch, 2021.
The Commissioner,
Pune Municipal Corporation,
Sub: About expressing thankfulness for the appeal for controlling Corona Virus.
Respected Sir,
I am the resident of Ganesh Nagar area. In my area the Corona Virus is spreading very fast. People are not following the rules made by the government. So, it is very important to make these rules very strict. Sir, you have appealed people to take proper precaution to be safe from corona. Among these important tips washing hands are very essential. People should keep social distance and wearing mask is a must thing. During these days travelling should be avoided as well as going to crowded places should be strictly prohibited.
Once again, I express my gratitude on behalf of our area for appealing and making the rules very much strict.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Rohini Patil.