(Practice Paper 2)
Std. – 10th Sub – English (LL) Marks: 20
FIRST UNIT TEST Practice Paper 2 Std.10th With Answers
Q.1. Read the passage and carry out the activities: (10 marks)
A1. Complete the following. (02)
(i) The baby appeared ………………………………..………….
(ii) The body of baby langur was full of …………………………
(iii) The writer took the baby langur to ………………………….
(iv) The narrator’s father provided ……………………………
(i) The baby appeared inert and lifeless.
(ii) The body of baby langur was full of deep bite marks and scratches.
(iii) The writer took the baby langur to their backyard.
(iv) The narrator’s father provided first aid to clean the wounds and stop the bleeding.
The changed circumstances and the sudden unexpected attack from unknown quarters forced the langur to drop the baby from the sloping roof over the veranda. The baby was listless and appeared to be dead. As its body started to slide down, the excitement of the pack of dogs grew manifold at the prospect of a good kill and meal. Keeping the dogs at bay with the stick, I managed to catch hold of the baby langur’s tail just as it tipped over the edge of the tiled roof. The baby appeared inert and lifeless. It was indeed a male baby. By this time, my parents and sisters had come out on to the veranda and were witnessing my rescue operation. Some of our neighbours had also gathered in the distance. I took the baby langur to our backyard and gently laid him on the floor inside the poultry coop. His body was full of deep bite marks and scratched. Blood was oozing from some of the wounds. The baby remained motionless. My father provided first aid to clean the wounds and stop the bleeding. I was relieved to find out that the baby was breathing, even though his breaths were shallow. Splashes of cold water made the baby stir and after a few shaky attempts, he sat up. He was in state of shock and started trembling like a leaf in the wind. His two little twinkling eyes welled up with tears and he started to sob with a muffled cry – just like a human child would after experiencing trauma. I offered him a peeled banana which he accepted with his unsteady hand and began taking hesitant bites. |
1. The narrator scared away the dogs to protect the baby langur.
2. The narrator caught the baby langur’s tail before it fell off the roof.
3. The narrator took the baby langur to their backyard and put it in a safe place.
4. The narrator’s father cleaned the baby langur’s wounds and stopped the bleeding, and the narrator gave it a banana to eat.
A3. Antonyms
Find out antonyms for the following from the passage. (02)
(i) known x………………….
(ii) alive x…………………….
(iii) bad x………………………
(iv) female x………………….
(i) known x unknown
(ii) alive x dead
(iii) bad x good
(iv) female x male
A4. Do as directed. 02)
- I offered him a peeled banana.
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘He………’)
- The baby appeared inert and lifeless.
(Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only….…..but also)
(i) He was offered a peeled banana by me.
(ii) The baby appeared not only inert but also lifeless.
A5. Personal Response
What opinion do you form about the narrator, from the passage? (02)Ans: The narrator is kind and caring, showing love for the injured baby langur. They are brave and risk their safety to save the animal. The narrator pays attention to the baby langur’s feelings and acts to protect it. They offer the baby langur a peeled banana and provide a safe place for it to recover. The narrator understands the baby langur’s emotions and treats it with empathy.
Q.2. Read the extract and complete the following activities. (5 marks)
A1. True or false
Say whether the following statements are true or false. (02)
(i) The child demands the moonlight from his father.
(ii) The child wants to sow small moons of light from the city to his village.
(iii) The route to the village is dangerous.
(iv) The child’s father returns home early.
(i) The child demands the moonlight from his father. False.
(ii) The child wants to sow small moons of light from the city to his village. True.
(iii) The route to the village is dangerous. True.
(iv) The child’s father returns home early. False
O moon, give me moonlight, basketful or two baskets full, with seeds of moonlight. From the city to my village, on the sides of the path I want to sow many, small, small moons of light. The whole village goes to the city daily to work. It becomes dark on its way back as my village is quite far. The route is tough and full of snakes and scorpions. Neither bus nor cart plies. |
Q.3) Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. 02
1) success – यश
(2) test – चाचणी
(3) common – सामान्य
(4) Happy – आनंदी
(5) market – बाजार
(6) difficult – कठीण
(b) Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two) 02
1) Trees are our best friends. – झाडे हे आपले चांगले मित्र आहेत.
(2) Reading books is a good habit. – पुस्तके वाचणे ही चांगली सवय आहे.
(3) I like comedy movies. – मला विनोदी चित्रपट आवडतात.
(4) India is my country. – भारत माझा देश आहे.
(c) Translate the following idiom/proverb into your medium of instruction. 01
1. Service to man is service to God. – मानव सेवा हीच खरी ईश्वर सेवा.
2. A stitch in time saves nine. – वेळीच केलेल्या उपायाने संभाव्य मोठी हानी टळते.