Day 01 Bridge Course 2023-24 Class 9th Feelings of Happiness
Day: 01 Sub: English Std.: 9th
1. Feelings of Happiness
Learning Outcomes:
*Communicates one’s feelings/emotions appropriately in 4-5 lines.
*Communicate pleasure, appreciation, and support politely.
Learning Activity/Experience:
Teacher reads the given situations.
Student responds to the situations.
1) Suppose you’ve won the match.
Hurrah! I/We have won the match.
2) You’ve received the birthday gift.
Wow! What a pleasant present!
Solved/Demo Activity
Teacher narrates the following situations in the class.
Students responds according to the given situation/s.
1) Situation: You passed the examination.
Response: I am happy to share the news that I passed the examination.
2) Situation: You have given an excellent speech.
Response: I am extremely happy as I gave an excellent speech.
3) Situation: Your brother got a job in an international company.
Response: I am happy to share the news that my brother got a job in
an international company.
4) Situation: You’ve heard good news.
Response: Oh! What a superb news!
5) Situation: After knowing the correct answer.
Response: Thanks! My answer is correct.
6) Situation: After listening to someone’s good reading.
Response: How fluent your reading is!
7) Situation: After knowing the usefulness of Bridge Course.
Response: How nice the Bridge Course is!
Learn the following words along with their meanings representing the feelings of happiness.
1) affection
2) bliss
3) blithe
4) buoyant
5) contentment
6) elation 7) euphoria 8) joviality 9) rapturous
10)vivacious |
1. a gentle feeling of fondness 2. a great joy 3. very happy or cheerful
4. chirpy, lively and light-hearted
5. a state of complete satisfaction
6. great happiness
7. a feeling of extreme excitement
8. cheerful and friendly 9. manifesting ecstatic joy 10. attractively, lively and animate |
1) आपुलकी
२) आनंद
3) आनंदी, सुखी 4) उत्साही
5) समाधान
6) उत्साह
7) उत्साह 8) आनंदीपणा 9) आनंदी
10) उत्साही |
Teacher draws the following web diagram on the board.
Teacher asks students to complete the web diagram with the appropriate expressions.
- “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it! We won first place in the science fair competition!
- “Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it! I got a perfect score on that challenging exam! This is incredible!”
- “Overwhelmed with joy and gratitude, after performing in a school play and receiving a standing ovation
- I am honoured and thrilled to be chosen as the captain of our sports team.
- “I feel incredibly grateful and loved after celebrating my birthday surrounded by dear friends and family.”
- “Wow, going on a trip to Disneyland and experiencing the thrill of the rides was absolutely mind-blowing!”
2) Write the synonyms for the word ‘joy’.
*happiness *delight *bliss *triumph *ecstasy *felicity *elation *enjoyment *euphoria *glee *cheerfulness *exhilaration *exuberance *exultation *joyfulness *jubilation *rapture *ebullience *pleasure *rejoicing *gladness *radiance *satisfaction
Extension/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement:
- Make a list of at least 10 words of joyful emotions.
2) Construct a few sentences by using joyful words/expressions and present them in the class orally.
- I’m so happy about my recent promotion!
- Seeing a rainbow after the rain makes me super joyful.
- I laughed out loud at a hilarious joke.
- Homemade chocolate chip cookies make me really happy.
- I’m super excited for my dream vacation.
- Getting a nice compliment from a loved one fills my heart with joy.
- The warm sun on my face makes me feel amazing.
- Dancing to my favourite song makes me feel great.
- Seeing a child’s happy face warms my heart.
- Being with friends and family makes me so happy.
1) affection
2) bliss
3) blithe
4) buoyant
5) contentment
6) elation 7) euphoria 8) joviality 9) rapturous
10)vivacious |
1. a gentle feeling of fondness 2. a great joy 3. very happy or cheerful
4. chirpy, lively and light-hearted
5. a state of complete satisfaction
6. great happiness
7. a feeling of extreme excitement
8. cheerful and friendly 9. manifesting ecstatic joy 10. attractively, lively and animate |
1) आपुलकी
२) आनंद
3) आनंदी, सुखी 4) उत्साही
5) समाधान
6) उत्साह
7) उत्साह 8) आनंदीपणा 9) आनंदी
10) उत्साही |