How to talk daily Conversation in English
Daily Conversation
A dialogue between mother and daughter about examination:
Mother: Sarah, Come here.
Daughter: Yes mom.
Mother: I got the progress report of your exam.
Daughter: Sorry mom, I didn’t do well this time.
Mother: I know. You have failed in science subjects.
Daughter: Mom, I’m very weak in Science subjects. But I solved the biology and math papers with good marks.
Mother: What’s the point of getting good marks in only 2 subjects? You have to do well in all your subjects. Even your biology and math papers are not satisfactory and your marks are not more than sixty percent.
Daughter: My teachers are not supportive of me.
Mother: Don’t blame them. Teachers will treat all students equally. You are responsible for your progress. Your report shows that you are very lazy and careless. What is the reason?
Daughter: Mom actually, I get bored when I pick up my books especially science books.
Mother: You disappointed me.
Daughter: I am sorry, I promise that I will work hard for the next exam.
Mother: Okay good. Work hard.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two students about examination:
Fred: Hi Aron, Why do you look so upset?
Aron: I’m worried about today’s exam.
Fred: What happened?
Aron: I was not feeling well, we went to hospital, so I could not prepare properly for the English test. What about you?
Fred: I’m not exactly ready either. We went to church with our family.
Aron: All right. I have an idea.
Fred: What is that?
Aron: Let’s go and discuss with our teacher.
Fred: Very good. Let’s go.
(They go to teacher)
Aron: May I come in sir?
Teacher: Yes, What can I do for you?
Fred: Sir, actually we had some trouble in exam.
Teacher: What’s that?
Students: We are not ready for today’s test.
Teacher: Well, don’t worry too much. I give you time to prepare for the test. Don’t do the same thing again. This is the last warning.
Students: Thank you very much, sir. We will not do this again.
Teacher: Okay that’s good.
Daily Conversation
A dialogue between a teacher and a student who comes late:
Student: May I come in, sir?
Teacher: Yes, stand here. Why are you late?
Student: Sir, I missed my bus.
Teacher: What time do you leave home?
Student: I always leave home at 8.30.
Teacher: How far is your home from here?
Student: It is about three kilometers from here.
Teacher: That is why you get late. You leave your home very late.
Student: Sir, I’m rushing to school without even taking my breakfast.
Teacher: What time do you get up?
Student: I wake up at 7:00 in the morning.
Teacher: It is a bad habit. Change your routine. Always get up early in the morning. Take breakfast at right time and then leave for school.
Student: You are right, sir. From tomorrow, I will never be late.
Teacher: Good. Remember one more thing. Regularity and punctuality conquer the mountains.
A: Thank you very much for your good advice. Can I sit now, sir?
Teacher: Oh Yes, of course.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between a teacher and a student on his illness:
Elle: May I come in, sir.
Teacher: Yeah come in. What’s the matter, Elle?
Elle: Sir, Can I ask for a day off tomorrow?
Teacher: What’s the reason? Are you sick?
Elle: Yes sir. I have been suffering from a loss of appetite for the past month.
Teacher: Oh that’s a big issue. Why don’t you consult a doctor?
Elle: Yes sir. I’ve made an appointment with Dr. Kayle tomorrow morning.
Teacher: Good. Take leave. Tell your doctor in detail about your problems.
Elle: I have written it all in detail, sir
Teacher: Very good. Let me know what the doctor said.
Elle: Of course, sir. Thank you for your advice.
Daily Conversation
Suppose your friend is addicted to social networking. You want to warn him about its dark sides. Conversation between you and your best friend.
Raze: Hello Eva! What are you doing?
Eva: Oh, you’re here! I did not notice you.
Raze: How can you notice me? I find that you are always busy with your mobile phone.
Eva: Yes, I like to be active on social media.
Raze: You know, it does a lot of harm to you.
Eva: How?
Raze: First of all, it’s a distraction for students like you. If we are busy with it, when will we prepare our lessons?
Eva: Well, I can deal with that.
Raze: Besides, there are fake accounts. They can get you in trouble.
Eva: Really? I did not know it.
Raze: In order to gain people’s praise and attention, you can spread untruths even without them knowing.
Eva: Oh no! Then I may be called a liar.
Raze: So do not waste your time and energy. Focus on the study. The compliments available on social websites will not take you anywhere.
Eva: Thanks for your valuable advice dude.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Niki and Shed about picnic:
Shed: Hi Niki. What are you doing today?
Niki: Hello Shed. My family and I go to the lake. We are going on a picnic.
Shed: That sounds like fun.
Niki: Do you want to join us?
Shed: May I? I would love to join.
Niki: Sure. We are leaving at 9 AM.
Shed: Ok. Let me ask my parents. What should I bring?
Niki: You should pack swim trunks and a life jacket.
Shed: Ok. What about food?
Niki: My parents are going to pack some food. There will be plenty for you too.
Shed: Thanks. I’ll be back as soon as possible.
Niki: Try to come back before 9.
Shed: I will. If I can’t go, I will call you.
Niki: I hope you can come with us.
Shed: Me too. I have no plans today.
Niki: See you soon.
Shed: I hope so!
Daily Conversation
Conversation between a Jim and his dad about weekend:
Jim: Dad, what are we going to do this weekend?
Dad: I have a surprise for you, Jim.
Jim: What is it?
Dad: Here Open it.
Jim: I think I know what it is?
Dad: Can you tell by the shape?
Jim: Yeah. Is it a fishing pole?
Dad: Well, open it and find out.
Jim: It is! I love it. I’ve never gone fishing before.
Dad: Your grandfather and I used to go fishing when I was a child. Now, I can take you.
Jim: I can’t wait!
Dad: You also need a life jacket.
Jim: Why dad?
Dad: You should always wear a life jacket if you’re going in a boat.
Jim: Ok, dad.
Dad: Now let’s go to the fishing store and buy some bait.
Jim: What’s bait?
Dad: Things that will attract the fish to the hook.
Jim: Like worms?
Dad: Exactly!
Jim: This is going to be so much fun!
Daily Conversation
Asking for a wake-up call conversation:
Jade: Hello, I am Jade.
Hotel Receptionist: Yes, sir. How can I help you?
Jade: There’s a plane to catch up tomorrow morning, I can not miss it. Can you arrange a wake-up call at 6:30 A.M.?
Hotel Receptionist: Sure sir, I am arranging now. What is your room number?
Jade: I’m staying in room 666.
Hotel Receptionist: Well, you will receive your wake-up call at 6:30 am. Is there anything else I can help you with sir?
Jade: Yes, I’d like to have some breakfast and a pot of tea delivered to my room after my wake-up call.
Hotel Receptionist: What would you like to have? Western or Chinese?
Jade: I will go with western cuisine.
Hotel Receptionist: Ok sir.
Jade: Yes. That’s all for now. I will pay my bill when I check out in the morning.
Hotel Receptionist: Would you like me to arrange a taxi to the airport for you?
Jade: Hmm, that’s good. Can you book at 8.30 P.M. in the morning?
Hotel Receptionist: Yes, it would be nice.
Jade: Yes, thank you for all your help.
Hotel Receptionist: It was my pleasure. Have a nice day.
Jade: Thanks and you too. Bye.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Two Friends about Weather Condition
Richard: Hi Harry, how are you?
Harry: I am fine Richard, what about you?
Richard: I am great. Are you enjoying this winter?
Harry: Yeah, I am enjoying but it has been too cold for a couple of days.
Richard: Yeah that’s true, but winter is my favorite season.
Harry: I also love winter, but the weather is a bit hard for me at that time. I face some problems.
Richard: Sorry to know, what kind of problems do you face?
Harry: Mostly, I face skin problems. I have to use a lot of lotion to get rid of it.
Richard: Oh, that’s a pretty common problem in this season. But, I agree with you, sometimes the weather is unbearable and difficult for children and elderly people.
Harry: Yes, I think so.
Richard: What do you do in this weather?
Harry: Most of the time, I try to spend my time reading books. Because I love reading. What do you do?
Richard: I also read books. But sometimes I use my mobile phone and watch movies on TV.
Harry: That’s very good. That was nice talking to you, Richard.
Richard: Same here Harry. Catch you later. Bye!
Harry: All right, bye.
Daily Conversation
Conversation about Asking Directions over the Phone 👇
Megan: Hello Anna, this is Megan.
Anna: Hi Megan.
Megan: How are you?
Anna: I’m fine. I have a favor to ask you. Do you have a moment?
Megan: Of course, how can I help you?
Anna: I have to go to the conference center tomorrow. Could you give me directions?
Megan: Sure, note it down. First, take a left onto Edward Street and drive to the freeway entrance. Take the freeway towards the Midlands.
Anna: OK.
Megan: Then, continue on the freeway to exit 13. Take the exit and turn right onto Broadway.
Anna: All right.
Megan: Continue on Broadway for about two miles and then turn left onto 12th Ave.
Anna: OK.
Megan: On 12th Ave., take the second right into the conference center.
Anna: Oh that’s easy.
Megan: Yes, it’s very easy to get to.
Anna: How long does it take to get there?
Megan: If there’s no traffic, about 25 minutes. In heavy traffic, it takes about 45 minutes.
Anna: I’m leaving at 7 in the morning, so the traffic shouldn’t be bad.
Megan: Yes, that’s right. Can I help you with anything else?
Anna: No that’s all. Thank you for your help.
Megan: All right. Enjoy the conference.
Anna: Thanks, Megan. Bye!
Daily Conversation
Conversation about studying abroad✈
Max: Hey Connor. What’s up?
Connor: Hello Max. Nothing much. And you?
Max: Same here. Oh! I heard you are going abroad next year. So where will you study?
Connor: Yeah, I’m planning to go to Canada. I applied to a few universities but I’m still waiting for confirmation. I haven’t been accepted yet.
Max: Oh! That’s great. Are you excited? What will you study?
Connor: Very excited. You remember I told you I wanted to study journalism?
Max: Yes, of course.
Connor: Well. Some of the graduate programs in Canada are very good and they offer internships. I can work for a media company and maybe get a job there in the future.
Max: I hope it works out. How about the weather there? Isn’t it cold? I had a friend, who went to Canada and all he talked about was the cold weather.
Connor: Yes, it’s very cold. But I like snow. It can’t be that bad.
Max: But be careful. Wear warm clothes. Don’t catch a cold.
Connor: Of course. Don’t worry!
Max: I heard it is beautiful and the food is good. They have everything there.
Connor: Yeah. We can eat different types of food every day. Just thinking about it is making me hungry.
Max: Yes. Good luck! Let me know when you find out.
Connor: Sure. Thank you.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between cousins about going to a football match ⚽
Jackson: Hi, Thomas? Are you excited?
Thomas: Yes, I am really excited.
Jackson: So am I. It is going to be a good match and a great atmosphere.
Thomas: Yes. It always feels good when the local football team plays in the native town.
Jackson: I love being able to walk to the stadium with all the other supporters.
Thomas: Everyone is excited and hoping that the team will win.
Jackson: It’s good to see all the scarves and football shirts.
Thomas: And then when we get here to the turnstile and get into the ground with our ticket.
Jackson: It is also good to be able to sit in the same seats each time as we have our season tickets.
Thomas: Yes we are lucky. We have a great view from here.
Jackson: Of course.
Thomas: Let’s cheer loudly to support the team so they will hopefully win.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Roommates discusses their weekly shopping.📝
Michael: Leo, we don’t have much food left in the cupboards. Are you ready to do our food shopping?
Leo: Yes, I’ll just put on my shoes and we will go.
Michael: It’s too far from the dormitory. I have some work to finish. So, this time we will buy our groceries online.
Leo: Okay. But I’ve never bought groceries online before.
Michael: People here often purchase all kinds of things online. It is very convenient.
Leo: How long will it take to be delivered?
Michael: The delivery service is free. We will get it tomorrow afternoon if we order today.
Leo: That is very good. Are products more expensive online?
Michael: No. The prices are the same and sometimes it can be cheaper. You can often see special offers like buy one get one free. Also, the vegetables are fresh and safe.
Leo: It all sounds very reasonable and convenient. Let’s order then.
Michael: Fine. I will get my phone. We will make a list of the items we need to buy.
Leo: All right.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two friends about the Importance of Tree Plantation
Nick: Hello Adam. How are you?
Adam: Fine and what about you?
Nick: I am also fine. Where did you go yesterday? I looked for you.
Adam: I went to New York to attend a seminar on the importance of tree plantation.
Nick: Oh, awesome. I am not aware of tree plantation. Would you please tell me about that?
Adam: Of course. Trees are the most important element of our environment. It supplies oxygen and receives carbon dioxide that we always leave behind.
Nick: I see.
Adam: Trees are our best friends. Trees give us shade and shelter. We cannot imagine our existence without trees. We can plant trees on both sides of the roads and highways.
Nick: Really! Can you tell me when the best time for tree plantation is?
Adam: Yes, June and July are the best time for tree plantation. But we can plant trees all year-round.
Nick: I have understood now. To preserve our environment, we should plant more and more trees.
Adam: You are right. Let us make aware of our friends and motivate them to plant trees.
Nick: Sure. Thank you very much for your good information.
Adam: Not a big deal Nick. Take care. See you!
Nick: You too. Bye!
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Doctor and Patient
Patient: Good morning, Doctor.
Doctor: Good morning. Yes, tell me. What problems do you have?
Patient: Doctor, I am suffering from stomachache since last night. I have also vomited a few times last night.
Doctor: What did you have yesterday?
Patient: I had some snacks on the roadside stalls. It could be because of it.
Doctor: It is possible that you had contaminated food. Avoid caffeine, dairy products, and solid foods at least till evening. Take fruit juice and get plenty of rest.
Patient: OK Doctor.
Doctor: I am prescribing some medicine.
Patient: OK Doctor.
Doctor: Take this medicine for three days after breakfast and dinner.
Patient: Yes Doctor.
Doctor: Visit me again if you have pain. We will check further.
Patient: OK. Thank you, Doctor.
Doctor: That’s fine. Take care.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Customer and Waiter at the Restaurant 🍴
Waiter: Welcome sir, please have a seat! How can I help you?
Customer: Thank you. Can I have the menu, please?
Waiter: Certainly, would you like to have regular water or packaged water?
Customer: Get me regular water, please.
Waiter: Sure Sir. Here is your water and the menu. Let me know what you wish to order.
Customer: Yes, but before that, would you please tell me what is the famous dish in this restaurant?
Waiter: For today, we have Shrimp remoulade, Creamy Chicken Mushroom Soup, and Sesame chicken. Would you like to order anything from this or would you like to go with the menu, sir?
Customer: Well, I go with Creamy Chicken Mushroom Soup and Spaghetti Meatballs.
Waiter: Okay sir. Anything in beverage?
Customer: Yes, I would like to have one coke.
Waiter: All right sir.
Customer: How much time would it take for the food?
Waiter: Not much sir, hardly 20-25 minutes. That’s all! Till then would you like to read something?
Customer: No thanks!
Waiter: Okay sir.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Guest and Receptionist about Check-Out at the Hotel
Receptionist: Did you enjoy your stay at our hotel?
Guest: Yes, very much so. However, I now need to get to the airport. I have a flight that leaves in about two hours, so what is the quickest way to get there?
Receptionist: We do have a free airport shuttle service.
Guest: That sounds great, but will it get me to the airport on time?
Receptionist: Yes sir. The next shuttle leaves in 15 minutes, and it takes approximately 25 minutes to get to the airport.
Guest: All right. I’ll just wait in the lounge area. Will you please let me know when it will be leaving?
Receptionist: Of course, sir. Oh, before you go would you be able to settle the mini-bar bill?
Guest: Oh yes certainly. How much will that be?
Receptionist: Just a moment. The total is $37.50. How would you like to pay for that?
Guest: I’ll pay with my card, but I need a receipt.
Receptionist: Sure sir. Here you go. If you want, you can leave your bags with the porter and he can load them onto the shuttle for you when it arrives.
Guest: Oh! Thank you.
Receptionist: Would you like to sign the hotel guestbook too while you wait?
Guest: Sure, I had a really good stay here and I’ll tell my friends to come here.
Receptionist: That’s good to hear. Thank you again for staying at our hotel.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Student and Teacher about Exam Preparation📚
Teacher: Hello, Jack. Have you started preparing for the exam?
Jack: No sir. I will start from tomorrow onwards.
Teacher: The exam is too near Jack. Do you remember your marks in the last exam? It would be best if you could make progress at this time, why are you still telling me tomorrow.
Jack: I will study from today, sir.
Teacher: You don’t seem interested yet.
Jack: Sir, actually maths is too tough for me. I think I have to improve my basics. Otherwise, I would not be able to read well alone.
Teacher: Why haven’t you told me this yet? I would have helped you before. Now you don’t have to worry. I will help you with the basics. Come to the office at 4 pm after class and ask your friends to come if they are interested.
Jack: Thank you so much, sir.
Teacher: You’re welcome and it’s my duty.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two friends about pollution 👇
Byers: Hi Dustin, how are you?
Dustin: I am fine Byers, what about you?
Byers: Yeah, I am great. Did you attend the pollution awareness camp yesterday?
Dustin: Yes, I was there. That was such an important campaign for all of us.
Byers: Yeah it is. We should be aware and people should learn the bad side of pollution.
Dustin: What do you think is the biggest source of pollution?
Byers: I think air pollution is the worst. Polluted air endangers our life and leads to many types of diseases.
Dustin: Yeah, you’re right. Air pollution is the most dangerous pollution. We must learn how to keep our air safe. They were talking about this issue yesterday, do you remember?
Byers: Yes, I remember. Motor vehicles are also a big reason for this, they said. Black smoke engine pollutes the air.
Dustin: Absolutely. We need to realize this now. Otherwise, we may have to face some bad things. But if we all want to, we can prevent this. There are many countries in the world that control air pollution.
Byers: Yes, we can follow them.
Dustin: Certainly. By the way, where were you going?
Byers: I’m going to the market.
Dustin: Okay. See you later, bye.
Teacher: Good morning.
Student: Good morning sir. How are you?
Teacher: I’m fine, what about you?
Student: I’m fine sir. May I ask you something?
Teacher: Yes, please.
Student: I want to know about discipline.
Teacher: This is a very good topic to know.
Student: Why does every teacher insist that we should be disciplined?
Teacher: Because discipline can completely change your life. If you are disciplined enough, you can control your life.
Student: Is discipline important in student life?
Teacher: Of course, every student must follow proper discipline.
Student: How can that help me?
Teacher: It will help you in many ways. Often you can get a good trait that will help you become a better student.
Student: This is amazing. So how can I be disciplined, do you have any advice?
Teacher: Yes, of course. You have to follow certain rules in your life. First, I recommend using it regularly throughout your day. You need to plan your time. So you can control everything.
Student: I think this is a great recommendation. What else can be done sir?
Teacher: You should always be positive, take care of your health and keep yourself clean. If you pray, you get a positive aura. And most importantly, you should wake up early in the morning.
Student: Sure sir. I will follow these disciplines. Thank you very much.
Teacher: You are welcome. Take care.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between brother and sister about climate change💨
Maxine: Hi Steve, how are you?
Steve: I’m fine Maxine. What about you?
Maxine: Yeah, I’m fine too. Do you know anything about climate change?
Steve: Yes, what do you want to know about that?
Maxine: First, what is climate change?
Steve: Climate change is a change in the average weather patterns, such as warming, cooling, temperature, and precipitation in a particular area.
Maxine: Is it bad for us?
Steve: Yeah, sometimes it’s fundamental and has a dangerous effect on nature.
Maxine: What is the biggest cause of climate change?
Steve: Pollution is the biggest reason. Air, soil, and water are polluted every day due to various types of pollution and this changes the weather and climate in the long run. Global warming is also a very big reason behind this.
Maxine: Is there any possibility to prevent the worst effect of climate change?
Steve: Yes, it is possible. But the whole world should work together for that. More attention should be paid to tree cultivation. It will create better air quality. Then we need to stop polluting our environment, especially air pollution. And the growing population requires more energy and food, which is why we hunt animals, cut down trees, and build buildings, which threaten the environment. We need to stop such activities. This is how you can get rid of this problem.
Maxine: Okay. Now I understood. Thanks Steve for helping me learn about this important topic.
Steve: You’re welcome Maxine. Nice talking to you, take care.
Daily Conversation
Passenger: Hello!.
Conductor: Hello Sir!
Passenger: Will this bus cover the route of Hawkin?
Conductor: Yes sir. It’s time to get on board.
Passenger: Thank you.
Conductor: Which sector do you want to go?
Passenger: Hawkin sector 6.
Conductor: OK.
Passenger: Is this the same route you take every day?
Conductor: Yes.
Passenger: What’s the morning time of your bus?
Conductor: It’s 9 o’clock.
Passenger: Sharp 9?
Conductor: Yes. Sometimes due to traffic, there will be a delay of 5 minutes but most of the time we are on time.
Passenger: Every morning at 9 I have to catch a bus for the office. Mostly buses get late so could you please pick me up every day at 9?
Conductor: Sure sir. Get your monthly pass at just $8 through which you can travel free for a month.
Passenger: Yes, that’s perfect. Can I get the pass?
Conductor: Yes! Of course sir. Here it is.
Passenger: Thank you sir. See you tomorrow.
Conductor: Sure sir.
Daily Conversation
Interviewee: Good morning, sir.
Interviewer: Good morning. Please sit down.
Interviewee: Thank you, sir.
Interviewer: Could you please introduce yourself?
Interviewee: I am Dustin. I have done MA in Journalism from Harvard University. I have studied in merit. I got my result last week and this is my first interview.
Interviewer: So, you are very new. And how can you deal with this job as you are fresher?
Interviewee: I am confident in my abilities. Besides, my educational background perfectly matches the responsibilities of this position.
Interviewer: But everyone in this position is well experienced.
Interviewee: Sir, experience is something that can only be gained over time. And everyone has to start with no experience, but I am sure that I can overcome with my perseverance.
Interviewer: That’s true. But I cannot test because it is a very sensitive position.
Interviewee: I know that sir and I hope I would handle all these properly if I am given a chance.
Interviewer: Well then, we will keep you on a trial basis for one month and you will be paid a half sum only. If we find you suitable, we will hire you.
Interviewee: That would be great sir. I will try my best to prove my worth.
Interviewer: So, can you join next Sunday?
Interviewee: No problem sir, Sure.
Interviewer: That’s fine. See you on Sunday.
Interviewee: Thank you, sir.
Daily Conversation
Waiter: Welcome madam. Please have your seat.
Customer: Thank you.
Waiter: How may I help you, madam?
Customer: Can I see the menu card of your restaurant?
Waiter: Of course madam. Here it is.
Customer: Can you tell me the famous dish of your restaurant?
Waiter: Yeah sure madam. Which do you prefer, veg or non-Veg?
Customer: I prefer non-veg.
Waiter: Fried spicy chicken is one of the best dishes we serve.
Customer: Okay then get me one fried spicy chicken and a plate of french fries too.
Waiter: Noted. Anything in beverages madam?
Customer: Yes, one coke, please.
Waiter: Sure madam.
Customer: How long will it take?
Waiter: It will take 10 to 15 minutes.
Customer: All right. Sorry! I forgot to mention one thing. I want a coke without ice.
Waiter: Okay. Anything else madam?
Customer: Can I get something to read in the meantime?
Waiter: Of course madam. What would you like to read? We have newspapers, magazines and novels.
Customer: Get me a magazine.
Waiter: Sure madam. There you go and we serve your order as soon as possible.
Customer: Okay! Thank you.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two people asking for directions to the train station🚊
Person 1: Excuse me, I am new here, could you please tell me how to get to the train station?
Person 2: Yes no problem. Keep walking straight ahead then after you pass the library you have to turn left. Then go to your first right and it’s across from the bus station.
Person 1: Thank you so much! I have only been in Manchester for 2 days, so I don’t know how to get anywhere yet.
Person 2: Oh, I know that feeling. My husband and I moved here 6 months ago, and still don’t know how to find some places! Manchester is so big.
Person 1: All right. So just to double-check, keep walking straight ahead till I pass the library, then I have to turn left and take the first right. Then it’s across the bus station. Is that correct?
Person 2: Yes, that is correct.
Person 1: Well, thanks for helping me. I must go and catch my train, hopefully, I haven’t missed it!
Person 2: No, You won’t miss it. You still have time.
Person 1: Okay. Thank you.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two friends who met by chance at a Restaurant👥
Sarah: Hey! You are Tessa, right?
Tessa: Yes! And you?
Sarah: Don’t you remember me? I’m Sarah, your classmate from high school.
Tessa: Yeah I remember. Sorry, I suddenly forgot your name.
Sarah: That’s fine. How are you? It’s been a long time since we met.
Tessa: Of course! I’m good and recently got a new job. How about you?
Sarah: I’m doing great.
Tessa: How often do you visit this restaurant?
Sarah: I keep coming here every now and then with my friends. The food here is absolutely amazing and you should try it too. What have you been up to?
Tessa: I am a bit busy with my new job and I don’t have much time.
Sarah: All right. Hope you have a great meal.
Tessa: Yes, you too enjoy the meal.
Daily Conversation
Teacher: Hello ma’am. Please have a seat.
Parent: Thank you so much.
Teacher: Yes, please tell me.
Parent: Actually I wanted to know about the progress of my child.
Teacher: Hardin is doing well in all the subjects except mathematics.
Parent: But mathematics is a subject he practices a lot.
Teacher: He needs more attention on that.
Parent: Sure, we will focus on him but I want that more attention should be given to him in his class so that he can score good grades.
Teacher: Don’t worry, I spoke with his mathematics teacher and discussed his problem with her.
Parent: Thank you so much. And I have one more request. If you could please update me on his progress every month.
Teacher: Sure, you can meet me anytime or we can fix a meeting once a month.
Parent: Okay.
Teacher: Please don’t worry, he is under our guidance and we will take care of him.
Parent: Thank you, ma’am.
Teacher: You’re welcome.
Daily Conversation
Conversation between two friends on school memories👥
Jacob: Hi! Are you Isaac?
Isaac: Yes, you seem to be Jacob. Aren’t you?
Jacob: Oh yes! I really didn’t recognize you at first.
Isaac: I also just guessed. I can not believe you have changed so much.
Jacob: You too have changed. Looking handsome now.
Isaac: Yeah! Life is the name of change.
Jacob: We used to call you a bug at school, haha! I am really happy to see you like this.
Isaac: Ah! School! What a pleasant days those were. I still remember our farewell party. We all cried.
Jacob: Yeah. Hey! Do you remember Adam the fat guy?
Isaac: Yes, I do.
Jacob: I met him last month. We sat together for a while and refreshed our past memories.
Isaac: Nice! How is he now?
Jacob: He is doing great. He is running his family business.
Isaac: Great! Tell me about you. What are you doing these days?
Jacob: I’m doing a Master’s degree in Psychology. And you?
Isaac: I’m working at ABC Company.
Jacob: Superb. I have to go now, dude. Stay in touch! See you soon.
Isaac: Sure. Bye!
Daily Conversation
Conversation between Teacher and Student on School Dress👔
Smith: Good morning, Sir.
Teacher: Good morning, Smith. Why did you come to school wearing your normal shirt and pant? Where is your uniform?
Smith: Sir, my uniform is in the laundry, but I can’t miss my classes, that’s why I came without a uniform.
Teacher: Good, you can’t miss your classes. One thing I tell you Smith that the school uniform is not simply a show but it is a symbol of identity and unity with the school. Do you know all these?
Smith: No sir. Would you please explain this, sir?
Teacher: Oh yes, when you use your school dress, it appears that you belong to the school, you are proud of the school.
Smith: Yes sir. I can understand now.
Teacher: Good. There are a few problems that can happen to you when you are going back to your home or coming to school without a uniform.
Smith: What types of problems, sir?
Teacher: If you get lost, people won’t recognize you as a student at our school outside. It will be helpful to identify you.
Smith: Really sir! I never thought that before.
Teacher: Do you now understand the importance of wearing a school uniform?
Smith: Yes sir.
Teacher: Are you going to forget your school dress in the future?
Smith: No sir, I won’t forget. I will wear that every day.
Teacher: That’s good. Take your seat.
Smith: Thank you, sir.
Example of Dialogue Writing & Speech Writing : Writing Skill https://youtu.be/rBeh6HtLvNE
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