Masha and The Bear Questions & Answers
New Words
Masha Wander Strayed Knocked Meek Escape Nodded Quietly Stump Scenting |
Frightened Rushed Flap Overjoyed Wondered Contents Narrated Entire Indeed hugged |
Word Galaxy:
Q. 1. Why did Masha and her friends go to the forest?
Ans: Masha and her friends went to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries.
Q. 2. How did Masha lose her way in the forest?
Ans: Masha ran from one bush to the other and from one tree to another, so she lost her way in the forest.
Q. 3. What did Masha do when she realized that she had strayed away from her friends?
Ans: When Masha realized that she had strayed away from her friends, she started calling out to them but they did not hear her. So, all her efforts to search for them were fruitless.
Q.4. What did Masha see in the see in the forest when she was left alone? What did she then?
Ans: Masha saw a little hut in the forest and she knocked at the door however, she didn’t get any answers. So she pushed the door and it opened. She went inside and sat on a chair which was lying next to the next to the window and was wondering who lived in the hut.
Q. 5. Who used to live in the hut and what was his reaction on seeing Masha sitting in the hut?
Ans: A great big bear used to live in the hut who had steeped out for a walk in the jungle when Masha entered in the hut. He was quite pleased to see Masha.
Q. 6. Why did the bear want Masha to live with him in his house?
Ans: The bear wanted Masha to live with him in his house, so that Mahsa would be his faithful servant, do all his work and even cook his breakfast and dinner.
Q. 7. Why did Masha look after the bear’s house?
Ans: Masha looked after the bear’s house she knew that there was no other way to go out of the bear’s house.
Q.8. What warning the bear used to give to Masha before leaving hut in the morning?
Ans: Before leaving hut in the morning, the bear used to warn Masha not to step out of the house else he would eat her.
Q. 9. Where would the bear go every morning?
Ans: Every morning, the bear used to go into the jungle and come back in the evening.
Q. 10. Did the bear allow Masha to visit her village? Why?
Ans: No, the bear did not allow Masha to visit her village. The is because he was afraid that she might run and never return.
Q. 11. What suggestion did the bear give to Masha?
Ans: The bear suggested Masha to cook whatever she wanted to for her Grandpa and Grandma and he would take it to them.
Q. 12. What did Masha make for her Grandpa and Grandma?
Ans: She baked some pies for her grandparents.
Q. 13. Why did Masha ask the bear not to open the basket or eat anything from it?
Ans: Masha asked the bear not to open the basket or eat anything from it because she hid under the pies and did not want the bear to catch her.
Q.14. What did the bear want to do on his way to Masha’s House?
Ans: On the way to Masha’s house when the bear felt tired, he wanted to rest by sitting on a stamp and wanted to eat a pie from the basket.
Q. 15. Why did the bear think that Masha was a clever girl?
Ans: The bear thought that Masha was a clever girl because though she was sitting on the top of a tree so far away yet she could see and hear him.
Q. 16. Why was the bear frightened upon reaching Masha’s grandparent’s house?
Ans: The bear was frightened upon reaching Mash’s grandparent’s house because the village dogs had scented the bear. They rushed out and started barking.
Q. 17. How did Mash’s grandparents reach after seeing Masha inside the basket?
Ans: Masha’s grandparents were overjoyed to see Masha alive inside the basket. They kissed her.
Q. 18. Answer the following questions by choosing from the options given below:
a. Masha and her friends decided to go the forest to gather______
i. wildflowers
ii. Mushrooms and berries
iii. cherries and berries
iv. nuts and fruits.
b. Masha felt helpless when she was staying with the bear because____
i. She forgot the way to her home.
ii. the bear could not understand her language.
iii. her friends were not allowed to come to the bear’s hut.
iv. her friends were not allowed to come to bear’s hut.
C. The bear left the basket at the door because_____
i. he was frightened
ii. was tired
iii. he could not ring the bell
iv. no one opened the door.
D. The bear would tell Masha not to step out of the house else___
i. she would be lost in the jungle
ii. other wild animals would eat her.
iii. he would eat her
iv. he would send her to her village
E. Masha walked into the little hut in the forest because____
i. she thought that her friends were waiting for her in the hut
ii. she wanted help to get back home
iii. wanted to meet the bear.
F. Where would the bear every morning_____
i. in the town
ii. into the jungle
iii. in Masha’s village
iv. to meet Masha’s grandparent’s