4.2 Reading Works of Art
English Workshop
1. Spot the error in the spelling of the following words with reference to the passage and rewrite them correctly.
Wrong spellings |
Correct spellings |
renouned geomatric penting circals acheiving feetures figars innar vilage dicided tribel mithology erthen mediam diffarent |
renowned geometric painting circles achieving features figures inner village decided tribal mythology earthen medium different |
2. Complete the following diagram.
Characteristic features of Raza’s paintings |
3. Complete the following with reference to the passage.
(a) Raza’s paintings do not depict life like human figures or copies of scenes from environment.
(b) Raza’s paintings are done in the abstract style.
(c) Raza’s paintings are not inspired by any external factor.
(d) Raza’s paintings present images from his own inner mind.
(e) Raza’s paintings radiate peace and life at the same time.
(f) The bindu or point became the core of Raza’s paintings.
(g) For an artist like Raza, his work, or paintings are an effective medium of communication.
4. Read the passage on ‘Gond Art’ carefully. The complete the following sentences without going back to the passage.
(a) Gond art is a tribal art.
(b) The Condi language is similar to Telugu, a Dravidian
(c) Originally people used to draw pictures on the earthen walls of their houses.
(d) In folk arts, you yourself prepare the ‘canvas’ – the surface on which to draw and the colors with which you draw.
5. Write about the following important features of Gond art with the help of the passage.
* Developed and preserved by – Gond art has been developed and preserved by the Gond people residing largely in the Madhya-Pradesh, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha states of India.
* A medium of – Gond art is a medium of recording and preserving what is seen.
* Preparing the canvas (medium) – Canvas is the surface on which the paintings are drawn. Originally people used to draw pictures on the earthen walls of their houses.
* Preparing the colours – Gond art involves natural techniques of preparing colours and uses of several mediums. In the days of past, several things in nature such as soils of different shades, the juice of plants, leaves, tree bark, flowers, fruits and even things like coal and cow dung were used to prepare colours.
* Outlines – In Gond art the outlines may vary from artist to artist but the designs that fill it make the whole picture look lively and attractive.
* Variation in drawing – The outlines, colours, textures and patterns used by the artists make variation in drawing.
* Texture designs – Gond art’s texture designs are made by using dots, straight lines, dotted lines, curvy shapes and circles.
6. Why does the author think that the roots of folk art lie in women’s chores?
Ans: I think that the author thinks that the roots of folk art lie women’s chores because women had to do works like cleaning and decorating their houses in past. There were no colors in those day. The women used some natural objects like soil, flowers, tree bark and many more to prepare colors. They used their own imagination to decorate their houses. However,’ women would draw rangoli designs. They made Mehandi designs. All those things are the roots of folk art.
7. From the passages, list the words related to –
(a) geometry: circles, triangles, square, rectangle, dots dotted lines, curvy shapes.
(b) colours: blue, orange, paint, shades, coal
(c) designs: abstract, bindu, sensitive, painting, pictures, natural techniques, simple texture.
a) What points will you include if you had to review a book or film or a play?
1. Name of writer of book, script writer of film, dramatist of play.
2. Name of publisher, cinema production company.
3. Theme of book/play/film.
4. Plot of story.
5. Characters in book / play / film.
6. Manner of character presentation.
7. Type of book / Type of play / Type of film.
8. Its effect on readers / spectators.
9. Message conveyed in book / film / play.
b) Choose a book/film and review it in short using the points you have listed.
Playing It My way
‘Playing It My Way’ is an autobiography of Sachin Tendulkar, God of cricket. He has put forward his personal history with Boria Mujumdar. The book is a life time experience of Sachin Tendulkar.
The book is his story of all ups and downs he faced. The book throws light on hidden things of Sachin
Tendulkar. He shares all his views and emotions frankly with the readers. The books begin from his childhood. He describes his and his friends’ pranks with their neighbors. The important issue in his childhood is that his brother gave up his cricket career for Sachin.
The book contains summary of Sachin’s matches. It appears boring to some extent. It contributes a little low point of book. The dressing room gossips, his strong views on Chapel incidents make this book interesting. I think that the best part of his life is his simplicity and humbleness. While reading this book readers feel that they are living Sachin’s life and experiencing every moment of his life.
Language Study
• Read the following examples, and then complete the sentence using your own ideas.
(a) Place:
You may sit wherever you like.
You may sit where your friends sit.
(b) Time:
I entered the school when the bell was ringing.
I entered the school when the students were singing prayer.
(c) Manner:
I love my country like a true Indian should.
I love my country like a true Indian soldier should.