3.1 “Why?” Poem Questions & Answers Class 8th
Warming up!
(1) Why do we ask questions?
Ans. Asking question is the simplest and most effective way of learning. It develops the curiosity and so we ask questions to get information and gain knowledge.
(2) Do we get answers to all questions?
Ans. Most of the time we get to all questions. But sometimes we get an answer if our question is difficult or illogical.
(3) How are questions useful our life?
Ans. Many great thinkers embraced idea of constantly questioning as it Is getting into the habit of self-reflection. It helps to gain information and knowledge. It also helps us to make someone start a conversation. So they Important to gain knowledge and also communication with others.
(4) Do we think critically, without Questions?
Ans. If someone puts questions of us we start thinking critically answering. We never think critically unless and until questions are asked.
(5) Which five ‘Wh’ words are used to frame questions?
Ans. Wh words like What, Where, When, Why and How are used to frame questions.
(l) Many questions of your childhood beginning with ‘why’ must have been answered by now. Yet you may want to know the ‘WHY’ of many facts.
Write down 5 such questions based on reason/ cause. One is done for you.
For example: Why do penguins live only in Polar region?
(1) Why do we study English?
(2) Why do wild animals live in the forest?
(3) Why is there no ice in a desert?
(4) Why don’t we visit all the countries in our life?
(5) Why should we help only the poor and not the rich?
(6) Why can’t the sea see?
(2) Insert the proper question words to complete the questions to get the expected answer given in the brackets:
(How / When / Where / What / Who / Whose/ Which/ Why)
(1) What is the capital of Maharashtra?
(2) Where is your school located?
(On S.B. Road)
(3) When is your examination going to begin?
(Next Monday)
(4) How does the old man walk?
(5) Which colour is your favourite?
(6) Who teaches you English?
(Mrs Ashwini Patil)
(7) Why are you late to school?
(My bicycle got punctured on my way to school.)
(8) Whose pen have you borrowed?
Reading for Understanding Poetic Device and Vocabulary
Q. 1. Read the following extract and do the activities:
Al. Simple Factual Activities:
State whether the following statements are True or False:
statements | Ans |
(1) The little boy is curious because he never asks questions (2) The sun sinks behind the hills (3) The flowers always remain alive (4) Lead and marbles sink in water | False True False True |
Extract: I
I know a curious little boy Who is always asking, “Why?” Why this, why that, why then, why now, Why not, why by-and-by? He wants to know why wood should swim, Why lead and marbles sink; Why stars should shine and winds should blow, And why we eat and drink. He wants to know what to know what makes the clouds, And why they cross the sky; Why sinks the sun behind the hills, And why the flowers die. |
A2. Complex Factual Activities:
(1) Complete the diagram based on the extract:
The little boy wants to know…. |
– Why woods should swim. – Why the sun sinks behind the hill. – Why lead and marbles sink. – Why stars should shine. – Why winds should blow. – Why we eat and drink. – Why clouds cross the sky. – Why the flowers die. |
(2) Complete the following sentences:
1. I know that the little boy is really curious because he always asked question “why?”
2. The boy wants to know what makes the clouds and why they cross the sky.
3. The boy wants to know why stars shine and winds blow.
4. The boy always asks Why this, why that then, why now, why not, why by and by.
A3. Activities based on Poetic Devices/ Vocabulary:
(1) Write the rhyming pairs of words from the extract:
(1) boy — why
(2) why- by
(3) sink – drink
(4) sky – die
(2) Complete the following with proper action words from the extract:
(1) wood – swim
(2) sun – sink
(3) marbles – sink
(4) flowers – die
(5) stars – shine
(6) winds – blow
(3) Name the figures of speech:
Poetic Device:
(1) Repetition:
why this, why that, why then, why now, why not, why by-and by? why
Repetition: why this, why that, why then, why now.
Ans. Repetition: word ‘why’ is used to give more poetic effect.
Q. 2. Read the following extract and do the activities:
Al, Simple Factual Activity:
State whether you Agree or Disagree With the following statements:
(1) Wind blows out of bellows – Agree
(2) Pop guns ebb and flow – Disagree
(3) Steam comes out from the kettles spout – Agree
(4) A bit of stone never burns – Agree
He wants to know why wind should come From out the bellows’ nose; Why pop-guns should go pop and why The ocean ebbs and flows. He wants to know why fish have gills, And why boys cannot fly; Why steam comes from the kettle’s spout, And rain falls from the sky. He wants to know why coal should burn, And not a bit of stone; How seeds get in the apple-core, And marrow in the bone. |
A 2. Complex Factual Activity:
Complete the web diagram based on the extract:
The little boy wants to know…. |
– Why rain falls from the sky. – Why coal should burn. – Why seeds get in the apple-core. – Why pops-gun should go pop. – Why the ocean ebbs and flows. – Why fish have gills. – Why boys cannot fly. – Why wind comes out from the bellows nose. |
A3. Activity based on Poetic Device/ Vocabulary:
Find out the lines from the poem which show Repetition.
Ans. Why pop-guns should go pop and why the ocean ebbs and flows.
[Word why is repeated to give more poetic effect.]
Q. 3. Read the extract and do the activities:
Al. Simple Factual Activity:
(1) Complete the following web with the help of the extract:
The boy wants to know |
– Why ice should melt? – Why spiders eat the flies? – Why the yeast should make the dough to rise? – Why bees should sting? |
A2. Complex Factual Activity:
Complete the following sentences:
(1) The yeast helps the dough to rise.
(2) Some of his whys are not too hard to answer if you will try.
(3) No one has found the reason why some of these whys are not too hard to answer.
(4) According to the poet the yeast makes the dough to rise.
A3. Activity based on Poetic Device/ Vocabulary:
(1) Find out the rhyming words from the given stanzas for the following words.
(1) belt – melt
(2) cry – try
(3) season – reason
(4) wise – flies
(2) Complete the following with propel’ action words from the extract:
(1) spiders – eat
(2) dough – rise
(3) ice – melt
(4) bees – sting
Language Study Activities:
1. Complete the following blanks the poem. (Pair Activity)
Words from the poem, related to environment |
– stars – stone – sky – clouds – flowers – wind |
Words from the poem, related to animals/ fruits/ insects |
-seeds – apple -core – fish – sting – flies – spiders |
2. Word chain: Complete the word chain:
– eat-tiger-run-nose-easy
1. sky – yak – kind- dear – report
2. cloud- duck – king- gun – naughty
3. wind – deep – pray – down
4. star – ration – nation – nut
5. why – yell – love – eager
Appreciation of the poem:
1. The title of the poem is – Why?
2. The poem is written by – Anonymous
3. Figure of speech: Repetition
4. The central idea of the poem: The central idea of the poem is how questions arose our curiosity. And we do not get answer of every ‘why’.
Writing Skills:
Imagine a senior student from your school has won a national level Quiz contest. Frame 8 to 10 Interview Questions that you would ask when you interview him/her at school assembly, about the achievement.
Ans. The following questions form part of the interview with a senior student who has won a national level quiz contest.
(1) Congratulation for your great success.
How do you feel after winning such a contest?
(2) Have you received such recognition before? Please give details.
(3) Who has inspired you to take part in such quiz contest?
(4) What were the reaction of your family to this achievement?
(5) Who else would you give credit of your success?
(6) How did you prepare for this quiz?
(7) What is your plan for the future?
(8) Which books did you refer for this contest?
(9) Who helped you to make your dream come true?
(10) What is the role of our school in your achievement?
(11) What message would you like to give to upcoming generation who is in the audience?