Read Also: Std. 9th Test Paper The Necklace ( With Answersheet )
(Guy de Maupassant)
Real Self |
Imaginary Persona |
Hello everyone. I am Minnie studying in 9th standard of Adarsh public School. I am very helpful, kind-hearted and good looking girl. I have two elder sisters and one younger brother. My Father is businessman and my mother is House wife. We live in Latur. I have many friends but Deepti, Suma and Mona are my best buddies. My hobbies are listening to the music and making new craft from home waste materials. I don’t like people hating me. I like studying new books especially stories related to motivation. I am very good at studying and remembering things. |
My name is Piya, and I am a model, a dancer, and a songwriter. I have been in the music industry for over ten years, and the experience is quite amazing. Despite my challenging roles, I always work hard to ensure I balance them and create time for myself as well as my family. I started dancing while I was pretty young. I used to listen to music in the house and imitate the dancing on TV. This heightens my passion and today dancing is my profession and not a hobby anymore. |
1) Why was Mathilde married to a ‘minor official’?
Ans: Because she was born in a family of clerks and she does not have any means to get married to an aristocrat.
2) Why did Mathilde weep with misery after visiting her schoolmate?
Ans: Because she envied her friend, for possessing all the luxuries of life that she did not have.
3) What did the envelope hold?
Ans: The envelope held an invitation by The Minister of Education and Mme. Georges Rampouneau, requesting the company of M and Mme. Loisel at the Ministry, on January 18th in the evening.
4) Was the husband a considerate person? How do we now that?
Ans: Yes, the husband was a considerate person. We know that from this selfless actions and kind behavior. He had been saving money for himself, so that he could buy a gun for hunting but he gave all his saving to her wife to buy a new dress.
5) Why was Mathilde sad, restless and anxious though her dress was ready?
Ans: Because though she had a new dress, she did not have any jewels to wear for the party.
6) What did Madame Forestier’s large box contain?
Ans: Madame Forestier’s large box contained some bracelets, a pearl necklace, other jewellery and black stain box containing a superb diamond necklace.
7) Which sentences tell us that Mathilde greatly desired the necklace?
i) Then she asked anxiously hesitating, ‘would you lend me this, just this?’
ii) Her hands trembled as she took it.
iii) Her heart began to beat with uncontrolled desire.
8) Why did Mathilde not notice the loss of her necklace?
Ans: Because she was enjoying herself so much at the party, dancing wildly with passion, forgetting everything in the triumph of her beauty and success and forgot everything around her.
9) What was the arrangement with the jeweller? Do you think it was fair?
Ans: The arrangement with the jeweler was that he would take the diamond necklace back for thirty-four thousand francs if Forestier’s necklace was found before the end of February. It was fair deal, as the jeweler had already reduced the price and ready to take it back.
10) Who is Madame Loisel?
Ans: Mathilde is Madame Loisel.
11) Why does Madame Forestier speak coldly to Mathilde?
Ans: Forestier spoke coldly to Mathide because Mathilde returned her necklace after more than a week.
12) What is meant by the horrible life of the very poor?
Ans: It means struggles of a poverty stricken life, which Monsieur and Madame Loisel had to endure to repay the loans that they had taken to buy the diamond necklace.
13) Who do you think was responsible for Mathilde’s misery? Was it her friend, she herself, her husband or the circumstances?
Ans: Mithilde herself and her circumstances were responsible of her misery. She dreamt and desired something that she could not have. Her blind greed and unfavourable circumstances led her to misery.
Part I
1. Read each of the following sentences aloud. Write who said it
Sentence |
Who said |
To whom |
(a) “Look, here’s something for you.” |
Mathilde’s husband |
Mathilde |
(b) “Why, the dress you go to the theatre in !” |
Mathilde’s husband |
Mathilde |
(c) “I would rather not go to the party.” |
Mathilde |
Mathilde’s husband |
(d) “Choose, my dear.” |
Madame Forestier |
Mathilde |
(e) “You have nothing else?” |
Mathilde |
Madame Forestier |
(f) “Would you lend me this, just this?” |
Mathilde |
Madame Forestier |
(g) “What! … How! … That’s impossible! ” |
Mathilde’s husband |
Mathilde |
2. Read the conversations in the story aloud using proper intonation.
3. Write a few lines about what Mathilde had and what shedreamt about.
Ans: She lived in a shabby, poorly furnished house. She had plain dresses and no jewels, as it was difficult to afford those. She dreamt of a rand, palatial mansion, with vast rooms and inviting smaller rooms perfumed of afternoon chats with close friends.
4. Write what you think about the following thoughts andactions of Mathilde.
(a) Mathilde was beautiful, and so she wanted to marry anAristocrat
Ans: Mathilde wished that her beauty would guarantee that shewould marry a rich aristocrat.
(b) Mathilde was sad because she did not get any luxuries
Ans: I think she was a lady with strong will power. She couldnot compromise whatever she had in her life.
(c) Mathilde felt that her house was shabby and poorly furnished
Ans: Mathilde dreamt of living in palatial mansion with vast rooms and therefore hated her comparatively small and shabby house.
(d) Mathilde wanted other people to envy her
Ans: I think Mathilde thinks quite negatively. She should dogreat work to envy by other people. She wished that people would have admired her if she had rich dresses and jewellery.
(e) Mathilde was not happy to see the invitation
Ans: Mathilde wanted to be the centre of attraction at the event and wanted to be so well dressed that she would be the most sought after.
(f) Mathilde wanted a new dress for herself
Ans: Mathilde wanted to present herself most impressive lady in the party. She was not satisfied with her old dress though she had nice dress which she wore while going to theatre.
(g) Mathilde borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend and wore it to the party
Ans: Mathilde wanted to look good at all coast and therefore did not think twice before borrowing a necklace from her friend.
(h) Mathilde lost the necklace
Ans: Mathilde was so engrossed in the party. She carelessly didn’t notice the loss of the necklace. Her careless nature is revealed here. She has to count huge cost of this mistake.
5. Prepare a formal invitation using the following format
Mr. and Mrs. Patil solicit the pleasure of your company on the occasion of the 50th Wedding Anniversary of their parents. on Wednesday, 17th July 2020. ❈Venue ❈ Anviksha Lawns, Nanded-Latur Highway, Ahmedpur ❈Time: 7 pm onwards ❈ *No gifts, Bouquets please* |
Part II
1. Spot and circle the error in the following sentences. Then rewrite the sentences after correcting them.
(a) But they could not found it.
Ans: But they could not find it.
(b) You must right to your friend.
Ans: You must write to your friend.
(c) At the end of one week, they have lose all hope.
Ans: At the end of one week, they have lost all hope.
(d) He would borrowed the rest.
Ans: He would borrow the rest.
(e) You should have return it sooner.
Ans: You should have returned it sooner.
(f) And this life lasted for ten year.
Ans: And this life lasted for ten years.
(g) “No, I am Mathilde loisel.”
Ans: “No, I am Mathilde Loisel.”
(h) Madame Forestier were stunned.
Ans: Madame Forestier was stunned.
2. Complete the following table.
Utterance |
Who said it |
To whom |
When |
a) I touched it in the hall at the ministry. |
Mathilde |
her husband |
when her husband asked if she had it when they left the hall |
b) It will give us time to look some more. |
Mr. Loisel |
his wife |
when they were sure that they had lost the necklace and decided to buy new one. |
C) I might have needed it. |
Madame Forestier |
Mathilde |
when Mathilde returned the new necklace to her. |
d) You must have made a mistake. |
Madame Forestier |
Mathilde |
when Mathilde met her after ten years |
e) Well, I lost it. Mathilde |
Mathilde |
Madame Forestier |
when Madame Loisel reminded her of the diamond necklace. |
f) Mine was an imitation. |
Madame Forestier |
Mathilde |
when Mathilde told her that she had met her after ten years |
3. Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde
(a) Mathilde was shocked despaired over the loss of her Necklace
Ans: I think that Mthilde rightly despaired over the loss of the necklace as according to her, it was expensive and she had to return it to Madame Forestier.
(b) Mathilde wrote a note to her friend as dictated by her Husband
Ans: Mathilde was in despair and could not think about what should be done. So, she followed her husband’s advice instead she should have gathered courage and takes the responsibility of her mistake by telling the truth to her friend.
(c) Mathilde and her husband decided to replace the necklace
Ans: Mathild and her husband decided to replace the necklace as they had failed to find the necklace. According to me, they should have spoken to Madame Forestier and taken responsibility of Mathilde’s mistake.
(d) Mathilde returned the diamond necklace to her friend
Ans: Mathilde returned the diamond necklace to her friend as it belonged to her and she had only borrowed it. I think Mathilde did the right thing by doing so.
(e) Mathilde did not tell her friend about the loss and Replacement
Ans: I think, Mathilde should have told the truth to her friend in the beginning itself. Mathilde should have been ready to face the consequences of her mistake.
(f) Mathilde worked very hard to pay the debt
Ans: In order to pay the debt on the loans, which the Loisel had taken to replace. Madame Forestier’s necklace they had to face a lot of hardships. According to me, it was a brave move on Mathilde’s part to not give up and to work hard with her husband to repay the loans for ten years.
(g) Mathilde and her husband paid off the debt in ten years
Ans: The Loisels had taken a huge loan to pay for the diamond necklace, which could not be repaid by the minimal salary that Loisel received. Thus they had to make many compromises and had to struggle a lot for ten years to make and ends meet. Finally, after ten years they were able to pay off their debt. According to me, it was very hour able of the Loisel to work hard in order clear their debt.
(h) Mathilde told her friend about the lost necklace
Ans: Mathilde saw her friend Madame Forestier and told her what had really happened with her necklace. Because finally after ten years they had managed to repay the loans. In my opinion, Mathilde did so to get some closure after ten years of unspeakable hardship. It was honourable of Mathilde to repay the debt and only then tell Madame Forestier about it.
4. Form pairs. Discuss how ‘Part II’ of the story could have been different. Write your storyline in the form of bullets showing the main events.
Ans: The story in Part II could have been different in the
following ways:
i) Loisel goes around searching for the necklace.
ii) He comes back home dejected.
iii) Mathilde goes to Madame forestier’s house
and confesses that she has lost her necklace.
iv) Madame Forestier tells her it was an
imitation, but insistson getting back its worth.
v) She asks Mathilde to pay her as much as she
can save month.
vi) Mathilde returns the money in a few months.
vii) Madame Forstier, delighted by Mathilde
honesty, gifts her a pearl necklace.
5. Imagine what must have happened after Mathilde’s friend discovered that the diamonds were real. Do you think she would return it to Mathilde? Would that make Mathilde happy?
Ans: When Mathilde’s friend found out that the diamonds were real, she would return it to Mathilde because she knew Mathilde and her husband had suffered a lot due to the necklace.
Mathilde would be happy and grateful to Madame Forestier for returning the necklace. Mathilde could sell the necklace to get her money back.
6. Discuss the following and write about it in your own words in 5-6 lines.
(a) What would you do, if something like this happens to you?
Ans: I would firstly confess my mistake to my friend and I would do my best to find the thing. If I don’t find it, I would apologize and I will try to replace it or pay back the money for it.
(b) What opinion do you form about Mathilde’s husband from her story?
Ans: Mathilde’s husband was a very supportive and loving person. Though he did not earn much, he wanted to give the best to his wife and tried to fulfil all the wishes.
(c) Which events in the story (Part I and Part II) changed Mathilde’s life?
i) When Mathilde and her husband receive an
invitation to a party.
ii) When she is lent a diamond necklace by her
friend towear at the party.
iii) When she loses her necklace.
iv) When they find a replacement and have to pay
thirty-six thousand and francs for it.
v) When they lose whatever little comfort they had
in their lives to repay all the loans.