1.1 An Astrologer’s Day
1.1] An Astrologer’s Day Question Answer
Margin Questions:
Ans: Beacause killer pushed him in to a well nearby the field and he thought that the man might be dead.
Ans: When the Astrologer was young, he used to drink and quarrel with people. He had attacked a man and stabbed him and left him for dead. He ranaway from his village to escape punishment and settled in a town in a guise of an astrologer. But he was allwase thinking himself that he was a killer. That was his load on the mind.
Brain Storming Activities:
Ans: Astrology.
Ans: Forcast.
Ans: Psychology.
Ans: a] Narrow roads, b] variety of trades and occupations, c ] No municipoal strteet light available, d] Road is crowded mornig till night e] The place was lit uo by shop lightes
Ans: b] It provided him enough stuff for a dozen answers nad advice
c ] Meanwhile he gets enough time to judge the customer
d] He could get enough time for preparation of asked questions.
Ans: The Tactics :
1. Long practice had sharpened his preparation
2. Within five minites he was able to understood what was wrong.
3. He would silently listen to his clients for the first ten minites which provded him sufficient information to answer their questions.
b] The forhead was replendent with sacred ash and vermilion.
c] His sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam,
d] Continuous serching look.
Ans: 2. Face danger.
Ans: 4. His understanding of people.
Ans: 1. Promising them success and good fortune.
Ans: 4. gt the answer to a specific question.
Ans: 1. to take revenge.
Ans: 4. disappointed
Ans: 1. Was unaware of his past.
Ans: True.
Ans: True.
Ans: False,
Correct sentence: The astrologer tried to back out of deal and was preparing to packup.
Ans: True.
Ans: False:
The astrologer is portrayed as a man who has always had to live by his own wits and on his luck. He pretends to be a learned astrologer, but He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customers.
Ans: As I understand, FEAR and RAPACITY are the two main factors which leads to superstitions in our society.
Most of the people who are superstitious do not even know how exactly these superstitions came into existence, and blindly follow them either consciously or unconsciously out of some unknown fear.
So, now the question is what leads them to this unknown fear? For me it’s just one thing i.e. Absence of knowledge.
Some of the ancient practices based on logical reasoning are still there in present society but due to lack of knowledge, slowly the reasons faded away with time. People have attached their own version of story and those logical practices has became a superstition now.
Relationships are all about communication. And when you aren’t communicating properly, it’s easy to feel frustrated, anxious and alone. If you’re feeling a void beginning to grow between you and your partner, maybe now is a good time to experiment with active listening.
We are naturally prone to becoming preoccupied with our own thoughts and feelings. When someone is talking to us, it is all too easy to get distracted and not pay attention closely to what the other person is saying. Rather than listening, we may get distracted by what’s going on around us, get caught up in unrelated thoughts or become focused on what we want to say next. This can become particularly damaging to relationships because important pieces of communication can be lost. Using the technique of active listening can reduce misunderstandings, create a safe space for vocalizing feelings and help you and your partner understand each other better.
Astrologer | Guru Nayak | Astrologer’s wife |
Arrogant Arrogant Antagonistic Quarrelsome Mean Aggressive impetuous |
Suspicious Skeptical Protective worried humanistic |
Noun |
Knowledge Preparation Procedure Appearance Remarkable |
b ) Guru Nayak comes to the astrologer for help in finding the man who nearly killed him–and the astrologer himself is the very man he is looking for.
c) Most of the vendors have shut down for the night and turned off their lights. Furthermore, the astrologer has changed his appearance considerably since his nemesis last saw him.
d) His speech and predictions are laced with religious and astrological jargon that he has picked up all through his deceitful life.
Cherrut, Jutka Pie, anna,
Ans: crown of thorns
Ans: crowning glory
Ans: crown of thorns
Ans: crown it all
Ans: crowning achievement
Ans: Science And Superstitions
Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I, Ali/Alia, your head boy/girl stand before you to throw light upon the topic of Science And Superstitions. It is a common knowledge that science has made astonishing progress during the past few decades. The 19th century showed what a great future lay before science and now the twentieth century is witnessing the unfolding of that great future at a rapid pace. Science has changed almost every aspect of life, be it agriculture, industry, entertainment, medicine, surgery, education or any other field.
In Europe and America, Russia and Japan agriculture is no longer at the mercy of nature. The animal-driven plough has long been replaced by large tractors and natural manure has yielded place to highly fertilizing chemical manures. In the world of recreation and entertainment also science has produced great wonders. Science has made rapid progress in medicine and surgery as well. During the war, wonder drugs like Penicillin and Streptomycin were produced and they are proving most helpful in treating the hitherto incurable diseases like tuberculosis, cancer, etc. Surgeons can even replace the human heart, lungs, kidneys and some other internal and external human and animal organs.
Scientific progress has doubtless been remarkable in the constructive fields of life but unfortunately its achievements in the destructive fields have been much greater and far-reaching. The terrible engines of destruction invented by science are long-range artillery, anti-aircraft guns, tanks, submarines, torpedo boats and rockets. Above all, there is the Atom Bomb which razed the beautiful and prosperous Japanese towns of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the ground during the Second World War. The Atom Bomb has now been joined by Hydrogen Bomb which is a thousand times more destructive than the former. We hear of the invention of Cobalt and Nitrogen Bombs compared to which even the Hydrogen Bomb will pale into insignificance.
As against this, superstitions are blind and irrational beliefs. People attribute their failures to these superstitions. For example, a man sets out on an important business and a black cat crosses his path and if he fails in his mission he will curse the black cat. Superstitions have no solid basis. They are the product of darkness and fade away before the light of knowledge. They are events connected with the whims of the people, and are the creations of whimsical minds.
How are such superstitions born? The reason are not far to seek. Ignorance, illiteracy and lack of scientific knowledge are the most fertile grounds where superstitions flourish. Europe, Africa, India, China and many other countries have been the homes of superstitions. Whereas Europe and America have shaken off most of the superstitions, Asia and Africa still continue to be in the clutches of many foolish beliefs. Certain superstitions are rather funny. If early in the morning one is able to see a washerman’s donkey, he thinks that the day will pass on very well. On the other hand, seeing the face of a widow or an one-eyed person at the time of starting on a journey is considered unlucky. The sight of a newly-married woman is however a sign of good luck. But if an owl sits on the compound wall of a house, people think that very soon there would be calamity and devastation. If a dog howls before a door, people think that someone in the neighbourhood will die.
India needs special thinking as the superstitions are deep-rooted among the illiterate masses. A study of science and its methods is absolutely necessary to combat the superstitions. A scientific-minded person does not have any faith in silly superstitions. He does not see any logical connection between the events and cat crossings, owl hooting or dog howls. He look upon such superstitions as anachronisms—as relics of the dark ages. Spread of education and scientific knowledge are the means to dispel these blind beliefs
Ans: Actions speak louder than words
Words express our feeling about surrounding but actions shows them. Words are only reflection of action. Words can lie and so aren’t as trustworthy. We
Make promises without thinking and latter break them. Everyone can say whatever they want. We say we will do this and do that and be this and be that. But unless we actually go out and try to achieve it, what’s the use? Usually people evaluate a person, understand them, and get to know them by their actions and not their words. An example can be made of the politicians. When the elections are near and they are giving speeches on how they will help improve our nation. Their promises are just words. And they remain words. If they put their promises in action, then maybe the people will not always be trying to lynch them. Their actions speak for them.
Hence the proverb means that what someone does is more important than what he says
b) The Face is the index of the mind
Ans: The face shows many things to a person with the aptitude to read it, even poker faces give off indications. It is more likely to be an index of expressions that could reflect the state of the mind at that time.
Some people wear their emotions on their faces and through this, people are able to determine how they will approach. Unfortunately, people with enough skills can use the facial expressions to manipulate the person which some.
people doWhether it is an index to the mind, thinking literally, I would believe that with people who wear their heart on their sleeve, yes, others not. Additionally, a canny person may be able to change their facial expressions in order to catch other people out or to manipulate them. A type of disinformation.
Is it an exact science, I do believe that there are people that are more skilled than others and that interrogators use these facial expressions to get a person to talk without violence just using coercion. Will society’s ability to use facial expressions against people? Yes, as technology advances and marketing companies try to find better ways of selling and reaping the reward, they will use technology resulting in people being trained not to use their facial expressions or to indicate something else. As society changes, people will be taught how to use the least bit of information to gain an advantage, people will also be taught how not lesson the least bit of information. The use of Big Data and the mapping of the brain’s functions will improve to the point where it may be possible to actually know what the person is thinking given a combination of expressions, pheromones and body language.
c) Speech is silver and silence is golden
Ans: There is famous saying that says: ‘Speech is silver; silence is golden.’ Undoubtedly, silence is a great virtue that blossoms with long trials and tribulations. There is another famous adage that can be cited in the context. The adage says: ‘Deep rivers run quietly.’ This adage signifies people who are deep thinkers and have deep knowledge about life, prefer remaining quiet.
We are often instructed by our wise elders to remain quiet in critical situations. There is a reason behind their instruction. Remaining quiet is not only practical, but the best response to handle any critical situation. When one is silent, one’s reflexive responses in critical and emergency situations are the most appropriate responses to handle and tackle that situation.
We are also taught not to use false speech, or tell lies, or be very careful with our words. Words we speak have the power in them either to hurt people or heal them! Unwise words, lies, false speech, words spoken in haste often do more harm than good. On the other hand, words of wisdom, love, genuine care have healing properties. But such words are spoken very rarely! For, only truly wise people have the ability to speak such healing words. The vast world of ours is replete with people who are very good at hurting others with the arrows of their unwise words. That’s why our elders have suggested to us to be quiet most of the time.
There is another famous maxim that says: ‘Empty vessels make most noise.’ This maxim means people who are shallow, with little knowledge, talk maximum; their gibberish and chatter cause maximum hurt and anguish. So again in order to not to be the cause of anguish for others, our elders have suggested to us observe silence.
In conclusion it can be said that silence indeed is better than empty chatter.
d) Argument is the worst kind of communication
Ans: According to the famous satirist Jonathan Swift, “Argument is the worst sort of conversation.” You may be inclined to agree. When people argue, they are engaged in conflict and it’s usually not pretty. It sometimes appears that way because people resort to fallacious arguments or false statements, or they simply do not treat each other with respect. They get defensive, try to prove their own points, and fail to listen to each other.
But this should not be what happens in persuasive argument. Instead, when you make an argument in a persuasive speech, you will want to present your position with logical points, supporting each point with appropriate sources. You will want to give your audience every reason to perceive you as an ethical and trustworthy speaker. Your audience will expect you to treat them with respect, and to present your argument in way that does not make them defensive. Contribute to your credibility by building sound arguments and using strategic arguments with skill and planning.
In this section, we will briefly discuss the classic form of an argument, a more modern interpretation, and finally seven basic arguments you may choose to use. Imagine that each is a tool in your toolbox, and that you want to know how to use each effectively. Know that people who try to persuade you, from telemarketers to politics, usually have these tools at hand.
e) Attitudes are the real figures of speech
Ans: Edwin Friedman said that communication does not depend on syntax, eloquence, rhetoric or articulation, but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard.
He said that people can only hear you when they are moving toward you and are not likely to hear you when your words are pursuing them. He explained that even the best words chosen lose their power when they are used to overpower. “Attitudes”, he said, “are the real figures of speech.”
I’m in Quantico, Va., at the FBI National Academy for 10 weeks. In my Public Speaking class, we were each assigned a day to present a quotation that resonates with us. We must read the quotation and then explain to the class why we chose it.
The goal of the assignment is actually to become more comfortable speaking in front of a group, but the real lesson for me has been listening to the quotations that other police executives from around the world have chosen. It’s interesting to see what inspires and moves people into action.
I plan on using Friedman’s quote because throughout my career and my life, I’ve come to recognize that the real assets are the people with whom we interact.
“People can only hear you when they are moving toward you.” What a powerful and true statement.
Just the other day, I was Skyping with my daughter and I asked how her basketball practices were going. She said she really likes the coach and he doesn’t yell. I found that humorous and asked her to explain. Being a sports enthusiast, she has had vast experience with different coaching styles, and she said the coaches that scream at the team make her want to do the opposite of what they are asking. “I don’t mind running and doing drills with this coach,” she said, “because he talks to us.”
“Even the best chosen words lose their power when they are used to overpower.” I cannot help but think about some of the complaints that we receive from the public about police officers being rude. In some instances, the citizens cannot pinpoint exactly what was said except to say they didn’t feel as though they were treated with respect. This speaks to attitudes being the real figures of speech in that the words someone says might not matter as much as the feeling you are left with after you talk to them.
The perception people have about the police is derived from their own personal interaction with an officer. The largest numbers of people who have encounters with police officers are not the bad guys as you might assume. Instead, they are victims of crimes.
The way an officer treats the victim of a crime can leave a long-lasting impression of the entire profession. If an officer shows empathy and compassion for those with whom they have an encounter, they will invariably earn support for the entire law enforcement profession.
I realize that one shouldn’t have to be a victim of a crime in order to be treated with human dignity and respect. I learned early in my career that treating those I arrest with compassion was a great part of the reason I avoided physical confrontations.
People will only listen to you when they are moving toward you, and people will only move toward you when your words are not pursuing them. It is such a profoundly deep and seemingly simple concept.